Warning: this is an htmlized version!
The original is here, and the conversion rules are here. |
####### # # E-scripts on Lua. # # Note 1: use the eev command (defined in eev.el) and the # ee alias (in my .zshrc) to execute parts of this file. # Executing this file as a whole makes no sense. # An introduction to eev can be found here: # # (find-eev-quick-intro) # http://angg.twu.net/eev-intros/find-eev-quick-intro.html # # Note 2: be VERY careful and make sure you understand what # you're doing. # # Note 3: If you use a shell other than zsh things like |& # and the for loops may not work. # # Note 4: I always run as root. # # Note 5: some parts are too old and don't work anymore. Some # never worked. # # Note 6: the definitions for the find-xxxfile commands are on my # .emacs. # # Note 7: if you see a strange command check my .zshrc -- it may # be defined there as a function or an alias. # # Note 8: the sections without dates are always older than the # sections with dates. # # This file is at <http://angg.twu.net/e/lua5.e> # or at <http://angg.twu.net/e/lua5.e.html>. # See also <http://angg.twu.net/emacs.html>, # <http://angg.twu.net/.zshrc[.html]>, # <http://angg.twu.net/escripts.html>, # and <http://angg.twu.net/>. # ####### # «.lua-l» (to "lua-l") # «.message-id» (to "message-id") # «.googlegroups» (to "googlegroups") # «.gmane» (to "gmane") # «.reddit» (to "reddit") # «.LTNs» (to "LTNs") # «.that-compile-to-lua» (to "that-compile-to-lua") # «.LUA_INIT» (to "LUA_INIT") # «.lua-init-from-emacs» (to "lua-init-from-emacs") # «.hash-bang» (to "hash-bang") # «.install-4.0.1» (to "install-4.0.1") # «.install-5.0.2» (to "install-5.0.2") # «.install-5.0.3» (to "install-5.0.3") # «.install-5.1.1» (to "install-5.1.1") # «.install-5.1.2» (to "install-5.1.2") # «.install-5.1.3» (to "install-5.1.3") # «.install-5.1.4» (to "install-5.1.4") # «.compile-5.1.4-lua_O0» (to "compile-5.1.4-lua_O0") # «.install-5.1.5» (to "install-5.1.5") # «.install-5.2-beta» (to "install-5.2-beta") # «.install-5.2» (to "install-5.2") # «.install-5.4» (to "install-5.4") # «.minimal_GCW_SUGAR» (to "minimal_GCW_SUGAR") # «.compile-5.1.2-lua_O0» (to "compile-5.1.2-lua_O0") # «.install-5.1+ext» (to "install-5.1+ext") # «.arg» (to "arg") # «.build-simple» (to "build-simple") # «.build» (to "build") # «.argpatch» (to "argpatch") # «.argpatch-gdb» (to "argpatch-gdb") # «.argpatch-recompile» (to "argpatch-recompile") # «.lua50ref.e» (to "lua50ref.e") # «.lua50betaref.e» (to "lua50betaref.e") # «.invoking-arrays» (to "invoking-arrays") # «.long-strings» (to "long-strings") # «.string.rep» (to "string.rep") # «.string.find» (to "string.find") # «.string.gfind» (to "string.gfind") # «.patterns» (to "patterns") # «.string.match» (to "string.match") # «.patterns-balanced» (to "patterns-balanced") # «.emptycaptures» (to "emptycaptures") # «.0-based» (to "0-based") # «.math.fmod» (to "math.fmod") # «.select» (to "select") # «.vararg» (to "vararg") # «.savevars» (to "savevars") # «.arg» (to "arg") # «.lua-arg» (to "lua-arg") # «.pack-and-unpack» (to "pack-and-unpack") # «.pack-and-unpack-test» (to "pack-and-unpack-test") # «.os.getenv» (to "os.getenv") # «.envsubst» (to "envsubst") # «.readfile» (to "readfile") # «.writefile» (to "writefile") # «.mytostring» (to "mytostring") # «.split» (to "split") # «.for» (to "for") # «.each2» (to "each2") # «.require» (to "require") # «.LUA_PATH» (to "LUA_PATH") # «.lua5.1-require» (to "lua5.1-require") # «.lua5.1-package» (to "lua5.1-package") # «.require-as-cache» (to "require-as-cache") # «.loadlib2» (to "loadlib2") # «.luaL_openlib» (to "luaL_openlib") # «.pio_fontx» (to "pio_fontx") # «.mailing-list-archive» (to "mailing-list-archive") # «.hash» (to "hash") # «.io.output» (to "io.output") # «.vmmerge5.lua» (to "vmmerge5.lua") # «.vmmerge» (to "vmmerge") # «.suggestions» (to "suggestions") # «.tolua-5.0» (to "tolua-5.0") # «.tolua-5.1» (to "tolua-5.1") # «.etags» (to "etags") # «.readline» (to "readline") # «.linenoise» (to "linenoise") # «.stringtolines» (to "stringtolines") # «.luaposix-git» (to "luaposix-git") # «.luaposix-stat» (to "luaposix-stat") # «.luaposix-stat-hr» (to "luaposix-stat-hr") # «.luaposix-stat-bug» (to "luaposix-stat-bug") # «.lua-posix-wheezy» (to "lua-posix-wheezy") # «.luaposix-2012» (to "luaposix-2012") # «.luaposix» (to "luaposix") # «.posix-lua51» (to "posix-lua51") # «.posix» (to "posix") # «.posix-new» (to "posix-new") # «.posix-install» (to "posix-install") # «.load_posix» (to "load_posix") # «.posix-old» (to "posix-old") # «.posix-ls» (to "posix-ls") # «.posix-signal» (to "posix-signal") # «.pushglobals-popglobals» (to "pushglobals-popglobals") # «.gsub-with-alternatives» (to "gsub-with-alternatives") # «.C-calls-lua» (to "C-calls-lua") # «.lua-calls-C» (to "lua-calls-C") # «.CLua1.lua» (to "CLua1.lua") # «.luastackPP» (to "luastackPP") # «.composes» (to "composes") # «.stdlib» (to "stdlib") # «.stdlib2» (to "stdlib2") # «.ricilake-parser» (to "ricilake-parser") # «.reuben-thomas-libs» (to "reuben-thomas-libs") # «.compat-5.1» (to "compat-5.1") # «.cgilua» (to "cgilua") # «.quick-presentation» (to "quick-presentation") # «.string.gsub» (to "string.gsub") # «.makewith» (to "makewith") # «.pil» (to "pil") # «.pil1.tgz» (to "pil1.tgz") # «.pil2» (to "pil2") # «.lua51gtk» (to "lua51gtk") # «.luagtk» (to "luagtk") # «.luagtk_pixmaps» (to "luagtk_pixmaps") # «.bitlib» (to "bitlib") # «.bitlib-51» (to "bitlib-51") # «.luabitop» (to "luabitop") # «.rexlib» (to "rexlib") # «.txt2html_in_blogme» (to "txt2html_in_blogme") # «.luasocket-2023» (to "luasocket-2023") # «.luasocket-listener» (to "luasocket-listener") # «.luasocket-static-aix» (to "luasocket-static-aix") # «.luasocket-on-linux» (to "luasocket-on-linux") # «.luasocket-lua51» (to "luasocket-lua51") # «.lua-json» (to "lua-json") # «.lua2c» (to "lua2c") # «.lua2c52» (to "lua2c52") # «.calling-Lua-from-C» (to "calling-Lua-from-C") # «.monitored_p_C» (to "monitored_p_C") # «.debug.debug» (to "debug.debug") # «.multiline-comments» (to "multiline-comments") # «.io.popen» (to "io.popen") # «.getoutput» (to "getoutput") # «.signal» (to "signal") # «.captured-variables» (to "captured-variables") # «.objective-lua» (to "objective-lua") # «.tokenf» (to "tokenf") # «.ex» (to "ex") # «.exceptions» (to "exceptions") # «.error» (to "error") # «.pcall» (to "pcall") # «.xpcall» (to "xpcall") # «.debug.traceback-names» (to "debug.traceback-names") # «.traceback» (to "traceback") # «.prosody-tracebak» (to "prosody-tracebak") # «.prosody-traceback» (to "prosody-traceback") # «.debug.lua-traceback» (to "debug.lua-traceback") # «.xpcall-2020» (to "xpcall-2020") # «.pcall3-and-xpcall3» (to "pcall3-and-xpcall3") # «.stacktraceplus» (to "stacktraceplus") # «.metamethods-pseudocode» (to "metamethods-pseudocode") # «.generators-pseudocode» (to "generators-pseudocode") # «.pil24.1» (to "pil24.1") # «.pixeltoaster» (to "pixeltoaster") # «.compressing-jpgs» (to "compressing-jpgs") # «.matrix.lua» (to "matrix.lua") # # «.lpeg-debian» (to "lpeg-debian") # «.lpeg-gsub» (to "lpeg-gsub") # «.lpeg» (to "lpeg") # «.lpeg-0.6» (to "lpeg-0.6") # «.lpeg-precaptures» (to "lpeg-precaptures") # «.lpeg-0.7» (to "lpeg-0.7") # «.lpeg-0.8.1» (to "lpeg-0.8.1") # «.lpeg-0.9» (to "lpeg-0.9") # «.lpeg-0.10.2» (to "lpeg-0.10.2") # «.lpeg-metatable» (to "lpeg-metatable") # «.lpeg-Cg-and-Cb» (to "lpeg-Cg-and-Cb") # «.lpeg-0.12» (to "lpeg-0.12") # «.lpeg-re» (to "lpeg-re") # «.lpeg-re-find» (to "lpeg-re-find") # «.lpeg-re-finch» (to "lpeg-re-finch") # «.lpeg-quickref» (to "lpeg-quickref") # «.lpeg-trace» (to "lpeg-trace") # «.lpeg.Cmt» (to "lpeg.Cmt") # «.lpeg.Cmt-2» (to "lpeg.Cmt-2") # «.lpeg-ex-arith-1» (to "lpeg-ex-arith-1") # «.lpeg-ex-arith-2» (to "lpeg-ex-arith-2") # «.lpeg-layers» (to "lpeg-layers") # «.lpeg-elisp-hyperlinks» (to "lpeg-elisp-hyperlinks") # «.lpeg-debug» (to "lpeg-debug") # «.lpeglabel» (to "lpeglabel") # «.lpeg-0.5-bug» (to "lpeg-0.5-bug") # «.sheadsymbol-roberto» (to "sheadsymbol-roberto") # «.lpeg-links-ascii-diags» (to "lpeg-links-ascii-diags") # «.lua-lpeg-wheezy» (to "lua-lpeg-wheezy") # «.lpeg-rock» (to "lpeg-rock") # «.lpeg-bytecode» (to "lpeg-bytecode") # # «.loadstring_and_eof» (to "loadstring_and_eof") # «.loadstring» (to "loadstring") # «.loadfile» (to "loadfile") # «.incompletep» (to "incompletep") # «.ldb-from-tgz» (to "ldb-from-tgz") # «.ldb» (to "ldb") # «.lua-mode.el» (to "lua-mode.el") # «.risclua» (to "risclua") # «.functionnames» (to "functionnames") # «.cinvoke» (to "cinvoke") # «.cinvoke-libtcl» (to "cinvoke-libtcl") # «.tlbridge.c» (to "tlbridge.c") # «.luatclbridge» (to "luatclbridge") # «.lunatic-python» (to "lunatic-python") # «.kepler» (to "kepler") # «.helper-threads» (to "helper-threads") # «.loona» (to "loona") # «.pseudo-spreadsheet» (to "pseudo-spreadsheet") # «.CGI.lua» (to "CGI.lua") # «.lua-filesystem» (to "lua-filesystem") # «.kepler-1.1» (to "kepler-1.1") # «.kepler-1.1-hasbang» (to "kepler-1.1-hasbang") # «.markdown.lua» (to "markdown.lua") # «.lua-discount» (to "lua-discount") # «.ctrace» (to "ctrace") # «.coroutines» (to "coroutines") # «.luacoco» (to "luacoco") # «.chunkspy» (to "chunkspy") # «.mav» (to "mav") # «.lua-ex» (to "lua-ex") # «.lua-api-from-gdb» (to "lua-api-from-gdb") # «.lua-datatypes-gdb» (to "lua-datatypes-gdb") # «.lua-numbers-gdb» (to "lua-numbers-gdb") # «.lua-strings-gdb» (to "lua-strings-gdb") # «.lua-closures-gdb» (to "lua-closures-gdb") # «.lbci» (to "lbci") # «.numlua» (to "numlua") # «.clue» (to "clue") # «.reader» (to "reader") # «.interactor» (to "interactor") # «.interactor-prefixes» (to "interactor-prefixes") # «.debug.getinfo» (to "debug.getinfo") # «.debug.getlocal» (to "debug.getlocal") # «.getlocal-and-setlocal» (to "getlocal-and-setlocal") # «.debug.getupvalue» (to "debug.getupvalue") # «.debug.mygetstack» (to "debug.mygetstack") # «.debug.mygetstack-idea-1» (to "debug.mygetstack-idea-1") # «.metalua» (to "metalua") # «.gradual-typing» (to "gradual-typing") # «.setvbuf» (to "setvbuf") # «.setvbuf-stdout-stderr» (to "setvbuf-stdout-stderr") # «.luarocks-deb» (to "luarocks-deb") # «.luarocks.loader» (to "luarocks.loader") # «.luarocks-git» (to "luarocks-git") # «.luarocks-mailing-list» (to "luarocks-mailing-list") # «.luarocks» (to "luarocks") # «.luarocks-interactively» (to "luarocks-interactively") # «.luarocks-my-email-1» (to "luarocks-my-email-1") # «.luarocks-fosdem2015» (to "luarocks-fosdem2015") # «.luarocks-chat» (to "luarocks-chat") # «.luarocks-email-2020jan05» (to "luarocks-email-2020jan05") # «.luarocks-tests-2020jan16» (to "luarocks-tests-2020jan16") # «.luarocks-unpack-2020jan16» (to "luarocks-unpack-2020jan16") # «.luarocks-switch-version» (to "luarocks-switch-version") # «.luarocks-tree» (to "luarocks-tree") # «.alien» (to "alien") # «.lexpect» (to "lexpect") # «.lpty» (to "lpty") # «.shells-in-lua» (to "shells-in-lua") # «.coxpcall» (to "coxpcall") # «.elua-and-grub» (to "elua-and-grub") # «.elua» (to "elua") # «.apairs-and-print» (to "apairs-and-print") # «.LUA_COMPAT_VARARG» (to "LUA_COMPAT_VARARG") # «.coroutine-iterator» (to "coroutine-iterator") # «.modal.lua» (to "modal.lua") # «.preproc» (to "preproc") # «.ee_loadlib» (to "ee_loadlib") # «.shake» (to "shake") # «.ctemplate» (to "ctemplate") # «.string.__call» (to "string.__call") # «.wordgrinder» (to "wordgrinder") # «.primemover» (to "primemover") # «.vectors» (to "vectors") # «.love» (to "love") # «.love-deb-src» (to "love-deb-src") # «.tableauxprover» (to "tableauxprover") # «.love-vilua» (to "love-vilua") # «.lua-gnuplot» (to "lua-gnuplot") # «.lua5.1-tests» (to "lua5.1-tests") # «.lua5.2-tests» (to "lua5.2-tests") # «.ltcl» (to "ltcl") # «.ltcltk» (to "ltcltk") # «.ltcltk-new» (to "ltcltk-new") # «.addlayer» (to "addlayer") # «.phyzios» (to "phyzios") # «.bison-and-lua» (to "bison-and-lua") # «.luainspect» (to "luainspect") # «.sticky-metatables» (to "sticky-metatables") # «.metatable-reductions» (to "metatable-reductions") # «.rima» (to "rima") # «.mult-table» (to "mult-table") # «.LA.lua» (to "LA.lua") # «.oop.lua» (to "oop.lua") # «.closure-reductions» (to "closure-reductions") # «.luatcc» (to "luatcc") # «.ao» (to "ao") # «.vlists» (to "vlists") # «.environments» (to "environments") # «.luajit» (to "luajit") # «.luajit-git» (to "luajit-git") # «.luajit-debian» (to "luajit-debian") # «.luajit-ffi» (to "luajit-ffi") # «.luadist» (to "luadist") # «.luadist-2019» (to "luadist-2019") # «.package.path» (to "package.path") # «.add-to-package.path» (to "add-to-package.path") # «.gsl-shell» (to "gsl-shell") # «.lua-codegen» (to "lua-codegen") # «.jnlua» (to "jnlua") # «.goto» (to "goto") # «.lua_getstack» (to "lua_getstack") # «.xctrl» (to "xctrl") # «.leg» (to "leg") # «.nan-and-inf» (to "nan-and-inf") # «.zerobrane» (to "zerobrane") # «.zerobrane-2018» (to "zerobrane-2018") # «.zerobrane-2019» (to "zerobrane-2019") # «.zerobrane-git» (to "zerobrane-git") # «.eoo» (to "eoo") # «.eoo-2021-09» (to "eoo-2021-09") # «.eoo-2019-02» (to "eoo-2019-02") # «.over» (to "over") # «.addoverrides» (to "addoverrides") # «.methodsover» (to "methodsover") # «.printable-functions» (to "printable-functions") # «.NamedFunction» (to "NamedFunction") # «.string.format» (to "string.format") # «.pformat» (to "pformat") # «.gformat» (to "gformat") # «.gsub.lua» (to "gsub.lua") # «.histogram» (to "histogram") # «.histograms» (to "histograms") # «.64-bit-integers» (to "64-bit-integers") # «.penlight» (to "penlight") # «.pl.pretty» (to "pl.pretty") # «.pl.wrap» (to "pl.wrap") # «.pl.text.wrap» (to "pl.text.wrap") # «.penlight-git» (to "penlight-git") # «.pl.pretty-fix» (to "pl.pretty-fix") # «.penlight-old» (to "penlight-old") # «.microlight» (to "microlight") # «.repl-prefix» (to "repl-prefix") # «.repls» (to "repls") # «.debugger» (to "debugger") # «.debugger.lua-tutorial» (to "debugger.lua-tutorial") # «.lua-repl» (to "lua-repl") # «.lua-repl-rock» (to "lua-repl-rock") # «.lua-repl-0.5» (to "lua-repl-0.5") # «.lua-repl-0.8» (to "lua-repl-0.8") # «.lua-repl-2016» (to "lua-repl-2016") # «.luarepl-2016» (to "luarepl-2016") # «.luarepl-2017» (to "luarepl-2017") # «.luarepl-2017-latex» (to "luarepl-2017-latex") # «.luarepl-displayresults» (to "luarepl-displayresults") # «.luaprompt» (to "luaprompt") # «.Repl-2013» (to "Repl-2013") # «.Repl» (to "Repl") # «.Repl-special-prefixes» (to "Repl-special-prefixes") # «.Repl-emacs-lua» (to "Repl-emacs-lua") # «.follow» (to "follow") # «.icollect» (to "icollect") # «.lua-innards-gdb» (to "lua-innards-gdb") # «.SexpSkel» (to "SexpSkel") # «.SexpSkel-test» (to "SexpSkel-test") # «.Sexp» (to "Sexp") # «.kslua» (to "kslua") # «.luabinaries» (to "luabinaries") # «.luabinaries-lua54.exe» (to "luabinaries-lua54.exe") # «.luaforwindows» (to "luaforwindows") # «.lua-on-windows-2019» (to "lua-on-windows-2019") # «.lua-on-windows-2021» (to "lua-on-windows-2021") # «.hex» (to "hex") # «.latex-parsing» (to "latex-parsing") # «.coroutine-for» (to "coroutine-for") # «.cow-and-coy» (to "cow-and-coy") # «.video_fnames_js» (to "video_fnames_js") # «.thijs-threads» (to "thijs-threads") # «.worp» (to "worp") # «.rawtostring» (to "rawtostring") # «.rawtostring_comp» (to "rawtostring_comp") # «.lbc» (to "lbc") # «.html-parsers» (to "html-parsers") # «.gumbo-parser» (to "gumbo-parser") # «.lua-gumbo-build» (to "lua-gumbo-build") # «.lua-gumbo» (to "lua-gumbo") # «.Rect» (to "Rect") # «.Rect-2019» (to "Rect-2019") # «.syntax-trees» (to "syntax-trees") # «.pkg-config» (to "pkg-config") # «.pluto-lang» (to "pluto-lang") # «.pluto» (to "pluto") # «.serpent» (to "serpent") # «.ldoc» (to "ldoc") # «.firestar» (to "firestar") # «.debug.lua» (to "debug.lua") # «.graph-toolkit» (to "graph-toolkit") # «.debug2» (to "debug2") # «.debug2-compile-0» (to "debug2-compile-0") # «.30log» (to "30log") # «.lua5.1-debian» (to "lua5.1-debian") # «.lua5.2-debian» (to "lua5.2-debian") # «.lua5.2-doc» (to "lua5.2-doc") # «.lua5.3-debian» (to "lua5.3-debian") # «.lua5.3-doc» (to "lua5.3-doc") # «.lua5.4-debian» (to "lua5.4-debian") # «.lua5.4-doc» (to "lua5.4-doc") # «.lua5.3-debian-src» (to "lua5.3-debian-src") # «.lua5.3-utf8» (to "lua5.3-utf8") # «.utf8» (to "utf8") # «.utf8-to-html» (to "utf8-to-html") # «.utf8.sub» (to "utf8.sub") # «.mult-as-comp» (to "mult-as-comp") # «.free-hosting» (to "free-hosting") # «.ELispH» (to "ELispH") # «.ELispH-tests» (to "ELispH-tests") # «.ELispHF» (to "ELispHF") # «.ELispHF-tests» (to "ELispHF-tests") # «.ELispInfo» (to "ELispInfo") # «.EevIntro» (to "EevIntro") # «.Eline» (to "Eline") # «.getsexpskel» (to "getsexpskel") # «.getsexp» (to "getsexp") # «.SexpLine» (to "SexpLine") # «.SetL» (to "SetL") # «.Tos» (to "Tos") # «.Tos-indented» (to "Tos-indented") # «.VerticalTable» (to "VerticalTable") # «.Tos-2021» (to "Tos-2021") # «.sortedkeys» (to "sortedkeys") # «.getdefs» (to "getdefs") # «.web-frameworks» (to "web-frameworks") # «.lua-version» (to "lua-version") # «.tekui» (to "tekui") # «.relative-require» (to "relative-require") # «.underlined-lines» (to "underlined-lines") # «.creating-solid-apis» (to "creating-solid-apis") # «.our-format» (to "our-format") # «.yue» (to "yue") # «.table.concat» (to "table.concat") # «.io.read» (to "io.read") # «.lambdas» (to "lambdas") # «.lambda-with-L» (to "lambda-with-L") # «.lambda-with-Code» (to "lambda-with-Code") # «.list-comprehensions» (to "list-comprehensions") # «.formatt-and-printt» (to "formatt-and-printt") # «.bprint» (to "bprint") # «.getexifdatetime» (to "getexifdatetime") # «.Wrap» (to "Wrap") # «.table.insert» (to "table.insert") # «.table.remove» (to "table.remove") # «.table.sort» (to "table.sort") # «.sorted» (to "sorted") # «.fold» (to "fold") # «.tos-standalone» (to "tos-standalone") # «.no-integer-representation» (to "no-integer-representation") # «.dformat» (to "dformat") # «.coercions-5.3» (to "coercions-5.3") # «.lua-at-github» (to "lua-at-github") # «.splitlines-5.3» (to "splitlines-5.3") # «.cobb-douglas» (to "cobb-douglas") # «.lua-shepi» (to "lua-shepi") # «.lua-shell-pipes» (to "lua-shell-pipes") # «.lush» (to "lush") # «.hard-links» (to "hard-links") # «.lua_ipython_kernel» (to "lua_ipython_kernel") # «.cffi-lua» (to "cffi-lua") # «.ipe» (to "ipe") # «.package.loaders» (to "package.loaders") # «.package.searchers» (to "package.searchers") # «.readnumber» (to "readnumber") # «.hslua» (to "hslua") # «.glu» (to "glu") # «.operator-precedence» (to "operator-precedence") # «.tonumber» (to "tonumber") # «.complex-numbers» (to "complex-numbers") # «.teliva» (to "teliva") # «.el-calculator» (to "el-calculator") # «.luagravity» (to "luagravity") # «.sol2» (to "sol2") # «.rotating-ascii-donut» (to "rotating-ascii-donut") # «.luacheck» (to "luacheck") # «.minus-0» (to "minus-0") # «.minus-0-email» (to "minus-0-email") # «.destructuring» (to "destructuring") # «.luacas» (to "luacas") # «.posnumbers» (to "posnumbers") # «.semestre-tudo-grep» (to "semestre-tudo-grep") # «.cs106» (to "cs106") # «.nelua» (to "nelua") # «.obj:extend» (to "obj:extend") # «.run_options» (to "run_options") # «.luasvgwriter» (to "luasvgwriter") # «.stripping-comments» (to "stripping-comments") # «.luaver» (to "luaver") # «.big-and-nested-lists» (to "big-and-nested-lists") # «.binary_module» (to "binary_module") # «.agena» (to "agena") # «.lua_api_demo» (to "lua_api_demo") # «.nested-coroutines» (to "nested-coroutines") # «.civlua» (to "civlua") # «.lqslite3-src» (to "lqslite3-src") # «.moonlibs» (to "moonlibs") # «.moonglmath» (to "moonglmath") # «.moonglfw» (to "moonglfw") # «.moongl» (to "moongl") # «.gamely-cli.lua» (to "gamely-cli.lua") # «.love-engine» (to "love-engine") # «.gly-engine» (to "gly-engine") # «.gamelly» (to "gamelly") ##### # # Mailing list # 2012apr04 # ##### # «lua-l» (to ".lua-l") # http://lua-users.org/lists/lua-l/ # «message-id» (to ".message-id") http://lua-users.org/lists/lua-l/2013-07/msg00816.html You can query by message-id. Use this form: +Message-ID: <20130725151210.GA22303@magritte.tecgraf.puc-rio.br> Note the + at the beginning. # «googlegroups» (to ".googlegroups") # https://groups.google.com/g/lua-l # https://groups.google.com/g/lua-l/c/Axtv6REO_wo Old archive: not yet # «gmane» (to ".gmane") # http://news.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lang.lua.general # GitHub offer: # http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lang.lua.general/89931 # «reddit» (to ".reddit") # http://www.reddit.com/r/lua/ ##### # # LTNs # 2023may07 # ##### # «LTNs» (to ".LTNs") # https://www.lua.org/notes/ # https://w3.impa.br/~diego/software/luasocket/ltn12.html ##### # # Languages that compile to Lua # 2021oct10 # ##### # «that-compile-to-lua» (to ".that-compile-to-lua") # https://github.com/hengestone/lua-languages # https://andregarzia.com/2020/06/languages-that-compile-to-lua.html # (find-es "fennel") # (find-es "terra") ##### # # building lua-5.0.2 and installing it locally # 2004jul31 # ##### # Build with loadlib and readline, and without "-g", and install as: # ~/bin/lua50 # ~/bin/luac50 # ~/lib/liblua.so.5.0 # ~/lib/liblualib.so.5.0 # Note that these lua50 and luac50 won't depend on the "liblib...so.5.0"s. # http://www.lua.org/ftp/lua-5.0.2.tar.gz # «install-5.0.2» (to ".install-5.0.2") # «install-5.0.3» (to ".install-5.0.3") # (code-c-d "lua5" "~/usrc/lua-5.0.2/") # (code-c-d "lua50" "~/usrc/lua-5.0.3/") # (code-c-d "luaftp" "$S/http/www.lua.org/ftp/") # (find-luaftpfile "") # (find-lua50file "") # http://www.lua.org/ftp/ # http://www.lua.org/ftp/lua-5.0.2.tar.gz # http://www.lua.org/ftp/lua-5.0.3.tar.gz #* mkdir ~/usrc/ rm -Rv ~/usrc/lua-5.0.3/ mkdir ~/usrc/lua-5.0.3/ tar -xvzf $S/http/www.lua.org/ftp/lua-5.0.3.tar.gz -C ~/usrc/ cd ~/usrc/lua-5.0.3/ find * -name '*.[ch]' | sort > .files.ch etags $(<.files.ch) # (find-lua5file "INSTALL") # (find-lua5file "config") # (find-lua5file "etc/README") # (find-lua5file "src/lib/loadlib.c") cat >> config <<'%%%' # --- Edrx's changes # (find-lua5file "config" "dynamic loading on Unix systems") LOADLIB= -DUSE_DLOPEN=1 DLLIB= -ldl MYLDFLAGS= -Wl,-E MYCFLAGS=-g # # (find-lua5file "config" "\n#USERCONF=") USERCONF=-DLUA_USERCONFIG='"$(LUA)/etc/saconfig.c"' -DUSE_READLINE EXTRA_LIBS= -lm -lreadline -ldl INSTALL_EXEC= cp -v INSTALL_DATA= cp -v STRIP=echo NOT stripping: # INSTALL_BIN=$(HOME)/bin INSTALL_BIN=/tmp/bin INSTALL_INC=$(HOME)/include/lua5 INSTALL_LIB=$(HOME)/ulocal/lib INSTALL_MAN=$(HOME)/ulocal/man/man1 %%% make test 2>&1 | tee omt ldd bin/lua 2>&1 | tee ol make so 2>&1 | tee oms make install 2>&1 | tee omi make soinstall 2>&1 | tee omsi # (find-lua5file "om") # (find-lua5file "omi") # (find-lua5file "omsi") #* cd ~/usrc/lua-5.0.3/ cp -v bin/lua ~/bin/lua50 cp -v bin/luac ~/bin/luac50 cp -v lib/liblua.so.5.0 ~/lib/liblua.so.5.0 cp -v lib/liblualib.so.5.0 ~/lib/liblualib.so.5.0 #* #* # (find-lua5file "src/lib/lmathlib.c") # (find-efunction 'eegdb) # (find-eev "eev-gud.el") # (find-efunction 'eegud-gdb) # (eegud-gdb t ee-luadir "bin/lua") br luaopen_math run #* cp bin/lua ~/bin/lua50noargpatch #* ##### # # LUA_INIT # 2020jan23 # ##### # «LUA_INIT» (to ".LUA_INIT") # (find-angg ".emacs" "ee-lua-set-init-file") -- See: (find-angg ".zshrc" "lua" "LUA_INIT") -- (find-lua51manual "#6" "LUA_INIT" "@filename") -- (find-man "1 lua5.0" "LUA_INIT") -- (find-man "1 lua5.1" "LUA_INIT") -- (find-lua51w3m "doc/lua.html" "LUA_INIT") -- http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/lua.html -- http://linux.die.net/man/1/lua ##### # # Setting LUA_INIT from Emacs # 2022oct15 # ##### # «lua-init-from-emacs» (to ".lua-init-from-emacs") # (find-angg ".emacs" "ee-lua-set-init-file") # (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "PP") # (find-THgrep "grep --color=auto -nH --null -e LUA_INIT *.blogme") * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) export LUA_INIT= lua5.1 -e 'PP{22,33}' export LUA_INIT=@$HOME/LUA/lua50init.lua lua5.1 -e 'PP{22,33}' * (setenv "LUA_INIT" nil) * (find-sh0 "lua5.1 -e 'PP{22,33}'") * (setenv "LUA_INIT" (format "@%s/LUA/lua50init.lua" (getenv "HOME"))) * (find-sh0 "lua5.1 -e 'PP{22,33}'") ##### # # hash-bang # 2023jun02 # ##### # «hash-bang» (to ".hash-bang") # (find-angggrep "grep --color=auto -nH --null '^#!' ~/LUA/*.lua") # (find-angggrep "grep --color=auto -nH --null bin/env ~/LUA/*.lua") # (find-lua51manual "#6" "#!") # the stand-alone interpreter skips the first line of a chunk if it starts with # # #!/usr/bin/env lua ##### # # lua-4.0.1 (for checking incompatibilities) # 2011oct12 # ##### # «install-4.0.1» (to ".install-4.0.1") # http://www.lua.org/ftp/lua-4.0.1.tar.gz #* rm -Rfv ~/usrc/lua-4.0.1/ tar -C ~/usrc/ -xvzf \ $S/http/www.lua.org/ftp/lua-4.0.1.tar.gz cd ~/usrc/lua-4.0.1/ make |& tee om cp -v bin/lua ~/bin/lua40 cp -v bin/luac ~/bin/luac40 #* # (code-c-d "lua40" "~/usrc/lua-4.0.1/") # (find-lua40file "") ##### # # building lua-5.1.1 # 2006jul18 # ##### # «install-5.1.1» (to ".install-5.1.1") # http://www.lua.org/ftp/lua-5.1.1.tar.gz See below; it's the same as for installing 5.1.2, with some ".1"s in place of the ".2"s. ##### # # building lua-5.1.2 # 2007apr04 # ##### # «install-5.1.2» (to ".install-5.1.2") # http://www.lua.org/ftp/lua-5.1.2.tar.gz # (code-c-d "lua51" "~/usrc/lua-5.1.2/") # (find-lua51file "") # (find-lua51file "INSTALL") # (find-lua51file "oml") # (find-lua51file "src/Makefile") # (find-node "(make)Phony Targets" "`.PHONY'") #* mkdir ~/usrc/ rm -Rfv ~/usrc/lua-5.1.2/ mkdir ~/usrc/lua-5.1.2/ tar -C ~/usrc/ -xvzf $S/http/www.lua.org/ftp/lua-5.1.2.tar.gz cd ~/usrc/lua-5.1.2/ find * -name '*.[ch]' | sort > .files.ch etags $(<.files.ch) # (find-angg "bin/patch-lua-5.1.3") # (to "risclua") # «minimal_GCW_SUGAR» (to ".minimal_GCW_SUGAR") # (find-lua51file "src/llex.c" "#ifdef GCW_SUGAR") # (find-lua51file "src/llex.c.orig" "case '=':") # (find-tkdiff (ee-lua51file "src/llex.c") (ee-lua51file "src/llex.c.orig")) # cp -iv src/llex.c src/llex.c.orig patch -p0 src/llex.c <<'%%%' 370a371,376 > #ifdef GCW_SUGAR > switch(ls->current) { > case '=': next(ls); return TK_EQ; break; > case '>': next(ls); return TK_RETURN; break; > default: return '='; } > #else 372a379 > #endif 373a381,386 > #ifdef GCW_SUGAR > case '\\': { > next(ls); > return TK_FUNCTION; > } > #endif %%% # Pre-compile llex.c with GCW_SUGAR=1 # cd src; gcc -O2 -Wall -DLUA_USE_LINUX -DGCW_SUGAR -c -o llex.o llex.c; cd .. # Instead: # (find-lua51file "src/Makefile") patch -p0 src/Makefile <<'%%%' 11c11 < CFLAGS= -O2 -Wall $(MYCFLAGS) --- > CFLAGS= -O2 -Wall $(MYCFLAGS) -g $(MYEXTRACFLAGS) -DGCW_SUGAR %%% # «compile-5.1.2-lua_O0» (to ".compile-5.1.2-lua_O0") # (find-angg ".emacs" "eepitch-gdb-lua") # This block (optional) produces an unoptimized "lua" - "lua_O0" - for gdb. # Note that its last (=3rd) line is a "make clean"... { make linux test MYEXTRACFLAGS="-ggdb -O0" mv -v src/lua src/lua_O0 make clean } |& tee oml0 make linux test |& tee oml # Make a .so # (find-lua50file "Makefile" "so:") # (find-lua51file "src/Makefile" "CORE_O=") cd src; ld -o liblua.so -shared $(ar t liblua.a); cd .. # (find-lua51file "oml") # (find-lua51file "oml2") #* cd ~/usrc/lua-5.1.2/src/ cp -iv lua ~/bin/lua51 cp -iv luac ~/bin/luac51 #* # Test dlopen on lpeg # (to "lpeg") cd ~/usrc/lpeg-0.5/ ~/usrc/lua-5.1.1/src/lua test.lua ~/usrc/lua-5.1.2/src/lua test.lua #* # (find-lua51file "src/Makefile") # (find-lua51file "src/Makefile" "linux:") # (find-lua51file "Makefile") # (find-lua51file "oml") make MYCFLAGS=-DGCW_SUGAR linux test |& tee oml ##### # # building lua-5.1.3 # 2008jul21 # ##### # «install-5.1.3» (to ".install-5.1.3") # http://www.lua.org/ftp/lua-5.1.3.tar.gz # (code-c-d "lua51" "~/usrc/lua-5.1.3/") # (find-lua51file "") # (find-lua51file "INSTALL") # (find-lua51file "oml") # (find-lua51file "src/Makefile") # (find-node "(make)Phony Targets" "`.PHONY'") #* mkdir ~/usrc/ rm -Rfv ~/usrc/lua-5.1.3/ mkdir ~/usrc/lua-5.1.3/ tar -C ~/usrc/ -xvzf $S/http/www.lua.org/ftp/lua-5.1.3.tar.gz cd ~/usrc/lua-5.1.3/ find * -name '*.[ch]' | sort > .files.ch ;# (find-lua51file ".files.ch") etags $(<.files.ch) ;# (find-lua51file "TAGS") ~/bin/patch-lua-5.1.3 ;# (find-angg "bin/patch-lua-5.1.3") make linux test local |& tee omltl ;# (find-lua51file "omltl") cd src; ld -o liblua.so -shared $(ar t liblua.a); cd .. cd src; install -p -m 0644 liblua.so ../lib; cd .. #* cd ~/usrc/lua-5.1.4/src/ cp -iv lua ~/bin/lua51 cp -iv luac ~/bin/luac51 #* # (find-lua51file "Makefile") # (find-lua51file "Makefile" "local:") # (find-lua51file "") # (find-lua51sh "find bin include lib man share | sort") # I have not adapted this to lua-5.1.3 yet: # (find-es "lua5" "compile-5.1.2-lua_O0") ##### # # building lua-5.1.4 # 2008jul21 # ##### # «install-5.1.4» (to ".install-5.1.4") # http://www.lua.org/ftp/lua-5.1.4.tar.gz # (code-c-d "lua51" "~/usrc/lua-5.1.4/") # (find-lua51file "") # (find-lua51file "INSTALL") # (find-lua51file "oml") # (find-lua51file "src/Makefile") # (find-node "(make)Phony Targets" "`.PHONY'") #* mkdir ~/usrc/ rm -Rfv ~/usrc/lua-5.1.4/ mkdir ~/usrc/lua-5.1.4/ tar -C ~/usrc/ -xvzf $S/http/www.lua.org/ftp/lua-5.1.4.tar.gz cd ~/usrc/lua-5.1.4/ find * -name '*.[ch]' | sort > .files.ch ;# (find-lua51file ".files.ch") etags $(<.files.ch) ;# (find-lua51file "TAGS") ~/bin/patch-lua-5.1.3 ;# (find-angg "bin/patch-lua-5.1.3") #make linux test local |& tee omltl ;# (find-lua51file "omltl") # «compile-5.1.4-lua_O0» (to ".compile-5.1.4-lua_O0") # (to "lua-api-from-gdb") # (find-es "gdb" "macros") # This block (optional) produces an unoptimized "lua" - "lua_O0" - for gdb. # Note that its last (=3rd) line is a "make clean"... { make linux test MYEXTRACFLAGS="-gdwarf-2 -g3 -O0" # make linux test MYEXTRACFLAGS="-ggdb -O0" mv -v src/lua src/lua_O0 make clean } |& tee oml0 make linux test local |& tee omltl ;# (find-lua51file "omltl") cd src; ld -o liblua.so -shared $(ar t liblua.a); cd .. cd src; install -p -m 0644 liblua.so ../lib; cd .. #* cd ~/usrc/lua-5.1.4/src/ cp -iv lua ~/bin/lua51 cp -iv luac ~/bin/luac51 #* # (find-lua51file "Makefile") # (find-lua51file "Makefile" "local:") # (find-lua51file "") # (find-lua51sh "find bin include lib man share | sort") # I have not adapted this to lua-5.1.4 yet: # (find-es "lua5" "compile-5.1.2-lua_O0") ##### # # install-5.1.5 # 2018nov18 # ##### # «install-5.1.5» (to ".install-5.1.5") # http://www.lua.org/ftp/ # http://www.lua.org/ftp/lua-5.1.5.tar.gz # (code-c-d "lua51" "~/usrc/lua-5.1.5/") # (find-lua51file "") # (find-lua51file "INSTALL") # (find-lua51file "oml") # (find-lua51file "src/Makefile") # (find-node "(make)Phony Targets" "`.PHONY'") # (find-lua51grep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e 'error calling' *") * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) mkdir ~/usrc/ rm -Rfv ~/usrc/lua-5.1.5/ mkdir ~/usrc/lua-5.1.5/ tar -C ~/usrc/ -xvzf $S/http/www.lua.org/ftp/lua-5.1.5.tar.gz cd ~/usrc/lua-5.1.5/ find * -name '*.[ch]' | sort > .files.ch ;# (find-lua51file ".files.ch") etags $(<.files.ch) ;# (find-lua51file "TAGS") make linux test local |& tee omltl ;# (find-lua51file "omltl") ##### # # Install lua-5.2.0-beta # 2010nov21 # ##### # «install-5.2-beta» (to ".install-5.2-beta") # http://www.lua.org/work/ # http://www.lua.org/work/lua-5.2.0-work2.tar.gz # http://www.lua.org/work/lua-5.2.0-alpha-rc2.tar.gz # http://www.lua.org/work/lua-5.2.0-alpha.tar.gz # http://www.lua.org/work/lua-5.2.0-beta.tar.gz #* rm -Rv ~/usrc/lua-5.2.0-beta/ tar -C ~/usrc/ -xvzf \ $S/http/www.lua.org/work/lua-5.2.0-beta.tar.gz cd ~/usrc/lua-5.2.0-beta/ find * -name '*.[ch]' | sort > .files.ch ;# (find-lua52file ".files.ch") etags $(<.files.ch) ;# (find-lua52file "TAGS") # ~/bin/patch-lua-5.2 ;# (find-angg "bin/patch-lua-5.2") make linux test local |& tee omltl ;# (find-lua51file "omltl") cd ~/usrc/lua-5.2.0-beta/src/ cp -v lua ~/bin/lua52 cp -v luac ~/bin/luac52 #* # (code-c-d "lua52" "~/usrc/lua-5.2.0-beta/") # (find-lua52file "") # (find-lua52file "src/lbitlib.c") # (find-lua52file "src/lbitlib.c" "bitlib[] =") * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) lua52 PP(bit32) #* * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) #* rm -Rv ~/usrc/lua-5.2.0-work2/ tar -C ~/usrc/ -xvzf \ $S/http/www.lua.org/work/lua-5.2.0-work2.tar.gz cd ~/usrc/lua-5.2.0-work2/ find * -name '*.[ch]' | sort > .files.ch ;# (find-lua51file ".files.ch") etags $(<.files.ch) ;# (find-lua51file "TAGS") ~/bin/patch-lua-5.2 ;# (find-angg "bin/patch-lua-5.2") make linux test local |& tee omltl ;# (find-lua51file "omltl") cd ~/usrc/lua-5.2.0-work2/src/ cp -v lua ~/bin/lua52 cp -v luac ~/bin/luac52 #* # (code-c-d "lua52" "~/usrc/lua-5.2.0-work2/") # (find-lua52file "") # (find-lua52file "install") * (eepitch-lua52) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua52) P(1, 2, 3) PP(bit) ##### # # lua-5.2.0 # 2011dec16 # ##### # «install-5.2» (to ".install-5.2") # (find-angg ".emacs" "lua-5.2") # http://www.lua.org/ftp/lua-5.2.0.tar.gz #* rm -Rv ~/usrc/lua-5.2.0/ tar -C ~/usrc/ -xvzf \ $S/http/www.lua.org/ftp/lua-5.2.0.tar.gz cd ~/usrc/lua-5.2.0/ find * -name '*.[ch]' | sort > .files.ch ;# (find-lua52file ".files.ch") etags $(<.files.ch) ;# (find-lua52file "TAGS") # ~/bin/patch-lua-5.2 ;# (find-angg "bin/patch-lua-5.2") make linux test local |& tee omltl ;# (find-lua51file "omltl") cd ~/usrc/lua-5.2.0/src/ cp -v lua ~/bin/lua52 cp -v luac ~/bin/luac52 #* # (code-c-d "lua52" "~/usrc/lua-5.2.0/") # (find-lua52file "") ##### # # install-5.4 # 2023jun20 # ##### # «install-5.4» (to ".install-5.4") # http://www.lua.org/ftp/lua-5.4.6.tar.gz * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) rm -Rv ~/usrc/lua-5.4.6/ tar -C ~/usrc/ -xvzf \ $S/http/www.lua.org/ftp/lua-5.4.6.tar.gz cd ~/usrc/lua-5.4.6/ make all test sudo make install sudo make uninstall # (code-c-d "lua54" "~/usrc/lua-5.4.6/") # (find-lua54file "") ##### # # Rici Lake's lua-5.1+extensions # 2006sep09 # ##### # «install-5.1+ext» (to ".install-5.1+ext") # http://primero.ricilake.net/lua-5.1+extensions.tgz # (find-fline "~/LOGS/2006sep08.lua" "lua-5.1+extensions.tgz") # (code-c-d "lua51ext" "~/usrc/lua-5.1+extensions/") # (find-lua51extfile "") # (find-lua51extfile "README.patches") # (find-lua51extfile "src/print.c" "static void PrintCodeRange") # (find-lua51extfile "INSTALL") # (find-lua51extfile "oml") # (find-lua51extfile "src/") # (find-lua51extfile "src/Makefile") # (find-node "(make)Phony Targets" "`.PHONY'") #* mkdir ~/usrc/ rm -Rfv ~/usrc/lua-5.1+extensions/ mkdir ~/usrc/lua-5.1+extensions/ tar -C ~/usrc/ -xvzf $S/http/primero.ricilake.net/lua-5.1+extensions.tgz cd ~/usrc/lua-5.1+extensions/ find * -name '*.[ch]' | sort > .files.ch etags $(<.files.ch) # (find-lua5file "INSTALL") # (find-lua5file "config") # (find-lua5file "etc/README") # (find-lua5file "src/lib/loadlib.c") cat >> config <<'%%%' # --- Edrx's changes # (find-lua5file "config" "dynamic loading on Unix systems") LOADLIB= -DUSE_DLOPEN=1 DLLIB= -ldl MYLDFLAGS= -Wl,-E MYCFLAGS=-g # # (find-lua5file "config" "\n#USERCONF=") USERCONF=-DLUA_USERCONFIG='"$(LUA)/etc/saconfig.c"' -DUSE_READLINE EXTRA_LIBS= -lm -lreadline -ldl INSTALL_EXEC= cp -v INSTALL_DATA= cp -v STRIP=echo NOT stripping: INSTALL_BIN=$(HOME)/bin INSTALL_INC=$(HOME)/include/lua5 INSTALL_LIB=$(HOME)/ulocal/lib INSTALL_MAN=$(HOME)/ulocal/man/man1 %%% make test 2>&1 | tee omt ldd bin/lua 2>&1 | tee ol #make so 2>&1 | tee oms #make install 2>&1 | tee omi #make soinstall 2>&1 | tee omsi # (find-lua5file "om") # (find-lua5file "omi") # (find-lua5file "omsi") #* make linux test |& tee oml #* cd ~/usrc/lua-5.1.1/src/ cp -iv lua ~/bin/lua51 cp -iv luac ~/bin/luac51 #* ##### # # arg # 2024mar14 # ##### # «arg» (to ".arg") # (find-lua51manual "#6" "Lua Stand-alone") # (find-lua52manual "#7" "Lua Stand-alone") # (find-lua53manual "#7" "Lua Stand-alone") # (find-lua54manual "#7" "Lua Stand-alone") Before running any code, lua collects all command-line arguments in a global table called arg. The script name goes to index 0, the first argument after the script name goes to index 1, and so on. Any arguments before the script name (that is, the interpreter name plus its options) go to negative indices. For instance, in the call $ lua -la b.lua t1 t2 the table is like this: arg = { [-2] = "lua", [-1] = "-la", [0] = "b.lua", [1] = "t1", [2] = "t2" } If there is no script in the call, the interpreter name goes to index 0, followed by the other arguments. For instance, the call $ lua -e "print(arg[1])" will print "-e". If there is a script, the script is called with arguments arg[1], ..., arg[#arg]. (Like all chunks in Lua, the script is compiled as a vararg function.) * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) # (find-fline "/tmp/luaarg/") rm -Rfv /tmp/luaarg/ mkdir /tmp/luaarg/ cd /tmp/luaarg/ cat > /tmp/luaarg/a.lua <<'%%%' #!/usr/bin/env lua5.1 PP(arg) %%% chmod 755 /tmp/luaarg/a.lua /tmp/luaarg/a.lua lua5.2 /tmp/luaarg/a.lua lua5.2 -e '' /tmp/luaarg/a.lua lua5.2 -e '' /tmp/luaarg/a.lua bla ##### # # lua5.0beta with my patch to build `arg' before doing the options # 2003jan18 # ##### # «argpatch» (to ".argpatch") # (find-angg "LUA/lua50beta-argpatch.sh") # (find-angg "LFORTH/README" "build-lua") #* rm -Rv ~/tmp/lua-5.0-beta/ mkdir ~/tmp/lua-5.0-beta/ tar -xvzf $S/http/www.lua.org/ftp/lua-5.0-beta.tar.gz -C ~/tmp/ cd ~/tmp/lua-5.0-beta/ # (find-lua50file "src/lua/lua.c" "other arguments; loop over them") # (find-lua50file "src/lua/lua.c" "collect arguments") # (find-lua50file "src/lua/lua.c" "lua.c-argpatch") # (find-lua50file "src/lua/lua.c" "lua.c-argpatch2") # cp -iv src/lua/lua.c src/lua/lua.c.orig cat ~/LUA/lua50beta-argpatch.sh . ~/LUA/lua50beta-argpatch.sh # (find-lua50file "INSTALL") # (find-lua50file "config") # (find-lua50file "etc/README") # (find-lua50file "etc/loadlib.c") # cat >> config <<'%%%' # --- Edrx's changes # (find-fline "config" "\n#USERCONF=") USERCONF=-DLUA_USERCONFIG='"$(LUA)/etc/config.c"' -DUSE_READLINE -DUSE_LOADLIB EXTRA_LIBS= -lm -lreadline -ldl %%% # To compile with debug information use the line with the `-g'. make test # make MYCFLAGS=-g test # Ckeck if the patch works: cd ~/tmp/lua-5.0-beta/ bin/lua -e 'print(arg and arg[1]) -- should print "foo"' /dev/null foo cp bin/lua ~/bin/lua50argpatch #* # «argpatch-gdb» (to ".argpatch-gdb") set args -e 'print(arg and arg[1])' /dev/null foo br handle_argv run p "argv[2]:" p argv[2] p "argv[3]:" p argv[3] # (eegud-gdb 'do-bounded "~/tmp/lua-5.0-beta/" "bin/lua") #* # «argpatch-recompile» (to ".argpatch-recompile") # (find-lua50file "src/lua/lua.c" "other arguments; loop over them") # (find-lua50file "src/lua/lua.c" "collect arguments") # (find-lua50file "src/lua/lua.c" "lua.c-argpatch") # (find-lua50file "src/lua/lua.c" "lua.c-argpatch2") cd ~/tmp/lua-5.0-beta/ touch src/lua/lua.c make MYCFLAGS=-g test bin/lua -e 'print(arg and arg[1])' /dev/null foo bar #* ##### # # lua5.0: making an e-script version of the manual # 2003jun29 # ##### # «lua50ref.e» (to ".lua50ref.e") # (find-angg "LUA/lua50ref.e") #* lynx http://www.lua.org/ftp/ #* gv $S/http/www.lua.org/ftp/refman-5.0.ps.gz & #* tar -tvzf $S/http/www.lua.org/ftp/lua-5.0.tar.gz #* cd $S/http/www.lua.org/ftp/ zcat refman-5.0.ps.gz | pstotext | tee refman-5.0.txt # (find-fline "$S/http/www.lua.org/ftp/refman-5.0.txt") #* # (find-fline "~/LUA/lua50ref.e") cp -iv $S/http/www.lua.org/ftp/refman-5.0.txt ~/LUA/lua50ref.e #* (find-shttpfile "www.lua.org/ftp/") (find-es "lua5" "lua50ref.e") (code-ps "lua50" "$S/http/www.lua.org/ftp/refman-5.0.ps.gz") (find-lua50page 1) emacs ~/LUA/lua50ref.e & (progn (fooi "Di#erent" "Different" "di#erent" "different" "o#cial" "official" "e#ects" "effects" "e#ectively" "effectively" "a#ecting" "affecting" " # " " -> " "a#ect" "affect" "e#cient" "efficient" "o#ers" "offers" "o#set" "offset" "di#erence" "difference" "turns o# " "turns off " "su#x" "suffix" "o#er" "offer") (fooi "+ -\n" "+ -\n" "MERCHANTABIL-\nITY" "MERCHANTABILITY" "proce-\ndural" "procedural" "auto-\nmatically" "automatically" "con-\ncatenation" "concatenation" "discus-\nsion" "discussion" "con-\nventional" "conventional" "assign-\nments" "assignments" "state-\nment" "statement" "arith-\nmetic" "arithmetic" "oper-\nadors" "operadors" "multipli-\ncation" "multiplication" "appro-\npriate" "appropriate" "garbage-\ncollection" "garbage-collection" "pseudo-\nindices" "pseudo-indices" "ready-\nto-use" "ready-to-use" "termi-\nnating" "terminating" "stan-\ndard" "standard" "imple-\nmented" "implemented" "mod-\nules" "modules" "ap-\nplication" "application" "char-\nacters" "characters" "repre-\nsents" "represents" "cap-\ntured" "captured" "nec-\nessary" "necessary" "genera-\ntor" "generator" "compil-\ners" "compilers" "de-\nscribing" "describing" "comple-\ntion" "completion" "unpro-\ntected" "unprotected" "pre-compile" "pre-compile" "re-\nturning" "returning" "oth-\nerwise" "otherwise" "mes-\nsage" "message" "pro-\ngrams" "programs" "func-\ntional" "functional" "corou-\ntines" "coroutines" "declara-\ntions" "declarations" "oper-\nators" "operators" "op-\neration" "operation" "com-\npared" "compared" "collec-\ntion" "collection" "trans-\nlates" "translates" "zero-\nterminated" "zero-terminated" "distribu-\ntion" "distribution" "environ-\nment" "environment" "infor-\nmation" "information" "pseudo-\nrandom" "pseudo-random" "de-\npends" "depends" "in-\nstead" "instead") ) (progn (fooi-re "\n\\([0-9]+\\)\n" "\n\n# «p\\1» (find-lua50page \\1)\n") (fooi-re "§\\([0-9]+\\(\\.[0-9]+\\)*\\)" "(to \"sec\\1\")") (save-excursion (ee-goto-position "\nIncompatibilities with") (fooi-re "\n\\([0-9]+\\(\\.[0-9]+\\)*\\) \\([A-Z][--A-Za-z ]*\\)" "\n\n# «sec\\1»\n# «\\3»\n\n\\1 \\3\n") ) (save-excursion (ee-goto-position "\nStandard Libraries") (fooi-re "\n\n\\(\\. \\([a-zA-Z_.:]+\\)\\)" "\n\n# «\\2»\n\\1") ) (fooi-re "\n\\(``\\([a-z]*\\)'':\\)" "\n# «__\\2»\n\\1") ) (ee-isearch "-\n") (ee-isearch "-") (fooi "-\n" "") (fooi "-\n" "-") (fooi "-" "-") (fooi-re (concat "\n\\([0-9]+\\(?:\\.[0-9]+\\)*\\) \\([^\n]*\\)" "\\(?: \\.\\)\\{7\\} \\([0-9]+\\)") "\n\\1 \\2 \\3 (to \"sec\\1\")") (progn (jump-to-register ?a) (ee-isearch "-\n")) egrep '^[0-9]+$' ~/tmp/luaref.txt | l -S #* cd tclsh ~/TH/Generate LUA/lua50ref.e.html "a2html LUA/lua50ref.e" cp -v ~/LUA/lua50ref.e{,.html} ~/TH/L/LUA/ #* lynx ~/TH/L/LUA/lua50ref.e.html #* cd ~/LUA/ echo 'l $passwd(puc)' > $EEG Scp -C lua50ref.e{,.html} edrx@${SUCURI}:slow_html/LUA/ #* cd ~/LUA/ anonftp angg.twu.net 'cd ~/slow_html/LUA/' \ 'put lua50ref.e' \ 'put lua50ref.e.html' \ quit #* # Then do the usual "makepage"/"makepage; makeindexhtmls" at twu and # at mat.puc-rio to copy from slow_html to public_html, and... # lynx "http://angg.twu.net/LUA/lua50ref.e.html#For Statement" lynx "http://www.mat.puc-rio.br/~edrx/LUA/lua50ref.e.html#For Statement" ##### # # Invoking arrays # 2003jan08 # ##### # «invoking-arrays» (to ".invoking-arrays") # (find-lua50ref "__call") # (find-lua50ref "setmetatable") # (find-lua50ref "sec3.7") #* lua50 -e ' arr = {} -- (find-lua50ref "sec3.7") setmetatable(arr, arr) -- (find-lua50ref "setmetatable") arr.__call = print -- (find-lua50ref "__call") arr(20, 30, 40) --> table:0xxxxxxxxx 20 30 40 arr.name = "<arr>" arr.__call = function (arr, ...) print(arr.name, unpack(arg)) end arr(20, 30, 40) --> <arr> 20 30 40 ' #* lua50 -e ' a = {} mt = {} setmetatable(a, mt) mtset = function (mtfield) mt[mtfield] = function (...) P(mtfield, unpack(arg)) end end mtset("__add"); b = a + 1 mtset("__sub"); b = a - 2 mtset("__mul"); b = a * 3 mtset("__div"); b = a / 4 mtset("__pow"); b = a ^ 5 mtset("__unm"); b = - a mtset("__concat"); b = a .. 6 mtset("__eq"); b = a == a mtset("__lt"); b = a < 9 mtset("__le"); b = a <= 10 ' #* mtset("__concat"); b = a[20] mtset("__eq"); b = a[20] mtset("__lt"); b = a[20] mtset("__le"); b = a[20] mtset("__index"); b = a[20] mtset("__newindex"); b = a[20] b = a[20] # (find-lua50file "src/") # (find-lua50file "src/lapi.c" "lua_getmetatable") # (find-lua50file "src/lobject.h" "typedef struct Table") # (find-lua50file "src/ltests.c" "static int metatable") # (find-lua50file "src/ltm.c") # (find-lua50file "src/lvm.c") # (find-lua50file "src/lvm.c" "case OP_CALL:") # (find-lua50file "src/lobject.h" "#define hvalue(o)") ##### # # long-strings # 2023oct13 # ##### # «long-strings» (to ".long-strings") # (find-lua51manual "#2.1") * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) f = function (str) print((str:gsub("\n", "|"):gsub(" ", "."))) end f [[ foo ]] f [[ foo ]] f [[ foo ]] f [[ foo ]] f("."..bitrim(" \t\n \t\nfoo \t\n \t\n")..".") ##### # # string.rep # 2019jan08 # ##### # «string.rep» (to ".string.rep") # (find-lua51manual "#pdf-string.rep") * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) spacify = function (s, c) return string.rep(c or " ", #s) end p = function (str) print(str); print(spacify(str, ".") end p " Hello world " ##### # # string.find # 2003mar12 # ##### # «string.find» (to ".string.find") # (find-lua50ref "String Manipulation" "string.find") # (find-lua51manual "#pdf-string.find") # string.find (s, pattern [, init [, plain]]) # --> begpos endpos captstr1 captstr2 ... #* lua50e 'P(string.find("0123456789", "3(45)(67)", 4)) --> 4 8 "45" "67"' lua50e 'P(string.find("0123456789", "3(45)(67)", 5)) -->' #* # «string.gfind» (to ".string.gfind") # (find-lua50ref "String Manipulation" "string.gfind") # (find-lua51manual "#pdf-string.gmatch") lua50e 'for w,s in string.gfind("aa!b!!c", "([^!]*)(!?)") do P(w, s) end' lua50e 'for w,s in string.gfind("aa!b!!c!", "([^!]*)(!?)") do P(w, s) end' #* ##### # # string.match # 2017dez14 # ##### # «patterns» (to ".patterns") # «string.match» (to ".string.match") # (find-lua51manual "#pdf-string.match") # (find-lua51manual "#5.4.1" "Patterns") x: (where x is not one of the magic characters ^$()%.[]*+-?) represents the character x itself. .: (a dot) represents all characters. %a: represents all letters. %c: represents all control characters. %d: represents all digits. %l: represents all lowercase letters. %p: represents all punctuation characters. %s: represents all space characters. %u: represents all uppercase letters. %w: represents all alphanumeric characters. %x: represents all hexadecimal digits. %z: represents the character with representation 0. %x: (where x is any non-alphanumeric character) represents the character x. This is the standard way to escape the magic characters. Any punctuation character (even the non magic) can be preceded by a '%' when used to represent itself in a pattern. [set]: represents the class which is the union of all characters in set. A range of characters can be specified by separating the end characters of the range with a '-'. All classes %x described above can also be used as components in set. All other characters in set represent themselves. For example, [%w_] (or [_%w]) represents all alphanumeric characters plus the underscore, [0-7] represents the octal digits, and [0-7%l%-] represents the octal digits plus the lowercase letters plus the '-' character. The interaction between ranges and classes is not defined. Therefore, patterns like [%a-z] or [a-%%] have no meaning. [^set]: represents the complement of set, where set is interpreted as above. For all classes represented by single letters (%a, %c, etc.), the corresponding uppercase letter represents the complement of the class. ***For instance, %S represents all non-space characters.*** The definitions of letter, space, and other character groups depend on the current locale. In particular, the class [a-z] may not be equivalent to %l. ##### # # patterns-balanced # 2023nov23 # ##### # «patterns-balanced» (to ".patterns-balanced") # (find-lua51manual "#5.4.1" "Patterns") # (find-lua51manual "#5.4.1" "Patterns" "Pattern item" "%bxy") * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) string.pm = function (pat, str) PP(str:match(pat)) end ("_(%b<>)_"):pm "_<foo>_" --> "<foo>" ("<(%b<>)>"):pm "<<foo>>" --> "<foo>" ("<(%b<>)>"):pm "<foo>" --> nil ##### # # empty captures in patterns # 2004jan14 # ##### # «emptycaptures» (to ".emptycaptures") # (find-lua51manual "#5.4" "String Manipulation") # (find-lua51manual "#5.4.1" "Patterns" "empty capture") # (find-lua51manual "#pdf-string.find") # (to "split") * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) P(string.find("abbc", "()(b+)()", 1)) --> 2 3 2 "bb" 4 P(string.find("abbc", "()(b+)()", 2)) --> 2 3 2 "bb" 4 P(string.find("abbc", "()(b+)()", 3)) --> 3 3 3 "b" 4 P(string.find("abbc", "()(b+)()", 4)) --> #* lua50e ' split = function (str) local arr, pos = {}, 1 while 1 do local _, __, word, newpos = string.find(str, "^[%s]*([^%s]+)()", pos) if newpos then table.insert(arr, word); pos = newpos else return arr end end end PP(split(" abc de ")) ' #* ##### # # 0-based string positions # 2003mar14 # ##### # «0-based» (to ".0-based") # (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "0-based") # (find-lua50ref "string.sub") # (find-lua50ref "string.find") # (find-lua50ref "string.byte") #* lua50e 'P(string.sub("012345678", 1+2, 7)) --> "23456"' lua50e 'P(string.find("012345678", "^(23456)", 1+2)) --> 1+2 7 "23456"' lua50e 'P(string.byte("012345678", 1+4)) --> ?0+4' #* * (eepitch-lua) P(string.sub("012345678", 1+2, 7)) --> "23456" P(string.find("012345678", "^(23456)", 1+2)) --> 1+2 7 "23456" P(string.byte("012345678", 1+4)) --> ?0+4 ##### # # math.fmod # 2024jul05 # ##### # «math.fmod» (to ".math.fmod") # (find-lua51manual "#pdf-math.fmod") # (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "divmod") * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) = math.fmod( 1234.56, 100) = math.fmod(-1234.56, 100) --> -34.56 = 1234.56 % 100 --> 34.56 = -1234.56 % 100 --> 65.44 a_b = function (ab, a0) local b=math.fmod(ab,a0); return (ab-b)/a0,b end n = 12345678 chop = function (a) local b=math.fmod(n,a); n=(n-b)/a; return b end = chop(10), chop(100), chop(1000), n --> 8 67 345 12 ##### # # select # 2023may07 # ##### # «select» (to ".select") # (find-lua51manual "#pdf-select") * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) = select( 1, 10, 20, nil, 40) = select( 2, 10, 20, nil, 40) = select( 3, 10, 20, nil, 40) = select("#", 10, 20, nil, 40) ##### # # Functions with a variable number of parameters # 2003mar13 / 2018mai18 # ##### # «vararg» (to ".vararg") # (find-lua50ref "__call") # (find-lua50ref "Function Definitions" "arg={5, 8; n=2}") # (find-lua51manual "#2.5.9" "Function definitions" "vararg") # (find-lua51manual "#pdf-unpack") # (find-lua51manual "#pdf-select") # (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "pack-and-unpack") # (find-pil2page (+ 19 39) "5.2 Variable Number of Arguments") # (find-pil2text (+ 19 39) "5.2 Variable Number of Arguments") # (find-pil3page (+ 19 47) "5.2 Variadic Functions") # (find-pil3text (+ 19 47) "5.2 Variadic Functions") # http://lua-users.org/wiki/VarargTheSecondClassCitizen ##### # # savevars # 2021jan15 # ##### # «savevars» (to ".savevars") # (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "savevars") * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) savevars = function (restorefromargs, ...) local values = pack(...) local restorevars = function () restorefromargs(unpack(values)) end return restorevars end a,b,c,d = 1,nil,nil,4 rv = savevars(function (...) a,b,c,d = ... end, a,b,c,d) a,b,c,d = nil,20,30,nil PP(a,b,c,d) rv() PP(a,b,c,d) ##### # # arg # 2004sep07 / 2019apr30 # ##### # «arg» (to ".arg") # «lua-arg» (to ".lua-arg") # (find-man "1 lua") # (find-man "1 lua" "global table named arg") # (find-man "1 lua" "global table named arg") # (find-lua51manual "#6" "Lua stand-alone") # # Before starting to run the script, lua collects all arguments in the # command line in a global table called arg. The script name is stored # at index 0, the first argument after the script name goes to index # 1, and so on. Any arguments before the script name (that is, the # interpreter name plus the options) go to negative indices. For # instance, in the call # # $ lua -la b.lua t1 t2 # # the interpreter first runs the file a.lua, then creates a table # # arg = { [-2] = "lua", [-1] = "-la", # [0] = "b.lua", # [1] = "t1", [2] = "t2" } # # and finally runs the file b.lua. The script is called with arg[1], # arg[2], ... as arguments; it can also access these arguments with # the vararg expression '...'. # (find-luafile "src/lua/lua.c" "\"arg\"") # (find-zshnode "Process Substitution") #* lua50 -e 'PP(arg)' lua50 =(<<<'PP(arg)') Arg1 Arg2 lua50 =(<<<'print(unpack(arg))') Arg1 Arg2 #* ##### # # pack and unpack # 2007nov26 / 2021sep14 # ##### # «pack-and-unpack» (to ".pack-and-unpack") # (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "pack-and-unpack") # (find-lua51manual "#7") # (find-lua52manual "#8") # (find-lua53manual "#8") # (find-lua54manual "#8") -- Lua5.0 Lua5.1 Lua5.2 Lua5.3 Lua5.4 -- select -- table.pack -- table.unpack -- unpack * (ee-lua-set-init-file nil) * (ee-lua-set-init-file t) * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-lua52) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua52) * (eepitch-lua53) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua53) * (eepitch-lua54) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua54) print(select, table.pack, table.unpack, unpack) pack = table.pack or function (...) return {n=select("#", ...), ...} end unpack = unpack or table.unpack myunpack = function (arg) return unpack(arg, 1, arg.n) end PP(pack(nil, 22, nil, 44, nil)) --> {2=22, 4=44, "n"=5} PP(unpack({nil, 22, nil, 44, nil, n=5})) --> <nil> 22 PP(myunpack({nil, 22, nil, 44, nil, n=5})) --> <nil> 22 <nil> 44 <nil> # 2021sep14: Code deleted from my init file: -- (find-es "lua5" "LUA_COMPAT_VARARG") -- (find-lua51manual "#pdf-unpack") -- (find-lua51manual "#7.1" "pseudo-argument arg") -- (find-lua51manual "#pdf-unpack") -- (find-lua52manual "#pdf-table.unpack") -- (find-lua52manualw3m "#pdf-table.pack") -- (find-lua51manualw3m "#pdf-select") -- (find-lua52manualw3m "#pdf-select") -- 5.1 only: -- pack = function (...) return arg end -- myunpack = function (arg) return unpack(arg, 1, arg.n) end -- These definitions should work both on 5.1 and on 5.2: -- New: -- pack = table.pack or function (...) return {n=select("#", ...), ...} end -- unpack = function (T) return table.unpack(T, 1, T.n) # (find-luamanualw3m "#pdf-unpack") # (find-luamanualw3m "#7.1" "pseudo-argument arg") # (find-lua51grep "grep -nH -e LUA_COMPAT_VARARG $(cat .files.ch)") # (find-lua51file "src/ldo.c" "LUA_COMPAT_VARARG") # (find-lua51file "src/luaconf.h" "LUA_COMPAT_VARARG") # http://www.lua.org/source/5.1/ldo.c.html#adjust_varargs # (find-pilw3m "index.html") # (find-pilw3m "5.2.html" "Variable Number of Arguments" "arg={5, 8; n=2}") The "arg" table is not discussed much in the reference manual for lua-5.1... I haven't checked this very thoroughly, but I think that "arg" is mentioned only at the "Incompatibilities with the Previous Version" section. For some reason people don't like the old idea of keeping the size of an array at its ".n" field, and weird alternatives like having a different kind of "nil" that is not seen as a "hole" pop up at the mailing list all the time. To do: find a link to some recent thread about these "alternative nils" at the mailing list archive. http://lua-users.org/lists/lua-l/ To do: replace the "unpack"s in the init file by "myunpack"s, and the "return unpack(arg)"s by "return ..."s; also, check for 5.0-isms, and and for old scripts still lying around that may still be lua-5.0 based. # «pack-and-unpack-test» (to ".pack-and-unpack-test") # (find-lua50manualw3m "#pdf-type" "unpack (list)") # (find-lua50manualw3m "#getn") # (find-lua51manualw3m "#pdf-unpack") # (find-lua52manualw3m "#pdf-table.unpack") # (find-lua52manualw3m "#pdf-table.pack") # (find-lua50manualw3m "" "LUA_INIT") # (find-lua51manualw3m "" "LUA_INIT") # (find-lua52manualw3m "" "LUA_INIT") # (find-fline "~/usrc/lua-5.0.3/bin/") # (find-fline "~/usrc/lua-5.1.4/bin/") # (find-fline "~/usrc/lua-5.2.0/install/bin/") ##### # # os.getenv # 2023may21 # ##### # «os.getenv» (to ".os.getenv") # (find-lua51manual "#pdf-os.getenv") ##### # # Some library-ish functions # 2003jan18 # ##### #* # «envsubst» (to ".envsubst") # (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "envsubst") # (find-lua50ref "String Manipulation" "string.gsub") # (find-lua50ref "Character Class") # (find-lua50ref "Basic Functions" "ipairs") # (find-lua50ref "Operating System Facilities" "os.getenv") # lua50e 'P(arg[1], string.gsub(arg[1], "%$(%w+)", os.getenv))' '$HOME/LUA/' lua50e 'setenv_ = {} setenv = function (varname, value) setenv_[varname] = value end envsubst = function (str) return string.gsub(str, "%$([%a_][%w_]*)", function (e) return (setenv_ and setenv_[e]) or os.getenv(e) or "" end) end for i,v in ipairs(arg) do P(arg[i], envsubst(arg[i])) end ' '$HOME/LUA/' '$BADVAR/foo' '$0w$_Ax0y$//' #* # «readfile» (to ".readfile") # «writefile» (to ".writefile") # (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "readfile") # (find-lua50ref "file:read") # (find-lua50ref "io.open") # (find-lua50file "src/lib/liolib.c" "io_open") # echo hi > /tmp/smallfile rm -v /tmp/smallfile-w lua50e 'readfile = function (fname) local f = assert(io.open(fname, "r")) local bigstr = f:read("*a") f:close() return bigstr end writefile = function (fname, bigstr) local f = assert(io.open(fname, "w+")) f:write(bigstr) f:close() end P(readfile("/tmp/smallfile")) P(writefile("/tmp/smallfile-w", "www\n")) P(readfile("/tmp/doesnotexist")) ' #* # «mytostring» (to ".mytostring") # (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "mytostring") # (find-lua50ref "table.sort") # (find-lua50ref "tostring") # (find-lua50ref "string.format") lua50e ' mysort = function (origtable) local tmptable = {} for key,val in pairs(origtable) do table.insert(tmptable, {key=key, val=val}) end local comp = function (item1, item2) local key1, key2 = item1.key, item2.key local type1, type2 = type(key1), type(key2) if type1==type2 then if type1=="number" then return key1 < key2 end if type1=="string" then return key1 < key2 end return tostring(key1) < tostring(key2) else return type1<type2 end end table.sort(tmptable, comp) return tmptable end mytostring = function (v) local t = type(v) if t=="number" then return tostring(v) end if t=="string" then return format("%q", v) end if t=="table" then local tmptable = mysort(v) local bigstring = "{" local sep = "" for i = 1, table.getn(tmptable) do local entry = tmptable[i] local keystr, valstr = mytostring(entry.key), mytostring(entry.val) bigstring = bigstring..sep..keystr.."="..valstr sep = ", " end return bigstring .. "}" end return "<"..tostring(v)..">" end print(mytostring({30, "a", [function () end]={true, false}})) ' #* # «split» (to ".split") # (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "split") # (to "emptycaptures") lua50e ' split = function (str) local arr = {}, 1 string.gsub(str, "([^%s]+)", function (word) table.insert(arr, word) end) return arr end PP(split(" abc de ")) ' #* ##### # # the several flavors of "for" # 2003feb27 # ##### # «for» (to ".for") # (find-es "lua-intro" "intro:for") # (find-luamanualw3m+ "for") * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) for i=1,4 do P(i) end --> 1 2 3 4 for i=5,-2,-2 do P(i) end --> 5 3 1 -1 for i=2,2 do P(i) end --> 2 for i=2,0 do P(i) end --> A={10,20,30} for k,v in PP(ipairs(A)) do print(k,v) end -- for key,val in {4,5,k="K"} do P(key, val) end --> 1 4 / 2 5 / "k" "K" -- a={4,5,k="K"} -- for i=1,table.getn(a) do P(i, a[i]) end -- ;# 1 4 / 2 5 #* # (find-lua50ref "next") # lua50e 'a={4,5,k="K"}; P(next(a))' lua50e 'a={4,5,k="K"}; i=nil P(next(a,i)); i=next(a,i) P(next(a,i)); i=next(a,i) P(next(a,i)); i=next(a,i) P(next(a,i)); i=next(a,i) ' #* # (find-luamanualw3m+ "for") # (find-luamanualw3m+ "#2.4.5") # (find-lua50ref "For Statement" "generators") # (find-lua50ref "For Statement" "generators" "equivalent to") # (find-lua50ref "Basic Functions" ". ipairs") # (find-lua50ref "Basic Functions" ". pairs") # lua50e 'a={4,5,k="K"}; for key,val in a do P(key,val) end' lua50e 'a={4,5,k="K"}; for key,val in pairs(a) do P(key,val) end' lua50e 'a={4,5,k="K"}; for key,val in ipairs(a) do P(key,val) end' lua50e 'a={4,5,k="K"}; P(ipairs(a))' lua50e 'a={4,5,k="K"}; f,state,key=ipairs(a); PP(ipairs(a)) key,val=f(state,key); PP(f,state,key,val) key,val=f(state,key); PP(f,state,key,val) key,val=f(state,key); PP(f,state,key,val) ' #* # (find-lua50ref "table.foreach") # (find-lua50ref "table.foreachi") # (find-lua50ref "io.lines") * explist is evaluated only once. Its results are an iterator function, a state, and an initial value for the first iterator variable. * _f and _s are invisible variables. The names are here for explanatory purposes only. * The behavior is undefined if you assign to var_1 inside the block. * You can use break to exit a for loop. * The loop variables var_i are local to the statement; you cannot use their values after the for ends. If you need these values, then assign them to other variables before breaking or exiting the loop. #* # (find-luamanualw3m+ "for" "The generic for statement") # (find-luamanualw3m+ "for" "iterator function,") # (find-luamanualw3m+ "next") # (find-lua50tag "luaB_next") # (find-lua50tag "lua_next") # (find-lua50tag "luaH_next") lua50e ' PP(ipairs({10, 20})) --> <function> {1=10,2=20} 0 itf, state, v = ipairs({10, 20}) PP(itf ' #* lua50e ' T = {10,20} f, s, a0 = ipairs(T); PP(f, s, a0) --> <function> {1=10,2=20} 0 a1, b1, c1 = f(s, a0); PP(a1, b1, c1) --> 1 10 nil a2, b2, c2 = f(s, a1); PP(a2, b2, c2) --> 2 20 nil a3, b3, c3 = f(s, a2); PP(a3, b3, c3) --> nil ' #* lua50e ' T = {b="B", a="A"} f, s, a0 = pairs(T); PP(f, s, a0) --> <function> {"a"="A","b"="B"} a1, b1, c1 = f(s, a0); PP(a1, b1, c1) --> "a" "A" nil a2, b2, c2 = f(s, a1); PP(a2, b2, c2) --> "b" "B" nil a3, b3, c3 = f(s, a2); PP(a3, b3, c3) --> nil ' #* # «each2» (to ".each2") # (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "each2") # (find-pilw3m "7.1.html" "Iterators and Closures") * (eepitch-lua51) each2 = function (tbl) local i = 1 return function () if i <= table.getn(tbl) then i = i + 2 return tbl[i - 2], tbl[i - 1] end end end for a,b in each2(split("aa bb cc dd ee ff")) do print(a, b) end f, s, a0 = iterator(); PP(f, s, a0) a1, b1, c1 = f(s, a0); PP(a1, b1, c1) a2, b2, c2 = f(s, a1); PP(a2, b2, c2) a3, b3, c3 = f(s, a2); PP(a3, b3, c3) while true do #* do local _f, _s, var_1 = explist local var_2, ... , var_n while true do var_1, ..., var_n = _f(_s, var_1) if var_1 == nil then break end block end end it, st, iv #* ##### # # LUA_PATH and require # 2003mar16 / 2023nov05 # ##### # «require» (to ".require") # (find-lua51manual "#pdf-package.cpath") # (find-lua51manual "#pdf-package.path") # (find-angg "dednat/dednat3.lua" "luahead" "LUA_PATH") # (find-lua50ref "require") # (find-lua50file "src/lib/lbaselib.c" "static int luaB_require") # (find-lua50file "src/lib/lbaselib.c" "#define LUA_PATH_DEFAULT") # (find-lua50file "src/lib/lbaselib.c" "getenv(LUA_PATH)") # (find-lua50file "src/lib/lbaselib.c" "static const char *getpath") # (find-lua50file "src/lua/lua.c") #* echo 'PP(arg)' > /tmp/t.lua lua50 /tmp/t.lua cd /tmp/ lua50 t.lua lua50e 'PP(string.find("/tmp/t.lua", "^(.*)/([^/]*)$"))' lua50e 'PP(string.find( "t.lua", "^(.*)/([^/]*)$"))' #* cat > /tmp/t.lua <<'%%%' do local _, __, arg0path = string.find(arg[0], "^(.*)/[^/]*$") if arg0path then LUA_PATH = (LUA_PATH or getenv("LUA_PATH") or "?;?.lua").. ";"..arg0path.."/?" end end PP(arg) require "u.lua" %%% cat > /tmp/u.lua <<'%%%' PP(_REQUIREDNAME) print "u!" %%% lua50 /tmp/t.lua #* # For, e.g., ".so"s for loadlib: # scriptpwd = arg0path or "." ##### # # LUA_PATH # 2023nov12 # ##### # «LUA_PATH» (to ".LUA_PATH") # (find-lua51manual "#pdf-package.cpath") # (find-lua51manual "#pdf-package.path") * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) echo $LUA_PATH echo $LUA_CPATH export LUA_PATH="$HOME/LUA/?.lua" export LUA_CPATH=";;" lua5.1 require "Co1" require "lpeg" = Path.from("path") = Path.from("cpath") = Path.find("cpath", "lpeg") PPV(keys(package)) PPV(keys(package.loaded)) PPV(package.loaded.lpeg) PPV(package.loaded.lua50init) PPV(package.loaded.edrxlib) PPV(package.loaded.Co1) ##### # # "require" and the "package" table in lua5.1 # 2007mar06 # ##### # «lua5.1-require» (to ".lua5.1-require") # http://www.inf.puc-rio.br/~roberto/pil2/chapter15.pdf # (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "ierusalimschy") # (find-pil2page (+ 19 137) "15. Modules and Packages") # (find-pil2page (+ 19 138) "15.1 The require Function") # (find-pil2text (+ 19 138) "15.1 The require Function") # (find-lua51manual "#pdf-require") # (to "compat-5.1") # (find-compat51file "") # (find-compat51file "compat-5.1.lua") # (find-compat51file "compat-5.1.lua" "LUA_PATH") # (find-lua51file "") # (find-lua51tag "ll_require") # «lua5.1-package» (to ".lua5.1-package") * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) loadcinvoke() for k,v in pairs(package) do print(k) end PP(package.preload) PP(package.loadlib) for k,v in pairs(package.loaded) do print(k) end = package.loaded.cinvoke_lua PP(package.loaders) = package.cpath = package.config = package.path = package.seeall ##### # # require-as-cache # 2023jun09 # ##### # «require-as-cache» (to ".require-as-cache") * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) # (find-fline "/tmp/rac/") rm -Rv /tmp/rac/ mkdir /tmp/rac/ cd /tmp/rac/ cat > cache.lua <<'%%%' return {"a", "b", "c"} %%% export LUA_INIT= lua5.1 package.path = "?.lua;"..package.path require "cache" print(require "cache") print(require "cache") print((require "cache")[1]) os.exit() ##### # # Recompiling .so's for lua4.0 for lua5.0 # 2003mar18 # ##### # (find-lua50file "include/lauxlib.h" "Compatibility macros") #* rm -Rv ~/include/lua50/ mkdir ~/include/lua50/ cd ~/include/lua50/ cp -iv $LUA50SRC/include/* . cp -iv lauxlib.h lauxlib.h.orig # (find-fline "~/include/lua50/lauxlib.h" 122) # (find-fline "~/include/lua50/lauxlib.h.orig" 122) patch -p0 lauxlib.h <<'%%%' 122c122 < /* --- > #ifdef LAUXLIBCOMPAT 134c134 < */ --- > #endif %%% #* ##### # # loadlib on lua-5.0 # 2003sep19 # ##### # «loadlib2» (to ".loadlib2") # (find-lua50file "src/lib/loadlib.c") # (find-lua50file "include/") #* cd /tmp/ export LUA50SRC=$HOME/tmp/lua-5.0 cat > so.c <<'%%%' #include <lauxlib.h> #include <stdio.h> static int my_foo(lua_State* L) { int n = lua_gettop(L); int isnum = lua_isnumber(L, 1); int m = lua_tonumber(L, 1); printf("Hi hi!\n"); printf("%d %d %d!\n", n, isnum, m); return 0; } LUALIB_API int my_init(lua_State *L) { lua_register(L, "foo", my_foo); return 0; } %%% gcc -g -Wall -shared -I$LUA50SRC/include -o so.so so.c # (find-lua50ref "Defining C Functions" "lua_register") cat > loadso.lua <<'%%%' assert(loadlib("/tmp/so.so", "my_init"))() foo(22) %%% $LUA50SRC/bin/lua /tmp/loadso.lua #* # (find-efunction 'eegud-gdb) # (eegud-gdb t ee-lua50dir "bin/lua") set args /tmp/loadso.lua # br main br loadlib run n n n br my_foo cont #* ##### # # luaL_openlib - for lua_register'ing each function in an array # 2004jan06 / 2024jan11 # ##### # «luaL_openlib» (to ".luaL_openlib") # (find-lua51file "src/lbaselib.c") # (find-lua51file "src/lbaselib.c" "luaL_Reg base_funcs[] =") # (find-lua51file "src/lbaselib.c" "luaL_register(L, \"_G\", base_funcs);") # (find-lua51file "src/lauxlib.h") # (find-lua51file "src/lauxlib.c") # (find-lua51file "TAGS") # (find-lua51tag "lua_register") # (find-lua51tag "luaL_openlib") # (find-lua51manual "#pdf-package.loadlib") # (find-lua51manual "#lua_CFunction") # (find-lua51manual "#luaL_register") # (find-lua51manual "#pdf-loadfile") * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) rm -Rv /tmp/dummylib/ mkdir /tmp/dummylib/ cd /tmp/dummylib/ cat > dummylib.c <<'%%%' #include "lauxlib.h" #include <stdio.h> static int my_foo(lua_State* L) { lua_pushnumber(L, 33); lua_pushnumber(L, 333); return 2; } static const struct luaL_reg bitlib[] = { {"foo", my_foo}, {NULL, NULL} }; LUALIB_API int luaopen_dummylib(lua_State *L) { lua_pushvalue(L, LUA_GLOBALSINDEX); luaL_openlib(L, NULL, bitlib, 0); return 0; } %%% gcc -g -Wall -shared -I/usr/include/lua5.1 -o dummylib.so dummylib.c laf # (find-fline "/tmp/dummylib/") * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) Path.prependtocpath "/tmp/dummylib/?.so" require "dummylib" print(foo(44)) assert(package.loadlib("/tmp/dummylib/dummylib.so", "my_init"))() print(foo(44)) # Old: # (find-lua50file "src/lib/lbaselib.c" "luaL_reg base_funcs[] =") # (find-lua50file "src/lib/lbaselib.c" "luaL_openlib(L, NULL, base_funcs, 0)") # (find-lua50file "include/lauxlib.h" "luaL_openlib") # (find-lua50tag "luaL_openlib") # (find-lua50file "src/lib/loadlib.c") # (find-lua50file "include/") # (find-lua50ref "Defining C Functions" "#define lua_register(L,n,f)") # (find-fline "/tmp/luabit/lbitlib.c") #* rm -Rv /tmp/dummylib/ mkdir /tmp/dummylib/ cd /tmp/dummylib/ cat > dummylib.c <<'%%%' #include "lauxlib.h" #include <stdio.h> static int my_foo(lua_State* L) { lua_pushnumber(L, 33); lua_pushnumber(L, 333); return 2; } static const struct luaL_reg bitlib[] = { {"foo", my_foo}, {NULL, NULL} }; LUALIB_API int my_init(lua_State *L) { lua_pushvalue(L, LUA_GLOBALSINDEX); luaL_openlib(L, NULL, bitlib, 0); return 0; } %%% # (find-lua50tag "luaL_openlib") export LUA50SRC=$HOME/tmp/lua-5.0 gcc -g -Wall -shared -I$LUA50SRC/include -o dummylib.so dummylib.c cat > testlib.lua <<'%%%' assert(loadlib("/tmp/dummylib/dummylib.so", "my_init"))() print(foo(44)) print("ok") %%% lua50 /tmp/dummylib/testlib.lua #* ##### # # pio_fontx on lua-5.0 # 2003sep19 # ##### # «pio_fontx» (to ".pio_fontx") # (find-fline "~/vtutil/") # (find-fline "~/vtutil/Makefile") # (find-fline "~/vtutil/vtutil.lua" "loadextension") # (find-fline "~/vtutil/pio_fontx.c") # (find-fline "$LUA50SRC/") #* # (find-fline "~/vtutil/Makefile" "pio_fontx.so:") cd ~/vtutil/ gcc -Wall -shared -I$HOME/include/lua50 -DLAUXLIBCOMPAT \ -o /tmp/pio_fontx50.so pio_fontx.c #* # (find-lua50file "") # (find-lua50file "etc/loadlib.c") lua50e 'assert(loadlib("/tmp/pio_fontx50.so", "pio_fontx_init"))()' #* # (find-fline "~/include/lua50/") #* cd /tmp/ cat > pio_fontx.c <<'%%%' #include <lua.h> #include <lauxlib.h> #include <sys/ioctl.h> #include <linux/kd.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <string.h> #include <errno.h> /* #include <fcntl.h> * #include <stdio.h> * (find-lua50ref "Querying the Stack") * (find-lua50ref "Getting Values from the Stack") * (find-lua50file "src/lib/loadlib.c" "luaL_checkstring") * (find-lua50file "src/lib/") * (find-lua50file "include/") * (find-lua50file "include/lua.h") * (find-lua50file "include/lauxlib.h" "checkint") * (find-vtutilfile "pio_fontx.c") */ static int lua_pio_fontx(lua_State* L) { struct consolefontdesc cfd; int len; cfd.chardata = (char *) luaL_checklstring(L, 1, &len); cfd.charcount = luaL_checkint(L, 2); cfd.charheight = luaL_checkint(L, 3); if(ioctl(STDIN_FILENO, PIO_FONTX, &cfd)) { lua_pushstring(L, strerror(errno)); return 1; } return 0; } LUALIB_API int pio_fontx_init(lua_State *L) { lua_register(L, "pio_fontx", lua_pio_fontx); return 0; } %%% gcc -g -Wall -shared -I$LUA50SRC/include -o pio_fontx.so pio_fontx.c # (find-lua50ref "Defining C Functions" "lua_register") cat > loadso.lua <<'%%%' assert(loadlib("/tmp/pio_fontx.so", "pio_fontx_init"))() print(pio_fontx) %%% $LUA50SRC/bin/lua /tmp/loadso.lua #* ##### # # mailing list archive # 2003mar01 # ##### # «mailing-list-archive» (to ".mailing-list-archive") # http://www.lua.org/ftp/ #* cd $S/http/www.lua.org/ftp/ zcat lua-l-archive.gz > /tmp/lua-l-archive cd /tmp/ laf /tmp/lua-l-archive #* mutt -R -f /tmp/lua-l-archive #* rm -v /tmp/lua-l-archive #* # (find-fline "/tmp/lua-l-archive") #### # # Lua's magical hash algorithm # 2003mar01 # #### # «hash» (to ".hash") # (find-lua50file "src/ltable.c" "then the colliding element") # (find-shttpw3 "www.citi.umich.edu/projects/linux-scalability/reports/hash-email.html") i re-read Knuth over dinner last night. unfortunately, he is discussing hashes where you store data elements right in the hash table, and can then easily do linear probing [i heard that, you in the second row]. i can't think of a good way to apply his double hashing algorithm (algorithm D, p. 528) or Brent's variation (p. 532) to help improve the hash function without using a multiplicative hash. cd /tmp/ wget http://www-cs-faculty.stanford.edu/~knuth/err3-1e.ps.gz gv -page 52 /tmp/err3-1e.ps.gz Page 526 new paragraph after line 19 29 Nov 1977 E. G. Mallach [Comp. J. 20 (1977), 137-140] has experimented with refinements of Brent's variation, and further results have been obtained by Gaston H. Gonnet and J. Ian Munro [SICOMP 8 (1979), 463-478]. ##### # # how efficient is table.insert(tbl, x, 1)? # 2003mar13 # ##### # (find-lua50file "src/ltable.c") # (find-lua50file "src/lib/ltablib.c" "\nstatic int luaB_tinsert") # Well, it's not linear time stuff... ##### # # io.output # 2003jul10 # ##### # «io.output» (to ".io.output") # (find-lua51manual "#pdf-io.output") # (find-lua50ref "sec5.6" ". io.open (filename [, mode])") # (find-lua50file "src/lib/liolib.c" "static int io_open") # (find-node "(libc)Opening Streams") # (find-lua50ref "sec5.6" ". io.output ([file])") # (find-lua50ref "sec5.6" ". io.input ([file])") # (find-lua50file "src/lib/liolib.c" "static int io_output") # (find-lua50file "src/lib/liolib.c" "static int g_iofile") # (find-lua50file "src/lib/liolib.c" "static int io_write") # (find-lua50file "src/lib/liolib.c" "static int g_write") # (find-lua50file "src/lib/lbaselib.c" "static int luaB_print") #* rm -Rv /tmp/io.output/ mkdir /tmp/io.output/ cd /tmp/io.output/ lua50e ' print ("hi") io.write("hi 2\n") io.flush() io.output("out") -- same as io.output(assert(io.open("out", "w"))) print ("hi 3\n") -- not redirected; uses fputs(s, stdout) io.write("hi 4\n") -- redirected; uses g_write(L, getiofile(...), ...) io.flush() ' laf #* # (find-lua50ref "sec5.6" ". file:write (value1, ...)") # (find-lua50ref "sec5.6" ". io.write (value1, ...)") ##### # # vmmerge5.lua # 2006aug10 # ##### # «vmmerge5.lua» (to ".vmmerge5.lua") # http://lua-users.org/wiki/VmMerge # http://lua-users.org/files/wiki_insecure/users/theoddone33/vmmerge5.lua #* # Install at ~/bin/ (2006aug10) { echo '#!/usr/bin/env lua50' echo '-- (find-es "lua5" "vmmerge5.lua")' echo cat $S/http/lua-users.org/files/wiki_insecure/users/theoddone33/vmmerge5.lua } > ~/bin/vmmerge5.lua chmod 755 ~/bin/vmmerge5.lua #* # Inspect and test: # (find-fline "~/bin/vmmerge5.lua") # (find-sh "vmmerge5.lua --file ~/blogme/blogme2.lua") # (find-sh "luac -p -l ~/blogme/blogme2.lua") # (find-fline "~/blogme/blogme2.lua") <edrx> ok, I'm inspecting the disassembled bytecode for a lua script to try to understand how a closure gets the name that is displayed on tracebacks... <Keffo> hmm, wtf is this.. http://www.ubuntu.org/ <Keffo> edrx: Why do you care? :) <edrx> my only guess at the moment - if the disassembled bytecode really shows everything that the bytecode has - is that closures are born without names, and "setglobal" notice when they are assigning unnamed closures to (named) variables and set the name of the closure... <edrx> but that seems a bit inneficient <edrx> Keffo: I care because this is one of the two main things that I don't understand about Lua and that I have to confess that I don't know when I explian Lua to people or give talks about it (I gave a few at free software events) # (find-lua50file "") # (find-lua50grep "grep -nH -e closure $(cat .files.ch)") # (find-lua50grep "grep -nH -e LClosure $(cat .files.ch)") # (find-lua50tag "LClosure") # (find-lua50grep "grep -nH -e traceback $(cat .files.ch)") # (find-lua50tag "errorfb") # (find-lua50file "src/lib/ldblib.c" "\" in function `%s'\", ar.name") setglobal closure ##### # # vmmerge # 2003jan08 # ##### # «vmmerge» (to ".vmmerge") # http://lua-users.org/wiki/VmMerge # http://lua-users.org/files/wiki_insecure/users/ntrout/vmmerge.lua #* cat $S/http/lua-users.org/files/wiki_insecure/users/ntrout/vmmerge.lua \ | tr -d '\r' \ > ~/LUA/vmmerge5.lua #* # (find-fline "~/LUA/vmmerge5.lua") # (find-fline "~/LUA/vmmerge5.lua" "local cmd = \"luac") ln -sf ../tmp/lua-5.0-beta/bin/luac ~/bin/luac50 #* cd ~/LUA/ cat > /tmp/test.lua <<'%%%' print(1+2) %%% lua50 -l ~/tmp/lua-5.0-beta/test/compat.lua vmmerge5.lua \ --file /tmp/test.lua #* cat > /tmp/test.lua <<'%%%' a = { 1+2, 3 } print(a[2]) %%% lua -f $S/http/lua-users.org/files/wiki_insecure/users/ntrout/vmmerge.lua \ --file /tmp/test.lua --fmt merge #* echo 'a={}; a(4)' | luac50 - rm luac.out cat luac.txt #* # (find-lua50file "") # (find-lua50file "src/lvm.c" "case OP_CALL:") ##### # # Suggestions # 2003mar18 # ##### # «suggestions» (to ".suggestions") Add #ifdefs that activate the compatibily block of lauxlib.h. Build the array "arg" before running the first "-e". Allow things like ``while a=f() do ... end'', and maybe something similar for `if' and `elseif' too. Power patch: add a way to let the interpreter be a pointer to a function instead of a fixed function Power patch: add a keyword that when parsed interrupts the execution of the interpreter, to let us examine its state Power patch: create an interpreter that can be interrupted and resumed Power patch: add a "tfunction" keyword that behaves like "function", but if a certain global variable ("tfunctionfunction"?) exists it invokes it just after building the bytecode for the function. For example, in ``unnamedfunctions["3"] = tfunction return 1+2 end'' we would have the call ``tfunctionfunction(bytecode, chunk, begpos, endpos)'', where bytecode is the code for ``function return 1+2 end'', chunk is the string from where that all came and begpos and endpos are the positions of the ``tfunction return 1+2 end'' in the string. By the way: the reason why I want such a beast (tfunction) is that I'd like to keep a weak table with the source code of the ``user-defined primitives'' in LForth, that are built from strings in complicated way. # (find-lua50file "src/") # (find-lua50file "src/lparser.c") # (find-lua50file "src/lcode.c") # (find-lua50file "src/lib/lbaselib.c" "luaB_loadstring") ##### # # tolua-5.0 # 2003dec27 # ##### # «tolua-5.0» (to ".tolua-5.0") # (code-c-d "tolua" "~/usrc/tolua-5.0/") # (find-toluafile "") # (find-toluafile "src/tests/") #* rm -Rv ~/usrc/tolua-5.0/ cd ~/usrc/ tar -xvzf $S/ftp/ftp.tecgraf.puc-rio.br/pub/users/celes/tolua/tolua-5.0.tar.gz cd ~/usrc/tolua-5.0/ patch -p0 config <<'%%%' 24c24 < LUA=/home/celes/lua-5.0 --- > LUA=$(HOME)/tmp/lua-5.0 %%% make |& tee om # (find-toluafile "Makefile") #* cd ~/usrc/tolua-5.0/ make tests |& tee omtests # Fails and aborts at the "tvariable" test, # so below we redo it in a more careful way. # (find-toluafile "omtests") #* cd ~/usrc/tolua-5.0/src/tests/ # (find-toluafile "src/tests/Makefile") make clean klean rm -fv *.log rm -fv *.log.FAILED for i in tmodule tnamespace tclass tconstant tfunction tarray; do (setopt -v; make $i && ./$i) |& tee $i.log done for i in tvariable tdirective; do (setopt -v; make $i && ./$i) |& tee $i.log.FAILED done # (find-toluafile "src/tests/") #* eev-cd tolua lynx doc/tolua-3.2.html #* ##### # # tolua-5.1b # 2007aug08 # ##### # «tolua-5.1» (to ".tolua-5.1") # http://www.tecgraf.puc-rio.br/~celes/tolua/ # http://www.tecgraf.puc-rio.br/~celes/tolua/tolua-3.2.html # ftp://ftp.tecgraf.puc-rio.br/pub/users/celes/tolua/tolua-5.1b.tar.gz #* rm -Rv ~/usrc/tolua-5.1b/ tar -C ~/usrc/ -xvzf \ $S/ftp/ftp.tecgraf.puc-rio.br/pub/users/celes/tolua/tolua-5.1b.tar.gz cd ~/usrc/tolua-5.1b/ #* # (code-c-d "tolua" "~/usrc/tolua-5.1b/") # (find-toluafile "") # (find-toluash "find * | sort") # (find-toluafile "src/bin/lua/") # (find-toluafile "src/tests/") ##### # # tagging lua programs with etags # 2003dec30 # ##### # «etags» (to ".etags") # (find-man "1 etags" "Tag the DEFVAR") # (find-man "1 etags" "regexps are cumulative") # (find-man "1 etags" "/\\1/") # (find-man "1 etags" "regex files") # (find-progoutput "etags --help") #* cd ~/dednat4/ etags --lang=none --regex="/[a-zA-Z_0-9.]+[ \t]+=/" *.lua mv -v TAGS TAGS0 etags --lang=none --regex='/\([a-zA-Z_0-9.]+\)[ \t]+=/\1/' *.lua mv -v TAGS TAGS1 cat > /tmp/regex-lua-etags <<'%%%' /\([a-zA-Z_0-9.]+\)[ \t]+=/\1/ %%% etags --lang=none --regex=@/tmp/regex-lua-etags *.lua mv -v TAGS TAGS2 #* cat > /tmp/regex-lua-etags <<'%%%' (find-es "lua5" "etags") (find-man "1 etags" "/\\1/") (find-man "1 etags" "regex files") (find-anchor "Makefile" "TAGS") Regexps for tagging lua files: /\([a-zA-Z_0-9.]+\)[ \t]+=/\1/ /\([a-zA-Z_0-9.]+\),/\1/ /forths\["\([^ ]*\)"\] =/\1/ %%% #* # (find-fline "~/dednat4/TAGS0") # (find-fline "~/dednat4/TAGS1") # (find-fline "~/dednat4/TAGS2") # Note: this only works because I always define functions with a # syntax like this... # myfunction = function (arg1, arg2) # ... # end ##### # # readline support # 2004jan04 # ##### # «readline» (to ".readline") # (find-lua50file "om" "-DUSE_READLINE") # (find-lua50file "om" "-DLUA_USERCONFIG=") # (find-lua50file "Makefile" "all clean co klean:" "cd src/lua; $(MAKE) $@") # (find-lua50file "src/lua/Makefile" "EXTRA_DEFS= $(USERCONF)") # (find-lua50file "src/lua/Makefile" "include $(LUA)/config") # (find-lua50file "config" "#USERCONF=-DLUA_USERCONFIG=") # (find-lua50file "config" "\nUSERCONF=-DLUA_USERCONFIG=" "saconfig.c") # (find-lua50file "src/lua/lua.c" "#include LUA_USERCONFIG") # (find-lua50file "etc/saconfig.c" "#ifdef USE_READLINE") # (find-node "(make)Catalogue of Rules" "$(CC) -c $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS)") # (find-lua50file "config" "CFLAGS= $(MYCFLAGS) $(WARN) $(INCS) $(DEFS)") # (find-lua50file "config" "DEFS= $(NUMBER) $(EXTRA_DEFS)") # (find-lua50file "etc/saconfig.c" "static int myreadline") # (find-node "(readline)Basic Behavior" "char *readline (const char *PROMPT)") # (find-node "(readline)Basic Behavior" "add_history (line)") # (find-node "(history)Top") #* eev-cd lua50 grep USERCONF $(find * -type f); echo grep EXTRA_DEFS $(find * -type f); echo grep lua_readline $(find * -type f); echo grep lua_saveline $(find * -type f); echo #* ##### # # linenoise # 2012apr17 # ##### # «linenoise» (to ".linenoise") # https://github.com/stevedonovan/luabuild/blob/master/modules/lua-linenoise/example.lua # http://lua-users.org/lists/lua-l/2010-03/msg00865.html #### # # stringtolines - split a string at "\n"s # 2004jan11 # #### # «stringtolines» (to ".stringtolines") # (find-lua50ref "String Manipulation" ". string.gsub") #* lua50e ' stringtolines = function (str) local lines = {} local rest = string.gsub (str, "([^\n]*)\n", function (line) table.insert(lines, line) end) if rest ~= "" then table.insert(lines, rest) end return lines end PP(stringtolines("line1\nline2\nline3")) PP(stringtolines("line1\nline2\n")) ' #* ##### # # luaposix from the git repo # 2021jan16 # ##### # «luaposix-git» (to ".luaposix-git") # https://github.com/luaposix/luaposix # http://luaposix.github.io/luaposix/ * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) rm -Rfv ~/usrc/luaposix/ cd ~/usrc/ git clone https://github.com/luaposix/luaposix cd ~/usrc/luaposix/ export PAGER=cat git branch --list -a git for-each-ref git log --oneline --graph --all -20 # (find-fline "~/usrc/") # (find-fline "~/usrc/luaposix/") # (find-gitk "~/usrc/luaposix/") # (code-c-d "luaposix" "~/usrc/luaposix/") # (find-luaposixfile "") # (find-luaposixgrep "grep --color -niRH --null -e luke *") # https://github.com/gvvaughan/luke ### luaposix from git (because chdir disappeared -> was moved to unistd) ### 2020jan17 # (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "chdir") # (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "loadposix") # (find-status "lua-posix") # (find-vldifile "lua-posix:amd64.list") # (find-udfile "lua-posix/") # https://github.com/luaposix/luaposix * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) # rm -Rfv ~/usrc/luaposix/ cd ~/usrc/ git clone https://github.com/luaposix/luaposix cd ~/usrc/luaposix/ export PAGER=cat git branch --list -a git for-each-ref git log --oneline --graph --all -20 # (find-fline "~/usrc/") # (find-fline "~/usrc/luaposix/") # (find-gitk "~/usrc/luaposix/") # (code-c-d "luaposix" "~/usrc/luaposix/") # (find-luaposixfile "") # (find-luaposixsh "git log --oneline --graph --all") cd ~/usrc/luaposix/ git checkout ffac353 git log --oneline --graph --all -20 git log --oneline --graph -20 grep -R chdir * # (find-luaposixgrep "grep --color -nRH --null -e chdir *") cd ~/usrc/luaposix/ git checkout master grep -R chdir * # (find-luaposixfile "ext/posix/unistd.c" "@function chdir") * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) -- (find-sh "cd ~/dednat6/dednat6/ && 'ls' *.lua | tee /tmp/o") loadposix() PPV(posix) PPV(sorted(keys(posix))) PPV(sorted(keys(posix.unistd))) chdir "/tmp/" ##### # # luaposix-stat # 2021jan16 # ##### # «luaposix-stat» (to ".luaposix-stat") # http://luaposix.github.io/luaposix/modules/posix.sys.stat.html # http://luaposix.github.io/luaposix/modules/posix.sys.stat.html#stat # http://luaposix.github.io/luaposix/modules/posix.time.html # http://luaposix.github.io/luaposix/modules/posix.time.html#gmtime # http://luaposix.github.io/luaposix/modules/posix.time.html#localtime # http://luaposix.github.io/luaposix/modules/posix.time.html#mktime # http://luaposix.github.io/luaposix/modules/posix.time.html#strftime # http://luaposix.github.io/luaposix/modules/posix.time.html#strptime # https://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/9699919799/functions/strftime.html # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/43067106/back-and-forth-utc-dates-in-lua # (find-lua51manual "") # (find-lua51manual "#pdf-os.setlocale") # (find-lua51manual "#pdf-os.date") # (find-lua51manual "#pdf-os.time") * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) load_posix() -- (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "load_posix") posix_sys_stat = require("posix.sys.stat") posix = require("posix") stat = posix_sys_stat.stat gmtime = posix.gmtime localtime = posix.localtime mktime = posix.mktime strftime = posix.strftime st = stat("/etc/") -- a table mtime = st.st_mtime -- a number gmt = gmtime(mtime) -- a table print(strftime("%F %T %z", gmt)) --> 2021-01-16 21:55:37 +0000 -- But if I run this on the shell -- stat --format='%y' /etc/ -- I get: 2021-01-16 18:55:37.248132636 -0300 -- (find-man "1 stat" "%y") -- (find-sh0 "stat --format='%y' /etc/") PPV(gmt) -- a table PP ( os.time()) -- a number PPV(gmtime(os.time())) -- a table PP (os.date ("%F %T %z" os.time())) -- --------- -- int -- PPV (stat("/etc/")) PP (stat("/etc/").st_mtime) PPV (gmtime(stat("/etc/").st_mtime)) PP (os.date ("%F %T %z", stat("/etc/").st_mtime)) PP (strftime("%F %T %z", gmtime(stat("/etc/").st_mtime))) -- ------------ -- PosixStat -- ---------------------- -- int -- ------------------------------ -- PosixTm PP (strftime("%F %T %z", localtime(stat("/etc/").st_mtime))) print(os.date ("%F %T %z", stat("/etc/").st_mtime)) print(strftime("%F %T %z", gmtime(stat("/etc/").st_mtime))) os.setlocale("") print(strftime("%F %T %z", gmtime(stat("/etc/").st_mtime))) print(strftime("%F %T %z", localtime(stat("/etc/").st_mtime))) --> 2021-01-16 18:55:37 +15951732 ##### # # luaposix: use stat to get the mtime in human-readable form # 2021jan17 # ##### # «luaposix-stat-hr» (to ".luaposix-stat-hr") # (find-angg "LUA/timestamps.lua") * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) posix_sys_stat = require("posix.sys.stat") posix = require("posix") stat = posix_sys_stat.stat mktime = posix.mktime strptime = posix.strptime -- "hr": "human-readable" mtime_int = function (fname) return stat(fname).st_mtime end int_to_hr = function (timeint) return os.date("%F %T %z", timeint) end ht_to_int = function (timehr) return mktime((posix.strptime(timehr, "%F %T %z"))) end = mtime_int("/etc/") = int_to_hr(mtime_int("/etc/")) = ht_to_int(int_to_hr(mtime_int("/etc/"))) ##### # # luaposix-stat-bug # 2021jan17 # ##### # «luaposix-stat-bug» (to ".luaposix-stat-bug") # (find-fline "~/LOGS/2021jan16.lua" "whether tm_gmtoff exists") * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) posix_sys_stat = require("posix.sys.stat") posix = require("posix") stat = posix_sys_stat.stat gmtime = posix.gmtime localtime = posix.localtime strftime = posix.strftime print(os.date ("%F %T %z", stat("/etc/").st_mtime)) --> 2021-01-16 18:55:37 -0300 print(strftime("%F %T %z", gmtime(stat("/etc/").st_mtime))) --> 2021-01-16 21:55:37 -1821443 print(strftime("%F %T %z", localtime(stat("/etc/").st_mtime))) --> 2021-01-16 18:55:37 -1821443 ##### # # lua-posix on Debian Wheezy # 2014aug30 # ##### # «lua-posix-wheezy» (to ".lua-posix-wheezy") # (find-zsh "installeddebs | sort | grep lua") # (find-zsh "availabledebs | sort | grep lua") # (find-status "lua-posix") # (find-status "lua-posix" "Lua-Versions: 5.1 5.2") # (find-vldifile "lua-posix:i386.list") # (find-vldifile "lua-posix:amd64.list") # (find-udfile "lua-posix/") # (find-fline "/usr/share/lua/5.1/posix.lua") ##### # # luaposix-2012 # 2012sep14 # ##### # «luaposix-2012» (to ".luaposix-2012") # https://github.com/rrthomas/luaposix # https://github.com/downloads/luaposix/luaposix/luaposix-5.1.22.tar.gz ##### # # the posix library on lua-5.1 (luaposix-5.1.4) # 2008jul18 # ##### # «luaposix» (to ".luaposix") # http://luaforge.net/frs/download.php/3572/luaposix-5.1.4.tar.gz #* rm -Rv ~/usrc/luaposix-5.1.4/ tar -C ~/usrc/ -xvzf \ $S/http/luaforge.net/frs/download.php/3572/luaposix-5.1.4.tar.gz cd ~/usrc/luaposix-5.1.4/ make PREFIX=$LUA51SRC #* # (code-c-d "lposix" "~/usrc/luaposix-5.1.4/") # (find-lposixfile "") # (find-lposixfile "Makefile") # (find-lposixfile "lposix.c" "luaopen_posix") # (find-lposixsh "objdump -Ssax posix.so") * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) ee_loadlib("~/usrc/luaposix-5.1.4/posix.so", "luaopen_posix") ##### # # the posix library on lua-5.1 # 2007may14 # ##### # «posix-lua51» (to ".posix-lua51") # (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "loadposix") # (code-c-d "lposix" "~/usrc/posix/") # (find-lposixfile "") # (find-lposixfile "omxx") # (find-lposixfile "Makefile") # (find-lposixfile "posix.lua" "LUA_SOPATH") # http://www.tecgraf.puc-rio.br/~lhf/ftp/lua/index.html#lposix # http://www.tecgraf.puc-rio.br/~lhf/ftp/lua/5.0/lposix.tar.gz # http://lua-users.org/lists/lua-l/2007-05/msg00087.html #* rm -Rv ~/usrc/posix/ tar -C ~/usrc/ -xvzf \ $S/http/www.tecgraf.puc-rio.br/~lhf/ftp/lua/5.0/lposix.tar.gz cd ~/usrc/posix/ # Patch to make it run on Lua-5.1: # http://lua-users.org/lists/lua-l/2007-05/msg00087.html patch -p0 lposix.c <<'%%%' 67,68c67,69 < int j=luaL_findstring(luaL_checkstring(L, i), S); < if (j==-1) luaL_argerror(L, i, "unknown selector"); --- > /* int j=luaL_findstring(luaL_checkstring(L, i), S); */ > /* if (j==-1) luaL_argerror(L, i, "unknown selector"); */ > int j=luaL_checkoption(L, i, NULL, S); /* lua 5.1 */ %%% # (find-lposixfile "om") # (find-node "(libc)CPU Time" "CLK_TCK") etags *.c cp -iv posix.lua posix.lua.orig cat > posix.lua <<'%%%' assert(package.loadlib("./lposix.so", "luaopen_posix"))() %%% cp -v tree.lua tree.lua.orig patch -p0 tree.lua <<'%%%' 22c22 < for i, name in files do --- > for i, name in ipairs(files) do 55c55 < directory = (arg.n > 0) and arg[1] or '.' --- > directory = (table.getn(arg) > 0) and arg[1] or '.' %%% cd ~/usrc/posix/ make LUAINC=$LUA51SRC/src lposix.so |& tee om make LUABIN=$LUA51SRC/src tree |& tee omtree make LUABIN=$LUA51SRC/src x |& tee omx make LUABIN=$LUA51SRC/src xx |& tee omxx #* * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) loadposix() PP(posix) * (defun eepitch-lua51posix () (interactive) (eepitch-at-dir-comint "~/usrc/posix/" "lua51posix" "lua51")) * (eepitch-lua51posix) dofile "posix.lua" files = posix.dir(".") = files PP(files) PP(posix) -- (find-lposixfile "posix.lua") -- (find-lposixfile "tree.lua") #* # «posix-install» (to ".posix-install") # Obsolete - now (lua-5.1) I load the ".so" from ~/usrc/posix/". cd ~/usrc/posix/ cp -v ~/usrc/posix/lposix.so ~/.lua50/ lua50 -e 'load_posix(); PP(posix)' #* # «load_posix» (to ".load_posix") # (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "load_posix") # (find-lposixfile "posix.lua" "function so(x)") # (find-lposixfile "") ##### # # posix functions (new; the old block is below) # 2004jan14 # ##### # «posix» (to ".posix") # «posix-new» (to ".posix-new") # (code-c-d "lposix" "~/usrc/posix/") # (find-lposixfile "") # (find-lposixfile "oxx") # (find-lposixfile "Makefile") # (find-lposixfile "posix.lua" "LUA_SOPATH") # http://www.tecgraf.puc-rio.br/~lhf/ftp/lua/5.0/lposix.tar.gz # Patch to make it run on Lua-5.1: # http://lua-users.org/lists/lua-l/2007-05/msg00087.html #* rm -Rv ~/usrc/posix/ cd ~/usrc/ tar -xvzf $S/http/www.tecgraf.puc-rio.br/~lhf/ftp/lua/5.0/lposix.tar.gz cd ~/usrc/posix/ etags *.c # (find-angg ".zshrc" "lua" "LUASRC") # maybe I should use $LUASRC/bin/lua as the binary... export LUASRC=$HOME/usrc/lua-5.0.2 make LUA=$LUASRC lposix.so |& tee om make LUA=$LUASRC tree |& tee omtree make LUA=$LUASRC x |& tee omx make LUA=$LUASRC xx |& tee omxx |& tee oxx #* # «posix-install» (to ".posix-install") cd ~/usrc/posix/ cp -v ~/usrc/posix/lposix.so ~/.lua50/ lua50 -e 'load_posix(); PP(posix)' #* # «load_posix» (to ".load_posix") # (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "load_posix") # (find-lposixfile "posix.lua" "function so(x)") # (find-lposixfile "") ##### # # posix functions (old; the new block is above) # 2004jan14 # ##### # «posix-old» (to ".posix-old") # (code-c-d "lposix" "~/usrc/posix/") # (find-lposixfile "") # (find-lposixfile "oxx") # http://www.tecgraf.puc-rio.br/~lhf/ftp/lua/lposix.tar.gz #* # 2005jan01: trying to use sarge's lua package rm -Rv ~/usrc/posix/ cd ~/usrc/ tar -xvzf $S/http/www.tecgraf.puc-rio.br/~lhf/ftp/lua/lposix.tar.gz cd ~/usrc/posix/ # (find-lposixfile "Makefile") # (find-lposixfile "posix.lua" "LUA_SOPATH") make LUAINC=/usr/include/lua50 lposix.so make LUABIN=/usr/bin tree # oops! it segfauls... #* # Build with an upstream lua-5.0.2 instead. rm -Rv ~/usrc/posix/ cd ~/usrc/ tar -xvzf $S/http/www.tecgraf.puc-rio.br/~lhf/ftp/lua/lposix.tar.gz cd ~/usrc/posix/ # (find-angg ".zshrc" "lua" "LUASRC") export LUASRC=$HOME/usrc/lua-5.0.2 # make LUA=$HOME/tmp/lua-5.0 |& tee om make LUA=$LUASRC lposix.so make LUA=$LUASRC tree make LUA=$LUASRC x make LUA=$LUASRC xx | tee oxx #* # (find-angg ".zshrc") # (find-lposixfile "posix.lua") cd ~/usrc/posix/ cp -v lposix.so ~/.lua50/ #* lua50 -e ' HOME = os.getenv("HOME") assert(loadlib(HOME.."/.lua50/lposix.so", "luaopen_posix"))() f = posix.files() while 1 do fname = f() if fname == nil then break end print(fname) end ' #* # (find-lposixfile "lposix.c" "static int Pstat") # (find-k24file "Documentation/devices.txt" "hda") # (find-k24file "Documentation/devices.txt" "hdc") lua50 -e ' HOME = os.getenv("HOME") assert(loadlib(HOME.."/lib/lposix.so", "luaopen_posix"))() fname = "/tmp/o" s = posix.stat(fname) PP(s) dev = s.dev devmod64 = math.mod(dev, 64) hdname = {} hdname[256*3+0] = "hda" hdname[256*3+64] = "hdb" hdname[256*22+0] = "hdc" hdname[256*22+64] = "hdd" print(fname, hdname[dev-devmod64], devmod64) ' #* lua50 -e ' LIBDIR = os.getenv("HOME").."/lib/lua5" assert(loadlib(LIBDIR.."/lposix.so", "luaopen_posix"))() fname = "/home/edrx/o" s = posix.stat(fname) PP(s) dev = s.dev; low = math.mod(dev, 256); hi = (dev-low)/256 str = string.format(" %d,%4d", hi, low) print(str) command = format("cd /dev/; ls -l hd* | grep \"%s\"", str) print(command) os.execute(command, str) ' #* ##### # # posix-ls # 2014apr29 # ##### # «posix-ls» (to ".posix-ls") # (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "ee_ls") # (find-luarocks-links "lposix" "20031107" "-1") # (find-luarocks-links "lposix" "20031107-1" "") # (find-luarocks-links "lposix" "" "20031107-1") (code-c-d "lposix" "~/usrc/posix/") ;; (find-lposixfile "") # (find-lposixfile "tree.lua") # (find-lposixfile "lposix.c" "static int Pdir") * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) userocks() require "posix" D = posix.dir "/home/edrx/ferramentas/" = D PP(D) ee_ls = function (dir) userocks() require "posix" return posix.dir(ee_expand(dir)) end D = ee_ls "/sda5/videos/" = ee_ls "/sda5/videosaaa/" = D print(table.concat(sorted(D), "\n")) ##### # # posix-signal # 2025mar01 # ##### # «posix-signal» (to ".posix-signal") # (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "load_posix") # (find-luarocks-links "posix") # (find-status "lua-posix") # (find-vldifile "lua-posix:amd64.list") # (find-udfile "lua-posix/") # (find-fline "/usr/share/lua/5.1/posix/init.lua" "signal") # https://luaposix.github.io/luaposix/modules/posix.signal.html # https://luaposix.github.io/luaposix/modules/posix.unistd.html # https://luaposix.github.io/luaposix/examples/signal.lua.html * (find-3EE '(eepitch-shell) '(eepitch-lua51)) * (find-3ee '(eepitch-shell) '(eepitch-lua51)) * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) load_posix() pid = 0 + getoutput "echo $PPID" = pid ee_writefile("/tmp/this_pid", pid.."\n") on_SIGUSR2 = function () print "foo" end posix.signal.signal(posix.signal.SIGUSR2, on_SIGUSR2) posix.unistd.sleep(1) * (find-sh0 "cat /tmp/this_pid") * (find-sh0 "kill -s USR2 $(cat /tmp/this_pid)") ##### # # pushglobals and popglobals # 2004feb21 # ##### # «pushglobals-popglobals» (to ".pushglobals-popglobals") #* lua50e ' tinsert = table.insert tremove = table.remove getn = table.getn _vars = {n=0} pushglobals = function (...) for i=1,getn(arg) do local varname = arg[i] tinsert(_vars, {varname, _G[varname]}) end end popglobals = function (...) for i=getn(arg),1,-1 do local varname, pair = arg[i], tremove(_vars) if varname ~= pair[1] then error("tried to pop "..varname.." but _vars had "..pair[1].." on top") end _G[varname] = pair[2] end end foo = "FOO" bar = "BAR" pushglobals("foo", "bar") foo = "Foo" bar = "Bar" popglobals("foo", "bar") P(foo, bar) ' #* ##### # # string.gsub with multiple alternatives # 2004feb21 # ##### # «gsub-with-alternatives» (to ".gsub-with-alternatives") # (find-lua50ref "string.gsub") # (find-luafile "src/lib/lstrlib.c") # (find-luafile "src/lib/lstrlib.c" "static int str_gsub") # (find-luafile "src/lib/lstrlib.c" "char *match " "char *match ") Idea: string.gsub(s, pat1, repl1, pat2, repl2, pat3, repl3, ...) would, at each char, test the string "s" against pat1, pat2, ...; the first one to match would be replaced - and, as usual, each repln is either a string or a function. That would be a cheap way to implement a simple form of "|". #### # # C calling lua # 2004feb25 # #### # «C-calls-lua» (to ".C-calls-lua") #* rm -Rv ~/tmp/ccallslua/ mkdir ~/tmp/ccallslua/ cd ~/tmp/ccallslua/ cat > script.lua <<'%%%' luafunction = function (a, b) return "<"..a.." "..b..">" end %%% # (find-lua50ref "Getting Values from the Stack") # (find-lua50ref "The Stack and Indices" "negative index") # (find-lua50ref "Pushing Values onto the Stack") # (find-lua50ref "Calling Functions" "a = f(\"how\", t.x, 14)") # (find-lua50ref "Manipulating Tables") # (find-luatag "luaopen_base") # (find-luatag "openstdlibs") # (find-luatag "lualibs") # (find-lua50ref "Standard Libraries" "luaopen_string") cat > callit.c <<'%%%' #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <lua.h> #include <lauxlib.h> void PP(lua_State *L, int index) { lua_pushstring(L, "PP"); lua_gettable(L, LUA_GLOBALSINDEX); lua_pushvalue(L, index<0?index-1:index); lua_call(L, 1, 0); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { lua_State *L; char *rslt; L = lua_open(); luaopen_base(L); /* pushes 1 thing */ luaopen_string(L); /* pushes 1 thing */ luaopen_table(L); /* pushes 1 thing */ luaopen_io(L); /* pushes 3 things */ lua_pop(L, 6); /* removes these 1+1+1+3 things */ lua_dofile(L, "/home/edrx/LUA/lua50init.lua"); /* for "PP" and debug stuff */ lua_dofile(L, "script.lua"); lua_pushstring(L, "luafunction"); /* function name: "luafunction" */ lua_gettable(L, LUA_GLOBALSINDEX); /* -> function: luafunction */ lua_pushstring(L, "foo"); /* argument 1: "foo" */ lua_pushnumber(L, 45); /* argument 2: 45 */ lua_call(L, 2, 1); /* call with 2 args and 1 result */ rslt = lua_tostring(L, -1); /* rslt = "<foo 45>" */ lua_pop(L, 1); /* remove rslt */ printf("rslt = \"%s\"\n", rslt); lua_close(L); } %%% # (find-node "(gcc-300)Link Options") # -L$HOME/usrc/lua-5.0.2/lib -llualib -llua gcc -g -o callit callit.c -ldl -lm \ -I$HOME/usrc/lua-5.0.2/include \ ~/usrc/lua-5.0.2/lib/liblua.a \ ~/usrc/lua-5.0.2/lib/liblualib.a \ ./callit #* # (eegud-gdb t "/home/edrx/tmp/ccallslua/" "callit") # (find-node "(gdb)Calling") # (find-node "(gdb)Define") define depth p lua_gettop(L) end define PP call PP(L, $arg0) end br main run #* ##### # # lua-calls-C # 2014apr03 / 2024jan11 # ##### # «lua-calls-C» (to ".lua-calls-C") # (find-blogme3grep "grep -nH -e .c anggmake.lua") # (find-angg "peek/") # (find-angg "peek/peek.c") # (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "ierusalimschy") # (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "ierusalimschy" "Calling C from Lua") # (find-pil3page (+ 19 273) "27 Calling C from Lua") # (find-pil3text (+ 19 273) "Calling C from Lua") # (find-pil3page (+ 19 273) "27.1 C Functions") # (find-pil3text (+ 19 273) "C Functions") # (find-pil3page (+ 19 275) "27.2 Continuations") # (find-pil3page (+ 19 278) "27.3 C Modules") # (find-pil3page (+ 19 280) "Exercises") # (find-lua51manual "") # (find-lua51manual "#lua_call") # (find-lua51manual "#lua_getglobal") # (find-lua51manual "#lua_isnil") # (find-lua51manual "#lua_pushstring") lua_getglobal(L, "foo"); lua_pushstring(L, "bar"); lua_call(L, 1, 0); lua_getglobal(L, "myprint"); if (!lua_isnil(L, 1)) { } lua_pushstring # (find-pil2page (+ 19 241) "26. Calling C from Lua") # (find-pil2text (+ 19 241) "Calling C from Lua") # (find-pil2page (+ 19 241) "26.1. C Functions") # (find-pil2page (+ 19 242) "lua_setglobal(L, \"mysin\");") # (find-pil2text (+ 19 242) "lua_setglobal(L, \"mysin\");") # (find-pil2page (+ 19 244) "26.2. C Modules") # (find-pil2page (+ 19 245) "luaL_register(L, \"mylib\", mylib);") # (find-pil2text (+ 19 245) "luaL_register(L, \"mylib\", mylib);") # (find-pil2page (+ 19 245) "int luaopen_mylib") # (find-pil2text (+ 19 245) "int luaopen_mylib") # (find-pil2page (+ 19 245) "require \"mylib\"") # (find-pil2text (+ 19 245) "require \"mylib\"") # (find-pil2page (+ 19 247) "27. Techniques for Writing C Functions") # (find-pil2page (+ 19 259) "28. User-Defined Types in C") ##### # # CLua1.lua # 2024jan11 # ##### # «CLua1.lua» (to ".CLua1.lua") * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) Path.addLUAtopath() require "CLua1" -- (find-angg "LUA/CLua1.lua") buildandloadfoo [=[ lua_pushstring(L, "bar"); return 1; ]=] = foo() = clb ##### # # inspecting the Lua stack # 2004sep02 # ##### # «luastackPP» (to ".luastackPP") #* rm -Rv ~/tmp/luastackPP/ mkdir ~/tmp/luastackPP/ cd ~/tmp/luastackPP/ cat > luastackPP.c <<'%%%' #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <lua.h> #include <lauxlib.h> void PP(lua_State *L, int index) { lua_pushstring(L, "PP"); lua_gettable(L, LUA_GLOBALSINDEX); lua_pushvalue(L, index<0?index-1:index); lua_call(L, 1, 0); } LUALIB_API int luastackPP_init(lua_State *L) { /* nothing to do on the Lua side; we're only adding C functions */ return 0; } %%% gcc -g -Wall -shared -I$LUASRC/include -o luastackPP.so luastackPP.c cp -v ~/tmp/luastackPP/luastackPP.so \ ~/lib/lua5/luastackPP.so #* cat > /tmp/testPP.lua <<'%%%' LIBDIR = os.getenv("HOME").."/lib/lua5" assert(loadlib(LIBDIR.."/luastackPP.so", "luastackPP_init"))() math.sin(0) -- print(1, 2+"3", string.sub) print("aa", "bb", "cc", "dd", "ee") %%% cat /tmp/testPP.lua > /tmp/testPP.lst luac -p -l /tmp/testPP.lua >> /tmp/testPP.lst lua50 /tmp/testPP.lua #* # (let ((eebd-function-is nil)) (eegud-gdb t ee-luadir "bin/lua")) # (find-fline "/tmp/testPP.lst") # (find-node "(gdb)Calling") # (find-node "(gdb)Define") define depth p lua_gettop(L) end define PP call PP(L, $arg0) end set args /tmp/testPP.lua # br main br math_sin run #* #* # (find-fline "/tmp/luabit/lbitlib.c") ##### # # composes (for compose.el) # 2004jan14 # ##### # «composes» (to ".composes") # (find-angg "compose.el") # (find-angg "compose-new.el") # 2021aug08: probably broken (-> utf8) #* cat > /tmp/prc.lua <<'%%%' quote = function (str) return string.gsub(str, "([\\\"])", "\\%1") end composes = function (str) local compstr = "" for _,w in split(str) do if string.len(w) == 1 then compstr = compstr .. " ?" .. quote(w) else compstr = compstr .. " \"" .. quote(w) .."\"" end end return compstr end prc = function (str) print(composes(str)) end prc " `A À `E È `I Ì `O Ò `U Ù" prc " `a à `e è `i ì `o ò `u ù" prc " 'A Á 'E É 'I Í 'O Ó 'U Ú" prc " 'a á 'e é 'i í 'o ó 'u ú" prc " ^A  ^E Ê ^I Î ^O Ô ^U Û" prc " ^a â ^e ê ^i î ^o ô ^u û" prc " ~A à ~O Õ " prc " ~a ã ~o õ " prc "\"A Ä \"E Ë \"I Ï \"O Ö \"U Ü" prc "\"a ä \"e ë \"i ï \"o ö \"u ü" prc " 'C Ç CC Ç ~N Ñ" prc " 'c ç cc ç ~n ñ" prc " _a ª _o º AE Æ ae æ " prc " !! ¡ ?? ¿ SS § << « >> »" prc " 00 ° 11 ¹ 22 ² 33 ³ " prc " 14 ¼ 12 ½ 34 ¾ " prc " +- ± :- ÷ cd · xx × " %%% lua50 /tmp/prc.lua | tee ~/o #* (defvar composes-accents '( "`A" ?À "`E" ?È "`I" ?Ì "`O" ?Ò "`U" ?Ù "`a" ?à "`e" ?è "`i" ?ì "`o" ?ò "`u" ?ù "'A" ?Á "'E" ?É "'I" ?Í "'O" ?Ó "'U" ?Ú "'a" ?á "'e" ?é "'i" ?í "'o" ?ó "'u" ?ú "^A" ? "^E" ?Ê "^I" ?Î "^O" ?Ô "^U" ?Û "^a" ?â "^e" ?ê "^i" ?î "^o" ?ô "^u" ?û "~A" ?à "~O" ?Õ "~a" ?ã "~o" ?õ "\"A" ?Ä "\"E" ?Ë "\"I" ?Ï "\"O" ?Ö "\"U" ?Ü "\"a" ?ä "\"e" ?ë "\"i" ?ï "\"o" ?ö "\"u" ?ü "'C" ?Ç "CC" ?Ç "~N" ?Ñ "'c" ?ç "cc" ?ç "~n" ?ñ )) (defvar composes-otheriso '( "_a" ?ª "_o" ?º "AE" ?Æ "ae" ?æ "!!" ?¡ "??" ?¿ "SS" ?§ "<<" ?« ">>" ?» "00" ?° "11" ?¹ "22" ?² "33" ?³ "14" ?¼ "12" ?½ "34" ?¾ "+-" ?± ":-" ?÷ "cd" ?· "xx" ?× )) (defvar composes-globalmath nil) (defvar composes-localmath nil) (defvar composes-all nil) (defun composes-update () (setq composes-all (append composes-localmath composes-globalmath composes-accents composes-otheriso))) (composes-update) # (find-fline "~/vtutil4/vtfontlib.lua") #### # # stdlib (from the CVS) # 2004mar01 # #### # «stdlib» (to ".stdlib") # See <http://lua-users.org/wiki/StandardLibraries> # (code-c-d "luastdlib" "~/usrc/lua-users/stdlib/") # (code-c-d "luastd" "~/usrc/lua-users/stdlib/modules/") # (find-luastdlibfile "") # (find-luastdlibfile "README") # (find-luastdlibfile "utils/ldoc") # (find-luastdfile "") # (find-luastdfile "std.parser.lua") # (find-luastdfile "std.object.lua") # (find-luastdfile "std.io.io.lua") # (find-luastdfile "std.io.env.lua") # (find-luastdfile "std.rex.lua") # (find-luastdfile "std.string.regex.lua") # (find-luastdfile "std.string.string.lua") #* rm -Rv ~/usrc/lua-users/ mkdir ~/usrc/lua-users/ cd ~/usrc/lua-users/ cvs -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.lua-users.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/lua-users login cvs -z3 -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.lua-users.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/lua-users co stdlib #* # http://optusnet.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/lua-users/luastdlib-2.zip rm -Rv ~/usrc/lua-users/ mkdir -p ~/usrc/lua-users/stdlib/ cd ~/usrc/lua-users/stdlib/ unzip $S/http/optusnet.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/lua-users/luastdlib-2.zip cd ~/usrc/lua-users/stdlib/modules/ tar -xvzf ~/tmp/rrt.tgz cd ~/usrc/lua-users/stdlib/modules/ # lua50 clue lua50 -e 'bit={}' std.lua #* # New way (untested), from a message by Richard Simes at lua-l, 2006sep18: # cvs -d :pserver:anonymous@luaforge.net:/cvsroot/stdlib login # (press enter when prompted for a password) # cvs -d :pserver:anonymous@luaforge.net:/cvsroot/stdlib checkout stdlib # «stdlib2» (to ".stdlib2") # http://luaforge.net/frs/download.php/2086/stdlib-2.tar.gz #* rm -Rv ~/usrc/lua-users/ mkdir ~/usrc/lua-users/ cd ~/usrc/lua-users/ tar -C ~/usrc/lua-users/ -xvzf \ $S/http/luaforge.net/frs/download.php/2086/stdlib-2.tar.gz #* # See <http://lua-users.org/wiki/StandardLibraries> # (code-c-d "luastdlib" "~/usrc/lua-users/stdlib/") # (code-c-d "luastd" "~/usrc/lua-users/stdlib/modules/") # (find-luastdlibfile "") # (find-luastdlibfile "README") # (find-luastdlibfile "utils/ldoc") # (find-luastdfile "") ##### # # rici lake's parser # 2004aug02 # ##### # «ricilake-parser» (to ".ricilake-parser") # http://lua-users.org/wiki/RiciLake # http://lua-users.org/files/wiki_insecure/users/rici/blex.lua # http://lua-users.org/files/wiki_insecure/users/rici/parser.tgz # (code-c-d "riciparser" "~/usrc/parser/") # (find-riciparserfile "") # (find-riciparserfile "preprocess.lua") # (find-riciparserfile "tnt.lua") #* rm -Rv ~/usrc/parser/ tar -C ~/usrc/ \ -xvzf $S/http/lua-users.org/files/wiki_insecure/users/rici/parser.tgz cd ~/usrc/parser/ rm -v *.html rm -v lparse.lua #* cd ~/usrc/parser/ lua50 preprocess.lua < lparse.lpp > lparse.lua for i in *; do echo $i lua50 tnt.lua $i done #* ##### # # libluaRRT # 2004aug30 # ##### # «reuben-thomas-libs» (to ".reuben-thomas-libs") # http://www.mupsych.org/~rrt/Lua # http://rrt.sc3d.org/download/software/lualibs.zip # (code-c-d "rrtlibs" "~/usrc/lualibs/") # (find-rrtlibsfile "") # (find-rrtlibsfile "README") # (find-rrtlibsfile "Makefile") #* rm -Rv ~/usrc/lualibs/ mkdir ~/usrc/lualibs/ cd ~/usrc/ unzip -a $S/http/rrt.sc3d.org/download/software/lualibs.zip cd ~/usrc/lualibs/ # (find-rrtlibsfile "lrexlib.c" "#include <pcre/pcre.h>") # (find-vldifile "libpcre3-dev.list") cp -v lrexlib.c lrexlib.c.orig patch -p0 lrexlib.c <<'%%%' 178c178 < #include <pcre/pcre.h> --- > #include <pcre.h> %%% # (find-node "(make)Catalogue of Rules" "Compiling C programs") # (find-gccnode "Directory Options") make CFLAGS="-I$LUASRC/include -W -Wall -DWITH_POSIX -DWITH_PCRE" so #* # (find-rrtlibsfile "") # (find-rrtlibsfile "README" "luaopen_bit") # (find-rrtlibsfile "README" "luaopen_rex") cd ~/usrc/lualibs/ lua50 -e ' assert(loadlib("./libluaRRT.so", "luaopen_bit"))() assert(loadlib("./libluaRRT.so", "luaopen_rex"))() PP(bit) PP(rex) ' #* mkdir ~/lib/lua5/ cd ~/usrc/lualibs/ cp -av libluaRRT.so libluaRRT.so.0 ~/lib/lua5/ cd ~/lib/lua5/ #* # (find-status "libpcre3-dev") # (find-udfile "libpcre3-dev/") # (find-gccnode "Option Summary" "-fPIC") envsubst = function (str) return string.gsub(str, "%$([%a_][%w_]*)", function (e) return getenv(e) or "" end) end # (find-lua50ref "The Reflexive Debug Interface") # (find-lua50ref "The Reflexive Debug Interface" ". debug.debug") # (find-lua50ref "Basic Functions" ". xpcall") # (find-lua50file "src/lib/ldblib.c") # (find-lua50file "") # (find-tkluafile "config") # (find-tkluafile "src/bin/Makefile") # (find-toluafile "") # (find-tkluafile "patches/tolua-4.0a-patch") # (find-toluafile "src/lib/tolua_gp.c" "tolua_getvalue") # (find-fline "/usr/src/tklua/") # (find-tkluaw3 "doc/") # (find-tkluafile "test/") # (find-tkluafile "") # (find-tkluafile "src/bin/") # (find-tkluafile "src/lib/") # (find-status "tk8.3-dev") # (find-vldifile "tk8.3-dev.list") # (find-fline "/usr/doc/tk8.3-dev/") # (load-library "~/LUA/lua.el") # (find-fline "/usr/doc/lua/examples/") http://toms.net/tomsrtbt-sources/part2/rb/2/bin/ ##### # # # 2005oct27 # ##### # CGILUALIBPATH= # (find-luamanualw3m+ "require") # LUAPATH="?;?.lua;$HOME/usrc/cgilua-5.0/?" ##### # # cgilua and compat-5.1 # 2004jul31 # ##### #* # «compat-5.1» (to ".compat-5.1") # http://luaforge.net/frs/download.php/952/compat-5.1r4.tar.gz # http://www.keplerproject.org/compat/manual.html#configuration # (code-c-d "compat51" "~/usrc/compat-5.1r4/") # (find-compat51file "") # (find-compat51file "compat-5.1.lua" "LUA_PATH") # (find-compat51file "compat-5.1.lua" "LUA_CPATH") # rm -Rv ~/usrc/compat-5.1r4/ tar -C ~/usrc/ -xvzf \ $S/http/luaforge.net/frs/download.php/952/compat-5.1r4.tar.gz cd ~/usrc/compat-5.1r4/ gcc -g -Wall -shared -I$LUASRC/include -o compat-5.1.so compat-5.1.c mkdir ~/usrc/cgilua-5.0/ cp -v compat-5.1.so compat-5.1.lua ~/usrc/cgilua-5.0/ #* # «cgilua» (to ".cgilua") # http://www.keplerproject.org/cgilua/ # http://luaforge.net/frs/download.php/971/cgilua-5.0.tar.gz # (code-c-d "cgilua" "~/usrc/cgilua-5.0/") # (find-cgiluafile "") # (find-cgiluafile "doc/") # (find-cgiluaw3m "doc/us/manual.html#installation") # (find-cgiluafile "src/cgilua/") # (find-cgiluafile "src/cgilua/Makefile") # (find-cgiluafile "tests/") # (find-cgiluafile "tests/Makefile") rm -Rv ~/usrc/cgilua-5.0/ tar -C ~/usrc/ -xvzf \ $S/http/luaforge.net/frs/download.php/971/cgilua-5.0.tar.gz cd ~/usrc/cgilua-5.0/ cd ~/usrc/compat-5.1r4/ cp -v compat-5.1.so compat-5.1.lua ~/usrc/cgilua-5.0/bin/ cd ~/usrc/cgilua-5.0/ cd ~/usrc/cgilua-5.0/src/cgilua/ cp -v cgilua.lua cookies.lua lp.lua ~/usrc/cgilua-5.0/bin/ cp -v post.lua readuntil.lua ~/usrc/cgilua-5.0/bin/ cp -v serialize.lua session.lua urlcode.lua ~/usrc/cgilua-5.0/bin/ cp -v config.lua ~/usrc/cgilua-5.0/bin/ cd ~/usrc/cgilua-5.0/ #* # Not ready... # (find-cgiluafile "omm") # (find-cgiluafile "src/cgilua/") # (find-cgiluafile "tests/") ##### # # apresentação super-rápida # 2004sep02 # ##### # «quick-presentation» (to ".quick-presentation") #* # Tipos de dados básicos lua50 -e ' print(1, type(1)) print(1.0, type(1.0)) print("abc", type("abc")) print(nil, type(nil)) print(true, type(true)) print(false, type(false)) print(print, type(print)) print({2,3,5}, type({})) ' #* # Funções são valores lua50 -e ' function square(a) return a*a end square = function (a) return a*a end print(square, square(2)) ' #* # Funções podem retornar vários valores lua50 -e ' function foo() return 1, 2, 3 end print(1, 2, 3) print(foo()) print(99, foo()) print(99, foo(), 200) print(99, (foo())) zero, um, dois, tres, quatro = 0, foo() print(zero, um, dois, tres, quatro) ' #* # Coerção lua50 -e ' print(1+"2") print("<".. 11 .. 22 ..">") ' #* # Tables echo $LUA_INIT lua50 -e ' a = {10, 20, 30} print(200, "um string", a) PP (200, "um string", a) b = {11, a, "foo", print} PP(b) ' #* # Tables (2) lua50 -e ' c = {11, 22, 33} c[2] = c[2]+c[3] c[5] = 55 c["foo"] = "FOO" PP(c) d = {11, 22, 33, [5]=555, ["bar"]="BAR", [c]="!"} PP(d) d[2] = nil d[c] = nil PP(d) ' #* # Variáveis globais lua50 -e ' for key,val in _G do print(key, val) end ' #* # Variáveis globais lua50 -e ' print(print) print(_G["print"]) print(_G.print) print(_G) print(_G._G) ' #* # Variáveis locais lua50 -e ' a = 22 do print(a) local a = 33 print(a) end print(a) ' #* # assert lua50 -e ' print(22) print(assert(22, 33)) print(assert(nil, "Erro! Erro!")) ' #* # loadstring lua50 -e ' s = [[ print("oi") ]] f, err = loadstring(s) print(f, err) f() print(loadstring([[ print("oi ) ]])) print(loadstring([[ print("oi ) ]], "nome do bloco")) print("ok") ' #* # loadstring lua50 -e ' s = [[ print("foo") return function (x) print("bar", x) end ]] print(s) f = assert(loadstring(s)) g = f() g(223) ' #* # Captura de variáveis locais lua50 -e ' foo = function () local storage return function () return storage end, function (x) storage = x; return x end end get1, set1 = foo() get2, set2 = foo() print(set1(22), get1()) --> 22 22 print(set2(33), get1(), get2()) --> 33 22 33 ' #* # Metatables lua50 -e ' a = {} PP(getmetatable(a)) f = io.open("/tmp/o", "w") P(getmetatable(f)) for key,val = ' #* ##### # # string.sub # 2004dec24 # ##### # «string.gsub» (to ".string.gsub") # (find-lua50ref "string.gsub") # (find-lua51manual "#pdf-string.gsub") #* lua50 -e ' print(string.gsub("hello world", "(%w+)", "%1 %1")) --> "hello hello world world" print(string.gsub("hello world", "(%w+)", "%1 %1", 1)) --> "hello hello world" print(string.gsub("hello world from Lua", "(%w+)%s*(%w+)", "%2 %1")) --> "world hello Lua from" print(string.gsub("home = $HOME, user = $USER", "%$(%w+)", os.getenv)) --> "home = /home/roberto, user = roberto" print(string.gsub("4+5 = $return 4+5$", "%$(.-)%$", function (s) return loadstring(s)() end)) --> "4+5 = 9" local t = {name="lua", version="5.0"} print(string.gsub("$name_$version.tar.gz", "%$(%w+)", function (v) return t[v] end)) --> "lua_5.0.tar.gz" ' #* # (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "ee_expand") lua50 -e ' print(ee_expand("~/foo")) print(ee_expand("foo/~/bar")) print(ee_expand("$S/http/www.foo.org/~bar/")) ' #* ##### # # makewith # 2005jun29 # ##### # «makewith» (to ".makewith") #* lua50 -e ' _WITH = {} makewith = function(varnames) local s = [[ return function (_newvalues, _block) local _backup = pack(]]..varnames..[[) ]]..varnames..[[ = unpack(_newvalues) local _result = _block() ]]..varnames..[[ = unpack(_backup) return _result end ]] _WITH[varnames] = assert(loadstring(s))() return _WITH[varnames] end with = function (varnames, newvalues, block) return (_WITH[varnames] or makewith(varnames))(newvalues, block) end f = function () print(a, b) end a,b = "aa", "bb" f() with("a,b", {77,88}, f) f() ' #* ##### # # manual # 2004sep02 # ##### #* # (global-set-key [f11] 'hippie-expand) # firefox /usr/share/doc/lua50-doc/manual/manual.html & firefox /usr/share/doc/lua50-doc/manual/contents.html & #* # http://www.lua.org/ftp/refman-5.0.ps.gz gv $S/http/www.lua.org/ftp/refman-5.0.ps.gz & #* ##### # # downloading a local copy of "programming in Lua" # 2005nov02 # ##### # «pil» (to ".pil") #* # http://www.lua.org/pil/index.html # http://www.lua.org/pil/capa.jpg # http://www.lua.org/lua.css cat $S/http/www.lua.org/pil/index.html \ | lua51e ' f = function (s) print(s); return "" end string.gsub(io.read("*a"), "href=\"(.-).html\"", f) ' \ | tee ~/o #* cd $S/http/www.lua.org/pil/ for i in $(cat ~/o); do j=$i.html if [[ ! -e $j ]]; then wget http://www.lua.org/pil/$i.html fi done #* # (find-fline "$S/http/www.lua.org/") # (find-sh "cd $S/http/www.lua.org/ && rm -v /tmp/pil.zip && zip /tmp/pil.zip pil/* lua.css") # (find-fline "/tmp/pil.zip") # (find-man "zip") #* # «pil1.tgz» (to ".pil1.tgz") # (find-angg "eev-puro/mini-lua-intro.e" "prep:PiL1") * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) cd $S/http/www.lua.org/ tar -cvzf /tmp/pil1.tgz lua.css pil/* #* # (code-c-d "pil" "$S/http/www.lua.org/pil/") # (find-pilfile "") # (find-pilw3m "index.html") # (find-pilw3m "4.3.5.html" "Generic for") # (find-pilw3m "7.1.html" "Iterators and Closures") # (find-pilw3m "9.1.html" "Coroutine Basics") # (find-pilw3m "24.2.3.html" "stackDump") # «pil2» (to ".pil2") # PiL2 has some extra chapters, and only chapter 15 # ("Modules and Packages") is online... # http://www.inf.puc-rio.br/~roberto/pil2/ # http://www.inf.puc-rio.br/~roberto/pil2/chapter15.pdf ##### # # funcao em C do Leslie # 2004sep02 # ##### #* rm -Rv /tmp/leslie/ mkdir /tmp/leslie/ cd /tmp/leslie/ cat > teste.c <<'%%%' #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <lua.h> #include <lauxlib.h> int varCint, varCstr_len; char *varCstr; static int mandaproC(lua_State *L) { varCint = luaL_checkint(L, 1); varCstr = (char *) luaL_checklstring(L, 2, &varCstr_len); lua_pushstring(L, "recebido"); return 1; } static int imprime(lua_State *L) { printf("varCstr: %s\nvarCint: %d\n", varCstr, varCint); return 0; } LUALIB_API int leslie_init(lua_State *L) { lua_register(L, "mandaproC", mandaproC); lua_register(L, "imprime", imprime); return 0; } %%% gcc -g -Wall -shared -I$LUASRC/include -o teste.so teste.c #* cat > /tmp/leslie/teste.lua <<'%%%' assert(loadlib("/tmp/leslie/teste.so", "leslie_init"))() a = "He" .. "llo" mandaproC("203", a) a = 233 imprime() %%% lua /tmp/leslie/teste.lua #* cat /tmp/testPP.lua > /tmp/testPP.lst luac -p -l /tmp/testPP.lua >> /tmp/testPP.lst lua50 /tmp/testPP.lua #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <lua.h> #include <lauxlib.h> void PP(lua_State *L, int index) { lua_pushstring(L, "PP"); lua_gettable(L, LUA_GLOBALSINDEX); lua_pushvalue(L, index<0?index-1:index); lua_call(L, 1, 0); } LUALIB_API int luastackPP_init(lua_State *L) { /* nothing to do on the Lua side; we're only adding C functions */ return 0; } #* # (find-status "lua50") # (find-vldifile "lua50.list") # (find-udfile "lua50/") # (find-efunction 'bookmark-set) # (where-is 'bookmark-set) # (find-efunction 'bookmark-jump) # (where-is 'bookmark-jump) # (find-efunction 'point-to-register) # (where-is 'point-to-register) # (find-progoutput "dpkg -l") echo 'exec xterm' > .xinitrc ssh (defun eeb-string (sdelim &optional edelim) (eeb-invoke 'ee-se-to-string sdelim edelim)) \begin{ambiente} % arquivo (let ((str (eeb-string "\n\\begin{ambiente}\n% " "\n\\end{ambiente}\n"))) (if (string-match "\\(.*\\)" str) (list (match-string 1 str) (substring str (1+ (match-end 1)))))) \end{ambiente} \begin{ambiente} % /tmp/foo.lst (let ((str (eeb-string "\n\\begin{ambiente}\n" "\n\\end{ambiente}\n"))) (if (not (string-match "^% +\\(.*\\)" str)) (error "First line is not of the form `%% <filename>'") (let ((filename (match-string 1 str)) (contents (substring str (1+ (match-end 1))))) (write-region contents nil filename) (format "Wrote %s" filename)))) \end{ambiente} (defun write-ex (filename) (interactive) (let ((contents (eeb-string "\n\\begin{exemplo}\n" "\n\\end{exemplo}\n"))) (write-region contents nil filename) (format "Wrote %s" filename))) (defun write-exv (filename) (interactive) (let ((contents (eeb-string "\n\\begin{exemplovertical}\n" "\n\\end{exemplovertical}\n"))) (write-region contents nil filename) (format "Wrote %s" filename))) \begin{exemplo} % (exemplo "/tmp/foo.lst") % ao inves de: (write-ex "/tmp/foo.lst") Foo! FOO! \end{exemplo} \begin{exemplovertical} % (write-exv "/tmp/bar.lst") Bar! BAR! \end{exemplovertical} ##### # # lua51gtk (on Lenny) # 2009oct02 # ##### # «lua51gtk» (to ".lua51gtk") # (find-status "liblua5.1-gtk-dev") # (find-vldifile "liblua5.1-gtk-dev.list") # (find-udfile "liblua5.1-gtk-dev/") # (find-udfile "liblua5.1-gtk-dev/README.gz") # (find-udfile "liblua5.1-gtk-dev/examples/") # (find-udfile "liblua5.1-gtk-dev/examples/button.lua") # (find-udfile "liblua5.1-gtk-dev/reference/") apti liblua5.1-gtk-dev libgtkhtml2-dev # (find-zsh "dmissing libgtkhtml") * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) w lua lua require "gtk" gtk.init(nil, nil) win = gtk.window_new(gtk.GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL) win:connect('destroy', gtk.main_quit) win:show() gtk.main() * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) require "gtk" gtk.init(nil, nil) win = gtk.window_new(gtk.GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL) win:connect('destroy', gtk.main_quit) win:show() gtk.main() ##### # # luagtk # 2005sep10 # ##### # «luagtk» (to ".luagtk") # http://luaforge.net/projects/lua-gtk/ # http://luaforge.net/frs/download.php/989/lua-gtk2-0.3.tar.gz #* rm -Rv ~/usrc/lua-gtk2-0.3/ mkdir ~/usrc/lua-gtk2-0.3/ tar -C ~/usrc/ -xvzf \ $S/http/luaforge.net/frs/download.php/989/lua-gtk2-0.3.tar.gz cd ~/usrc/lua-gtk2-0.3/ ./configure |& tee oc make |& tee om mkdir ~/.lua50/ cp -v build-linux/libluagtk2.so ~/.lua50/ #* cd ~/usrc/lua-gtk2-0.3/ lua50 examples/button.lua lua50 examples/calculator.lua lua50 examples/loadlib.lua lua50 examples/memory.lua lua50 examples/notebook.lua lua50 examples/pixmap.lua lua50 examples/toolbar.lua #* cp -iv gtk2.lua gtk2-orig.lua cat > gtk2.lua <<'%%%' -- (find-luagtkfile "gtk2-orig.lua") -- if compiled in, _gtk is set. if _gtk == nil then local init, err = loadlib("build-linux/libluagtk2.so") if err then print(err); return end gtk = init() else gtk = _gtk end %%% #* # (code-c-d "luagtk" "~/usrc/lua-gtk2-0.3/") # (find-luagtkfile "") # (find-luagtkfile "doc/") # (find-luagtkfile "doc/README") # (find-luagtkfile "examples/") # (find-luagtkfile "gtk2.lua") # (find-luagtkfile "examples/pixmap.lua" "draw_rectangle") #* cd ~/usrc/lua-gtk2-0.3/ lua50 examples/button.lua #* cd ~/usrc/lua-gtk2-0.3/ lua50 -e ' require "gtk2" gtk.init(nil, nil) win = gtk.window_new(gtk.GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL) win:connect('destroy', gtk.main_quit) win:show() gtk.main() ' #* ##### # # pixmaps in luagtk # 2005sep29 # ##### # «luagtk_pixmaps» (to ".luagtk_pixmaps") # (find-angg "LUA/_pixmap.lua") # (find-angg ".eev/HELP-gtk") # (find-udw3m "libgtk2.0-doc/gtk-faq/book1.html" "render pixels") # (find-luagtkfile "data/gtkdata.structs.c" "\"GdkColor\\000\"") # (find-luagtkfile "examples/pixmap.lua" "draw_rectangle") # (find-luagtkfile "examples/pixmap.lua") # (find-luagtkfile "examples/notebook.lua") #* cd ~/usrc/lua-gtk2-0.3/ lua50 examples/pixmap.lua #* * (eechannel-xterm "A") cd ~/usrc/lua-gtk2-0.3/ lua50 PP = function (...) for i,v in ipairs(arg) do printf(" %s", mytostring(v)) end; print() return unpack(arg) end -- require "gtk2" require(os.getenv("HOME").."/usrc/lua-gtk2-0.3/gtk2.lua") gtk.init(nil, nil) window = PP(gtk.window_new(gtk.GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL)) drarea = PP(gtk.drawing_area_new()) window.add(window, drarea) window.show_all(window) drawable = PP(window.window) pixmap = PP(gtk.call("gdk_pixmap_new", drawable, 320, 200, 16)) style = PP(window.get_style(window)) white = PP(style.white_gc) black = PP(style.black_gc) pixmap.draw_rectangle(pixmap, white, true, 20, 40, 300, 180) f_configure = function (...) PP("configure", arg) return true end f_expose = function (...) PP("expose", arg) do_expose(arg) return true end f_destroy = function (...) PP("destroy", arg) gtk.main_quit() return true end drarea.connect(drarea, "configure-event", f_configure, drarea) drarea.connect(drarea, "expose-event", f_expose, drarea) window.connect(window, "destroy", f_destroy, window) on_expose = function (win, da, ev) PP("on_expose", win, da, ev) local area = ev.expose.area local x, y, w, h = area.x, area.y, area.width, area.height local window = da.window local style = win.get_style(win) local white_gc = style.white_gc gtk.call("gdk_draw_drawable", window, white_gc, win.pixmap, x, y, x, y, w, h) return false end drarea.connect(drarea, "expose-event", on_expose, window) gtk.main() (find-luagtkfile "src/libluagtk2.c") (find-luagtksh "cd src/; grep window *") (find-luagtksh "cd data/; grep window *") (find-luagtkfile "data/gtkdata.structs.c" "\"window\\000\"") pixmap.draw_rectangle(nil, white, true, 20, 40, 300, 180) drawable.draw_rectangle(drawable, white, true, 20, 40, 300, 180) = window.pixmap = pixmap.draw_rectangle = drawable.draw_rectangle PP(style) PP(white) window.connect(window, "destroy", gtk.main_quit, "dummy") window.set_title(window, "Pixmap Test") P(window) PP(window) =gtk.main_quit =pixmap self.pixmap:draw_rectangle(white_gc, true, 0, 0, width, height) if pixmap then pixmap.unref(pixmap) end PP(window.get_size(window, 0, 0)) pixmap = gtk.call("gdk_pixmap_new", window, 200, 200, -1) =white PP(window) 200 200 self.pixmap = gtk.call("gdk_pixmap_new", window, width, height, -1) local style = self.win:get_style() -- clear the whole pixmap self.pixmap:draw_rectangle(white_gc, true, 0, 0, width, height) self.pixmap = gtk.call("gdk_pixmap_new", window, width, height, -1) c = gtk.call("gdk_color_parse", "#446688", local style = self.win:get_style() local white_gc = style.white_gc local black_gc = style.black_gc window, white_gc, self.pixmap, x, y, x, y, w, h) w = gtk.window_new(gtk.GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL) MYWIN = {} my_on_expose = function (self, da, ev) local area = ev.expose.area local x, y, w, h = area.x, area.y, area.width, area.height local window = da.window local style = self.win:get_style() local white_gc = style.white_gc gtk.call("gdk_draw_drawable", window, white_gc, self.pixmap, x, y, x, y, w, h) return false end * (eechannel-xterm "A") cd ~/usrc/lua-gtk2-0.3/ lua50 require "gtk2" my_delete_event = function (self) gtk.main_quit() end -- (find-luagtkfile "examples/pixmap.lua") -- (find-luagtkfile "examples/notebook.lua") gtk.init(nil, nil) w = gtk.window_new(gtk.GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL) stuff = {} setmetatable(stuff, MYWIN) stuff.w = w w:connect('delete-event', my_delete_event, stuff) w:set_title('Foo test') w:set_default_size(320, 200) w:show_all() stuff.pixmap = gtk.call("gdk_pixmap_new", window, width, height, -1) local style = self.win:get_style() local white_gc = style.white_gc local black_gc = style.black_gc -- clear the whole pixmap self.pixmap:draw_rectangle(white_gc, true, 0, 0, width, height) gtk.main() mainwin = Mainwin.init() gtk.main() gtk.close() gtk.init(nil, nil) function mywin_new() local self = { pixmap=nil } setmetatable(self, MYWIN) self.win = gtk.window_new(gtk.GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL) self.win:connect('destroy', MYWIN.on_destroy, self) self.win:set_title('Pixmap Test') local da = gtk.drawing_area_new() self.win:add(da) da:connect('configure-event', MYWIN.on_configure, self) da:connect('expose-event', MYWIN.on_expose, self) self.win:show_all() win_count = win_count + 1 return self end mywin1 = mywin_new() function MYWIN:on_configure(da, ev) print "on_configure" local window = self.win.window local width, height = window:get_size(0, 0) -- deallocate previous pixmap if (self.pixmap) then self.pixmap:unref() end -- allocates memory in X server... self.pixmap = gtk.call("gdk_pixmap_new", window, width, height, -1) local style = self.win:get_style() local white_gc = style.white_gc local black_gc = style.black_gc -- clear the whole pixmap self.pixmap:draw_rectangle(white_gc, true, 0, 0, width, height) -- draw a rectangle if width > 20 and height > 20 then self.pixmap:draw_rectangle(black_gc, false, 10, 10, width - 20, height - 20) end #* win_count = 0 function mywin_new() local self = { pixmap=nil } setmetatable(self, MYWIN) self.win = gtk.window_new(gtk.GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL) -- self.win:connect('destroy', MYWIN.on_destroy, self) self.win:set_title('Pixmap Test') local da = gtk.drawing_area_new() self.win:add(da) da:connect('configure-event', MYWIN.on_configure, self) da:connect('expose-event', MYWIN.on_expose, self) self.win:show_all() win_count = win_count + 1 return self end GdkGC* gdk_gc_new (GdkDrawable *drawable); void gdk_gc_set_foreground (GdkGC *gc, const GdkColor *color); void gdk_draw_point (GdkDrawable *drawable, GdkGC *gc, gint x, gint y); # (find-fline "$S/http/ftp.debian.org/debian/pool/main/l/lua50/lua50_5.0.2-5.diff.gz" "/usr/share/lua50") self.pixmap = gtk.call("gdk_pixmap_new", window, width, height, -1) novo gud: www.nick.uklinux.net ##### # # Simple CGIs # 2005oct27 # ##### # Rici's way of dealing with POST: # http://rafb.net/paste/results/Hum5Mk64.html # http://rafb.net/paste/results/sY4fBg95.html ##### # # Reuben Thomas's bitlib # 2005nov04 # ##### # «bitlib» (to ".bitlib") # (find-man "1 unzip") # http://rrt.sc3d.org/Software/Lua/ # http://rrt.sc3d.org/Software/Lua/bitlib.zip # Old: http://rrt.sc3d.org/download/software/bitlib.zip # (code-c-d "bitlib" "~/usrc/bitlib/") # (find-bitlibfile "") #* rm -Rv ~/usrc/bitlib/ unzip -d ~/usrc/ \ $S/http/rrt.sc3d.org/download/software/bitlib.zip cd ~/usrc/bitlib/ rm -v lbitlib.o gcc -g -Wall -shared -I$LUA50SRC/include \ -o lbitlib.so lbitlib.c lua50 -e ' assert(loadlib("./lbitlib.so", "luaopen_bit"))() PP(bit) print(bit.band(9, 10)) ' #* ##### # # Reuben Thomas's bitlib on lua5.1 # 2008jul31 # ##### # «bitlib-51» (to ".bitlib-51") # http://rrt.sc3d.org/Software/Lua/ # http://luaforge.net/projects/bitlib # http://luaforge.net/frs/download.php/3065/bitlib-25.tar.gz #* rm -Rv ~/usrc/bitlib-25/ tar -C ~/usrc/ -xvzf \ $S/http/luaforge.net/frs/download.php/3065/bitlib-25.tar.gz cd ~/usrc/bitlib-25/ # export L=$HOME/usrc/lua-5.1.3 export L=$LUA51SRC export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$L/src ./configure --help |& tee och ./configure --with-lua-prefix=$L |& tee oc gcc -g -Wall -shared -I$L/src -o lbitlib.so lbitlib.c |& tee og make |& tee om #* * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) loadbitlib() print(bit.bxor(6,3)) PP(bit) os.exit() * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) cd ~/usrc/bitlib-25/ export L=$HOME/usrc/lua-5.1.3 export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$L/src ldd ./.libs/bit.so ldd ./lbitlib.so lua51 assert(package.loadlib("./.libs/bit.so", "luaopen_bit"))() PP(bit) print(bit.bxor(6,3)) os.exit() lua51 assert(package.loadlib("./lbitlib.so", "luaopen_bit"))() PP(bit) print(bit.bxor(6,3)) os.exit() # (find-luamanualw3m "#pdf-package.require") # (find-luamanualw3m "#pdf-package.loadlib") # (find-bitlibfile "") # (find-bitlibfile "lbitlib.c") # (find-bitlibfile "lbitlib.c" "This code may give warnings") # (find-bitlibfile "lbitlib.c" "luaopen_bit") # (find-bitlibfile "oc") # (find-bitlibfile "och" "--enable-shared") # (find-bitlibgrep "grep -niH -e shared *") # (find-bitlibfile "om") # (find-bitlibfile "bit_limits.h") # (find-bitlibfile "config.h") # (find-bitlibfile ".libs/") # (find-bitlibsh "objdump -xasf .libs/bit.so" "NEEDED") #* ./configure |& tee oc rm -v lbitlib.o gcc -g -Wall -shared -I$LUA51SRC/src \ -o lbitlib.so lbitlib.c lua51 -e ' assert(package.loadlib("./lbitlib.so", "luaopen_bit"))() PP(bit) print(bit.band(9, 10)) ' #* # (code-c-d "bitlib" "~/usrc/bitlib-25/") # (find-bitlibfile "") # (find-bitlibfile "och") # (find-bitlibfile "och" "--with-lua-prefix=") # (find-bitlibfile "oc") # (find-bitlibfile "config.log") # (find-bitlibfile "config.log" "checking for liblua version >= 5.0") # (find-bitlibfile "config.log" "configure: failed program was:") # (find-bitlibfile "configure" "checking for liblua version >= 5.0") #* ##### # # LuaBitOp-1.0.1 # 2009sep07 # ##### # «luabitop» (to ".luabitop") # Bitlib has been declared obsolete ("use luabitop instead")... # http://luaforge.net/projects/bitlib # http://bitop.luajit.org/ # http://bitop.luajit.org/download/LuaBitOp-1.0.1.tar.gz #* rm -Rv ~/usrc/LuaBitOp-1.0.1/ tar -C ~/usrc/ -xvzf \ $S/http/bitop.luajit.org/download/LuaBitOp-1.0.1.tar.gz cd ~/usrc/LuaBitOp-1.0.1/ make INCLUDES=-I$LUA51SRC/include LUA=$LUA51SRC/bin/lua test |& tee omt #* # (code-c-d "luabitop" "~/usrc/LuaBitOp-1.0.1/") # (find-luabitopfile "") # (find-luabitopfile "Makefile") # (find-luabitopw3m "doc/index.html") # (find-fline "$LUA51SRC/") # (find-fline "$LUA51SRC/include/") ##### # # rexlib # 2005nov07 # ##### # «rexlib» (to ".rexlib") # http://lua-users.org/wiki/LibrariesAndBindings # http://luaforge.net/frs/download.php/389/lrexlib-1.19.zbip # (code-c-d "rexlib" "~/usrc/lrexlib-1.19/") # (find-rexlibfile "") # (find-rexlibfile "README") # (find-rexlibfile "README" "-- Default constructor") # (find-rexlibfile "Makefile") # (find-rexlibfile "config") # (find-rexlibfile "occ") #* rm -Rv ~/usrc/lrexlib-1.19/ unzip -d ~/usrc/ \ $S/http/luaforge.net/frs/download.php/389/lrexlib-1.19.zbip cd ~/usrc/lrexlib-1.19/ gcc -g -Wall -shared -I$LUA50SRC/include \ -DLREXLIB_POSIX -o lrexlib.so lrexlib.c lua50 -e ' assert(loadlib("./lrexlib.so", "luaopen_rex"))() setmetatable(rex, {__call = function (self, p, cf, lo) return self.newPOSIX(p, cf, lo) end}) function rex.find(s, p, st) return rex(p):match(s, st) end function rex.gsub(s, p, f, n) return rex(p):gmatch(s, f, n) end PP(rex.find("abcde", "([cd]+)")) PP(rex.find("abcde", rex("([cd]+)"))) ' #* cp -v ~/usrc/lrexlib-1.19/lrexlib.so ~/.lua50/ #* ##### # # txt2html in blogme # 2005nov07 # ##### # «txt2html_in_blogme» (to ".txt2html_in_blogme") # (find-angg "TH/Generate" "txt2html") #* lua50 -e ' if not rex then load_rex() end url_re = rex("(.*)([fh]tt?p://[-%#$&*+,./:;=?@_~0-9A-Za-z]*)(.*)") url_f0 = function (str) return format("<a href=\"%s\">%s</a>", str, str) end url_f = function (str) local _, _, arr = url_re:match(str) if _ then return arr[1]..url_f0(arr[2])..arr[3] end return str end guill_re = "^([^«»]*)«([-+,.:_~0-9A-Za-z]+)»([^«»]*)$" guill_f0 = function (str) return "««"..str.."»»" end guill_f0 = function (str) return [[<a name="]]..a..[["><font color="green"><i>«</i>]].. a..[[<i>»</i></font></a>]] end guill_f = function (str) local _, _, a, anchor, b = strfind(str, guill_re) if _ then return a..guill_f0(anchor)..b end return url_f(str) end hyperstr_re0 = "[ \t]*(\"([^\"\\]|\\\\.)+\")" hyperstr_re = rex(hyperstr_re0) hyperstrsplit_re0 = format("^%s(.*)", hyperstr_re0) hyperstrsplit_re = rex(hyperstrsplit_re0) hyperstr_unquote = function (qstr) return (loadstring("return "..qstr))() end hyperstrsplit = function (str) local _, _, arr = hyperstrsplit_re:match(str) if _ then return hyperstr_unquote(arr[1]), hyperstrsplit(arr[3]) end end hypers = {} hypers.to = function (fn, anchor) return anchor and "#"..anchor end hyper_re0 = format("^(.*)\\((find-[-+A-Za-z0-9]+|%s)((%s)+)\\)([ \t]*)$", "to", hyperstr_re0) hyper_re = rex(hyper_re0) hyper_f0 = function (funcname, rest) local f = hypers[funcname] if f then return f(funcname, hyperstrsplit(rest)) end end hyper_f1 = function (sexp, funcname, rest) if not sexp then sexp = "("..funcname..rest..")" end local target = hyper_f0(funcname, rest) if target then local _, _, left, right = strfind(sexp, "^(.*)(..)$") return format("%s<a href=\"%s\">%s</a>", left, target, right) end return sexp end hyper_f = function (str) local _, _, arr = hyper_re:match(str) if _ then local left, funcname, rest, right = arr[1], arr[2], arr[3], arr[7] return guill_f(left)..hyper_f1(nil, funcname, rest)..right end return str end print(hyper_f [[ # foo: (to "some" "where") ]]) ' #* -- print(hyperstrsplit( [[ "foo" "bar" ]] )) -- print(hyperstr_unquote([["+2+3+4"]])) ##### # # luasocket-2023 # 2023jan25 # ##### # «luasocket-2023» (to ".luasocket-2023") # (find-zsh "installeddebs | sort | grep socket | grep lua") # (find-zsh "availabledebs | sort | grep socket | grep lua") # (find-status "lua-socket") # (find-vldifile "lua-socket:amd64.list") # (find-udfile "lua-socket/") # (find-status "lua-socket-dev") # (find-vldifile "lua-socket-dev:amd64.list") # (find-udfile "lua-socket-dev/") # (find-udfile "lua-socket-dev/doc/") # (find-udfile "lua-socket-dev/samples/") # (find-udfile "lua-socket-dev/samples/echosrvr.lua") # (find-fline "/usr/share/lua/5.1/") # (find-angg "LUA/Socket1.lua") # file:///usr/share/doc/lua-socket-dev/doc/tcp.html#listen # file:///usr/share/doc/lua-socket-dev/doc/http.html ##### # # luasocket-listener # 2024jun23 # ##### # «luasocket-listener» (to ".luasocket-listener") # (code-c-d "luasocketdev" "/usr/share/doc/lua-socket-dev/") # (find-luasocketdevfile "") # (find-luasocketdevfile "samples/") # (find-luasocketdevfile "samples/README") # (find-luasocketdevfile "samples/listener.lua") # (find-luasocketdevfile "samples/talker.lua") * (find-3EE '(eepitch-shell) '(eepitch-lua51)) * (find-3ee '(eepitch-shell) '(eepitch-lua51)) * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-lua51) socket = require "socket" s = assert(socket.bind("", 5555)) i,p = s:getsockname() -- print(s,i,p) do c = assert(s:accept()) -- print(c) l,e = c:receive() while not e do print(l); l,e = c:receive() end print(e) end * (eepitch-shell) { echo hi sleep 1 echo bye sleep 1 } | netcat -q 0 localhost 5555 ##### # # luasocket: building statically on an AIX box # 2006jan11 # ##### # «luasocket-static-aix» (to ".luasocket-static-aix") # (find-fline "/tmp/dba/HOWM4/2005-12-28") #* # (eev-alides-bounded) #---- # # Lua: unpack, make the ".o"s, the ".a"s, lua, and luac # #---- rm -Rf ~/usrc/lua-5.0.2/ cd ~/usrc/ gunzip < ~/lua-5.0.2.tar.gz | tar -xvf - cd ~/usrc/lua-5.0.2/ cat >> config <<'%%%' LOADLIB= -DUSE_DLOPEN=1 DLLIB= -ldl # MYLDFLAGS= -Wl,-E MYLDFLAGS= EXTRA_LIBS= -lm -ldl %%% make CC=cc \ CFLAGS="-I$HOME/usrc/lua-5.0.2/include/ \ -I$HOME/usrc/lua-5.0.2/src/ -DUSE_POPEN=1" \ 2>&1 | tee om # A test: bin/lua -e 'for li in io.popen("ls bin/"):lines() do print("! "..li) end' \ 2>&1 | tee ol #---- # # Luasocket: unpack, make luasocket.so # (we won't use the .so, but this produces the ".o"s as a side-effect) # #---- rm -Rf ~/usrc/luasocket-2.0/ cd ~/usrc/ gunzip < ~/luasocket-2.0.tar.gz | tar -xvf - cd ~/usrc/luasocket-2.0/ rm src/compat-5.1r4/*.o LUA50DIR=$HOME/usrc/lua-5.0.2 make CC=cc LD=cc \ CFLAGS="-I$LUA50DIR/include/ -I$LUA50DIR/src/ -I$PWD/src/compat-5.1r4/" \ LDFLAGS="-qmkshrobj -L$LUA50DIR/lib/ -llua -llualib" \ SOCKET_SO=socket.so \ 2>&1 | tee om #---- # # Luasocket: make libluasocket.a # #---- cd ~/usrc/luasocket-2.0/src/ ar rcu ../../lua-5.0.2/lib/libluasocket.a \ compat-5.1r4/compat-5.1.o \ luasocket.o timeout.o buffer.o io.o auxiliar.o options.o inet.o \ tcp.o udp.o except.o select.o usocket.o \ mime.o ranlib ../../lua-5.0.2/lib/libluasocket.a #---- # # Lua: make preload_socket.c, luasocket.o, luasocket # (luasocket = lua + libluasocket.a) # #---- cd ~/usrc/lua-5.0.2/src/lua/ cat > preload_socket.c <<'%%%' extern int luaopen_socket_core(lua_State *L); extern int luaopen_mime_core(lua_State *L); /* * written by prec from #lua@freenode */ LUALIB_API int preload_socket (lua_State *L) { lua_pushliteral(L, "package"); /* "package" */ lua_newtable(L); /* "package" T1 */ lua_pushliteral(L, "preload"); /* "package" T1 "preload" */ lua_newtable(L); /* "package" T1 "preload" T2 */ lua_pushliteral(L, "socket.core"); /* ... T2 name */ lua_pushcfunction(L, luaopen_socket_core); /* ... T2 name func */ lua_settable(L, -3); /* ... T2 */ lua_pushliteral(L, "mime.core"); /* ... T2 name */ lua_pushcfunction(L, luaopen_mime_core); /* ... T2 name func */ lua_settable(L, -3); /* "package" T1 "preload" T2 */ lua_settable(L, -3); /* "package" T1 */ lua_settable(L, LUA_GLOBALSINDEX); /* */ return 0; } %%% cc -I$HOME/usrc/lua-5.0.2/include/ -I$HOME/usrc/lua-5.0.2/src/ \ -DLUA_USERCONFIG='"preload_socket.c"' \ -DLUA_EXTRALIBS="{NULL, preload_socket}," \ -c -o luasocket.o lua.c cd ~/usrc/lua-5.0.2/src/lua/ cc -o ../../bin/luasocket luasocket.o -L../../lib \ -llua -llualib -lluasocket -lm -ldl #---- # # Luasocket: install ".lua"s in ~/.lua50/ # (We don't use the ".so"s) # #---- rm -Rf ~/.lua50/socket/ rm -Rf ~/.lua50/mime/ rm -f ~/.lua50/{compat-5.1,ltn12,socket,mime}.lua mkdir -p ~/.lua50/ mkdir -p ~/.lua50/socket/ mkdir -p ~/.lua50/mime/ cd ~/usrc/luasocket-2.0/ cd ~/usrc/luasocket-2.0/src/ cp compat-5.1r4/compat-5.1.lua ~/.lua50/ cp ltn12.lua socket.lua mime.lua ~/.lua50/ cp http.lua tp.lua ftp.lua smtp.lua url.lua ~/.lua50/socket/ #---- # # Lua: install the binaries (lua, luac, luasocket) in ~/bin/ # #---- cd ~/bin/ ln -sf ../usrc/lua-5.0.2/bin/lua . ln -sf ../usrc/lua-5.0.2/bin/luac . ln -sf ../usrc/lua-5.0.2/bin/luasocket . #---- # # luasocket: a test (just check if, e.g., "try" gets loaded) # #---- export LUA_INIT="@$HOME/.lua50/compat-5.1.lua" export LUA_PATH="$HOME/.lua50/?.lua;?.lua" export LUA_CPATH="$HOME/.lua50/?.dll;?.dll" luasocket -e ' require "socket" pt = function(str, T) for k,v in T do print(str, k, v) end end pt("socket", socket) ' #* ##### # # luasocket-2.0 on linux # 2006mar24 # ##### # «luasocket-on-linux» (to ".luasocket-on-linux") # Note: Sarge's luasocket package is crippled - it doesn't have # ftp.lua, http.lua, etc - so we have to build a non-crippled version # by hand. # http://www.cs.princeton.edu/~diego/professional/luasocket/ # http://luaforge.net/frs/download.php/1097/luasocket-2.0.tar.gz # http://luaforge.net/frs/download.php/1589/luasocket-2.0.1.tar.gz # (code-c-d "luasocket" "~/usrc/luasocket-2.0.1/") # (find-luasocketfile "") #* rm -Rf ~/usrc/luasocket-2.0.1/ tar -C ~/usrc/ -xvzf \ $S/http/luaforge.net/frs/download.php/1589/luasocket-2.0.1.tar.gz cd ~/usrc/luasocket-2.0.1/ mv -iv config config.orig cat > config <<'---' # (find-luasocketfile "config.orig") EXT=so SOCKET_SO=socket.so MIME_SO=mime.so UNIX_SO=unix.so LUAINC=-I$(HOME)/usrc/lua-5.0.2/include LUALIB=-L$(HOME)/usrc/lua-5.0.2/lib COMPAT=compat-5.1r5 INSTALL_TOP=$(HOME)/.lua50 INSTALL_TOP_SHARE=$(INSTALL_TOP) INSTALL_TOP_LIB=$(INSTALL_TOP) INSTALL_DATA=cp INSTALL_EXEC=cp CC=gcc DEF=-DLUASOCKET_DEBUG CFLAGS= $(LUAINC) -I$(COMPAT) $(DEF) -pedantic -Wall -O2 -fpic LDFLAGS=-O -shared LD=gcc --- make |& tee om rm -Rv /tmp/.lua50 make INSTALL_TOP=/tmp/.lua50 install |& tee omi-tmp make INSTALL_TOP=$HOME/.lua50 install |& tee omi #* # Old (2.0): rm -Rf ~/usrc/luasocket-2.0/ tar -C ~/usrc/ -xvzf \ $S/http/luaforge.net/frs/download.php/1097/luasocket-2.0.tar.gz cd ~/usrc/luasocket-2.0/ rm -v src/compat-5.1r4/compat-5.1.o mv -iv config config.orig cat > config <<'---' # (find-luasocketfile "config.orig") EXT=so SOCKET_SO=socket.so MIME_SO=mime.so UNIX_SO=unix.so LUAINC=-I$(HOME)/usrc/lua-5.0.2/include LUALIB=-L$(HOME)/usrc/lua-5.0.2/lib COMPAT=compat-5.1r4 INSTALL_TOP=$(HOME)/.lua50 INSTALL_TOP_SHARE=$(INSTALL_TOP) INSTALL_TOP_LIB=$(INSTALL_TOP) INSTALL_DATA=cp INSTALL_EXEC=cp CC=gcc DEF=-DLUASOCKET_DEBUG CFLAGS= $(LUAINC) -I$(COMPAT) $(DEF) -pedantic -Wall -O2 -fpic LDFLAGS=-O -shared LD=gcc --- make |& tee om rm -Rv /tmp/.lua50 make INSTALL_TOP=/tmp/.lua50 install |& tee omi-tmp make INSTALL_TOP=$HOME/.lua50 install |& tee omi #* # (find-luasocketfile "") # (find-luasocketfile "omi-tmp") # (find-sh "cd /tmp/.lua50/; find * -type f | sort") # (find-sh "cd ~/.lua50/; find * -type f | sort") #* ##### # # luasocket on lua5.1 # 2007aug07 # ##### # «luasocket-lua51» (to ".luasocket-lua51") # http://www.cs.princeton.edu/~diego/professional/luasocket/ # http://luaforge.net/frs/download.php/1589/luasocket-2.0.1.tar.gz # (code-c-d "luasocket" "~/usrc/luasocket-2.0.1/" :grep) # (find-luasocketfile "") # (find-luasocketgrep "grep -nH -e select $(find *)") # (find-luasocketw3m "doc/socket.html#select") #* rm -Rf ~/usrc/luasocket-2.0.1/ tar -C ~/usrc/ -xvzf \ $S/http/luaforge.net/frs/download.php/1589/luasocket-2.0.1.tar.gz cd ~/usrc/luasocket-2.0.1/ mv -iv config config.orig #* cd ~/usrc/luasocket-2.0.1/ cat > config <<'---' # (find-luasocketfile "config.orig") EXT=so SOCKET_SO=socket.so MIME_SO=mime.so UNIX_SO=unix.so LUAINC=-I$(HOME)/usrc/lua-5.0.2/include LUALIB=-L$(HOME)/usrc/lua-5.0.2/lib COMPAT=compat-5.1r5 INSTALL_TOP=$(HOME)/.lua50 INSTALL_TOP_SHARE=$(INSTALL_TOP) INSTALL_TOP_LIB=$(INSTALL_TOP) INSTALL_DATA=cp INSTALL_EXEC=cp CC=gcc DEF=-DLUASOCKET_DEBUG CFLAGS= $(LUAINC) -I$(COMPAT) $(DEF) -pedantic -Wall -O2 -fpic LDFLAGS=-O -shared LD=gcc --- make |& tee om rm -Rv /tmp/.lua50 make INSTALL_TOP=/tmp/.lua50 install |& tee omi-tmp make INSTALL_TOP=$HOME/.lua50 install |& tee omi #* ##### # # lua-json # 2024jun23 # ##### # «lua-json» (to ".lua-json") # (find-zsh "availabledebs | sort | grep lua | grep json") # https://github.com/harningt/luajson # https://repo.or.cz/luajson.git # https://artemis.sh/2023/02/23/fast-lua-serialization.html # https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=41139978 Fast Lua Serialization (2023) (artemis.sh) # (find-status "lua-json") # (find-vldifile "lua-json.list") # (find-udfile "lua-json/") # (find-udfile "lua-json/README.md") # (find-fline "/usr/share/lua/5.1/json/decode/") # (find-fline "/usr/share/lua/5.1/json/encode/") # (find-fline "/usr/share/lua/5.1/json/decode.lua") # (find-git-links "https://github.com/harningt/luajson" "luajson") # (code-c-d "luajson" "~/usrc/luajson/") # (find-luajsonfile "") # (find-luajsongrep "grep --color=auto -nHR --null -e Unclosed *") # (find-luajsongrep "grep --color=auto -nHR --null -e nothrow *") # (find-luajsonfile "docs/ReleaseNotes-1.3.txt" "Unclosed elements present") * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) json = require "json" -- PPV(json) -- PPV(json.encode) o = json.encode.encode({a=123, "foo"}) = o = o:sub(1,-3) PP(json.decode.decode(o)) PP(json.decode.decode(o:sub(1,-3))) PP(json.decode.decode(o:sub(1,-3), {nothrow = true})) (find-es "lua5" "lua-json") ##### # # lua2c # 2006jul13 / 2025jan12 # ##### # «lua2c» (to ".lua2c") # http://lua-users.org/wiki/LuaToCee # https://github.com/davidm/lua2c # (find-git-links "https://github.com/davidm/lua2c" "lua2c") # (code-c-d "lua2c" "~/usrc/lua2c/") # (find-lua2cfile "") # (find-lua2cfile "README") # (find-lua2cfile "clua") # (find-lua2cfile "lua2c.lua") # (find-lua2cfile "lua2c.lua" "./lib/?.lua") * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) cd ~/usrc/lua2c/ lua5.1 lua2c.lua examples-lua/bisect.lua lua5.1 lua2c.lua examples-lua/bisect.lua > bisect.c # (find-lua2cfile "bisect.c") cat > 0.lua <<'%%%' return "a".."b" -- return load("return 'doo'")() %%% lua5.1 lua2c.lua 0.lua > 0.c # (find-lua2cfile "0.c") # Old (2006jul13): # http://www.tecgraf.puc-rio.br/~lhf/ftp/lua/4.0/lua2c.tar.gz # (code-c-d "lua2c" "~/usrc/lua2c/") # (find-lua2cfile "") # (find-lua2cfile "lua2c") # (find-lua2cfile "lua2c.lua") # (find-lua2cfile "test/") #* rm -Rv ~/usrc/lua2c/ tar -C ~/usrc/ -xvzf \ $S/http/www.tecgraf.puc-rio.br/~lhf/ftp/lua/4.0/lua2c.tar.gz cd ~/usrc/lua2c/ cd ~/usrc/lua2c/test/ #./lua2c test1.lua # lua: lua2c.lua:185: attempt to call global `read' (a nil value) # (find-lua2cfile "lua2c.lua" "s=read()") # (find-luamanualw3m+ "io.read") # (find-lua2cfile "lua2c.lua" "this version of lua2c cannot handle") luac -v -p -l test1.lua | lua -e 'read = function () return io.input():read() end' ../lua2c.lua #* # E-mail to the mailing list, Lhf's answer, Hisham's answer: # http://lua-users.org/lists/lua-l/2006-07/msg00119.html # http://lua-users.org/lists/lua-l/2006-07/msg00120.html # http://www.inf.puc-rio.br/~hisham/luatoc.tar.gz #* rm -Rv ~/usrc/luatoc/ tar -C ~/usrc/ -xvzf \ $S/http/www.inf.puc-rio.br/~hisham/luatoc.tar.gz cd ~/usrc/luatoc/ cd ~/usrc/luatoc/ #* # (code-c-d "luatoc" "~/usrc/luatoc/") # (find-luatocfile "") # (find-luatocfile "toc") # It needs Lua 5.1, see these "require"s... # (find-luatocfile "luatoc.lua") ##### # # lua2c52 # 2025jan12 # ##### # «lua2c52» (to ".lua2c52") # https://github.com/tcr/lua2c52 # (find-git-links "https://github.com/tcr/lua2c52" "lua2c52") # (code-c-d "lua2c52" "~/usrc/lua2c52/") # (find-lua2c52file "") * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) cd ~/usrc/lua2c52/ lua5.1 lua2c.lua examples-lua/bisect.lua lua5.1 lua2c.lua examples-lua/bisect.lua > bisect.c # (find-lua2c52file "bisect.c") cat > 0.lua <<'%%%' return "a".."b" -- return load("return 'doo'")() %%% lua5.1 lua2c.lua 0.lua > 0.c # (find-lua2c52file "0.c") ##### # # calling Lua from C # 2006jul14 # ##### # «calling-Lua-from-C» (to ".calling-Lua-from-C") # (find-es "swig") # (find-luamanual-ff "pushing") # (find-luamanualw3m+ "pushing") # (find-luamanual-ff "3.14") # (find-luamanualw3m+ "3.14") The following example shows how the host program may do the equivalent to this Lua code: a = f("how", t.x, 14) Here it is in C: lua_pushstring(L, "t"); lua_gettable(L, LUA_GLOBALSINDEX); /* global `t' (for later use) */ lua_pushstring(L, "a"); /* var name */ lua_pushstring(L, "f"); /* function name */ lua_gettable(L, LUA_GLOBALSINDEX); /* function to be called */ lua_pushstring(L, "how"); /* 1st argument */ lua_pushstring(L, "x"); /* push the string "x" */ lua_gettable(L, -5); /* push result of t.x (2nd arg) */ lua_pushnumber(L, 14); /* 3rd argument */ lua_call(L, 3, 1); /* call function with 3 arguments and 1 result */ lua_settable(L, LUA_GLOBALSINDEX); /* set global variable `a' */ lua_pop(L, 1); /* remove `t' from the stack */ # (find-luamanualw3m+ "pushing") # file:///home/edrx/usrc/lua-5.0.2/doc/manual2.html#pushing # file:///home/edrx/usrc/lua-5.0.2/doc/manual2.html#3.14 /* * Ve se um masked_phone_number consta da tabela de monitorados. * Esta funcao e' um wrapper em C para uma funcao em Lua com o mesmo nome. * «monitored_p_C» (to ".monitored_p_C") * (find-es "swig" "mla.c") */ int monitored_p(char *masked_phone_number) { /* pseudocode */ lua_pushstring(L, "monitored_p"); /* function name */ lua_gettable(L, LUA_GLOBALSINDEX); /* function to be called */ lua_pushstring(L, masked_phone_number); /* 1st (and only) argument */ lua_call(L, 1, 1); /* call function with 1 argument and 1 result */ /* now convert the returned value to an int and return it */ } ##### # # Calling the interactive interpreter inside a Lua program # 2006jul18 # ##### # «debug.debug» (to ".debug.debug") # (find-lua51manual "#pdf-debug.debug") # (find-lua51manual "#6") # (find-man "1 lua5.1") file:///usr/share/doc/lua5.1-doc/doc/manual.html#pdf-debug.debug * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) print(2, 3+ 4) = 2, 3+ 4 debug.debug() print(2, 3 + 4) = 2, 3 + 4 # Old notes (2006jul18): # (find-lua50tag "debug") # (find-lua50file "") # (find-lua50file "src/lib/ldblib.c") # (find-lua50file "src/lib/ldblib.c" "\"traceback\"") # (find-lua50file "src/lib/ldblib.c" "static int errorfb") * (eepitch-shell) lua50 -e ' bar = function () local b=33; debug.debug() end foo = function () local a=22; bar() end foo() ' PP(debug.getinfo(1)) PP(debug.getinfo(2)) PP(debug.getinfo(3)) -- bar PP(debug.getinfo(4)) -- foo PP(debug.getinfo(print)) PP(debug.getinfo(foo)) This function returns a table with information about a function. You can give the function directly, or you can give a number as the value of function, which means the function running at level function of the call stack: Level 0 is the current function (getinfo itself); level 1 is the function that called getinfo; and so on. If function is a number larger than the number of active functions, then getinfo returns nil. The returned table contains all the fields returned by lua_getinfo, with the string what describing which fields to fill in. The default for what is to get all information available. If present, the option `f' adds a field named func with the function itself. For instance, the expression debug.getinfo(1,"n").name returns the name of the current function, if a reasonable name can be found, and debug.getinfo(print) returns a table with all available information about the print function. debug.getlocal (level, local) ##### # # libmapm (for arbitrary precision math) # ##### # http://www.tc.umn.edu/~ringx004/mapm-main.html # http://www.tecgraf.puc-rio.br/~lhf/ftp/lua/5.0/lmapm.tar.gz # http://mat.ufpb.br/~lenimar/alc/index.html # http://mat.ufpb.br/~lenimar/alc/metodos.txt ##### # # long comment syntax # 2006jul28 # ##### # «multiline-comments» (to ".multiline-comments") # (find-lua51manual "#2.1" "long comments") # (find-lua51w3m "doc/manual.html" "]====]") #* LUA51=$HOME/usrc/lua-5.1.1/src/lua $LUA51 -e ' print "a" --[=[ print "b" --]=] print "c" ' #* ##### # # io.popen # 2005nov06 # ##### # «io.popen» (to ".io.popen") # http://lua-users.org/lists/lua-l/2005-11/msg00071.html # (find-lua50file "src/lib/") # (find-lua50file "src/lib/liolib.c") # (find-node "(libc)Function Index" "* popen:") # (find-man "3 popen") # (find-busyboxtag "popen") # (find-uclibcfile "libc/stdio/popen.c") # # (find-lua51manual "#pdf-io.popen") # (find-lua51grep "grep --color -nH -e popen $(cat .files.ch)") # (find-lua51file "src/liolib.c" "static int io_popen") # (find-lua51file "src/luaconf.h" "lua_popen") #* cd ~/eev-current/examples/ lua50 -e ' pipe = assert(io.popen("ls -la *.e")) for li in pipe:lines() do print("("..li..")") end pipe:close() ' #* ##### # # getouput # 2006jul28 # ##### # «getoutput» (to ".getoutput") # (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "getoutput") # (find-lua51manual "#pdf-io.popen") # The name is taken from python: # (find-pylibnode "commands" "`getoutput(cmd)'") # (find-es "lua5" "io.popen") # (find-man "3tcl exec") # (find-man "perlfunc" "system PROGRAM LIST") # (find-man "perlop" "qx/STRING/") # (find-node "(libc)Function Index" "* system:") # (find-node "(libc)Running a Command") # (find-node "(bashref)Command Substitution") # (find-rubymanualw3m "IO.html" "popen(command [, mode])") * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) -- (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "getoutput") getoutput = function (command) local pipe = assert(io.popen(command)) local output = pipe:read("*a") pipe:close() return output end print(getoutput "echo > /tmp/foo; stat -c %Y /tmp/foo") ##### # # trapping signals # 2006aug10 # ##### # «signal» (to ".signal") # (find-lposixfile "") # (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "loadalarm") # http://www.tecgraf.puc-rio.br/~lhf/ftp/lua/ # http://www.tecgraf.puc-rio.br/~lhf/ftp/lua/5.0/lalarm.tar.gz # (code-c-d "lalarm" "~/usrc/alarm/") # (find-lalarmfile "") #* rm -Rv ~/usrc/alarm/ tar -C ~/usrc/ -xvzf \ $S/http/www.tecgraf.puc-rio.br/~lhf/ftp/lua/5.0/lalarm.tar.gz cd ~/usrc/alarm/ gcc -shared -I$LUA51SRC/src/ -o lalarm.so lalarm.c lua51 -e "loadalarm(); print(alarm)" #* # (find-lua51tag "lua_sethook") # (find-luasocketfile "") # (find-lposixfile "") # (find-lposixfile "lposix.c" "Psleep") # (find-lua51file "") # (find-lua50grep "grep -nH -e 'error with no message' $(cat .files.ch)") # (find-lua51grep "grep -nH -e 'signal' $(cat .files.ch)") # (find-lua51grep "grep -nH -e 'SIG_DFL' $(cat .files.ch)") # (find-lua51grep "grep -nH -e 'SIGINT' $(cat .files.ch)") # (find-lua51file "src/lua.c" "signal(i, SIG_DFL);") # (find-lua51file "src/lua.c" "signal(SIGINT, laction)") # (find-lua51file "src/lua.c" "static void laction (int i)") # (find-node "(libc)Signal Handling") # (find-man "7 signal") # (find-lua51file "src/lua.c" "signal(SIGINT, laction)") # (find-lua51file "src/lua.c" "static void laction (int i)") # (code-c-d "uincl" "/usr/include/" :grep) # (find-uinclfile "") # (find-uinclgrep "grep -nH -e SIG_DFL $(find * -type f | sort)") # (find-uinclfile "asm/signal.h" "#define SIG_DFL") # (find-uinclfile "bits/signum.h" "#define SIG_DFL") # (find-lua50file "src/lua/lua.c" "signal(i, SIG_DFL)") # (find-lua50file "src/lua/lua.c" "signal(SIGINT, SIG_DFL)") # (find-node "(libc)Basic Signal Handling" "Function: sighandler_t signal") # (find-uclibcfile "") # (find-uclibctag "signal") # (find-uclibcfile "libc/signal/") # (find-uclibcgrep "grep -nH -e SIG_DFL $(cat .files.chS--)") # A guess: # # signal(SIGINT, SIG_DFL) # # should suffice. # (As it turns out, it does...) # (find-anggfile ".lua50/") # (find-anggfile ".lua50/PP.c") #* rm -Rv /tmp/luasignal/ mkdir /tmp/luasignal/ cd /tmp/luasignal/ cat > luasignal.c <<'---' #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <lua.h> #include <lauxlib.h> #include <signal.h> LUALIB_API int luasignal_init(lua_State *L) { signal(SIGINT, SIG_DFL); return 0; } --- # (find-sh "cd /tmp/luasignal/; gcc -g -Wall -shared -I$LUASRC/include -o luasignal.so luasignal.c;pwd;ls -lAF") gcc -g -Wall -shared -I$LUASRC/include -o luasignal.so luasignal.c pwd ls -lAF lua50 -e ' load_posix() print("^C me now - you should get the message") posix.sleep(2) print("^C me now - you should get a clean abort") assert(loadlib("/tmp/luasignal/luasignal.so", "luasignal_init"))() posix.sleep(2) ' #* # ...but then I realized that there was a simpler solution: just wrap # the call the to main function in a pcall. See: # (find-angg "bin/pump.lua") # (find-luamanualw3m "#lua_pcall") # (find-luamanualw3m "#pdf-pcall") ##### # # question about captured variables # 2006aug10 # ##### # «captured-variables» (to ".captured-variables") # (find-eevex "lua.e" "quick-presentation") # (find-eevex "lua.e" "quick-presentation" "Capture of local variables") # http://angg.twu.net/eev-current/examples/lua.e.html#quick-presentation # The question: # http://rafb.net/paste/ # (eekill "where do local variables captured by closures live") # Capture of local variables # (find-luamanualw3m+ "func-def" "closure") lua50 -e ' foo = function () local storage return function () return storage end, function (x) storage = x; return x end end get1, set1 = foo() get2, set2 = foo() print(set1(22), get1()) --> 22 22 print(set2(33), get1(), get2()) --> 33 22 33 ' <lhf> http://www.tecgraf.puc-rio.br/~lhf/ftp/doc/jucs05.pdf pointed to in http://www.lua.org/docs.html <lhf> the bottom line is that while external local vars are in the normal stack everything is fine. as soon as their scope is gone, they are moved to a special place in the closure. # http://www.tecgraf.puc-rio.br/~lhf/ftp/doc/jucs05.pdf # (find-lua50file "src/lfunc.c" "void luaF_close (lua_State *L, StkId level)") # (code-xpdf "luaimp" "$S/http/www.tecgraf.puc-rio.br/~lhf/ftp/doc/jucs05.pdf") # (find-luaimppage 9) # The eps: # http://www.tecgraf.puc-rio.br/~lhf/tmp/upval.eps # http://www.tecgraf.puc-rio.br/~lhf/tmp/upval.fig #* # Printing the implementation paper: cp $S/http/www.tecgraf.puc-rio.br/~lhf/ftp/doc/jucs05.pdf /tmp/luaimp.pdf cd /tmp/ pdftops luaimp.pdf luaimp.ps psnup -2 < luaimp.ps > luaimp.2.ps gv luaimp.2.ps #* ##### # # objL (bloated version - removing the bloat) # 2006aug15 # ##### # «objective-lua» (to ".objective-lua") # http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Objective-C # http://luaforge.net/frs/download.php/1707/ObjL-0.02alpha.tgz # (code-c-d "objl" "~/usrc/objective-lua/") # (find-objlfile "") #* rm -Rv ~/usrc/objective-lua/ tar -C ~/usrc/ -xvzf \ $S/http/luaforge.net/frs/download.php/1707/ObjL-0.02alpha.tgz cd ~/usrc/objective-lua/ rm -Rv LGPL.txt rm -Rv src/lauxlib.h rm -Rv src/lua/ rm -Rv src/lua.h rm -Rv src/lualib.h rm -Rv src/objl rm -Rv src/objl.o cat $(find * -type f) | wc #* ##### # # Token Filters # 2006sep13 # ##### # «tokenf» (to ".tokenf") # http://www.tecgraf.puc-rio.br/~lhf/ftp/lua/5.1/tokenf.tar.gz # http://lua-users.org/lists/lua-l/2007-05/msg00176.html # http://lua-users.org/lists/lua-l/2009-06/msg00249.html # See also: # http://www.tecgraf.puc-rio.br/~lhf/ftp/lua/#lstrip # (find-es "lua5" "install-5.1.1") #* rm -Rv ~/usrc/tokenf/ tar -C ~/usrc/ -xvzf \ $S/http/www.tecgraf.puc-rio.br/~lhf/ftp/lua/5.1/tokenf.tar.gz tar -C ~/usrc/tokenf/ -xvzf \ $S/http/www.lua.org/ftp/lua-5.1.1.tar.gz cd ~/usrc/tokenf/lua-5.1.1/src/ mv -v llex.c llex.c.orig cp -v ../../llex.c . cp -v ../../proxy.c . cd ~/usrc/tokenf/lua-5.1.1/ find * -name '*.[ch]' | sort > .files.ch etags $(<.files.ch) make linux test |& tee oml # (find-tokenffile "Makefile" "$T -l$(FILTER) $(TEST)") cd ~/usrc/tokenf/ lua-5.1.1/src/lua -lfdebug test.lua |& tee oltest # Oops - test.lua:3: attempt to call a table value #* # (find-tkdiff "~/usrc/tokenf/llex.c" "~/usrc/lua-5.1.1/src/llex.c") # (code-c-d "tokenf" "~/usrc/tokenf/") # (code-c-d "tokenflua" "~/usrc/tokenf/lua-5.1.1/") # (find-tokenfluafile "") # (find-tokenffile "") # (find-tokenffile "oltest") # 2010nov24, from lhf, subj: "Lightweight syntax: a dissident view" # http://lua-users.org/lists/lua-l/2010-11/msg00808.html ##### # # ex # 2006sep04 # ##### # «ex» (to ".ex") # http://lua-users.org/wiki/ExtensionProposal # http://lua-users.org/files/wiki_insecure/users/MarkEdgar/exapi/ex-20060608.tar.gz # (code-c-d "luaex" "~/usrc/luaex/") # (find-luaexfile "") # (find-luaexfile "posix/") #* rm -Rv ~/usrc/luaex/ mkdir ~/usrc/luaex/ tar -C ~/usrc/luaex/ -xvzf \ $S/http/lua-users.org/files/wiki_insecure/users/MarkEdgar/exapi/ex-20060608.tar.gz cd ~/usrc/luaex/ # (find-lua51file "") # (find-lua51file "src/") # (find-luaexfile "") # (find-luaexfile "posix/") cd ~/usrc/luaex/posix/ gcc -g -Wall -shared -I ~/usrc/lua-5.1.1/src -o ex.so ex.c gcc -g -Wall -shared -I ~/usrc/lua-5.1.1/src -o spawn.so spawn.c gcc -g -Wall -shared -I ~/usrc/lua-5.1.1/src -o posix_spawn.so posix_spawn.c #* # (find-angg ".zshrc" "lua") ##### # # exceptions # 2023may06 # ##### # «exceptions» (to ".exceptions") ;; John Belmonte: "Exceptions in Lua" ;; http://www.lua.org/gems/lpg113.pdf (code-pdf-page "belmonteexc" "$S/http/www.lua.org/gems/lpg113.pdf") (code-pdf-text "belmonteexc" "$S/http/www.lua.org/gems/lpg113.pdf") ;; (find-belmonteexcpage) ;; (find-belmonteexctext) http://lua-users.org/wiki/CatchingLuaExceptions http://lua-users.org/wiki/FinalizedExceptions http://lua-users.org/wiki/LuaAndExceptionsHackingNotes http://lua-users.org/wiki/ErrorHandling http://lua-users.org/wiki/FiltersSourcesAndSinks https://w3.impa.br/~diego/software/luasocket/ltn12.html ##### # # error # 2020aug12 # ##### # «error» (to ".error") # (find-lua51manual "#pdf-error") # (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "ierusalimschy") # (find-pil3page (+ 19 77) "8.4 Errors") * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) A = function () return B(),0 end B = function () return C(),0 end C = function () return D(),0 end D = function () return E(),0 end E = function () error("EEE!") end; A() E = function () error("EEE!", 3) end; A() E = function () error(nil, 3) end; A() E = function () error(nil) end; A() E = function () error() end; A() ##### # # pcall # 2019aug11 # ##### # «pcall» (to ".pcall") # (find-lua51manual "#pdf-pcall") # (find-lua51manual "#pdf-xpcall") # (find-lua51manual "#pdf-debug.traceback") # (find-lua51manual "#pdf-debug.debug") # (find-lua51manual "#pdf-debug.getinfo") # (find-lua51manual "#lua_getinfo") # (find-lua51manual "#lua_getstack") # (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "pack-and-unpack") # (find-pil3page (+ 19 79) "8.5 Error Handling and Exceptions") # (find-pil3page (+ 19 79) "8.6 Error Messages and Tracebacks") # (find-pil3text (+ 19 79) "8.6 Error Messages and Tracebacks") # (find-pil3text) # (find-pil3page (+ 19 81) "Exercises") # (find-pil3page (+ 19 79) "8.5 Error Handling and Exceptions") # (find-pil3text (+ 19 79) "8.5 Error Handling and Exceptions") # (find-pil3page (+ 19 79) "8.6 Error Messages and Tracebacks") # (find-pil3text (+ 19 79) "8.6 Error Messages and Tracebacks") * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) f = function (...) return 0,... end PP(f(1, 2, 3)) --> 0 1 2 3 PP(pcall(f, 1, 2, 3)) --> <true> 0 1 2 3 f = function (...) PP(0, ...); error("Foo") end PP(f(1, 2, 3)) PP(pcall(f, 1, 2, 3)) --> <false> "stdin:1: Foo" ##### # # xpcall # 2006sep16 # ##### # «xpcall» (to ".xpcall") # (to "ldb") # (find-lua51manual "#pdf-pcall") # (find-lua51manual "#pdf-xpcall") # (find-lua51manual "#pdf-pcall" "pcall (f, arg1, ...)") # (find-lua51manual "#pdf-xpcall" "xpcall (f, err)") # (find-lua52manual "#pdf-xpcall" "xpcall (f, msgh [, arg1, ...])") # (find-lua51manual "#pdf-debug.traceback") # (find-lua51manual "#pdf-debug.debug") # (find-lua51manual "#pdf-debug.getinfo") # (find-lua51manual "#lua_getinfo") # (find-lua51manual "#lua_getstack") # (find-pilw3m "8.4.html" "Error Handling and Exceptions") # (find-pilw3m "8.5.html" "xpcall") # (find-pilw3m "index.html" "23 - The Debug Library") # (find-pilw3m "23.1.html" "debug.getinfo(n)") # (find-pilw3m "23.1.html" "function traceback ()") # (find-pilw3m "23.1.1.html" "Accessing Local Variables") # (find-pilw3m "23.1.2.html" "Accessing Upvalues") * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) err = function () print("foo"); io.output():flush(); error("bar") end inner = function () return 1+err() end middle = function () return 1+inner() end outer = function () return 1+middle() end outer() -- "foo", then traceback pcall(outer) -- "foo", no traceback xpcall(outer, PP) -- "foo", "stdin:1: bar" xpcall(outer, function() print(debug.traceback()) end) -- traceback xpcall(outer, function() PP(debug.getinfo(1, "n")) end) -- name=nil xpcall(outer, function() PP(debug.getinfo(2, "n")) end) -- name="error" xpcall(outer, function() PP(debug.getinfo(3, "n")) end) -- name="err" xpcall(outer, function() PP(debug.getinfo(4, "n")) end) -- name="inner" xpcall(outer, function() PP(debug.getinfo(5, "n")) end) -- name="middle" xpcall(outer, function() PP(debug.getinfo(6, "n")) end) -- name=nil xpcall(outer, function() print(debug.traceback()) end) -- traceback xpcall(outer, debug.debug) PP(debug.getinfo(3, "n")) -- name="error" PP(debug.getinfo(4, "n")) -- name="err" PP(debug.getinfo(5, "n")) -- name="inner" PP(debug.getinfo(6, "n")) -- name="middle" PP(debug.getinfo(3)) -- name="error" PP(debug.getinfo(4)) -- name="err" print(debug.traceback()) -- (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "errorfb_line") print("stack traceback:\n"..errorfb_lines(2, 11)) cont ##### # # How debug.traceback infers the names of the functions # 2023nov09 # ##### # «debug.traceback-names» (to ".debug.traceback-names") # https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#inbox/FMfcgzGwHVQcChMhbXrQnvKNZHpTtgrQ Hi Kartik, try this: f = function (a) if a == 1 then error("1") elseif a == 2 then return 3+g(1) else return 4+h(2) end end g = f h = f f() you will see this: Lua 5.1.5 Copyright (C) 1994-2012 Lua.org, PUC-Rio > f = function (a) >> if a == 1 then error("1") >> elseif a == 2 then return 3+g(1) >> else return 4+h(2) >> end >> end > g = f > h = f > f() stdin:2: 1 stack traceback: [C]: in function 'error' stdin:2: in function 'g' stdin:3: in function 'h' stdin:4: in function 'f' stdin:1: in main chunk [C]: ? > I think that debug.traceback() takes the function names from the bytecode, that apparently stores how each function - or "method", or "field" - is called... but I'm not totally sure. Cheers, Eduardo Ochs http://anggtwu.net/luaforth.html from the position in which each functions is called... * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) f = function (a) if a == 1 then error("1") elseif a == 2 then return 3+g(1) else return 4+h(2) end end g = f h = f f() ##### # # traceback # 2021dec14 # ##### # «traceback» (to ".traceback") # See: (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "errorfb_line") # (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "mytraceback") # (find-angg "LUA/GetInfo.lua") # (find-angg "edrxrepl/edrxpcall.lua") # (find-angg "emacs-lua/EdrxPcall.lua") # (find-THLgrep "grep --color=auto -niRH --null -e traceback .* *") # (find-THLgrep "grep --color=auto -niRH --null -e traceback .* * | grep -a -v html") -- (find-pil2page (+ 19 70) "8.5 Error Messages and Tracebacks") -- (find-pil2text (+ 19 70) "8.5 Error Messages and Tracebacks") -- (find-pil3page (+ 19 79) "8.6 Error Messages and Tracebacks") -- (find-pil3text (+ 19 79) "8.6 Error Messages and Tracebacks") * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) err = function () print("foo"); io.output():flush(); error("bar") end inner = function () return 1+err() end middle = function () return 1+inner() end outer = function () return 1+middle() end xpcall(outer, function() print(debug.traceback()) end) -- traceback xpcall(outer, debug.debug) print(debug.traceback()) -- traceback print("stack traceback:\n"..errorfb_lines(2, 11)) -- simulated traceback cont -- (find-lua51file "src/ldebug.c") -- (find-lua51file "src/ldblib.c") -- (find-lua51file "src/ldblib.c" "{\"traceback\", db_errorfb},") -- (find-lua51file "src/ldblib.c" "static int db_errorfb") -- (find-lua51file "src/ldblib.c" "static int db_errorfb" "lua_getinfo") -- (find-lua51file "src/lua.h" "struct lua_Debug {") -- (find-lua51tag "db_errorfb") -- (find-luamanualw3m "#lua_Debug") -- (find-lua51tag "db_errorfb" "ar.short_src") -- (find-lua51tag "dblib" "{\"traceback\", db_errorfb},") * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) print "foo" a = function () bang() end b = function () return 1+a() end c = function () return 1+b() end mytraceback = function (errmsg) io.output():flush() print "AAA" print(debug.traceback(errmsg)) print "BBB" end c() xpcall(c, mytraceback); print "CCC" # Output with "c()", i.e., without flush/xpcall: # (Note that the traceback appears before "foo") lua50: /home/edrx/.eev/ee.lua:5: attempt to call global `bang' (a nil value) stack traceback: /home/edrx/.eev/ee.lua:5: in function `a' /home/edrx/.eev/ee.lua:6: in function `b' /home/edrx/.eev/ee.lua:7: in function `c' /home/edrx/.eev/ee.lua:15: in main chunk [C]: ? foo # Output with "mytraceback", i.e., with flush and xpcall: # (Note that the "foo" appears before the traceback, as expected) foo /home/edrx/.eev/ee.lua:5: attempt to call global `bang' (a nil value) stack traceback: /home/edrx/.eev/ee.lua:13: in function `bang' /home/edrx/.eev/ee.lua:5: in function `a' /home/edrx/.eev/ee.lua:6: in function `b' /home/edrx/.eev/ee.lua:7: in function `c' [C]: in function `xpcall' /home/edrx/.eev/ee.lua:17: in main chunk [C]: ? ##### # # The _traceback function in the file debug.lua of Prosody # 2022mar22 # ##### # «prosody-tracebak» (to ".prosody-tracebak") # «prosody-traceback» (to ".prosody-traceback") # «debug.lua-traceback» (to ".debug.lua-traceback") # https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#sent/KtbxLzGPrdrsVBJgMPwDggWQLNnXZQTbCL # http://lua-users.org/lists/lua-l/2022-03/msg00071.html Matthew Wild # https://prosody.im/download/ # https://prosody.im/download/#source_code # https://prosody.im/source/start # https://hg.prosody.im/trunk/file/tip/util/debug.lua#l121 # (find-angg "LUA/DGetInfo1.lua") # (find-angg "LUA/DGetInfo1.lua" "DGetInfo") # (find-angg "LUA/DGetInfo1.lua" "DGetInfo-method") # (find-angg "LUA/DGetInfo1.lua" "DGetInfo-method" "Prosody.traceback1") # (find-angg "LUA/Prosody1.lua" "Prosody") * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) # (find-fline "~/usrc/prosody-trunk/") rm -Rv ~/usrc/prosody-trunk/ cd ~/usrc/ hg clone https://hg.prosody.im/trunk prosody-trunk cd ~/usrc/prosody-trunk/ # (code-c-d "prosody" "~/usrc/prosody-trunk/") # (find-prosodyfile "") # (find-prosodyfile "util/debug.lua") # (find-prosodygrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e getstring *") apti mercurial ##### # # Mores notes on xpcall (2020) # 2020jul30 # ##### # «xpcall-2020» (to ".xpcall-2020") # (find-angg "LUA/myxpcall.lua") # (find-pil3page (+ 19 79) "8.6 Error Messages and Tracebacks") # (find-pil3text (+ 19 79) "8.6 Error Messages and Tracebacks") # (find-lua51manual "#pdf-xpcall") # (find-lua51manual "#pdf-pcall") # (find-lua51manual "#pdf-error") # (find-lua51manual "#pdf-debug.traceback") # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/30125726/how-to-use-xpcall-with-a-function-which-has-parameters # (find-LATEX "2020dn6-error-handling.lua") * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) A = function (...) PP(...); return 22 end B = function (...) return 0,A(...) end C = function (...) return 0,B(...) end D = function (...) return 0,C(...) end PP(D(2, 3, 4)) E = function (...) PP(...); error("Eeeeh!") end F = function (...) return 0,E(...) end G = function (...) return 0,F(...) end H = function (...) return 0,G(...) end PP(H(2, 3, 4)) myxpcall = function (errhandler, f, ...) local args = pack(...) local g = function () return f(unpack(args)) end return xpcall(g, errhandler) end lvl = 3 eh = function (...) PP("EH1", ...) print(debug.traceback("MSG", lvl)) PP("EH2") return 3,4,5 end PP(myxpcall(eh, D, 2, 3, 4)) PP(myxpcall(eh, H, 2, 3, 4)) lvl = 0; PP(myxpcall(eh, H, 2, 3, 4)) lvl = 1; PP(myxpcall(eh, H, 2, 3, 4)) lvl = 2; PP(myxpcall(eh, H, 2, 3, 4)) lvl = 3; PP(myxpcall(eh, H, 2, 3, 4)) lvl = 4; PP(myxpcall(eh, H, 2, 3, 4)) status, err, ret = xpcall (g, err) PP(status, err, ret) f = function (a,b) error("Foo") end status, err, ret = xpcall (g, err) PP(status, err, ret) A = function () error("AAA!") end B = function () return A(),0 end C = function () return B(),0 end D = function () return C(),0 end D() XPC = function (f) print("X0") local errhandler = function () print("X1") print(debug.traceback()) print("X2") end local status,err_rslt = xpcall(f, errhandler) if status == false then error(0) end print("ok") end * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) myxpcall(fun, errhandler, traceback) ##### # # pcall3-and-xpcall3 # 2022mar25 # ##### # «pcall3-and-xpcall3» (to ".pcall3-and-xpcall3") -- Variants of pcall and xpcall that return three results: -- 1) either "ok" or "exec error" -- 2) either nil or the error (as a string) -- 3) the results (packed) or {} -- The "or"s mean "in case of success" (or) "in case of failure". -- pcall3 = function (...) local separate = function (a, ...) return a, pack(...) end local ok,results = separate(pcall(...)) if ok then return "ok", nil, results end return "exec error", results[1], {} end xpcall3 = function (...) local separate = function (a, ...) return a, pack(...) end local ok,results = separate(xpcall(...)) if ok then return "ok", nil, results end return "exec error", results[1], {} end ##### # # StackTracePlus # 2013sep23 / 2023nov04 # ##### # «stacktraceplus» (to ".stacktraceplus") # https://github.com/ignacio/StackTracePlus # (find-luarocks-links "StackTracePlus") # (find-git-links "https://github.com/ignacio/StackTracePlus" "stacktraceplus") # (code-c-d "stacktraceplus" "~/usrc/StackTracePlus/") # (find-stacktraceplusfile "") # (find-stacktraceplusfile "README.md") # (find-stacktraceplusfile "src/StackTracePlus.lua") # (find-gitk "~/usrc/StackTracePlus/") ##### # # pseudocode for some metatable behaviours # 2006oct09 # ##### # «metamethods-pseudocode» (to ".metamethods-pseudocode") # This is obsolete. See: (find-TH "__mt") -- (find-luamanualw3m "" "\"index\":") -- (find-pilw3m "13.4.1.html" "The __index Metamethod") -- t[key] -- t.mt.__index(t, key) -- t.mt.__index[key] -- (find-luamanualw3m "" "\"newindex\":") -- (find-pilw3m "13.4.2.html" "The __newindex Metamethod") -- t[key] = value -- t.mt.__newindex(t, key, value) -- t.mt.__newindex[key] = value -- (find-luamanualw3m "" "\"call\":") -- f(...) -- t.mt.__call(t, ...) -- «generators-pseudocode» (to ".generators-pseudocode") -- (find-pilw3m "index.html") -- (find-pilw3m "7.1.html" "Iterators and Closures") -- (find-luamanualw3m "#2.4.5" "For statement") -- (find-luamanualw3m "#2.4.5" "local f, s, var = explist") -- for a,b,c in generator() do block(a, b, c) end -- f, s, a0 = generator() -- a1, b1, c1 = f(s, a0); block(a1, b1, c1) -- a2, b2, c2 = f(s, a1); block(a2, b2, c2) -- a3, b3, c3 = f(s, a2); block(a3, b3, c3) -- a4, b4, c4 = f(s, a3); -- a4 == nil: break -- for a,b,c,d in explist do -- block -- end -- -- is equivalent to: -- -- f,s,var = explist -- while true do -- a,b,c,d = f(s,var) -- var = a -- if var == nil then break end -- block -- end * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) eval = function (str) return assert(loadstring(str))() end ask = function (prompt) io.write(prompt) return eval("return "..io.read()) end pask = function (...) PP(...) return ask("? ") end = eval "return 22, 33, 44" = ask "? " 22, 33, 44 = pask(20, 30, 40) 222, 333 for a,b,c in pask,"state","0","1" do PP("a,b,c =", a, b, c) end 1, 2, 3 4, 5, 6 7, 8 9 nil -- for a,b,c in pask,"state","0","1" do PP("a,b,c =", a, b, c) end -- "state" "0" -- ? 1, 2, 3 -- "a,b,c =" 1 2 3 -- "state" 1 -- ? 4, 5, 6 -- "a,b,c =" 4 5 6 -- "state" 4 -- ? 7, 8 -- "a,b,c =" 7 8 <nil> -- "state" 7 -- ? 9 -- "a,b,c =" 9 <nil> <nil> -- "state" 9 -- ? nil -- > To do: coroutines pseudocode ##### # # pil 24.1: calling Lua from C # 2006oct21 # ##### # «pil24.1» (to ".pil24.1") # (find-es "icon" "icon-lua") # (find-lua51file "") # (find-lua51file "oml" "liblua.a") # (find-lua51file "src/lua.c") # (find-lua51file "src/" "liblua.a") #* rm -Rv /tmp/pil24_1/ mkdir /tmp/pil24_1/ cd /tmp/pil24_1/ cat > pil24_1.c <<'---' #include <stdio.h> #include <lua.h> #include <lauxlib.h> #include <lualib.h> #include <string.h> // for strlen int main (void) { char buff[256]; int error; lua_State *L = luaL_newstate(); /* opens Lua */ luaL_openlibs(L); /* opens the standard libraries */ while (fgets(buff, sizeof(buff), stdin) != NULL) { error = luaL_loadbuffer(L, buff, strlen(buff), "line") || lua_pcall(L, 0, 0, 0); if (error) { fprintf(stderr, "%s", lua_tostring(L, -1)); lua_pop(L, 1); /* pop error message from the stack */ } } lua_close(L); return 0; } --- export LUA51SRC=$HOME/usrc/lua-5.1.2 gcc -O2 -Wall -I$LUA51SRC/src -c -o pil24_1.o pil24_1.c # (find-lua51file "oml" "liblua.a") # (find-lua51file "oml" "gcc -o lua ") # gcc -o lua lua.o liblua.a -lm -Wl,-E -ldl -lreadline -lhistory -lncurses # gcc -o pil24_1 pil24_1.o $LUA51SRC/src/liblua.a -lm -Wl,-E -ldl -lreadline -lhistory -lncurses gcc -o pil24_1 pil24_1.o $LUA51SRC/src/liblua.a -lm -Wl,-E -ldl echo 'print(1+2, "hello")' | ./pil24_1 #* # (find-node "(gcc)Invoking GCC") # (find-node "(gcc)Link Options") ##### # # pixeltoaster (rec. Keffo) # 2006oct22 # ##### # «pixeltoaster» (to ".pixeltoaster") # Keffo says that he has Lua bindings for # this but hasn't given them to me yet... # http://www.pixeltoaster.com/about/ # http://www.pixeltoaster.com/downloads/PixelToaster-1.3.1.zip # (find-man "1 unzip") #* rm -Rv ~/usrc/pixeltoaster/ mkdir ~/usrc/pixeltoaster/ unzip -d ~/usrc/pixeltoaster/ \ $S/http/www.pixeltoaster.com/downloads/PixelToaster-1.3.1.zip cd ~/usrc/pixeltoaster/ make -f makefile.unix |& tee om cd ~/usrc/pixeltoaster/ ./Flower #* # (code-c-d "pixeltoaster" "~/usrc/pixeltoaster/") # (find-pixeltoasterfile "makefile.unix") # (find-pixeltoasterfile "") # (find-pixeltoasterfile "om") # (find-pixeltoasterfile "demos/") #* ##### # # compressing jpgs to under 100KB # 2006oct27 # ##### # «compressing-jpgs» (to ".compressing-jpgs") * (eepitch-shell) # rm -Rv /tmp/tiao/ mkdir /tmp/tiao/ cd /tmp/tiao/ A=(068 071 073 078 079 082 331 332) for i in $A; do cp -v ~/FOTOS/tiao/julho_2006_$i.jpg $i.jpg; done lua50 -- (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "readfile") -- (find-bashnode "Bash Conditional Expressions" "`-e FILE'") fileexists = function (fname) local f, err = (io.open(fname, "r")) if f then io.close(f); return true end return false end map = function (f, t) local t2 = {} for _,v in ipairs(t) do tinsert(t2, f(v)) end return t2 end id = function (...) return unpack(arg) end p = function (str) io.write(str); return str end run = function (cmd) return getoutput(cmd) end e = function (fname) return fileexists(fname) end d2 = function (n) return format("%02d", n) end size = function (fname) return strlen(readfile(fname)) end pszn = function (sz, fn) p(format("%6d %s\n", sz, fn)); return sz; end psize = function (fname) return pszn(size(fname), fname) end cq0 = function (f1, q, f2) run("convert "..f1.." -quality "..q.." "..f2) end shr0 = function (f1, s, f2) run("convert "..f1.." -resize "..s.."% "..f2) end cq1 = function (f1, q, f2) return e(f2) or cq0 (f1, q, f2) end shr1 = function (f1, s, f2) return e(f2) or shr0(f1, s, f2) end cq2 = function (f1, q, f2) cq1 (f1, q, f2); return psize(f2) end shr2 = function (f1, s, f2) shr1(f1, s, f2); return psize(f2) end qstem = function (stem, q) return stem.."_q"..d2(q) end sstem = function (stem, s) return stem.."_s"..d2(s) end qname = function (stem, q) return qstem(stem, q)..".jpg" end sname = function (stem, s) return sstem(stem, s)..".jpg" end cq3 = function (f1, st, q) return cq2 (f1, q, qname(st, q)) end shr3 = function (f1, st, s) return shr2(f1, s, sname(st, s)) end cq4 = function (stem, q) return cq3 (stem..".jpg", stem, q) end shr4 = function (stem, s) return shr3(stem..".jpg", stem, s) end cq5 = function (stem, q) cq4 (stem, q); return qstem(stem, q) end shr5 = function (stem, s) shr4(stem, s); return sstem(stem, s) end small = function (n) return n < 100000 end big = function (n) return n >= 100000 end godown = function (stem, n1, step) for q=n1,n1+10*step,step do if small(cq4(stem, q)) then return q end end end goup = function (stem, n1, step) for q=n1,n1+10*step,step do if big(cq4(stem, q)) then return q end end end foo = function (stem) local q10 = godown(stem, 90, -20) local q5 = goup (stem, q10, 5) local q1 = godown(stem, q5, -1) return qname(stem, q1), q1 end T = { foo("068"), foo("071"), foo("073"), foo("078"), foo("079"), foo("082"), foo("331"), foo("332"), foo(shr5("331", 50)), (foo(shr5("332", 50))) } print(concat(T, "\n")) -- (find-fline "~/FOTOS/tiao/") -- (find-fline "/tmp/tiao/") ##### # # unit tests # 2006nov27 # ##### from Brian McCallister <brianm@skife.org> 3:10 am (15 minutes ago) reply-to Lua list <lua@bazar2.conectiva.com.br> to Lua list <lua@bazar2.conectiva.com.br> date Nov 27, 2006 3:10 AM subject Re: Are there any guide or best practice article for unit test with lua ? mailed-by bazar2.conectiva.com.br http://svn.i-want-a-pony.com/repos/wombat/trunk/test/moonunit.lua http://svn.i-want-a-pony.com/repos/wombat/trunk/test/test.lua ##### # # matrix.lua # 2006dec31 # ##### # «matrix.lua» (to ".matrix.lua") # http://lua-users.org/wiki/SimpleMatrix # http://lua-users.org/files/wiki_insecure/users/chill/Matrix.V.0.4.lua # (find-angg "LUA/matrix.lua") # (find-sh0 "cp $S/http/lua-users.org/wiki/SimpleMatrix /tmp/SimpleMatrix.html") # (find-firefox "/tmp/SimpleMatrix.html") * (eepitch-shell) cd ~/LUA/ lua50 dofile "matrix.lua" m1 = Matrix:Create(4, 4) m1:fillrandom() m1:draw() m2 = m1^-1 m2:draw() m3 = m1 * m2 m3:draw() print(m2:getDet()) print(1/m1:getDet()) m4 = m1 * 4 m4:draw() m5 = m4..m3 m5:draw() m6 = Matrix:Create({{2, 3}, {3, 4}, {4, 5}}) m6:draw() m7 = m6^"T" m7:draw() m7 = m7 * "a" m7:draw() m7:replace("a", 4) m7:draw() print(m7:getE(1, 3)) print(m7:setE(1, 3 , 8)) m7:draw() m7:switch("line", 1, 2) m7:draw() m7:switch("column", 2, 3) m7:draw() m7:remove(1, 1) m7:draw() m8 = Matrix:Create(5, 5) m8:fillrandom() m8:draw() m9 = m8:getSubM(2, 2, 3, 5) m9:draw() m9:doGJ() m9:draw() ##### # # lpeg-debian # 2021aug26 # ##### # «lpeg-debian» (to ".lpeg-debian") # (find-zsh "installeddebs | sort | grep lpeg") # (find-zsh "availabledebs | sort | grep lpeg") # (find-status "lua-lpeg") # (find-vldifile "lua-lpeg:amd64.list") # (find-udfile "lua-lpeg/") # (find-status "lua-lpeg-dev") # (find-vldifile "lua-lpeg-dev:amd64.list") # (find-udfile "lua-lpeg-dev/") # (find-status "lua-lpeg-patterns") # (find-vldifile "lua-lpeg-patterns.list") # (find-udfile "lua-lpeg-patterns/") # (find-fline "/usr/share/lua/5.1/re.lua") # (find-fline "/usr/share/lua/5.2/re.lua") # (find-fline "/usr/share/lua/5.3/re.lua") # (find-fline "/usr/share/lua/5.1/lpeg_patterns/") # (find-fline "/usr/share/lua/5.2/lpeg_patterns/") # file:///usr/share/doc/lua-lpeg-dev/lpeg.html # file:///usr/share/doc/lua-lpeg-dev/re.html * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) apti lua-lpeg-dev lua-lpeg-patterns lua-lpeg ##### # # lpeg-gsub # 2021aug30 # ##### # «lpeg-gsub» (to ".lpeg-gsub") # file:///usr/share/doc/lua-lpeg-dev/lpeg.html # # Global substitution # ------------------- # The next example does a job somewhat similar to string.gsub. It # receives a pattern and a replacement value, and substitutes the # replacement value for all occurrences of the pattern in a given # string: # # function gsub (s, patt, repl) # patt = lpeg.P(patt) # patt = lpeg.Cs((patt / repl + 1)^0) # return lpeg.match(patt, s) # end # # As in string.gsub, the replacement value can be a string, a function, # or a table. * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) loadlpeg() require "re" pat = lpeg.P(1)^0 * lpeg.R("mq") = pat:match("abcm") T = {} T["o"] = "OO" T["q"] = "QQ" = (lpeg.R("mq") ):match("o") = (lpeg.R("mq"):Cs() ):match("o") = (lpeg.R("mq"):Cs() / T ):match("o") = (lpeg.R("mq"):Cs() / T ):match("n") = (lpeg.P(1) ):match("abco") = (lpeg.P(1):Cs() ):match("abco") = ((lpeg.P(1)^0):Cs() ):match("abcoz") = ((lpeg.P(1)^0 * lpeg.R("mq")):Cs() ):match("abcoz") = ( lpeg.P(1)^0 * lpeg.R("mq") ):match("abcoz") function gsub (s, patt, repl) patt = lpeg.P(patt) patt = lpeg.Cs((patt / repl + 1)^0) return lpeg.match(patt, s) end loadlpeg() pat = lpeg.R("oq") / T = pat:match("mnopq") sgmlify_lpeg_re = lpeg.P("\15") / f2 + lpeg.R("\194\195") * lpeg.R("\128\191") / f2 ##### # # lpeg # 2007jan01 # ##### # «lpeg» (to ".lpeg") # (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "loadlpeg") # http://www.inf.puc-rio.br/~roberto/lpeg.html # http://www.inf.puc-rio.br/~roberto/lpeg-0.5.tar.gz # http://pdos.csail.mit.edu/~baford/packrat/popl04/peg-popl04.pdf # http://pdos.csail.mit.edu/~baford/packrat/ # http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parsing_expression_grammar # http://lua-users.org/lists/lua-l/2006-12/msg00532.html # (code-c-d "lpeg" "~/usrc/lpeg-0.5/") # (find-lpegw3m "doc.html") # (find-lpegfile "og") # (find-lpegfile "re.lua") # (find-lpegfile "test.lua") # (find-lpegfile "") #* rm -Rfv ~/usrc/lpeg-0.5/ tar -C ~/usrc/ -xvzf $S/http/www.inf.puc-rio.br/~roberto/lpeg-0.5.tar.gz cd ~/usrc/lpeg-0.5/ chmod 644 lpeg.c # http://lua-users.org/lists/lua-l/2007-03/msg00616.html # http://lua-users.org/lists/lua-l/2007-03/msg00620.html patch -p0 lpeg.c <<'%%%' 470c470,471 < capture[captop - 1].siz = s - capture[captop - 1].s + 1; --- > /* capture[captop - 1].siz = s - capture[captop - 1].s + 1; */ > capture[captop - 1].siz = (s - getoff(p)) - capture[captop - 1].s + 1; %%% # export LUA51SRC=~/usrc/lua-5.1.2 # echo $LUA51SRC gcc -g -Wall -shared -I$LUA51SRC/src \ -o lpeg.so lpeg.c |& tee og lua51 test.lua #* # «lpeg-0.6» (to ".lpeg-0.6") # (code-c-d "lpeg" "~/usrc/lpeg-0.6/") # (find-lpegfile "") # (find-lpegw3m "doc.html") # http://www.inf.puc-rio.br/~roberto/lpeg.html # http://www.inf.puc-rio.br/~roberto/lpeg-0.6.tar.gz # (find-lpegw3m "doc.html") #* rm -Rfv ~/usrc/lpeg-0.6/ tar -C ~/usrc/ -xvzf $S/http/www.inf.puc-rio.br/~roberto/lpeg-0.6.tar.gz cd ~/usrc/lpeg-0.6/ chmod 644 * etags lpeg.c # «lpeg-precaptures» (to ".lpeg-precaptures") # (find-lpegfile "lpeg.c") patch -p0 lpeg.c <<'%%%' 1866a1867,1870 > #ifdef SAVE_PRECAPTURES /* edrx */ > lua_pushlstring(L, (void *)cap, captop * sizeof(Capture)); > lua_setglobal(L, "lpeg_precaptures"); > #endif SAVE_PRECAPTURES %%% gcc -g -Wall -shared -I$LUA51SRC/src \ -o lpeg.so lpeg.c |& tee og # gcc -g -Wall -shared -I$LUA51SRC/src -DSAVE_PRECAPTURES \ # -o lpegspc.so lpeg.c |& tee ogspc lua51 test.lua #* # Links related to a discussion with Roberto: # (find-lpegtag "matchl") # (find-lpegtag "match") # (find-lpegtag "Capture") # (find-lpegtag "doublecap") # (find-lpegtag "getcaptures") #* (code-ps "pegford" "$S/http/pdos.csail.mit.edu/~baford/packrat/popl04/peg-popl04.pdf") (find-pegfordpage 3) (find-pegfordpage 5) # http://www.inf.puc-rio.br/~roberto/lpeg.html # (find-sh0 "cd /tmp/; cat mozilla.ps | pstops '1:@.9(1cm,1cm)' | psnup -2 > mozilla.2.ps") # (find-pspage "/tmp/mozilla.2.ps") # (find-lpegfile "test.lua") * (eepitch-shell) cd ~/usrc/lpeg-0.4/ lua51 require "lpeg" PP(lpeg) * (eepitch-at-dir-comint ee-lpegdir "lpeg-lua" "lua51") require "lpeg" PP(lpeg) * (eepitch-lua51) loadlpeg() PP(lpeg) -- (find-lpegw3m "doc.html" "function split (s, sep)") -- (find-lpegfile "lpeg.c" "** Printing patterns") sep1 = lpeg.P(" ") sep = sep1^1 elem = lpeg.C((1 - sep)^0) elems = elem * (sep * elem)^0 = sep sep1:print() sep:print() elem:print() elems:print() PP(elems:match(" foo bar ")) ##### # # lpeg-0.7 # 2007dec27 # ##### # «lpeg-0.7» (to ".lpeg-0.7") # (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "loadlpeg") # (find-blogme3 "Makefile") # (find-angg ".zshrc" "lua" "LUA51SRC=") # http://www.inf.puc-rio.br/~roberto/lpeg-0.7.tar.gz #* rm -Rv ~/usrc/lpeg-0.7/ tar -C ~/usrc/ -xvzf \ $S/http/www.inf.puc-rio.br/~roberto/lpeg-0.7.tar.gz cd ~/usrc/lpeg-0.7/ chmod 644 * gcc -g -Wall -shared -I$LUA51SRC/src -o lpeg.so lpeg.c lua51 test.lua #* # (code-c-d "lpeg" "~/usrc/lpeg-0.7/") # (find-lpegfile "") # (find-lpegfile "makefile") * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) loadlpeg() ##### # # lpeg-0.8.1 # 2008jul17 # ##### # «lpeg-0.8.1» (to ".lpeg-0.8.1") # (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "loadlpeg") # (find-dn4 "Makefile" "lpeg") # http://www.inf.puc-rio.br/~roberto/lpeg.html # http://www.inf.puc-rio.br/~roberto/lpeg/lpeg-0.8.1.tar.gz #* rm -Rfv ~/usrc/lpeg-0.8.1/ tar -C ~/usrc/ -xvzf \ $S/http/www.inf.puc-rio.br/~roberto/lpeg/lpeg-0.8.1.tar.gz cd ~/usrc/lpeg-0.8.1/ make LUADIR=$LUA51SRC/src |& tee om lua51 test.lua #* # (code-c-d "lpeg" "~/usrc/lpeg-0.8.1/") # (find-lpegfile "") # (find-lpegfile "makefile") # (find-lpegfile "om") # (find-lpegmanual "") # (find-lpegw3m "re.html") # (find-lpegmanual "" "utf8 sequence to a Latin 1 char") ##### # # lpeg-0.9 # 2008oct12 # ##### # «lpeg-0.9» (to ".lpeg-0.9") # (find-dn4 "Makefile" "lpeg") # http://www.inf.puc-rio.br/~roberto/lpeg/lpeg-0.9.tar.gz #* rm -Rv ~/usrc/lpeg-0.9/ tar -C ~/usrc/ -xvzf \ $S/http/www.inf.puc-rio.br/~roberto/lpeg/lpeg-0.9.tar.gz cd ~/usrc/lpeg-0.9/ \ && chmod 644 * # make LUADIR=$LUA51SRC/src |& tee om make LUADIR=$LUA51SRC/src CC="gcc -g" |& tee om # make LUADIR=$LUA51SRC/src CC="gcc -g" COPT="" |& tee om lua51 test.lua etags lpeg.c #* # (code-c-d "lpeg" "~/usrc/lpeg-0.9/") # (find-lpegfile "") # (find-lpegfile "makefile") # (find-lpegfile "om") # (find-lpegmanual "") # (find-lpegmanual "#captures") # (find-lpegmanual "#cap-b") # (find-lpegmanual "#matchtime") # (find-lpegw3m "re.html") # (find-lpegmanual "" "UTF-8 encoding to Latin 1") # (find-lpegfile "lpeg.c" "{\"print\", printpat_l},") ##### # # lpeg-0.10.2 # 2012may13 # ##### # «lpeg-0.10.2» (to ".lpeg-0.10.2") # (find-dn4 "Makefile" "lpeg") # http://www.inf.puc-rio.br/~roberto/lpeg/lpeg-0.10.2.tar.gz #* rm -Rv ~/usrc/lpeg-0.10.2/ tar -C ~/usrc/ -xvzf \ $S/http/www.inf.puc-rio.br/~roberto/lpeg/lpeg-0.10.2.tar.gz cd ~/usrc/lpeg-0.10.2/ \ && chmod 644 * # make LUADIR=$LUA51SRC/src |& tee om # make LUADIR=$LUA51SRC/src CC="gcc -g" COPT="" |& tee om make LUADIR=$LUA51SRC/src CC="gcc -g" |& tee om cp -v $LUA51SRC/etc/strict.lua . lua51 test.lua etags lpeg.c #* # (code-c-d "lpeg" "~/usrc/lpeg-0.10.2/") # (find-lpegfile "") # (find-lpegfile "makefile") # (find-lpegfile "om") # (find-lpegmanual "") # (find-lpegmanual "#captures") # (find-lpegmanual "#cap-g") # (find-lpegmanual "#cap-b") # (find-lpegmanual "#matchtime") # (find-lpegw3m "re.html") # (find-lpegmanual "" "UTF-8 encoding to Latin 1") # (find-lpegfile "lpeg.c" "{\"print\", printpat_l},") # (find-lpegfile "test.lua") # (find-lpegfile "test.lua" "-- tests for back references") # «lpeg-metatable» (to ".lpeg-metatable") * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) require "lpeg" = lpeg.Cp() getmetatable(lpeg.Cp()).__tostring = function () return "pattern" end = lpeg.Cp() = lpeg = getmetatable(lpeg.Cp()).__index = lpeg == getmetatable(lpeg.Cp()).__index PP(lpeg) PP(getmetatable(lpeg.Cp())) # «lpeg-Cg-and-Cb» (to ".lpeg-Cg-and-Cb") * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) require "lpeg" P = lpeg.P Cc = lpeg.Cc Ct = lpeg.Ct Cb = lpeg.Cb lpeg.prmatch = function (patt, ...) PP(patt:match(...)) end (Cc"a" * Cc"b") :prmatch"foo" --> "a" "b" (Cc"a" * Cc"b"):Cg() :prmatch"foo" --> "a" "b" (Cc"a" * Cc"b"):Cg"" :prmatch"foo" --> 1 ((Cc"a" * Cc"b"):Cg"" * Cb"" * Cb""):prmatch"foo" --> "a" "b" "a" "b" ((Cc() * Cc"b"):Cg"" * Cb"" * Cb""):prmatch"foo" --> "b" "b" ((Cc(nil)*Cc"b"):Cg"" * Cb"" * Cb""):prmatch"foo" --> <nil> "b" <nil> "b" ((Cc"a"*Cc(nil)):Cg"" * Cb"" * Cb""):prmatch"foo" --> "a" <nil> "a" <nil> Cc"b":Cg"" :prmatch"foo" --> 1 (Cc"b":Cg""):Cg() :prmatch"foo" --> "" (Cc"a":Cg"" * (Cc"b":Cg""):Cg() ):prmatch"foo" --> "" (Cc"a":Cg"" * (Cc"b":Cg""):Cg() * Cb""):prmatch"foo" --> "" "a" ##### # # lepg-0.12 # 2014feb08 # ##### # «lpeg-0.12» (to ".lpeg-0.12") # http://www.inf.puc-rio.br/~roberto/lpeg/lpeg-0.12.tar.gz # http://www.inf.puc-rio.br/~roberto/lpeg/lpeg-1.0.1.tar.gz <- use this #* rm -Rv ~/usrc/lpeg-0.12/ tar -C ~/usrc/ -xvzf \ /home/edrx/snarf/http/www.inf.puc-rio.br/~roberto/lpeg/lpeg-0.12.tar.gz cd ~/usrc/lpeg-0.12/ #* # «lpeg-re» (to ".lpeg-re") # (code-c-d "lpeg" "~/usrc/lpeg-0.12/") # (find-lpegfile "") # (find-lpegfile "re.lua") # (find-lpegw3m "re.html") # file:///usr/share/doc/lua-lpeg-dev/lpeg.html # file:///usr/share/doc/lua-lpeg-dev/re.html # file:///usr/share/doc/lua-lpeg-dev/re.html#func * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) userocks() require "re" b = re.compile[[ balanced <- "(" ([^()] / balanced)* ")" ]] rev = re.compile[[ R <- (!.) -> '' / ({.} R) -> '%2%1']] record = re.compile[[ record <- {| field (',' field)* |} (%nl / !.) field <- escaped / nonescaped nonescaped <- { [^,"%nl]* } escaped <- '"' {~ ([^"] / '""' -> '"')* ~} '"' ]] print(b:match"(ab(cd)ef(gh)ij(kl))") --> 21 print(b:match"(ab(cd)ef(gh)ij(kl))mn") --> 21 print(rev:match"0123456789") --> 9876543210 # «lpeg-re-find» (to ".lpeg-re-find") # (code-c-d "lpeg" "~/usrc/lpeg-0.12/") # (find-lpegfile "re.lua" "local function find (s, p, i)") ##### # # lpeg.re: Tony Finch's blog post # 2014feb14 # ##### # «lpeg-re-finch» (to ".lpeg-re-finch") # http://fanf.livejournal.com/97572.html # http://www.inf.puc-rio.br/~roberto/lpeg/re.html # (find-es "lua5" "lpeg-0.12") # (find-lpegw3m "re.html") # (find-angg "LUA/precedenceparser.lua") * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) userocks() require "re" parser = re.compile([[ add <- ( num ( { '+' } num ) * ) -> print num <- {%d+} ]], { bin = function (a, op, b) local r = a.." "..b.." "..op print(r) return r end, print = print }) = parser:match "23+100+45" local parser = re.compile([[ line <- ( <stamp> ' ' {%a*} ' ' <count> !. ) -> process stamp <- ( <date> ' ' <time> ' ' <zone> ) -> tostamp date <- ( <num><num> '-' <num> '-' <num> ) -> todate time <- ( <num> ':' <num> ':' <num> ) -> totime zone <- ( {[+-]} <num> <num> ) -> tozone count <- {'@'*} -> tocount num <- {%d^2} -> tonumber ]], { process = process, tonumber = tonumber, tocount = function (s) return #s end, todate = function (c,y,m,d) if m > 2 then m = m + 1; y = c*100 + y else m = m + 13; y = c*100 + y - 1 end return int(y*1461/4) - int(y/100) + int(y/400) + int(m*153/5) + d - 719591 end, totime = function (H,M,S) return H*3600 + M*60 + S end, tozone = function (zs,zh,zm) local z = zh*3600 - zm*60 if zs == "-" then return -z else return z end end, tostamp = function (date,time,zone) return date*86400 + time - zone end }) for line in io.stdin:lines() do if not parser:match(line) then io.stdout:write("skipping "..line.."\n") end end ##### # # lpeg quickref # 2007mar05 # ##### # «lpeg-quickref» (to ".lpeg-quickref") # Better versions: # (find-es "lpeg" "lpeg-quickref") # (find-es "lua-intro" "lpeg-quickref") # http://www.inf.puc-rio.br/~roberto/lpeg.html # (find-lpegfile "lpeg.c") # (find-lpegfile "lpeg.c" "{\"match\", matchl},") # (find-lpegmanual "") # (find-lpegmanual "#f-match") # (find-lpegmanual "#f-match") # (find-lpegmanual "#captures") # (find-lpegmanual "#op-p") # (find-lpegmanual "#op-p" "match-time") # (find-lpegmanual "#matchtime") # (find-lpegmanual "#grammar") # (find-lpegmanual "#cap-g") # (find-lpegmanual "#cap-b") # (find-lpegmanual "#ex" "Name-value lists") # (find-lpegmanual "#ex" "Lua's long strings" "Cb") lpeg.P(str) matches str lpeg.P(0) matches always lpeg.P(1) matches one char (".") lpeg.P(2) matches two chars ("..") lpeg.P(-1) matches is there isn't another char (end of string) lpeg.P(-2) matches if there aren't two more chars lpeg.P(p) return the pattern p unmodified lpeg.P(f) if f(subj, pos) returns a valid newpos then matches until it lpeg.P(gra) matches the first entry (gra[1]) in the grammar gra (a table) lpeg.V(2) matches the second entry (gra[2]) in the grammar above this lpeg.R("az", "AZ") matches any char in ranges ("[A-Za-z]") lpeg.S("abc") matches any char in set ("[abc]") #patt like patt, but without consuming input -patt like #patt, but negating the result p1 * p2 concatenation: "p1p2" p1 + p2 bounded prioritized choice - roughly like "p1|p2" p1 - p2 equivalent to -p2 * p1 1 - cset a char not in cset patt ^ 0 at least 0 occurrences of patt; i.e., "patt*" patt ^ 1 at least 1 occurrence of patt; i.e., "patt+" patt ^ 2 at least 2 occurrences of patt patt ^ -1 at most 1 occurrence of patt; i.e., "patt?" patt ^ -2 at most 2 occurrences of patt lpeg.Carg(n) the value of the n^th extra argument to lpeg.match lpeg.Cc(a,b,c) constant: captures a, b, c lpeg.Cp() the current position patt:C() the match for patt, then patt's other captures patt:Cf(f) folding: if patt returns a,b,c,d then f(f(f(a,b),c),d) patt:Ct() a table with all captures from patt patt / "_%2_" if patt captured "foo" and "bar" then "_bar_" patt / T T[c], where c is the (first) capture of patt patt / f if patt returns a,b,c,d then this returns f(a,b,c,d) patt:Cmt(f) if patt returns a,b,c,d then run (at match-time): f(subj, pos, a, b, c, d) => newpos, x, y, z which succeeds with values x, y, z if newpos is a number or true, fails if newpos is nil or false lpeg.Cb(name) the values produced by the previous group capture named name patt:Cg() the values produced by patt patt:Cg(name) the values produced by patt, tagged with name patt:Cs() the match for patt with the values from nested captures replacing their matches -- (find-lpegmanual "#captures") -- (find-lpegmanual "#captures" "match-time") -- (find-lpegmanual "#matchtime") -- (find-lpegmanual "#cap-arg") -- (find-lpegmanual "#cap-b") -- (find-lpegmanual "#cap-t") lpeg.C(patt) the substring matched by patt (then patt's other captures) lpeg.Cc(a,b,c) matches the empty string, captures a,b,c lpeg.Cs(patt) the substring matched by patt, after substitutions lpeg.Ct(patt) all captures made by patt as a table patt / f if patt captured a,b,c then f(a, b, c) patt / "_%2_" if patt captured "foo" and "bar" then "_bar_" patt / tbl if patt captured a and b then tbl[a] ##### # # A Trace debugger for Lpeg # 2012may29 # ##### # «lpeg-trace» (to ".lpeg-trace") # Better version: # (find-es "lpeg" "pegdebug0") -- Trace debugger for Lpeg: -- http://lua-users.org/lists/lua-l/2009-10/msg00774.html -- http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lang.lua.general/91553 -- http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lang.lua.general/91557 for k, p in pairs(grammar) do local enter = lpeg.Cmt(lpeg.P(true), function(s, p, ...) print("ENTER", k) return p end); local leave = lpeg.Cmt(lpeg.P(true), function(s, p, ...) print("LEAVE", k) return p end) * (lpeg.P("k") - lpeg.P "k"); grammar[k] = lpeg.Cmt(enter * p + leave, function(s, p, ...) print("---", k, "---") print(p, s:sub(1, p-1)) return p end) end ##### # # lpeg.Cmt # 2008aug06 # ##### # «lpeg.Cmt» (to ".lpeg.Cmt") # Better version: # (find-es "lpeg" "lpeg-matchtime") # (find-lpegmanual "#matchtime") # (find-lpegmanual "#func") * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) loadlpeg() Open = lpeg.S "(" Close = lpeg.S ")" Middlechar = 1 - lpeg.S "()" Middlechars = Middlechar^1 Middle = lpeg.P { (Middlechars + Open * lpeg.V(1) * Close)^0 } Block = Open * Middle * Close CBlock = Open * Middle:C() * Close Middlechars:test "foo (bar)" Block:test "foo" Block:test "(foo) bar" Block:test "(foo (bar)) hmm" Block:test "(foo (bar) ((plic) (ploc)) plec) hmm" CBlock:test "(foo (bar)) hmm" Onearg = CBlock * lpeg.Cp() Twoargs = CBlock * CBlock * lpeg.Cp() -- (find-lpegmanual "#matchtime") -- (find-lpegmanual "#func") Cmdname = lpeg.R "az" ^1 Cmd = lpeg.P "/" * Cmdname:Cmt(function(subj, pos, cmdname) if cmdname == "one" then local a, newpos = Onearg:match(subj, pos) if newpos then return newpos, "<"..a..">" end elseif cmdname == "two" then local a, b, newpos = Twoargs:match(subj, pos) if newpos then return newpos, "<"..a..">", "<"..b..">" end end end) Cmd:test "/one(aa)(bb)" Cmd:test "/two(cc)(dd)(ee) blah" Cmd:test "/two(cc) (dd)(ee) blah" # «lpeg.Cmt-2» (to ".lpeg.Cmt-2") -- (find-angg "LUA/preproc.lua") -- (find-lpegmanual "#matchtime") -- (find-lpegmanual "#func") -- (find-fline "~/LOGS/2008sep19.lua") * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) loadlpeg() lpeg.togsub = lpeg_togsub -- (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "lpeg_togsub") lpeg.gsub = lpeg_gsub -- (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "lpeg_gsub") Uppers = lpeg.R"AZ" ^1 Lowers = lpeg.R"az" ^1 Comma = lpeg.P"," OneArg = Lowers:C() TwoArgs = Lowers:C()*Comma*Lowers:C() OneArg:testt "foo,bar,plic" TwoArgs:testt "foo,bar,plic" setcommandname = function (subj, pos, name) -- PP("sc:", subj, pos, name) if not A[name] then return end commandname = name return true end setcommandargs = function (subj, pos, ...) -- PP("sa:", subj, pos, ...) commandargs = pack(...) return true end A = {} -- argument parsers C = {} -- what "command" to run on the arguments A["ONE"] = OneArg:Cmt(setcommandargs) C["ONE"] = function (a) return format("(one: %s)", a) end A["TWO"] = TwoArgs:Cmt(setcommandargs) C["TWO"] = function (a, b) return format("(two: %s %s)", a, b) end CommandName = Uppers:Cmt(setcommandname) CommandArgs = lpeg.P(function (subj, pos) return A[commandname]:match(subj, pos) end) BadArgs = lpeg.P(function (subj, pos) error("Bad args for "..commandname) end) CommandRun = lpeg.P(function (subj, pos) return pos, C[commandname](unpack(commandargs)) end) Command = lpeg.P"@" * CommandName * (CommandArgs + BadArgs) * CommandRun Command:testt "@ONEabc,def" Command:testt "@TWOabc,def,ghi" Command:testt "@TWOabc,def" Command:testt "@TWOabc" -- error Command:testt "@THREEabc,def,ghi" id = function (...) return ... end = Command:gsub("ab@ONEabc,def @TWOa,b,c,d", id) ### lpeg.Cmt (old notes) ### 2012may03 # (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "loadlpeg") # (find-lpegmanual "#f-match") # (find-lpegmanual "#captures") # (find-lpegmanual "#op-p") # (find-lpegmanual "#op-p" "match-time") # (find-lpegmanual "#matchtime") * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) userocks() loadlpeg() Digit = lpeg.R "09" Num = Digit^1 Space = lpeg.P " " Spaces = Space ^ 0 S = Spaces Numn = Num / tonumber Digit:test "123 456" Num :test "123 456" Numn :test "123 456" (Numn * S):test "123 456" (Numn * S * Numn):test "123 456 789" lpeg.P(function(...) PP(...) end):test "123 456" lpeg.P(function(...) PP(...) end):match("123 456") lpeg.P(function(...) PP(...) end):match("123 456", 1) lpeg.P(function(...) PP(...) end):match("123 456", 2) K = function (val) return function (...) PP(...); return val end end Num = Digit^0 Numn = Num / function (s) return s+0 end ##### # # lpeg example: arithmetic expressions, take 1 # 2007mar05 # ##### # «lpeg-ex-arith-1» (to ".lpeg-ex-arith-1") # (find-lpegfile "") # (find-lpegw3m "doc.html") # (find-lpegw3m "doc.html#ex") # http://www.inf.puc-rio.br/~roberto/lpeg.html#ex * (eepitch-lua51) loadlpeg() -- Lexical Elements -- local Space Number, FactorOp, TermOp, Open, Close Space = lpeg.S(" \n\t")^0 Number = lpeg.C(lpeg.P"-"^-1 * lpeg.R("09")^1) * Space FactorOp = lpeg.C(lpeg.S("+-")) * Space TermOp = lpeg.C(lpeg.S("*/")) * Space Open = "(" * Space Close = ")" * Space -- Grammar -- local V -- local Exp, Term, Factor V = lpeg.V Exp, Term, Factor = 1, 2, 3 G = lpeg.P{ [Exp] = lpeg.Ct(V(Factor) * (FactorOp * V(Factor))^0); [Factor] = lpeg.Ct(V(Term) * (TermOp * V(Term))^0); [Term] = Number + Open * V(Exp) * Close; } G = Space * G * -1 -- Evaluator function eval (x) if type(x) == "string" then return tonumber(x) else local op1 = eval(x[1]) for i = 2, #x, 2 do local op = x[i] local op2 = eval(x[i + 1]) if (op == "+") then op1 = op1 + op2 elseif (op == "-") then op1 = op1 - op2 elseif (op == "*") then op1 = op1 * op2 elseif (op == "/") then op1 = op1 / op2 end end return op1 end end -- Parser/Evaluator function evalExp (s) local t = lpeg.match(G, s) if not t then error("syntax error", 2) end return eval(t) end -- small example print(evalExp"3 + 5*9 / (1+1) - 12") G:print() ##### # # lpeg example: arithmetic expressions, take 2 # 2007mar05 # ##### # «lpeg-ex-arith-2» (to ".lpeg-ex-arith-2") # (find-lpegfile "") # (find-lpegw3m "doc.html") # (find-lpegw3m "doc.html#ex") # http://www.inf.puc-rio.br/~roberto/lpeg.html#ex * (eepitch-lua51) loadlpeg() -- Lexical Elements -- local Space Number, FactorOp, TermOp, Open, Close Space = lpeg.S(" \n\t")^0 Number = lpeg.C(lpeg.P"-"^-1 * lpeg.R("09")^1) * Space FactorOp = lpeg.C(lpeg.S("+-")) * Space TermOp = lpeg.C(lpeg.S("*/")) * Space Open = "(" * Space Close = ")" * Space -- Auxiliary function function eval (v1, op, v2) if (op == "+") then return v1 + v2 elseif (op == "-") then return v1 - v2 elseif (op == "*") then return v1 * v2 elseif (op == "/") then return v1 / v2 end end -- Grammar -- local V -- local Exp, Term, Factor V = lpeg.V Exp, Term, Factor = 1, 2, 3 G = lpeg.P { [Exp] = lpeg.Ca(V(Factor) * (FactorOp * V(Factor) / eval)^0); [Factor] = lpeg.Ca(V(Term) * (TermOp * V(Term) / eval)^0); [Term] = Number / tonumber + Open * V(Exp) * Close; } -- small example print(lpeg.match(G, "3 + 5*9 / (1+1) - 12")) G:print() ##### # # lpeg patterns as several layers # 2007mar02 # ##### # «lpeg-layers» (to ".lpeg-layers") # (find-fline "~/LOGS/2007mar01.lua" "pattern-with-captures") # (find-fline "~/LOGS/2007mar01.lua") # (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 87)) # (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 305)) <edrx> as I understand it there's the PEG layer, where we have just patterns that can succeed or fail, but we don't have a way to specify and return captures <edrx> on top of that the full thing with the captures is built - and I imagine that there should be a way to "project" a pattern-with-captures into the world of patterns-that-just-succeed-or-fail <edrx> supposing that this guess is right <edrx> I think that there are also some basic functions to lift a pattern-that-can-just-succeed-or-fail <edrx> to a pattern-with-captures <edrx> like: in case of success return the match as a string (a substring of the subject), or return the starting point of the match, or the end of the match <edrx> and there are also ways to build bigger pattern-with-captures from smaller patterns-that-just-succeed-or-fail and patterns-with-captures <edrx> hmmm, actually it seems that there's a natural embedding of the world of patterns-that-just-succeed-or-fail into the world of patterns-with-captures <edrx> a pattern-that-just-succeed-or-fail returns the position of the end of the match when it succeeds and nil when it fails <edrx> hmmm again <edrx> it seems that there is also the world of patterns-that-might-be-resumed versus patterns-that-on-success-have-no-backtracking-information ##### # # parsing elisp hyperlinks with lpeg # 2007mar14 # ##### # «lpeg-elisp-hyperlinks» (to ".lpeg-elisp-hyperlinks") * (eepitch-lua51) loadlpeg() SStringChar = 1 - lpeg.S "\"\n" SStringBsl = "\\" * (1 - lpeg.S "\n") SString = "\"" * SStringChar^0 * "\"" SNumber = lpeg.P"-"^-1 * lpeg.R"09"^1 SNonSymbolChar = lpeg.S "\"#'(),.[\\]`" SSymbolChar = lpeg.R "!~" - SNonSymbolChar - lpeg.S "{}" SSymbol = SSymbolChar^1 SAtom = SString + SNumber + SSymbol SSpace = lpeg.S " \t" SSpaces = SSpace^1 subj = [[find-angg ".emacs" "foo"]] subj2 = [[find-ongg ".emacs" "foo"]] M = function (pat) io.write("lpeg.match: "); PP(lpeg.match(pat, subj)) end M2 = function (pat) io.write("lpeg.match: "); PP(lpeg.match(pat, subj2)) end M(SSymbol) M(lpeg.C(SSymbol) * (SSpaces * lpeg.C(SAtom))^0) M (SSymbol / hyperlinksymbols * (SSpaces * lpeg.C(SAtom))^0) M2(SSymbol / hyperlinksymbols * (SSpaces * lpeg.C(SAtom))^0) M (SSymbol / PPP("SSymbol:") * (SSpaces * lpeg.C(SAtom))^0) M (SSymbol * lpeg.P(PPP("Pf:")) * (SSpaces * lpeg.C(SAtom))^0) M (SSymbol * lpeg.P(function (subj, pos) return pos end) * (SSpaces * lpeg.C(SAtom))^0) M (lpeg.C(SSymbol) * lpeg.P(function (subj, pos) return pos end) * (SSpaces * lpeg.C(SAtom))^0) M (lpeg.C(SSymbol) * lpeg.P(function (subj, pos) return nil end) * (SSpaces * lpeg.C(SAtom))^0) flag = true M (lpeg.C(SSymbol) * lpeg.P(function (subj, pos) return flag and pos end) * (SSpaces * lpeg.C(SAtom))^0) flag = false M (lpeg.C(SSymbol) * lpeg.P(function (subj, pos) return flag and pos end) * (SSpaces * lpeg.C(SAtom))^0) Flag = lpeg.P(function (subj, pos) return flag and pos end) flag = true M (lpeg.C(SSymbol) * Flag * (SSpaces * lpeg.C(SAtom))^0) flag = false M (lpeg.C(SSymbol) * Flag * (SSpaces * lpeg.C(SAtom))^0) flag = true M (SSymbol / PPP("/f:") * Flag * (SSpaces * lpeg.C(SAtom))^0) flag = false M (SSymbol / PPP("/f:") * Flag * (SSpaces * lpeg.C(SAtom))^0) -- Oh, no!... -- The "f" in "patt / f" is only executed after the full pattern succeds... SetMark = lpeg.P(function (subj, pos) mark = pos; return pos end) SymbolIsGood = lpeg.P(function (subj, pos) local str = string.sub(subj, mark, pos - 1) PPP("SIG:")(str) return (str ~= "find-ongg") and pos end) M (SetMark * lpeg.C(SSymbol) * SymbolIsGood * (SSpaces * lpeg.C(SAtom))^0) M2(SetMark * lpeg.C(SSymbol) * SymbolIsGood * (SSpaces * lpeg.C(SAtom))^0) -- f = function (subj, mark, pos) ... return boolean end lpeg_filter = function (patt, f) local mark return lpeg.P(function (subj, pos) mark = pos; return pos end) * patt * lpeg.P(function (subj, pos) return f(subj, mark, pos) and pos end) end -- f = function (str) ... return boolean end lpeg_strfilter = function (patt, f) local mark return lpeg.P(function (subj, pos) mark = pos; return pos end) * patt * lpeg.P(function (subj, pos) return f(string.sub(subj, mark, pos - 1)) and pos end) end -- f = function (str) ... return boolean end lpeg_strfilter = function (patt, f) return lpeg_filter(patt, function (subj, mark, pos) return f(string.sub(subj, mark, pos - 1)) end) end M (lpeg_strfilter(lpeg.C(SSymbol), function (str) return str ~= "find-ongg" end) * (SSpaces * lpeg.C(SAtom))^0) M2(lpeg_strfilter(lpeg.C(SSymbol), function (str) return str ~= "find-ongg" end) * (SSpaces * lpeg.C(SAtom))^0) -- The (good) "head symbols" are the ones that we know how to htmlize. headsymbols = {} for _,s in ipairs(split("to find-fline find-angg")) do headsymbols[s] = s end lpeg_intable = function (patt, tbl) local mark return lpeg.P(function (subj, pos) mark = pos; return pos end) * patt * lpeg.P(function (subj, pos) return tbl[string.sub(subj, mark, pos - 1)] and pos end) end M (lpeg_strfilter(lpeg.C(SSymbol), function (str) return headsymbols[str] end) * (SSpaces * lpeg.C(SAtom))^0) M2(lpeg_strfilter(lpeg.C(SSymbol), function (str) return headsymbols[str] end) * (SSpaces * lpeg.C(SAtom))^0) M (lpeg.C(lpeg_intable(SSymbol, headsymbols)) * (SSpaces * lpeg.C(SAtom))^0) M2(lpeg.C(lpeg_intable(SSymbol, headsymbols)) * (SSpaces * lpeg.C(SAtom))^0) SHeadSymbol = lpeg_intable(SSymbol, headsymbols) -- (find-lpegw3m "doc.html" "lpeg.P (value)" "If the argument is a function") -- (find-lpegw3m "doc.html#captures") -- (find-lpegw3m "doc.html#captures" "patt / function") Hypothesis: patterns with captures are really a separate layer on top of simple patterns; in order to make a pattern fail depending on captured values I need to "move down" some values using, say, a global variable "foo" and pattwithcapturesthanchangesfoo * lpeg.P(function (subj, pos) return foo and pos end) No, that doesn't work - I have to use lpeg.P(function ... end) twice. What is the exact moment in which a pattern is considered to have been matched, and its captures are converted from "instructions for captures" into "the values of the captures"? -- (find-lpegfile "lpeg.c") -- (find-lpegfile "lpeg.c" "#if defined(DEBUG)") -- (find-lpegfile "lpeg.c" "static const char *match ") -- (find-lpegfile "lpeg.c" "static int matchl ") ##### # # lpeg-debug # 2015oct11 # ##### # «lpeg-debug» (to ".lpeg-debug") # https://github.com/pkulchenko/PegDebug # https://github.com/pkulchenko/PegDebug/blob/master/src/pegdebug.lua # https://nmap.org/nsedoc/lib/lpeg-utility.html # http://lua-users.org/lists/lua-l/2014-09/msg00489.html ##### # # LpegLabel # 2016sep03 # ##### # «lpeglabel» (to ".lpeglabel") # https://github.com/sqmedeiros/lpeglabel # https://mail.google.com/mail/ca/u/0/#inbox/15638e09aa7127d6 # (find-git-links "https://github.com/sqmedeiros/lpeglabel" "lpeglabel") # (find-luarocks-links "lpeglabel" "{ver}" "{sub}" "") * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) rm -Rfv ~/usrc/lpeglabel/ cd ~/usrc/ git clone https://github.com/sqmedeiros/lpeglabel cd ~/usrc/lpeglabel/ git branch --list -a git for-each-ref PAGER=cat git log --oneline --graph --all -20 # (find-fline "~/usrc/") # (find-fline "~/usrc/lpeglabel/") # (find-gitk "~/usrc/lpeglabel/") # (code-c-d "lpeglabel" "~/usrc/lpeglabel/") # (find-lpeglabelfile "") ##### # # a bug in lpeg-0.5 # 2007mar22 # ##### # «lpeg-0.5-bug» (to ".lpeg-0.5-bug") # http://lua-users.org/lists/lua-l/2007-03/msg00616.html # (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "loadlpeg") * (eepitch-lua51) package.cpath = "/home/edrx/usrc/lpeg-0.4/?.so" require "lpeg" print(lpeg.match("<" * lpeg.C(lpeg.R("az")^1) * ">", "<foo> bar")) * (eepitch-lua51) package.cpath = "/home/edrx/usrc/lpeg-0.5/?.so" require "lpeg" print(lpeg.match("<" * lpeg.C(lpeg.R("az")^1) * ">", "<foo> bar")) # (eekill "A bug in lpeg-0.5") # Here's a bug that I found in lpeg-0.5... compare the two transcripts below, the output "foo>" is wrong. Lua 5.1.1 Copyright (C) 1994-2006 Lua.org, PUC-Rio > package.cpath = "/home/edrx/usrc/lpeg-0.4/?.so" > require "lpeg" > print(lpeg.match("<" * lpeg.C(lpeg.R("az")^1) * ">", "<foo> bar")) foo > Lua 5.1.1 Copyright (C) 1994-2006 Lua.org, PUC-Rio > package.cpath = "/home/edrx/usrc/lpeg-0.5/?.so" > require "lpeg" > print(lpeg.match("<" * lpeg.C(lpeg.R("az")^1) * ">", "<foo> bar")) foo> > Does that happen on other people's machines too? I'm using Debian stable (gcc 3.3.5) on an i386... Cheers, Eduardo Ochs eduardoochs@gmail.com http://angg.twu.net/ ##### # # Roberto Ierusalimschy's solution to the SHeadSymbol problem # 2007mar15 # ##### # «sheadsymbol-roberto» (to ".sheadsymbol-roberto") # http://lua-users.org/lists/lua-l/2007-03/msg00355.html # http://lua-users.org/lists/lua-l/2007-03/msg00358.html # (find-blogmefile "text2html.lua") * (eepitch-lua51) loadlpeg() --------[ Anchor ]-------- -- (find-anggfile "TH/Generate") -- (find-anggfile "TH/Generate" "txt2html") AnchorChar = lpeg.R ... Anchor = "«" * AnchorChar^1 * "»" --------[ Url ]-------- UrlProtocol = lpeg.P("http") + lpeg.P("ftp") + lpeg.P("shttp") UrlDomainChar = lpeg.R("az", "09") + lpeg.S("-") UrlDomain = UrlDomainChar^1 * ("." * UrlDomainChar^1)^1 UrlPathChar = ... --------[ SSexpLink ]-------- SStringChar = 1 - lpeg.S "\"\n" SStringBsl = "\\" * (1 - lpeg.S "\n") SString = "\"" * SStringChar^0 * "\"" SNumber = lpeg.P"-"^-1 * lpeg.R"09"^1 SNonSymbolChar = lpeg.S "\"#'(),.[\\]`" SSymbolChar = lpeg.R "!~" - SNonSymbolChar - lpeg.S "{}" SSymbol = SSymbolChar^1 headsymbols = { ["info"]=true, ["man"]=true } SHeadSymbol = lpeg.P(function (subj, pos) local e = lpeg.match(SSymbol, subj, pos) if not e then return nil end local symbol = string.sub(subj, pos, e - 1) return headsymbols[symbol] and pos end) SAtom = SString + SNumber + SSymbol SSpace = lpeg.S " \t" SSpaces = SSpace^1 Eos = lpeg.P(-1) Eol = -(lpeg.S "\n" + Eos) SSexpLink = "(" * lpeg.C(SHeadSymbol) * (Spaces * lpeg.C(SAtom))^0 * ")" * Eol ##### # # using lpeg to add links to ascii diagrams # 2007jul24 # ##### # «lpeg-links-ascii-diags» (to ".lpeg-links-ascii-diags") # http://angg.twu.net/davinci.html # (find-angg "TH/davinci.blogme") * (eepitch-lua51) str = [[ .________________ | | | emacs | | :: | | :: | | ____\/_______|__ ___________________ | | | | | | | shell ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::> | | | | :: | | tcmd.tcl | |__|_____::_________| | (Tcl/Tk/Expect) | :: ^ | | :: : stdout | | ________\/_____:__ | | | : | | | | SciTe 1.74 : | | | | :: : | | | | ______\/____:__| | | | | | <--- /tmp/ee.tcmd.pid <--- | | | | Lua 5.1 | ---> /tmp/ee.tcmd.tcl | | | | | ------- kill -USR2 ------> | | |__|_______________| /tmp/ee.tcmd.tcl ---> |___________________| ^ ^ : : intro.lua : : lua50init.lua ]] asats = function (str) return string.rep("@", strlen(str)) end loadlpeg() translateword = function (str) return string.rep("@", strlen(str)) end Pos = lpeg.Cp() AnyChar = lpeg.P(1) WordChar = lpeg.R("AZ", "az", "09") + lpeg.S("/") Word = WordChar^1 OtherWord = lpeg.S(" .") * lpeg.S("-")^-1 * Word Words = Word * OtherWord^0 WordsT = Words / translateword SbeChars = Pos * AnyChar^0 * Pos SbeCharsThen = function (patT) return Pos * lpeg.P { Pos * patT + AnyChar * lpeg.V(1) } end SbeWordsT = SbeCharsThen(WordsT)^0 * SbeChars sbematch = function (SbePat, str, f) return sbeconcat(str, f)(SbePat:Ct():match(str)) end lpeg.sbematch = sbematch = SbeWordsT:sbematch(str) = SbeWordsT:match(str) -- big mess: twordtable = { ["emacs"] = "emacs.html", ["tcmd.tcl"] = "DAVINCI/tcmd.tcl.html", } translateword = function (word) if twordtable[word] then return HREF(twordtable[word], word) else return word end end = Words:match("Foo bar") = (Pos * Words):match("Foo bar") PP((Pos * Words * Pos):Ct():match("Foo bar")) PP(((Pos * Words * Pos):Ct() / PP):match("Foo bar")) PP((Pos * Words * Pos):sbematch("Foo bar")) PP((Pos * Words * Pos):Ct():match("Foo bar")) PP(sbeconcat("Foo Bar")((Pos * Words * Pos):Ct():match("Foo bar"))) = sbeconcat("Foo Bar Blep"){1, 8, "@", 9, 13} = SbeWordsT:sbematch(str) = sbematch(str, SbeWordsT, identity) sbechars EtcWordsT = Pos * lpeg.P { Pos * WordsT + lpeg.P(1) * lpeg.V(1) } EtcSpecials = EtcSpecial^0 EtcSpecialsEtc = EtcSpecials * Pos * EtcChar^0 * Pos -- (find-blogme3file "escripts.lua" "EtcSpecial =") -- (find-es "lua5" "lpeg-quickref") -- (find-anggfile "LUA/lua50init.lua" "sbeconcat =") -- (find-fline "~/TH/davinci.blogme") -- (find-blogme3file "escripts.lua") ##### # # lua-lpeg on Debian Wheezy # 2014aug30 # ##### # «lua-lpeg-wheezy» (to ".lua-lpeg-wheezy") # (find-zsh "installeddebs | sort | grep lpeg") # (find-zsh "availabledebs | sort | grep lpeg") # (find-available "lua-lpeg") # (find-status "lua-lpeg") # (find-vldifile "lua-lpeg:i386.list") # (find-udfile "lua-lpeg/") # (find-status "lua-lpeg-dev") # (find-vldifile "lua-lpeg-dev:i386.list") # (find-udfile "lua-lpeg-dev/") # file:///usr/share/doc/lua-lpeg-dev/lpeg.html # file:///usr/share/doc/lua-lpeg-dev/re.html # file:///usr/share/doc/lua-lpeg-dev/re.html#basic # file:///usr/share/doc/lua-lpeg-dev/re.html#func # file:///usr/share/doc/lua-lpeg-dev/re.html#ex ##### # # lpeg as a rock # 2014oct15 # ##### # «lpeg-rock» (to ".lpeg-rock") # (find-luarocks-links "lpeg" "0.12" "-1" "lpeg") # (find-lpegfile "") # (find-sh "locate re.lua") # (find-sh "locate lpeg.so") # (find-fline "/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/lua/5.1/" "lpeg.so") # (find-fline "/usr/share/lua/5.1/" "re.lua") # (find-fline "~/usrc/luarocks/lib/lua/5.1/" "lpeg.so") # (find-fline "~/usrc/luarocks/share/lua/5.1/" "re.lua") * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) = lpeg = package.cpath = package.path * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) = lpeg package.cpath = "/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/lua/5.1/?.so" package.path = "/usr/share/lua/5.1/?.lua" require "lpeg" require "re" = lpeg.version() * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) = lpeg package.cpath = "/home/edrx/usrc/luarocks/lib/lua/5.1/?.so" package.path = "/home/edrx/usrc/luarocks/share/lua/5.1/?.lua" require "lpeg" require "re" = lpeg.version() ##### # # lpeg-bytecode # 2019jun19 # ##### # «lpeg-bytecode» (to ".lpeg-bytecode") The current version (now at github [1]) has a method to print these bytecodes. ('pattern:pcode()', when compiled with LPEG_DEBUG defined.) However, there is no explicit way to export or have other access to the code. But it shouldn't be difficult for another library to access that code inside the corresponding userdata. (See the print function 'lp_printcode' for inspiration.) Please keep in mind that the current instruction set is different from the one used back there in that paper, but the general idea is the same. [1] https://github.com/roberto-ieru/LPeg # (find-git-links "https://github.com/roberto-ieru/LPeg" "lpeg") * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) rm -Rfv ~/usrc/LPeg/ cd ~/usrc/ git clone https://github.com/roberto-ieru/LPeg cd ~/usrc/LPeg/ # (find-fline "~/usrc/") # (find-fline "~/usrc/LPeg/") # (code-c-d "lpeg" "~/usrc/LPeg/") # (find-lpegfile "") # (find-gitk "~/usrc/LPeg/") ##### # # loadstring and eof # 2007jan17 # ##### # «loadstring_and_eof» (to ".loadstring_and_eof") # (find-es "tcl" "info_complete") <edrx> hi all - sorry if this is an obvious questions (pointers welcome) but: suppose that I have my own function for reading a line, "getline", say - how do I implement something like lua's interactive mode - in lua - using it and the debug library? I need to concatenate the lines that I've read and see if the result either (1) is a complete command, (2) is an incomplete command, (3) is "wrong" - how do I distinguish betwe <edrx> en these three cases? <lhf> btw, the HOPL paper is done. managed to mention you wrt metamethods. <rici> lhf: thanks <rici> edrx: do it the way lua.c does <rici> try to compile the line, and see what error you get, if any <lhf> try loadstring. if it does not fail, run the chunk. if it fails, check the message for eof. <rici> right # (find-fline "~/LOGS/2007jan17.lua" "check the message for eof") # (find-lua51file "src/") # (find-lua51file "src/lparser.c") # (find-lua51file "src/lparser.c" "unexpected symbol") # (find-lua51file "src/lua.c" "<eof>") * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-lua50) * (eechannel-xterm "A") -- «incompletep» (to ".incompletep") -- incompletepat = ": unexpected symbol near '<eof>'$" incompletep = function (errmsg) if errmsg and string.find(errmsg, incompletepat) then return true end end myloadstring = function (T) T.code, T.err = loadstring(table.concat(T, "\n")) T.incomplete = incompletep(T.err) return T end myreadmore = function (T) io.write(prompt or (table.getn(T) == 0 and "-> " or "->> ")) local line = io.read() if line then table.insert(T, line); return true end end myreadlines = function (T) if myreadmore(T) then while myloadstring(T).incomplete and myreadmore(T) do end end return T end T = {}; PP(myreadlines(T)) print( 22+33) PP(T) ##### # # loadstring # 2020oct28 # ##### # «loadstring» (to ".loadstring") # (find-lua51manual "#pdf-load") # (find-lua51manual "#pdf-loadstring") # (find-lua52manual "#8.2" "Function loadstring is deprecated. Use load") # (find-lua52manual "#pdf-load") # (find-lua53manual "#pdf-load") # (find-es "lua-intro" "intro:eval") # (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "loadstring") * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) = loadstring "2+()" = loadstring "return 2+3,4" = (loadstring "return 2+3,4")() = (loadstring "local a,b=...; return a*b,a")(10,20) ##### # # loadfile # 2022apr22 # ##### # «loadfile» (to ".loadfile") # (find-lua51manual "#pdf-loadfile") # (find-lua51manual "#pdf-load") * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) cat > /tmp/o.lua <<'%%%' return "hello", ... %%% cat > /tmp/o-nil.lua <<'%%%' %%% cat > /tmp/o-error.lua <<'%%%' error "foo" %%% * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) = loadfile "/tmp/o.lua" = (loadfile "/tmp/o.lua")() = (loadfile "/tmp/o.lua")(22, 33) = loadfile "/tmp/o-nil.lua" = (loadfile "/tmp/o-nil.lua")() = loadfile "/tmp/o-error.lua" = (loadfile "/tmp/o-error.lua")() ##### # # ldb (from .tgz) # 2007apr29 # ##### # «ldb-from-tgz» (to ".ldb-from-tgz") # http://primero.ricilake.net:8008/ldb/ # http://primero.ricilake.net/lua/ldb-20070420.tar.gz #* rm -Rv ~/usrc/ldb/ tar -C ~/usrc/ -xvzf \ $S/http/primero.ricilake.net/lua/ldb-20070420.tar.gz cd ~/usrc/ldb/ #* # (find-es "davinci") # (find-angg ".emacs" "davinci") # (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "loadldb") # (code-c-d "ldb" "~/usrc/ldb/" :grep) # (find-ldbfile "") # (find-ldbfile "ldb") # (find-ldbfile "ldb.lua") * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-at-dir-comint "~/usrc/ldb/" "ldb" "lua51") ldb = require "ldb" ldb() help help topics help copyright help intro help version help clocal help context help getinfo help here help magic help tailcall , PP(1+2) help exec help print ,, PP(1+2) ,, PP(alias) ,, PP(keys(splain)) ,, PP(keys(command)) ,, PP(command) ,, error("sja") ,, PP(keys(getfenv())) ,, PP(keys(getfenv(1))) bt = getfenv() = getmetatable(getfenv()) = PP(keys(getmetatable(getfenv()))) = _G , PP(keys(getfenv())) -- = expr -- == expr print expr using the ldb environment -- ,, expr exec expr using the ldb environment -- .= expr same as "== expr" -- ., expr same as ",, expr" -- (find-pilfile "") -- (find-pilw3m "23.html") -- (find-pilw3m "23.1.html") -- (find-pilw3m "23.1.1.html") -- (find-pilw3m "23.1.2.html") -- (find-pilw3m "23.2.html") -- (find-pilw3m "23.3.html") -- (find-ldbfile "ldb.lua") = env PP(keys(package)) PP(keys(package.preload)) PP(keys(package.loaded)) = ldb PP(keys(ldb)) PP(keys(package)) = splain = ldb ##### # # ldb - rici lake's replacement for debug.debug # 2007apr05 # ##### # «ldb» (to ".ldb") # (to "xpcall") # (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "loadldb") # (find-fline "~/LOGS/2007apr04.lua") # (find-fline "~/LOGS/2007apr04.lua" "<rici> debug.traceback = ldb") # Rici keeps an old version of ldb at this url: # http://primero.ricilake.net/lua/ldb.lua # The new version has to be fetched by CVStrac from: # http://primero.ricilake.net:8008/ldb/getfile?f=ldb/ldb.lua # Download from cvstrac (2007apr12): * (eepitch-shell) cd ~/LUA/ { URL='http://primero.ricilake.net:8008/ldb/getfile?f=ldb/ldb.lua' echo "-- From: $URL" echo "-- See: (find-es \"lua5\" \"ldb\")" echo "--" wget -O - $URL } > ldb.lua # (find-fline "~/LUA/" "ldb.lua") # (find-fline "~/LUA/ldb.lua") * (eepitch-shell) cd $S/http/primero.ricilake.net/lua/ lua51 ldb = require "ldb" debug.traceback = ldb err = function () print("foo"); io.output():flush(); error("bar") end inner = function () return 1+err() end middle = function () return 1+inner() end outer = function () return 1+middle() end outer() -- "foo", then traceback help backtrace * (eepitch-shell) cd $S/http/primero.ricilake.net/lua/ lua51 loadldb() debug.traceback = ldb err = function () print("foo"); io.output():flush(); error("bar") end inner = function () return 1+err() end middle = function () return 1+inner() end outer = function () return 1+middle() end outer() -- "foo", then traceback help backtrace ##### # # lua-mode.el # 2007feb05 / 2017fev01 / 2023dec18 # ##### # «lua-mode.el» (to ".lua-mode.el") # (find-es "emacs" "lua-mode") # (find-epackage-links 'lua-mode "luamode" t) # (find-epackages 'lua-mode) # (find-epackage 'lua-mode) # (code-c-d "luamode" "~/.emacs.d/elpa/lua-mode-20231023.947/") # (find-luamodefile "") # (find-luamodefile "lua-mode.el") # (find-customizegroup 'lua) # (find-eapropos "^lua") # https://github.com/immerrr/lua-mode/ # https://immerrr.github.io/lua-mode # (find-angg ".emacs" "lua-mode") # (find-angg "elisp/lua-mode.el") # # (code-c-d "luamode" "~/usrc/lua-mode/") # (find-luamodefile "") # (find-luamodefile "Makefile") # # http://luaforge.net/projects/lua-mode/ # http://luaforge.net/frs/download.php/2074/lua-mode-20061208.tar.gz # http://luaforge.net/frs/download.php/2471/lua-mode-20070608.tar.gz #* tar -C ~/elisp/ -xvzf \ $S/http/luaforge.net/frs/download.php/2074/lua-mode-20061208.tar.gz #* tar -C ~/elisp/ -xvzf \ $S/http/luaforge.net/frs/download.php/2471/lua-mode-20070608.tar.gz #* # (find-available "lua-mode") # (find-status "lua-mode") # (find-vldifile "lua-mode.list") # (find-udfile "lua-mode/") # (find-fline "~/elisp/lua-mode.el") # (find-sh "rm -v ~/elisp/lua-mode.el") # 2011apr22 / 2013sep05: # Needs: (find-es "emacs" "cask") * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) # https://github.com/immerrr/lua-mode/ # https://github.com/immerrr/lua-mode.git rm -Rfv ~/usrc/lua-mode/ cd ~/usrc/ && \ git clone https://github.com/immerrr/lua-mode.git cd ~/usrc/lua-mode/ # EMACS=emacs-default make compile check EMACS=emacs-default make compile # (find-fline "~/usrc/lua-mode/") cp -v lua-mode..elc lua-mode.elc rm -Rfv ~/usrc/lua-mode/ tar -cvzf ~/tmp/lua-mode-git.tgz lua-mode/ * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) # (find-fline "~/usrc/lua-mode/") cp -v ~/usrc/lua-mode/lua-mode.el ~/elisp/ cp -v ~/usrc/lua-mode/lua-mode.elc ~/elisp/ rm -Rfv ~/usrc/lua-mode/ cd ~/usrc/ && \ git clone https://github.com/immerrr/lua-mode.git tar -cvzf ~/tmp/lua-mode-git.tgz lua-mode/ ##### # # risclua (for the "\x => x*x end" patch) # 2006dec04 / 2007feb05 # ##### # «risclua» (to ".risclua") # (to "minimal_GCW_SUGAR") # (to "lambdas") # http://www.wra1th.plus.com/lua/ # http://www.wra1th.plus.com/lua/risclua.html # http://www.wra1th.plus.com/lua/book/rb04.html # http://www.wra1th.plus.com/lua/notes/Scope.html (2018) # (find-fline "/tmp/rlua400.zip") # (find-fline "/tmp/risclua/") # (find-man "1 unzip") # http://www.wra1th.plus.com/lua/zip/Luasrc.zip # http://www.wra1th.plus.com/lua/zip/rlua401.zip #* rm -Rv /tmp/risclua/ mkdir /tmp/risclua/ cd /tmp/risclua/ unzip -d /tmp/risclua/ $S/http/www.wra1th.plus.com/lua/zip/rlua401.zip unzip -d /tmp/risclua/ $S/http/www.wra1th.plus.com/lua/zip/Luasrc.zip cd /tmp/risclua/ #* # (code-c-d "risclua" "/tmp/risclua/") # (find-riscluafile "") # (find-riscluafile "c/llex") # (find-riscluafile "c/llex" "#ifdef GCW_SUGAR") # (find-lua51file "src/llex.c") # (find-tkdiff "/tmp/risclua/c/lparser" (ee-lua51file "src/lparser.c")) rm -Rfv /tmp/lua-5.1.1/ mkdir /tmp/lua-5.1.1/ tar -C /tmp/ -xvzf $S/http/www.lua.org/ftp/lua-5.1.1.tar.gz cd /tmp/lua-5.1.1/ unzip -j -d src/ $S/http/www.wra1th.plus.com/lua/zip/Luasrc.zip c/lparser #* # Some messages about this: # Mine: http://lua-users.org/lists/lua-l/2007-02/msg00100.html # Fabien: http://lua-users.org/lists/lua-l/2006-12/msg00050.html # Wraith: http://lua-users.org/lists/lua-l/2006-12/msg00046.html # The body of my message was just: Speaking of syntax for lambdas: in RiscLua a backslash is a synonym for "function" and "=>" is a synonym for "return". See: http://www.wra1th.plus.com/lua/book/rb04.html The patch that implements that is just what's contained in the two "#ifdef GCW_SUGAR" blocks in the file "c/llex" of RiscLua's sources (<http://www.wra1th.plus.com/lua/zip/Luasrc.zip>); this "c/llex" corresponds to the file "src/llex.c" in the standard Lua sources. Cheers, Eduardo Ochs eduardoochs@gmail.com http://angg.twu.net/ ##### # # functionnames # 2007feb26 # ##### # «functionnames» (to ".functionnames") # (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "preparef2n") # (find-luamanualw3m "#pdf-debug") # (find-luamanualw3m "#pdf-debug.getinfo") # (find-es "lua5" "debug.debug") * (eepitch-lua51) addfunctionnames = function (fun2name, dictname, dictnamedot, dict) fun2name = fun2name or {} if dictname then return addfunctionnames_(fun2name or {} makef2n = function (otherdicts) local f2n = {} local mainsubdicts = "coroutine debug io math os package string table" for _,dn = ipairs(split(mainsubdicts)) do addfunctionnames(f2n, dn, dn..".", _G[dn]) end for _,dn = ipairs(split(mainsubdicts)) do addfunctionnames(f2n, dn, dn..".", _G[dn]) end addfunctionnames(f2n, "_G", "", _G) return f2n end _G["---"] = function () print("---") end f2n = addfunctionnames() PP(f2n) functionnames = function () local name2fun = {} local fun2name = {} local tablenames = split("coroutine debug io math os package string table") local addfuns = function (prefix, tbl) for name,val in pairs(tbl) do if type(val) == "function" then fun2name[val] = prefix .. name name2fun[prefix .. name] = val end end end for _,tablename in ipairs(tablenames) do addfuns(tablename .. ".", _G[tablename]) end addfuns("", _G) return fun2name, name2fun end f2n, n2f = functionnames() PP(n2f) function outer () middle() end function middle () inner() end function inner () for i=1,5 do PP(i, f2n[debug.getinfo(i).func]) end debug.debug() end f2n, n2f = functionnames() outer() PP(debug.getinfo(1)) PP(debug.getinfo(1).func) PP(f2n[debug.getinfo(1).func]) PP(f2n[debug.getinfo(2).func]) PP(f2n[debug.getinfo(3).func]) PP(f2n[debug.getinfo(4).func]) PP(f2n[debug.getinfo(5).func]) PP(debug.getinfo(2)) = functionnames()[require] PP(debug.getinfo(print)) PP(debug.getinfo(inner)) PP(debug.getinfo(1,"n").name) function inner () error("foo") end PP(debug.getinfo(1,"n").name) ##### # # cinvoke # 2007mar02 # ##### # «cinvoke» (to ".cinvoke") # (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "loadcinvoke") # http://cinvoke.teegra.net/ <- 2011jan07 # http://www.nongnu.org/cinvoke/lua.html # http://download.savannah.nongnu.org/releases/cinvoke/cinvoke-1.0.tgz #* rm -Rv ~/usrc/cinvoke-1.0/ tar -C ~/usrc/ -xvzf \ $S/http/download.savannah.nongnu.org/releases/cinvoke/cinvoke-1.0.tgz cd ~/usrc/cinvoke-1.0/ perl configure.pl |& tee opc make |& tee om (cd test && ./runtests) |& tee ort #* # (code-c-d "cinvoke" "~/usrc/cinvoke-1.0/") # (find-cinvokefile "") # (find-cinvokefile "README.txt") # (find-cinvokefile "bindings/lua/") # (find-cinvokefile "bindings/lua/socket.lua") # (find-cinvokefile "bindings/lua/test.lua") # (find-cinvokefile "bindings/lua/") # (find-cinvokesh "cd bindings/lua/; make") # (find-cinvokefile "bindings/lua/Makefile") # (find-cinvokefile "bindings/lua/Makefile" ".c.o:") # (find-cinvokefile "bindings/lua/Makefile.templ") * (eepitch-shell) cd ~/usrc/cinvoke-1.0/ cd ~/usrc/cinvoke-1.0/bindings/lua/ # make gcc -g -Wall -DCINVOKE_BUILD -DARCH_GCC_X86_UNIX -fpic \ -I../../lib -I$LUA51SRC/src \ -c cinvoke_lua.c -o cinvoke_lua.o make cinvoke_lua.so lua51 test.lua foo * (eepitch-shell) cd ~/usrc/cinvoke-1.0/bindings/lua/ lua51 -- (find-cinvokefile "bindings/lua/test.lua") require("cinvoke_lua") * (eepitch-lua51) oldcpath = package.cpath package.cpath = "/home/edrx/usrc/cinvoke-1.0/bindings/lua/?.so" require "cinvoke_lua" package.cpath = oldcpath * (eepitch-lua51) loadcinvoke() for k,v in pairs(package) do print(k) end PP(package.preload) PP(package.loadlib) for k,v in pairs(package.loaded) do print(k) end = package.loaded.cinvoke_lua PP(package.loaders) = package.cpath = package.config = package.path = package.seeall ##### # # calling Tcl from Lua using cinvoke # 2007mar05 # ##### # «cinvoke-libtcl» (to ".cinvoke-libtcl") # (find-anggfile "LUA/lua50init.lua" "loadcinvoke") # (find-es "tcl" "tcl_from_c") # http://www.nongnu.org/cinvoke/lua.html # (find-tclbook3page 1) # (find-tclbook3page (+ -250 263)) # (find-tclbook3text) * (eepitch-lua51) loadcinvoke() libtcl = clibrary.new("libtcl8.4.so.0") TclInterpPtr = Cptr PP(libtcl, Cptr, Cstring) Tcl_CreateInterp = libtcl:get_function(TclInterpPtr, "Tcl_CreateInterp") Tcl_Eval = libtcl:get_function(Cint, "Tcl_Eval", TclInterpPtr, Cstring) Tcl_GetStringResult = libtcl:get_function(Cstring, "Tcl_GetStringResult", TclInterpPtr) interp = Tcl_CreateInterp() = Tcl_Eval(interp, "puts Hello") = Tcl_Eval(interp, "expr 22+33") = Tcl_GetStringResult(interp) How do I call Tcl using cinvoke? To use Tk I will have to have a Tcl word "lua" that blah ##### # # tlbridge.c - a Tcl/Tk<->Lua bridge # 2007mar06 # ##### # «tlbridge.c» (to ".tlbridge.c") # (find-angg "LUA/tlbridge.c") # (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "loadtcl") #* cd /tmp/ cp -v ~/LUA/tlbridge.c . gcc --shared -ltcl8.4 \ -Wall \ -I$LUA51SRC/src/ -I/usr/include/tcl8.4/ \ -o tlbridge.so tlbridge.c # ldd tlbridge.so lua51 -e 'tcl = require "tlbridge"; print(tcl("expr 22+33"))' lua51 -e 'tcl = require "tlbridge"; tcl("lua0 foo")' lua51 -e 'tcl = require "tlbridge"; tcl("lua0 foo bar")' lua51 -e 'tcl = require "tlbridge"; tcl("lua0 foo {bar bletch}")' lua51 -e 'tcl = require "tlbridge"; tcl("lua print abc def")' #* * (eepitch-shell) cd /tmp/ lua51 tcl = require "tlbridge" = tcl("expr 22+33") = tcl("lua0 foo") = tcl("lua0 foo bar") = tcl("lua0 foo {bar bletch}") = tcl("lua print abc") #* # Build in a permanent place: ~/LUA/ # (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "loadtcl") cd ~/LUA/ gcc --shared -ltcl8.4 \ -Wall \ -I$LUA51SRC/src/ -I/usr/include/tcl8.4/ \ -o tlbridge.so tlbridge.c #* # Danger Will Robinson! # tlbridge.c: In function `TLBridge_call_lua': # tlbridge.c:39: warning: passing arg 2 of `Tcl_SetResult' discards qualifiers from pointer target type ##### # # luatclbridge.c - a Tcl/Tk<->Lua bridge # 2007mar06 / 2007may20 # ##### # «luatclbridge» (to ".luatclbridge") # (find-angg "LUA/luatclbridge.c") # (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "loadtcl") # (find-es "tcl" "luatclbridge") #* cd /tmp/ cp -v ~/LUA/luatclbridge.c . gcc --shared -ltcl8.4 \ -Wall \ -I$LUA51SRC/src/ -I/usr/include/tcl8.4/ \ -o ~/.lua51/luatclbridge.so ~/LUA/luatclbridge.c # ldd luatclbridge.so lua51 -e 'print(tcl("expr 22+33"))' lua51 -e 'tcl "lua print args to Lua functions are strings"' lua51 -e 'tcl "source /usr/lib/tcl8.4/init.tcl"' #* * (eepitch-shell) cd /tmp/ lua51 = tcl("expr 22+33") = tcl("lua print args to Lua functions are strings") #* # Build in a permanent place: ~/LUA/ # (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "loadtcl") cd ~/LUA/ gcc --shared -ltcl8.4 \ -Wall \ -I$LUA51SRC/src/ -I/usr/include/tcl8.4/ \ -o luatclbridge.so luatclbridge.c #* # Danger Will Robinson! # luatclbridge.c: In function `LuaTclBridge_call_lua': # luatclbridge.c:39: warning: passing arg 2 of `Tcl_SetResult' discards qualifiers from pointer target type # (find-man "3tcl Tcl_SetResult" "TCL_STATIC") # (find-man "3tcl Tcl_SetResult" "TCL_DYNAMIC") # (find-man "3tcl Tcl_SetResult" "THE TCL_FREEPROC ARGUMENT") # (find-tclbookfile "examples.gz" "Chapter 30:") # (find-tclbook3text) # (find-fline "/usr/include/tcl8.4/") # (find-fline "/usr/include/tcl8.4/tclDecls.h" "Tcl_CreateCommand") # (find-fline "/usr/include/tcl8.4/tcl.h" "typedef int (Tcl_CmdProc)") # (find-lua51tag "str_format") # (find-lua51file "src/") # (find-lua51file "src/lua.h") # (find-debpkg-links "tcl8.4-doc") # (find-debpkg-links "tcl8.4-dev") # (find-debpkg-links "tcl8.4") # (find-man "3tcl Tcl_Interp") # (find-man "3tcl Tcl_Eval" "TCL_OK") # (find-tclbookfile "examples.gz" "Chapter 30:") # (find-tclbook3text) # (find-fline "/usr/include/tcl8.4/") # (find-fline "/usr/include/tcl8.4/tclDecls.h" "Tcl_CreateCommand") # (find-fline "/usr/include/tcl8.4/tcl.h" "typedef int (Tcl_CmdProc)") ##### # # lunatic python # 2007mar07 # ##### # «lunatic-python» (to ".lunatic-python") # http://lua-users.org/wiki/LunaticPython # http://labix.org/download/lunatic-python/lunatic-python-1.0.tar.bz2 #* rm -Rv ~/usrc/lunatic-python-1.0/ tar -C ~/usrc/ -xvjf \ $S/http/labix.org/download/lunatic-python/lunatic-python-1.0.tar.bz2 cd ~/usrc/lunatic-python-1.0/ patch -p0 setup.py <<'%%%' 12c12,13 < LUALIBS = ["lua", "lualib"] --- > # LUALIBS = ["lua", "lualib"] > LUALIBS = ["lua"] %%% patch -p0 src/luainpython.c <<'%%%' 491,496c491,497 < luaopen_base(L); < luaopen_table(L); < luaopen_io(L); < luaopen_string(L); < luaopen_debug(L); < luaopen_loadlib(L); --- > luaL_openlibs(L); > /* luaopen_base(L); */ > /* luaopen_table(L); */ > /* luaopen_io(L); */ > /* luaopen_string(L); */ > /* luaopen_debug(L); */ > /* luaopen_loadlib(L); */ %%% python setup.py build_ext -I$LUA51SRC/src -L$LUA51SRC/src |& tee opsbe #* # (code-c-d "lpython" "~/usrc/lunatic-python-1.0/") # (find-lpythonfile "") # (find-lpythonfile "setup.py") # (find-lpythonfile "opsbe") # Now I need to create an example of usage... # (find-lpythonfile "python.lua") #* # (find-w3m "/usr/share/doc/python2.3/html/dist/setup-config.html") # (find-w3m "/usr/share/doc/python2.3/html/dist/setup-script.html") * (eepitch-shell) cd ~/usrc/lunatic-python-1.0/ make |& tee om python setup.py --help |& tee opsh python setup.py --help build |& tee opshb python setup.py --help build_ext |& tee opshbe python setup.py --help-commands |& tee opshc python setup.py build |& tee opsb python setup.py build_ext |& tee opsbe # (find-lpythonfile "") # (find-lpythonfile "src/luainpython.c" "luaopen_loadlib") # (find-lpythonfile "Makefile") # (find-lpythonfile "setup.py") # (find-lpythonfile "opsh") # (find-lpythonfile "opshb") # (find-lpythonfile "opshbe") # (find-lpythonfile "opshc") # (find-pylibnode "Process Parameters" "`getenv(varname[, value])'") ##### # # kepler # 2007mar11 # ##### # «kepler» (to ".kepler") # http://luaforge.net/frs/download.php/2050/kepler-1.0.tar.gz # http://www.keplerproject.org/kepler/install.unix.html #* rm -Rv ~/usrc/kepler-1.0/ tar -C ~/usrc/ -xvzf \ $S/http/luaforge.net/frs/download.php/2050/kepler-1.0.tar.gz cd ~/usrc/kepler-1.0/ #* # (code-c-d "kepler" "~/usrc/kepler-1.0/") # (find-keplerfile "") # (find-keplerfile "configure") * (eepitch-shell) cd ~/usrc/kepler-1.0/ ./configure --with-lua=$LUA50SRC |& tee oc ./configure --disable-lua |& tee oc # Seems that I need to copy some ".h"s and ".so"s and executables to # dirs inside the kepler tree... # Kepler on thttpd: # http://lists.luaforge.net/pipermail/kepler-project/2007-January/000419.html ##### # # Helper threads # 2007mar21 # ##### # «helper-threads» (to ".helper-threads") # http://luaforge.net/projects/helper-threads/ # http://luaforge.net/frs/download.php/1513/helper-threads-r4.ZIP ##### # # loona # 2007apr02 # ##### # «loona» (to ".loona") # http://loona.neoscientists.org/download/loona-snapshot.tar.gz #* rm -Rv ~/usrc/loona/ tar -C ~/usrc/ -xvzf \ $S/http/loona.neoscientists.org/download/loona-snapshot.tar.gz cd ~/usrc/loona/ #* # (code-c-d "loona" "~/usrc/loona/") # (find-loonafile "") # (find-loonafile "README" "mod_unique") # (find-loonafile "htdocs/upload.lua") # (find-loonafile "cgi-bin/") # (find-loonafile "cgi-bin/cgilua/") # (find-loonafile "cgi-bin/cgilua/post.lua") ##### # # pseudo-spreadsheet # 2007apr22 # ##### # «pseudo-spreadsheet» (to ".pseudo-spreadsheet") --* -- (eelua51-bounded) -- (ee-once (eelua51-bounded)) valor = {} exp = math.exp sgn = function (x) if x < 0 then return -1 end if x > 0 then return 1 end return 0 end f = function (t) return t * (exp(3 / (2 * t)) - exp(-3 / (2 * t))) - 3.2 end calcula_CDEFGHIn = function (n) local An = valor["A"..n] local Bn = valor["B"..n] local Cn, Dn, En, Fn, Gn, Hh, In Cn = Bn - An Dn = f(An) En = f(Bn) Fn = sgn(Dn * En) Gn = (An + Bn) / 2 Hn = f(Gn) In = sgn(Dn * Hn) valor["C"..n] = Cn valor["D"..n] = Dn valor["E"..n] = En valor["F"..n] = Fn valor["G"..n] = Gn valor["H"..n] = Hn valor["I"..n] = In end calcula_ABn = function (n) local Aanterior = valor["A"..(n-1)] local Banterior = valor["B"..(n-1)] local Ganterior = valor["G"..(n-1)] local Ianterior = valor["I"..(n-1)] local An, Bn if Ianterior < 0 then An = Aanterior Bn = Ganterior else An = Ganterior Bn = Banterior end valor["A"..n] = An valor["B"..n] = Bn end valor["A0"] = 2 valor["B0"] = 3 calcula_CDEFGHIn(0) for i=1,14 do calcula_ABn(i) calcula_CDEFGHIn(i) end printline = function (n) printf("%2d %8.5f %8.5f %8.5f %8.5f %8.5f %2d %8.5f %8.5f %2d\n", n, valor["A"..n], valor["B"..n], valor["C"..n], valor["D"..n], valor["E"..n], valor["F"..n], valor["G"..n], valor["H"..n], valor["I"..n]) end print(" A B C D E F G H I") print(" a_n b_n b_n-a_n f(a_n) f(b_n) sgn m_n f(m_n) sgnL") for i=0,14 do printline(i) end print() print("Obs: 'sgn' = sgn(f(a_n) * f(b_n)),") print(" 'sgnL' = sgn(f(a_n) * f(m_n)),") --[[ Output: A B C D E F G H I a_n b_n b_n-a_n f(a_n) f(b_n) sgn m_n f(m_n) sgnL 0 2.00000 3.00000 1.00000 0.08927 -0.07343 -1 2.50000 -0.01673 -1 1 2.00000 2.50000 0.50000 0.08927 -0.01673 -1 2.25000 0.02721 1 2 2.25000 2.50000 0.25000 0.02721 -0.01673 -1 2.37500 0.00346 1 3 2.37500 2.50000 0.12500 0.00346 -0.01673 -1 2.43750 -0.00703 -1 4 2.37500 2.43750 0.06250 0.00346 -0.00703 -1 2.40625 -0.00189 -1 5 2.37500 2.40625 0.03125 0.00346 -0.00189 -1 2.39062 0.00076 1 6 2.39062 2.40625 0.01562 0.00076 -0.00189 -1 2.39844 -0.00057 -1 7 2.39062 2.39844 0.00781 0.00076 -0.00057 -1 2.39453 0.00009 1 8 2.39453 2.39844 0.00391 0.00009 -0.00057 -1 2.39648 -0.00024 -1 9 2.39453 2.39648 0.00195 0.00009 -0.00024 -1 2.39551 -0.00007 -1 10 2.39453 2.39551 0.00098 0.00009 -0.00007 -1 2.39502 0.00001 1 11 2.39502 2.39551 0.00049 0.00001 -0.00007 -1 2.39526 -0.00003 -1 12 2.39502 2.39526 0.00024 0.00001 -0.00003 -1 2.39514 -0.00001 -1 13 2.39502 2.39514 0.00012 0.00001 -0.00001 -1 2.39508 -0.00000 -1 14 2.39502 2.39508 0.00006 0.00001 -0.00000 -1 2.39505 0.00000 1 Obs: 'sgn' = sgn(f(a_n) * f(b_n)), 'sgnL' = sgn(f(a_n) * f(m_n)), --]] --* -- A B C D E F G H I -- a_0 b_0 b_0-a_0 f(a_0) f(b_0) sgn(f(a_0)*f(b_0)) m_0=(b_0-a_0)/2 f(m_0) sgn(f(a_0)*f(m_0)) --* -- (eelua51-bounded) -- (ee-once (eelua51-bounded)) valor = {} exp = math.exp ln = math.log phi = function (t) local expr = ln(66.5 - 25 * exp(-0.075 * t)) return (-(expr + ln(70))) / 1.5 end calcula_ABn = function (n) local Aanterior = valor["A"..(n-1)] local An = phi(Aanterior) local Bn = An - Aanterior valor["A"..n] = An valor["B"..n] = Bn end valor["A0"] = 0.2 printline0 = function (n) printf("%2d %8.5f\n", n, valor["A"..n]) end printline = function (n) printf("%2d %8.5f %8.5f\n", n, valor["A"..n], valor["B"..n]) end for i=1,5 do calcula_ABn(i) end print(" A B ") print(" x_i x_i-x_(i-1)") printline0(0) for i=1,5 do printline(i) end --[[ Output: A B x_i x_i-x_(i-1) 0 0.20000 1 -5.32208 -5.52208 2 -5.08259 0.23948 3 -5.09755 -0.01496 4 -5.09663 0.00092 5 -5.09669 -0.00006 --]] --* --* -- (eelua51-bounded) -- (ee-once (eelua51-bounded)) valor = {} exp = math.exp ln = math.log f = function (t) return 6 * exp(0.075 * t) - 75 * exp(-0.05 * t) - 100 end fderiv = function (t) return 0.45 * exp(0.075 * t) + 3.75 * exp(-0.05 * t) end calcula_BCn = function (n) local An = valor["A"..n] local Bn = f(An) local Cn = fderiv(An) valor["B"..n] = Bn valor["C"..n] = Cn end calcula_An = function (n) local Aanterior = valor["A"..(n-1)] local Banterior = valor["B"..(n-1)] local Canterior = valor["C"..(n-1)] local An = Aanterior - Banterior / Canterior valor["A"..n] = An end valor["A0"] = 50 printline = function (n) printf("%2d %9.5f %9.5f %9.5f\n", n, valor["A"..n], valor["B"..n], valor["C"..n]) end calcula_BCn(0) for i=1,5 do calcula_An (i) calcula_BCn(i) end print(" A B C") print(" x_i f(x_i) f'(x_i)") for i=0,5 do printline(i) end --[[ Output: A B C x_i f(x_i) f'(x_i) 0 50.00000 148.97012 19.44231 1 42.33784 34.57902 11.22223 2 39.25654 3.44281 9.07503 3 38.87717 0.04379 8.84532 4 38.87222 0.00001 8.84237 5 38.87222 0.00000 8.84237 --]] --* --* -- (eelua51-bounded) -- (ee-once (eelua51-bounded)) valor = {} exp = math.exp log = math.log10 sqrt = math.sqrt f = function (t) return log(sqrt(t)) + 2.9 + log(2) - 1 / (4 * sqrt(t)) end calcula_Bn = function (n) local An = valor["A"..n] local Bn = f(An) valor["B"..n] = Bn end calcula_An = function (n) local Anmenos2 = valor["A"..(n-2)] local Anmenos1 = valor["A"..(n-1)] local Bnmenos2 = valor["B"..(n-2)] local Bnmenos1 = valor["B"..(n-1)] local An = (Anmenos2 * Bnmenos1 - Anmenos1 * Bnmenos2) / (Bnmenos1 - Bnmenos2) valor["A"..n] = An end printline = function (n) printf("%2d %9.5f %10.6f\n", n, valor["A"..n], valor["B"..n]) end valor["A0"] = 0.01; calcula_Bn(0) valor["A1"] = 0.02; calcula_Bn(1) for i=2,6 do calcula_An (i) calcula_Bn(i) end print(" A B ") print(" x_i f(x_i) ") for i=0,5 do printline(i) end --[[ Output: A B x_i f(x_i) 0 0.01000 -0.298970 1 0.02000 0.583778 2 0.01339 0.103634 3 0.01196 -0.046160 4 0.01240 0.002597 5 0.01238 0.000062 --]] --* ##### # # CGI.lua # 2007may12 # ##### # «CGI.lua» (to ".CGI.lua") # http://alt.textdrive.com/svn/altdev/LW/CGI.lua # http://dev.alt.textdrive.com/browser/LW/CGI.lua # http://www.keplerproject.org/cgilua/manual.html # (find-es "http" "thttpd") #* touch /var/www/tmp/test.cgi chmod 755 /var/www/tmp/test.cgi cat > /var/www/tmp/test.cgi <<'---' #!/bin/sh echo -e "Content-type: text/plain\n" echo -e "<html>\n<head><title>T</title></head>\n<body>$(date)</body>\n</html>" --- wget -q -O - http://localhost/tmp/test.cgi #* * (eepitch-lua51) dofile "/home/edrx/LUA/lua50init.lua" CGI = dofile "/home/edrx/snarf/http/alt.textdrive.com/svn/altdev/LW/CGI.lua" -- http://alt.textdrive.com/svn/altdev/LW/CGI.lua PP(CGI) #* touch /var/www/tmp/test.cgi chmod 755 /var/www/tmp/test.cgi cat > /var/www/tmp/test.cgi <<'---' #!/home/edrx/bin/lua51 dofile "/home/edrx/LUA/lua50init.lua" CGI = dofile "/home/edrx/snarf/http/alt.textdrive.com/svn/altdev/LW/CGI.lua" print "Content-type: text/plain\n" print "Hello." -- PP(CGI) PP(CGI:request()) PP(CGI:request():method()) PP(CGI:request():parameters()) --- wget -q -O - http://localhost/tmp/test.cgi wget -q -O - http://localhost/tmp/test.cgi'?FOO=BAR' date > /tmp/date.txt curl -F file=@/tmp/date.txt http://localhost/tmp/test.cgi # oops, it doesn't support file uploads... #* # (find-udfile "curl/MANUAL.gz" "curl -F \"file=@cooltext.txt\"") # (find-status "curl") # (find-vldifile "curl.list") # (find-udfile "curl/") # (find-man "1 curl") # (find-man "1 curl" "-F, --form <name=content>") ##### # # cgilua-5.0.1 # 2007may13 # ##### # http://luaforge.net/frs/download.php/1770/cgilua-5.0.1.tar.gz #* rm -Rv ~/usrc/cgilua-5.0.1/ tar -C ~/usrc/ -xvzf \ $S/http/luaforge.net/frs/download.php/1770/cgilua-5.0.1.tar.gz cd ~/usrc/cgilua-5.0.1/ #* # (code-c-d "cgilua" "~/usrc/cgilua-5.0.1/" :grep) # (find-cgiluafile "") # (find-cgiluafile "src/cgilua/") # (find-cgiluafile "src/cgilua/post.lua") # (find-cgiluafile "tests/") # (find-cgiluaw3m "doc/us/manual.html") # (find-cgiluaw3m "doc/us/manual.html#parameters") # (find-cgiluaw3m "doc/us/reference.html") # (find-cgiluaw3m "doc/us/reference.html#variables") # (find-cgiluaw3m "doc/us/sapi.html") # (find-cgiluaw3m "doc/us/sapi.html" "and CGI, FastCGI") # http://hoohoo.ncsa.uiuc.edu/cgi/env.html # (find-cgiluagrep "grep -niH -e sapi doc/us/*") # (find-cgiluagrep "grep -niH -e sapi src/cgilua/*") # (find-cgiluagrep "grep -niH -e Response src/cgilua/*") * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) package.path = "/home/edrx/usrc/cgilua-5.0.1/src/?.lua;" ..package.path package.cpath = "/home/edrx/usrc/luafilesystem-1.2.1/src/?.so;"..package.cpath -- SAPI = {} require "cgilua.cgilua" ##### # # luafilesystem-1.2.1 # 2007may13 # ##### # http://luaforge.net/frs/download.php/2381/luafilesystem-1.2.1.tar.gz #* rm -Rv ~/usrc/luafilesystem-1.2.1/ tar -C ~/usrc/ -xvzf \ $S/http/luaforge.net/frs/download.php/2381/luafilesystem-1.2.1.tar.gz cd ~/usrc/luafilesystem-1.2.1/ cat >> config <<'---' LUA_LIBDIR = $(HOME)/usrc/lua-5.1.2/src LUA_INC = $(HOME)/usrc/lua-5.1.2/src --- make |& tee om ln -s lfs.so.1.2.1 src/lfs.so #* # (code-c-d "luafs" "~/usrc/luafilesystem-1.2.1/") # (find-luafsfile "") # (find-luafsfile "config") # (find-luafsfile "src/") ##### # # lua-filesystem # 2015jan22 # ##### # «lua-filesystem» (to ".lua-filesystem") # (find-status "lua-filesystem") # (find-vldifile "lua-filesystem:i386.list") # (find-udfile "lua-filesystem/") ##### # # kepler-1.1 # 2007may13 # ##### # «kepler-1.1» (to ".kepler-1.1") # http://kepler-tmp.dreamhosters.com/en/UNIX_Installation # http://www.keplerproject.org/wiki/US/HomePage # http://www.keplerproject.org/kepler-1.1-snapshot-20070511-1628.tar.gz # On thttpd: # http://lists.luaforge.net/pipermail/kepler-project/2007-January/000419.html # http://lists.luaforge.net/pipermail/kepler-project/2006-November/000301.html #* rm -Rv ~/usrc/kepler-1.1/ tar -C ~/usrc/ -xvzf \ $S/http/www.keplerproject.org/kepler-1.1-snapshot-20070511-1628.tar.gz cd ~/usrc/kepler-1.1/ ./configure --prefix=$HOME/usrc/kepler --launcher=cgi --without-readline |& tee oc make |& tee om make install |& tee omi #* # (code-c-d "keplersrc" "~/usrc/kepler-1.1/") # (code-c-d "kepler" "~/usrc/kepler/") # (find-keplersrcfile "") # (find-keplersrcfile "launcher/cgi/cgi.c") # (find-keplerfile "") # (find-keplersrcsh "find * | sort") # (find-keplersh "find * | sort") # (find-keplersrcfile "xavante/src/t_xavante_start.lua") * (eepitch-shell) rm -Rv /var/www/tmp/k/ ln -s ~/usrc/kepler/ /var/www/tmp/k cd /var/www/tmp/k/ echo "Foo $(date)" > foo.txt # http://localhost/tmp/k/foo.txt # (find-keplerfile "") # (find-keplerfile "bin/") # http://localhost/tmp/k/bin/cgi # http://localhost/tmp/k/kepler.cgi # http://localhost/tmp/k/kepler.cgi/index.lp # http://localhost/tmp/k/kepler.cgi?index.lp cd ~/usrc/kepler/ cp -v bin/cgi kepler.cgi # (find-keplerfile "htdocs/") cd ~/usrc/kepler/ cp -v htdocs/index.lp . cd ~/usrc/kepler/ cat > t.cgi <<'---' #!/bin/sh echo -e "Content-type: text/plain\n" # echo -e "<html>\n<head><title>T</title></head>\n<body>B</body>\n</html>" set --- chmod 755 t.cgi # http://localhost/tmp/k/t.cgi wget -q -O - http://localhost/tmp/k/t.cgi wget -q -O - http://localhost/tmp/k/t.cgi\?foo wget -q -O - http://localhost/tmp/k/t.cgi/foo cd ~/usrc/kepler/hashbang.cgi cat > t.cgi <<'---' #!/home/edrx/usrc/kepler/bin/cgi # (find-keplersrcfile "") # (find-keplersrcfile "om" "> launcher/cgi/cgi.lua") # (find-keplersrcfile "launcher/cgi/t_cgi.lua") # (find-keplersrcfile "launcher/cgi/cgi.lua") # (find-keplersrcfile "cgilua/src/cgilua/") sed -e "s|\[\[KEPLER_INIT\]\]|\[\[/home/edrx/usrc/kepler/etc/kepler/1.1/kepler_init.lua\]\]|" < launcher/cgi/t_cgi.lua > launcher/cgi/cgi.lua lua-5.1.2/src/luac5.1 -o launcher/cgi/cgi.lc launcher/cgi/cgi.lua src/bin2c5.1 launcher/cgi/cgi.lc | sed -e "s|lua_pcall|status=lua_pcall|" > launcher/cgi/cgi.lch gcc -Wl,-E -lm -ldl -I/home/edrx/usrc/kepler-1.1/lua-5.1.2/src -DINCLUDE_LUA -Ilauncher/cgi -o launcher/cgi/cgi launcher/cgi/cgi.c lua-5.1.2/src/liblua5.1.a # (find-keplerfile "") # (find-keplersrcfile "om" "-o launcher/cgi/cgi") # (find-keplersrcfile "omi") # (find-keplersrcfile "omi" "cp launcher/cgi/cgi /home/edrx/usrc/kepler/bin") # (find-keplerfile "") # (find-keplersrcfile "launcher/cgi/cgi.lua") # (find-keplerfile "etc/kepler/1.1/kepler_init.lua") ln -s ~/usrc/kepler/ /var/www/tmp/k # http://lists.luaforge.net/pipermail/kepler-project/2007-January/000419.html # http://lists.luaforge.net/pipermail/kepler-project/2006-November/000301.html # (find-fline "/etc/thttpd/thttpd.conf") # (find-fline "$ASROOT/etc/thttpd/thttpd.conf") # (find-sh0 "sudo /etc/init.d/thttpd restart") # http://kepler-tmp.dreamhosters.com/en/UNIX_Installation # http://www.keplerproject.org/wiki/US/HomePage # http://www.keplerproject.org/kepler-1.1-snapshot-20070511-1628.tar.gz # On thttpd: # http://lists.luaforge.net/pipermail/kepler-project/2007-January/000419.html # http://lists.luaforge.net/pipermail/kepler-project/2006-November/000301.html #* rm -Rv ~/usrc/kepler-1.1/ tar -C ~/usrc/ -xvzf \ $S/http/www.keplerproject.org/kepler-1.1-snapshot-20070511-1628.tar.gz cd ~/usrc/kepler-1.1/ find > .files ./configure --prefix=$HOME/usrc/keplerx --launcher=xavante --without-readline |& tee oc make |& tee om #* cd ~/usrc/kepler-1.1/ rm -Rv ~/usrc/kepler-x/ mkdir ~/usrc/kepler-x/ make install |& tee omi cd ~/usrc/kepler-x/ #* ##### # # kepler-1.1-hashbang # 2007may13 # ##### # «kepler-1.1-hasbang» (to ".kepler-1.1-hasbang") #* rm -Rv ~/usrc/kepler-1.1/ tar -C ~/usrc/ -xvzf \ $S/http/www.keplerproject.org/kepler-1.1-snapshot-20070511-1628.tar.gz cd ~/usrc/kepler-1.1/ ./configure --prefix=$HOME/usrc/kepler --launcher=cgi --without-readline \ 2>&1 | tee oc make 2>&1 | tee om make install \ 2>&1 | tee omi find | sort > .files #* # (code-c-d "keplersrc" "~/usrc/kepler-1.1/" :grep) # (code-c-d "kepler" "~/usrc/kepler/" :grep) # (find-keplersrcfile "") # (find-keplersrcfile "om") # (find-keplersrcfile "om" "> launcher/cgi/cgi.lch") # (find-keplersrcfile "launcher/cgi/cgi.lua") # (find-keplersrcfile "launcher/cgi/cgi.lc") # (find-keplersrcfile "launcher/cgi/cgi.lch") # (find-keplerfile "etc/kepler/1.1/kepler_init.lua") # (find-keplersrcfile "omi") # (find-keplersrcfile "omi" "cp kepler_init.lua") # (find-keplersrcfile "src/kepler_init.lua") * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) bootstrap, err = loadfile([[/home/edrx/usrc/kepler/etc/kepler/1.1/kepler_init.lua]]) bootstrap() info = require"sapi.cgi.info" req = require"sapi.cgi.request" res = require"sapi.cgi.response" SAPI = { Info = info.open (), Request = req.open (), Response = res.open (), } myenv = {} SAPI.Request = { servervariable = function (vname) print("(sv: "..vname..")") return myenv[vname] or os.getenv(vname) end, getpostdata = function (n) return io.stdin:read (n) end, } require"cgilua" myenv.SCRIPT_NAME = "/tmp/foo.lua" myenv.REMOTE_ADDR = "" PP( cgilua.main() ) PP( cgi ) -- ****** <-- I'm here (2007may20) PP(SAPI) PP(SAPI.Request) PP(SAPI.Request) -- (find-keplersrcfile "launcher/cgi/sapi/request.lua") -- (find-keplersrcfile "") -- (find-keplersrcfile "cgilua/src/cgilua/cgilua.lua") -- (find-keplersrcfile "cgilua/src/cgilua/cgilua.lua" "function () handle (script_file) end") -- (find-keplersrcfile "cgilua/doc/us/") -- (find-keplersrcw3m "cgilua/doc/us/manual.html") -- (find-keplersrcfile "launcher/cgi/cgi.lua") -- (find-keplersrcgrep "grep -nH -e servervariable cgilua/src/cgilua/*") -- (find-keplersrcfile "launcher/cgi/cgi.c") -- (find-keplerfile "") -- (find-keplersrcfile "launcher/cgi/t_cgi.lua") ##### # # markdown.lua # 2007may19 / 2014nov10 # ##### # «markdown.lua» (to ".markdown.lua") # 2014nov10: # (find-status "lua-markdown") # (find-vldifile "lua-markdown.list") # (find-udfile "lua-markdown/") # 2011aug29, lua-l: Peter Odding says that lua-discount is much faster: # (find-luarocks-links "lua-discount" "" "-1") # http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown # http://www.frykholm.se/files/markdown.lua # http://www.frykholm.se/files/markdown-tests.lua # http://sophos.berkeley.edu/macfarlane/pandoc/README # The pandoc page says that Noam Chomsky's blog at zmag is # written with markdown... # http://blogs.zmag.org/ttt #* rm -Rv ~/usrc/markdown/ mkdir ~/usrc/markdown/ cd ~/usrc/markdown/ cp -v $S/http/www.frykholm.se/files/markdown.lua . cp -v $S/http/www.frykholm.se/files/markdown-tests.lua . cp -v $S/http/sophos.berkeley.edu/macfarlane/pandoc/README README.md lua51 markdown.lua -h lua51 markdown.lua -t lua51 markdown.lua README.md #* # (code-c-d "markdown" "~/usrc/markdown/") # (find-markdownfile "") # (find-markdownfile "markdown.lua") # (find-markdownsh "lua51 markdown.lua -h") # (find-markdownw3m "README.html") # See also: textile and basecamp # http://hobix.com/textile/quick.html ##### # # lua-discount # 2011aug29 / 2014nov10 # ##### # «lua-discount» (to ".lua-discount") # (find-es "markdown") # (find-luarocks-links "lua-discount" "" "-1") # (find-luarocksfile "bin/") # (find-luarocksfile "bin/olb-lua-discount") # (code-c-d "lua-discount" "~/usrc/lua-discount-") # (find-lua-discountfile "") # (find-lua-discountfile "README.mkd") * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) userocks() -- (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "userocks") require "discount" # 2014nov10: # http://asbradbury.org/projects/lua-discount/ # http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/syntax # http://www.frykholm.se/files/markdown.lua # (find-zsh "availabledebs | sort | grep discount") # (find-zsh "availabledebs | sort | grep markdown") # (find-status "discount") # (find-vldifile "discount.list") # (find-udfile "discount/") ##### # # ctrace # 2007may23 # ##### # «ctrace» (to ".ctrace") # http://www.tecgraf.puc-rio.br/~lhf/ftp/lua/#ctrace # http://www.tecgraf.puc-rio.br/~lhf/ftp/lua/5.0/ctrace.tar.gz # (find-node "(zsh)Array Parameters") # (find-man "8 ld.so") # (find-man "8 ld.so" "LD_LIBRARY_PATH\n") # (find-man "8 ldconfig") #* rm -Rv ~/usrc/ctrace/ tar -C ~/usrc/ -xvzf \ $S/http/www.tecgraf.puc-rio.br/~lhf/ftp/lua/5.0/ctrace.tar.gz cd ~/usrc/ctrace/ L=$LUA51SRC/src MAKEVARS=(LUAINC=$L LUALIB=$L LUABIN=$L LUA_C=$L/lua.c LIBS="-L$L -llua -lm -ldl") make $MAKEVARS |& tee om make $MAKEVARS ctrace.o |& tee omco make $MAKEVARS a.out |& tee omao ldd a.out |& tee olao ;# this doesn't find $L/liblua.so... LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$L \ ldd a.out |& tee olao2 ;# so use LD_LIBRARY_PATH to force LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$L \ make $MAKEVARS test |& tee omt #* # (code-c-d "luactrace" "~/usrc/ctrace/") # (find-luactracefile "") # (find-luactracefile "README") # (find-luactracefile "Makefile") # (find-luactracefile "om") # (find-luactracefile "omco") # (find-luactracefile "omao") # (find-luactracefile "olao") # (find-luactracefile "omt") # (find-lua51file "src/") ##### # # coroutines # 2007may23 # ##### # «coroutines» (to ".coroutines") # (find-pilfile "") # (find-pilw3m "index.html") # (find-pilw3m "9.html" "Coroutines) # (find-pilw3m "9.1.html" "Coroutine Basics") # (find-pilw3m "9.2.html" "Pipes and Filters") # (find-pilw3m "9.3.html" "Coroutines as Iterators") # (find-pilw3m "9.4.html" "Non-Preemptive Multithreading") -- (find-pilw3m "9.1.html" "Coroutine Basics") -- (find-luamanualw3m "#2.11") -- (find-luamanualw3m "#pdf-coroutine.resume") -- (find-lua51file "") -- (find-lua51file "src/lbaselib.c" "** Coroutine library") -- (find-lua51file "src/lbaselib.c" "static const luaL_Reg co_funcs[] =") * (eepitch-lua51) co = coroutine.create(function () print("hi") end) print(co) --> thread: 0x8071d98 print(coroutine.status(co)) --> suspended coroutine.resume(co) --> hi print(coroutine.status(co)) --> dead * (eepitch-lua51) co = coroutine.create(function () for i=1,4 do print("co", i) coroutine.yield() end end) coroutine.resume(co) --> co 1 print(coroutine.status(co)) --> suspended coroutine.resume(co) --> co 2 coroutine.resume(co) --> co 3 coroutine.resume(co) --> co 4 print(coroutine.status(co)) --> suspended coroutine.resume(co) --> (nothing) print(coroutine.status(co)) --> dead coroutine.resume(co) --> (nothing) * (eepitch-lua51) co = coroutine.create(function (a, b) print(a, b) print(coroutine.yield("foo", "bar")) print(coroutine.yield("bletch")) return "plic", "ploc" end) print(coroutine.resume(co, 22, 33)) --> 22 33 / true foo bar print(coroutine.resume(co, 44, 55)) --> 44 55 / true bletch print(coroutine.resume(co, 66, 77)) --> 66 77 / true plic ploc print(coroutine.status(co)) --> dead print(coroutine.resume(co, 88, 99)) --> false cannot resume dead coroutine ##### # # LuaCoco-1.1.4 # 2008oct22 # ##### # «luacoco» (to ".luacoco") # http://luajit.org/coco.html # http://luajit.org/download/LuaCoco-1.1.4.tar.gz #* rm -Rv ~/usrc/LuaCoco-1.1.4/ tar -C ~/usrc/ -xvzf \ $S/http/luajit.org/download/LuaCoco-1.1.4.tar.gz cd ~/usrc/LuaCoco-1.1.4/ #* # (code-c-d "luacoco" "~/usrc/LuaCoco-1.1.4/") # (find-luacocofile "") ##### # # chunkspy # 2007jul07 # ##### # «chunkspy» (to ".chunkspy") # (find-angg ".emacs.papers" "lua") # http://luaforge.net/projects/chunkspy/ # http://www.geocities.com/keinhong/chunkspy.html # http://luaforge.net/frs/download.php/1481/ChunkSpy-0.9.8.zip # http://luaforge.net/docman/view.php/83/98/ANoFrillsIntroToLua51VMInstructions.pdf # http://luaforge.net/docman/index.php?group_id=83&selected_doc_group_id=102&language_id=1 # (find-luanofrillspage 1) # (find-luanofrillstext) #* rm -Rv ~/usrc/ChunkSpy-0.9.8/ unzip -d ~/usrc/ $S/http/luaforge.net/frs/download.php/1481/ChunkSpy-0.9.8.zip cd ~/usrc/ChunkSpy-0.9.8/ cd ~/usrc/ChunkSpy-0.9.8/5.1/ cat > clo.lua <<'%%%' foo = function () local storage return function () return storage end, function (x) storage = x; return x end end get1, set1 = foo() get2, set2 = foo() print(set1(22), get1()) --> 22 22 print(set2(33), get1(), get2()) --> 33 22 33 %%% luac51 -o clo.out clo.lua lua51 ChunkSpy.lua --brief clo.out clo.lua > clo.bl.lst lua51 ChunkSpy.lua --brief clo.out > clo.b_.lst lua51 ChunkSpy.lua clo.out clo.lua > clo._l.lst lua51 ChunkSpy.lua clo.out > clo.__.lst #* # (code-c-d "chunkspy" "~/usrc/ChunkSpy-0.9.8/" :grep) # (find-chunkspyfile "") # (find-chunkspyfile "README") # (find-chunkspyfile "README" "CHUNKSPY OPTIONS") # (find-chunkspyfile "README" "USING CHUNKSPY") # (find-chunkspyfile "README" "MERGING IN THE SOURCE LISTING") # (find-chunkspyfile "5.1/ChunkSpy.lua" "iABC format") # (find-chunkspyfile "5.1/ChunkSpy.lua" "iABx | iAsBx format") # (find-chunkspyfile "5.1/ChunkSpy.lua") # (find-chunkspyfile "5.1/sample.lua") # (find-chunkspyfile "5.1/sample_chunkspy3.lst") # (find-chunkspyfile "5.1/clo.bl.lst") # (find-chunkspyfile "5.1/clo.b_.lst") # (find-chunkspyfile "5.1/clo._l.lst") # (find-chunkspyfile "5.1/clo.__.lst") # (find-chunkspyfile "5.1/") # (find-tkdiff (ee-chunkspyfile "5.1/clo.__.lst") (ee-chunkspyfile "5.1/clo._l.lst")) # (find-tkdiff (ee-chunkspyfile "5.1/clo.b_.lst") (ee-chunkspyfile "5.1/clo.bl.lst")) # (find-chunkspyfile "5.1/ChunkSpy.lua" "grab_byte") # Lhf on lua-l, 2011aug03: # string.char( # math.floor(x/256^0)%256, # math.floor(x/256^1)%256, # math.floor(x/256^2)%256, # math.floor(x/256^3)%256 # ) # or this, depending on the order you want the bytes: # string.char( # math.floor(x/256^3)%256 # math.floor(x/256^2)%256, # math.floor(x/256^1)%256, # math.floor(x/256^0)%256, # ) # Related: # http://luaforge.net/projects/chunkbake/ ##### # # mav # 2007jul12 # ##### # «mav» (to ".mav") # http://www.tecgraf.puc-rio.br/~lhf/ftp/lua/5.1/mav.tar.gz # ftp://ftp.cs.arizona.edu/reports/1989/TR89-30.pdf #* rm -Rv ~/usrc/mav/ tar -C ~/usrc/ -xvzf \ $S/http/www.tecgraf.puc-rio.br/~lhf/ftp/lua/5.1/mav.tar.gz tar -C ~/usrc/mav -xvzf \ $S/http/www.lua.org/ftp/lua-5.1.2.tar.gz cd ~/usrc/mav/lua-5.1.2/ cp -v src/lauxlib.c src/lauxlib.c.orig patch -p0 src/lauxlib.c <<'%%%' 627a628,629 > static void *l_alloc (void *ud, void *ptr, size_t osize, size_t nsize); > /* 637a640 > */ %%% cat ../alloc.c >> src/lauxlib.c unset LUA_INIT make linux test |& tee omlt cp -v alloc.txt .. cd ~/usrc/mav/ # make D=alloc.txt |& tee om # make D=alloc.txt mav |& tee om make mav |& tee omm #* # (find-mavfile "mav.c" "static int M=") cd ~/usrc/mav/ make mav |& tee omm2 ./mav < alloc.txt > /dev/null #* # (code-c-d "mav" "~/usrc/mav/") # (code-c-d "mavlua" "~/usrc/mav/lua-5.1.2/") # (find-mavfile "") # (find-mavfile "README") # (find-mavfile "alloc.c") # (find-mavluafile "src/lauxlib.c") # (find-tkdiff (ee-mavluafile "src/lauxlib.c") (ee-mavluafile "src/lauxlib.c.orig")) # (find-mavfile "") # (find-mavfile "alloc.txt") # (find-mavfile "Makefile") # (find-mavfile "om") # (find-mavfile "dv.c" "GP") # (find-mavfile "mav.c" "static int M=") # (find-man "XParseGeometry") # This uses a pixel-based UI too, and I would like to port it to Lua # someday... # http://angg.twu.net/ICON/tron.icn.html # http://angg.twu.net/ICON/tron.icn.png # http://angg.twu.net/elisp/tron.el.html # http://angg.twu.net/elisp/tron.el.png ##### # # lua-ex # 2007jul27 # ##### # «lua-ex» (to ".lua-ex") # http://lua-users.org/wiki/ExtensionProposal # http://lua-ex.luaforge.net/ # I need select() for lcmd. # This thing doesn't have a select(), I'll have to use lhf's lposix... # Oops, lposix doesn't have a select() either... # (find-lposixfile "") # (find-lposixfile "omxx") # (find-man "2 signal") # (find-man "2 select") # (find-man "2 select_tut") # (find-man "2 poll") # (find-node "(libc)Function Index" "* select:") # What about luafilesystem? #* rm -Rv ~/usrc/lua-ex/ mkdir ~/usrc/lua-ex/ cd ~/usrc/ tar -xvzf ~/tmp/lua-ex-cvs.tar.gz # cvs -d :pserver:anonymous@cvs.luaforge.net:/cvsroot/lua-ex login cvs -d :pserver:anonymous@cvs.luaforge.net:/cvsroot/lua-ex checkout lua-ex tar -cvzf ~/tmp/lua-ex-cvs.tar.gz lua-ex/ cd ~/usrc/lua-ex/ #* rm -Rv ~/usrc/lua-ex/ tar -C ~/usrc/ -xvzf ~/tmp/lua-ex-cvs.tar.gz cd ~/usrc/lua-ex/ cp conf.in conf cat >> conf <<'%%%' # --- # Edrx: LUA= $(HOME)/usrc/lua-5.1.2 LUAINC= -I$(LUA)/src LUALIB= -L$(LUA)/src -llua %%% make linux |& tee oml #* # (code-c-d "luaex" "~/usrc/lua-ex/") # (find-luaexfile "") # (find-luaexfile "INSTALL") # (find-luaexfile "conf.in") # (find-luaexfile "conf") # (find-luaexfile "Makefile") # (find-luaexfile "oml") # (find-luaexfile "posix/") # (find-luaexfile "posix/Makefile") # (find-luaexfile "posix/posix_spawn.c") # (find-luaexfile "tests/") ##### # # Running the Lua API interactively from GDB # 2007oct27 # ##### # «lua-api-from-gdb» (to ".lua-api-from-gdb") # (to "compile-5.1.4-lua_O0") # (find-angg ".emacs" "eepitch-gdb-lua") # (find-angg ".lua51/") # (find-angg ".lua51/PP.gdb") # (find-TH "luaforth" "lua-api-from-gdb") # Preparation for the first block: # (find-sh0 "echo 'math.sin(0)' > /tmp/foo.lua") * (eepitch-gdb-lua-kill) * (eepitch-gdb-lua) set args /tmp/foo.lua br math_sin run call lua_pushstring(L, "print") call lua_gettable(L, -10002) call lua_pushstring(L, "Foo!") call lua_pushstring(L, "Bar!") p lua_gettop(L) call lua_call(L, 2, 0) p lua_gettop(L) # (find-angg ".lua51/PP.gdb") * (eepitch-gdb-lua) * (eepitch-gdb-lua-kill) * (eepitch-gdb-lua) source ~/.lua51/PP.gdb quickstart depth PPeval "a = 32" PPeval "= a, a+2" PPeval "= {a, a+2}, 40" PPeval "== {a, a+2}, 40" depth lua_pusheval "20 + 42" depth PP -1 depth * (eepitch-gdb-lua-kill) * (eepitch-gdb-lua) source ~/.lua51/PP.gdb quickstart call lua_pushstring(L, "foo") call lua_pushstring(L, "bar") call lua_concat(L, 2) PP -1 depth call lua_getfield(L, -10002, "math") call lua_getfield(L, -10002, "string") depth PP(-1) # the "string" table PP(-2) # the "math" table depth * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) cat > /tmp/fg.lua <<'%%%' F = function (a, b) local c, d = "c", "d"; G("e", "f"); return "F" end G = function (a, b) local c, d = "c", "d"; math.sin(0); return "G" end %%% * (eepitch-gdb-lua-kill) * (eepitch-gdb-lua) source ~/.lua51/PP.gdb quickstart PPeval "dofile '/tmp/fg.lua'" PP -1 PP -2 PP -6 PP -7 PP -8 # How do I access the locals, the arguments and the temporary stack # of the function that called the current one??? # How do I access the first argument - rather than the last argument - # of the current function? ##### # # Inspecting Lua datatypes in GDB # 2009jan19 # ##### # «lua-datatypes-gdb» (to ".lua-datatypes-gdb") # (find-angg ".lua51/PP.gdb") # (find-angg ".lua51/PP.gdb" "lua_pusheval") # «lua-numbers-gdb» (to ".lua-numbers-gdb") # Inspecting a number at the top of the stack: # (find-lua51tag "lua_pushnumber") # (find-lua51tag "setnvalue") # (find-lua51tag "LUA_TNUMBER" "3") * (eepitch-gdb-lua) * (eepitch-gdb-lua-kill) * (eepitch-gdb-lua) source ~/.lua51/PP.gdb quickstart lua_pusheval "20" p L->top[-1].tt p L->top[-1].value.n # «lua-strings-gdb» (to ".lua-strings-gdb") # (find-lua51tag "lua_pushstring") # (find-lua51tag "lua_pushlstring") # (find-lua51tag "luaS_newlstr") # (find-lua51tag "setsvalue") # (find-lua51tag "setsvalue2s") # (find-lua51tag "LUA_TSTRING" "4") # (find-lua51tag "GCObject") # (find-lua51file "src/lstate.h" "union GCObject {" "ts;") # (find-lua51file "src/lobject.h" "union TString {" "tsv;") # (find-lua51file "src/lobject.h" "#define getstr(ts)") # (find-lua51tag "getstr") # (find-lua51tag "#define getstr(ts)") # (find-lua51grep "grep -nH -e 'union TString' src/*.[ch]") * (eepitch-gdb-lua) * (eepitch-gdb-lua-kill) * (eepitch-gdb-lua) source ~/.lua51/PP.gdb quickstart lua_pusheval "'foobar'" p L->top[-1].tt p L->top[-1].value p L->top[-1].value.gc pt L->top[-1].value pt L->top[-1].value.gc pt L->top[-1].value.gc.ts pt L->top[-1].value.gc.ts.tsv p L->top[-1].value.gc.ts.tsv p &(L->top[-1].value.gc.ts.tsv) p (char *)(&(L->top[-1].value.gc.ts.tsv) + 1) # (find-lua51tag "luaS_newlstr") # (find-lua51tag "luaS_newlstr" "/* compute hash */") p L->top[-1].value.gc.ts.tsv.hash # «lua-closures-gdb» (to ".lua-closures-gdb") # (find-lua51tag "LUA_TFUNCTION" "6") # (find-lua51grep "grep -nH -e LUA_TFUNCTION src/*.[ch]") # (find-lua51grep "grep -nH -e 'union Closure' src/*.[ch]") # (find-lua51tag "setclvalue") # (find-lua51file "src/lobject.h" "union Closure {") # (find-lua51file "src/lobject.h" "struct LClosure {") # (find-lua51tag "lua_pushstring") # (find-lua51tag "lua_pushlstring") # (find-lua51tag "luaS_newlstr") # (find-lua51tag "setsvalue") # (find-lua51tag "setsvalue2s") # (find-lua51tag "GCObject") # (find-lua51file "src/lobject.h" "#define getstr(ts)") # (find-lua51tag "getstr") # (find-lua51tag "#define getstr(ts)") # (find-lua51grep "grep -nH -e 'union TString' src/*.[ch]") * (eepitch-gdb-lua) * (eepitch-gdb-lua-kill) * (eepitch-gdb-lua) source ~/.lua51/PP.gdb quickstart PPeval "f = function (a, b) return function (c) return a + b + c end end" PPeval "add5 = f(2, 3)" PPeval "add9 = f(4, 5)" PPeval "= add5(20)" PPeval "= add9(40)" lua_pusheval "add5" lua_pusheval "add9" p L->top[-1].tt p L->top[-1].value p L->top[-1].value.gc[0] p L->top[-1].value.gc.cl p L->top[-1].value.gc.cl.l p L->top[-1].value.gc.cl.l.nupvalues p L->top[-1].value.gc.cl.l.upvals p L->top[-1].value.gc.cl.l.upvals[0] p L->top[-1].value.gc.cl.l.upvals[0][0] p L->top[-1].value.gc.cl.l.upvals[0]->u p L->top[-1].value.gc.cl.l.upvals[0]->u.value pt L->top[-1].value.gc.cl.l.upvals[0]->u.value p L->top[-1].value.gc.cl.l.upvals[0]->u.value.value.n p L->top[-1].value.gc.cl.l.upvals[1]->u.value.value.n p L->top[-2].value.gc.cl.l.upvals[0]->u.value.value.n p L->top[-2].value.gc.cl.l.upvals[1]->u.value.value.n p L p *L p L->stack p L->stack[0] p L->stack[1] p L->stack[2] # (find-angg ".lua51/PP.gdb") # (find-node "(gdb)Define") help user-defined show user show user PP # (find-lua51file "src/lua.h" "#define LUA_GLOBALSINDEX" "(-10002)") # (find-lua51file "src/lua.h" "#define lua_getglobal") * (eepitch-gdb-lua) * (eepitch-gdb-lua-kill) * (eepitch-gdb-lua) source ~/.lua51/PP.gdb quickstart PPeval "a = 32" PPeval "= a, a+2" PPeval "= {a, a+2}, 40" PPeval "== {a, a+2}, 40" depth lua_pusheval "20 + 42" depth PP -1 depth ##### # # lbci # 2007oct31 # ##### # «lbci» (to ".lbci") # http://www.tecgraf.puc-rio.br/~lhf/ftp/lua/5.1/lbci.tar.gz #* rm -Rv ~/usrc/lbci/ tar -C ~/usrc/ -xvzf \ $S/http/www.tecgraf.puc-rio.br/~lhf/ftp/lua/5.1/lbci.tar.gz cd ~/usrc/lbci/ cp -v Makefile Makefile.orig patch -p0 Makefile <<'%%%' 4c4,5 < LUA= /tmp/lhf/lua-5.1 --- > #LUA= /tmp/lhf/lua-5.1 > LUA= $(HOME)/usrc/lua-5.1.2 %%% make |& tee om cc -v -o a.out /home/edrx/usrc/lua-5.1.2/src/lua.o lbci.o linit.o -L/home/edrx/usrc/lua-5.1.2/src -llua -lm -ldl -lreadline -lhistory -lncurses |& tee oc #* # (code-c-d "lbci" "~/usrc/lbci/") # (find-lbcifile "") # (find-lbcifile "om") # (find-lbcifile "Makefile") # (find-lua51tag "luaP_opnames") ##### # # numlua # 2007nov07 # ##### # «numlua» (to ".numlua") # http://numlua.luaforge.net/ # http://luaforge.net/frs/download.php/2566/numlua-0.2.1.tar.gz #* rm -Rv ~/usrc/numlua/ tar -C ~/usrc/ -xvzf \ $S/http/luaforge.net/frs/download.php/2566/numlua-0.2.1.tar.gz cd ~/usrc/numlua/ #* cd ~/usrc/numlua/lib/ make |& tee om #* # (code-c-d "numlua" "~/usrc/numlua/" :grep) # (find-numluafile "INSTALL") # (find-numluafile "Makefile") # (find-numluafile "src/Makefile") # (find-numluafile "lib/Makefile") # (find-numluafile "om") # (find-numluafile "lib/om") # (find-numluafile "lib/om" "-I/usr/include/lua5.1") # (find-numluafile "lib/") # (find-numluafile "") # (find-numluagrep "grep -nH -e LUADIR $(find *)") # (find-numluafile "src/Makefile" "LUADIR = /usr") # (find-numluafile "src/Makefile" "LIBS += -L$(LUADIR)/lib -llua") # (find-numluafile "src/Makefile" "OBJFLAGS = -I$(LUADIR)/include/lua5.1") ##### # # clue # 2007nov07 # ##### # «clue» (to ".clue") # http://ufpr.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/zee/zee-0.6.tar.gz # http://www.lua.org/notes/ltn004.html # http://luaforge.net/frs/download.php/2703/clue.h # http://luaforge.net/projects/clue/ # http://luaforge.net/frs/download.php/4797/clue-5.zip # https://github.com/downloads/rrthomas/zee/zee-0.7.tar.gz # https://github.com/rrthomas/zee #* rm -Rv ~/usrc/zee-0.7/ tar -C ~/usrc/ -xvzf \ $S/https/github.com/downloads/rrthomas/zee/zee-0.7.tar.gz cd ~/usrc/zee-0.7/ # (find-lua52file "install/bin/") export PATH=/home/edrx/usrc/lua-5.2.0/install/bin:$PATH ./configure |& tee oc make |& tee om #* # (code-c-d "zee" "~/usrc/zee-0.7/") # (find-zeefile "") # (find-zeesh "./configure --help") # (find-zeesh "./configure --help" "lua") # (find-zeefile "configure.ac" "[LUA_VERSION], [5.2]") ##### # # reader # 2007nov16 # ##### # «reader» (to ".reader") # «interactor» (to ".interactor") # (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "interactor") # (find-angg "LUA/reader.lua") # (find-luamanualw3m "#pdf-loadstring") * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) reader_metatable = { concat = function (self) return table.concat(self, "\n") end, code = function (self) return self:concat() end, -- overridden prompt = function (self) return ">> " end, -- overridden abort = function (self) end, -- overridden; message load = function (self) if self.line then self.compiled, self.errmsg = loadstring(self:code()) self.incomplete = self.errmsg and string.find(self.errmsg, ": unexpected symbol near '<eof>'$") else self.compiled, self.errmsg, self.incomplete = nil, nil, nil end return self end, read = function (self, prompt) io.write(prompt or self:prompt()) self.line = io.read() if self.line == "." then self:abort(); self.line = nil end if self.line then table.insert(self, self.line) end return self end, complete = function (self) while self.line and self.incomplete do self:read(); self:load() end return self end, } over = function (bottomtable, toptable) return setmetatable(toptable or {}, {__index = bottomtable}) end reader = over(reader_metatable, {}) reader:read("R> ") print(22, reader:load() PP(reader) reader:complete() 33, 44) PP(reader) reader.compiled() reader:read("R> "):load():complete() print(22, 33, 44) assert(reader.compiled, reader.errmsg)() readerwithprefix_metatable = over(reader_metatable, { prefix = "=", prepend = "return ", code = function (self) return self.prepend .. self:concat():sub(#self.prefix+1) end, }) reader = over(readerwithprefix_metatable, {}) reader:read("R> "):load():complete() = 22, 33, 44 print(assert(reader.compiled, reader.errmsg)()) # «interactor-prefixes» (to ".interactor-prefixes") * (eepitch-lua51) m = function (str) local pos, rest = ("["..str.."]"):match("^%b[]()(.*)$") if rest == "" then return "complete" end if rest == nil then return "incomplete" end return pos-2 -- Extra closing bracket at this position end = m("foo bar") --> "complete" = m("foo b[a") --> "incomplete" = m("foo b]a") --> 6 * (eepitch-lua51) -- (find-luamanualw3m "#pdf-string.find") hasprefix = function (str, prefix) return str:find(prefix, 1, "plain") == 1 end = hasprefix("=foo", "=") --> true = hasprefix("=foo", "=foobar") --> false = hasprefix("=foo", "plic") --> false prefixes = {"==[", "==", "=[", "=", "["} metatables = { ["==["] = interactor_blogme_PP_metatable, ["=["] = interactor_blogme_print_metatable, ["["] = interactor_blogme_metatable, ["=="] = interactor_PP_metatable, ["="] = interactor_print_metatable, [""] = interactor_metatable, } interactor_print_metatable = over(interactor_metatable, { prefix = "=" body = function (self) return "return "..self:concat():sub(2) end eval = function (self) ##### # # debug.getinfo # 2007nov28 # ##### # «debug.getinfo» (to ".debug.getinfo") # (find-angg "LUA/PreTraceback1.lua") # (find-pil2page (+ 19 205) "23. The Debug Library") # (find-pil2text (+ 19 205) "The Debug Library") # (find-pil3page (+ 19 237) "24 The Debug Library") # (find-pil3text (+ 19 237) "The Debug Library") # (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "errorfb_line") # (find-lua51manual "#pdf-debug.getinfo") # (find-lua51manual "#pdf-debug.getlocal") # (find-lua51manual "#pdf-debug.setlocal") # (find-lua51manual "#lua_getinfo") # (find-lua52manual "#lua_getinfo" "'u'" "nups, nparams, and isvararg") # (find-lua51manual "#lua_getstack") * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) do local u = "33" f = function (a, g) local b = u g(a..b) end end f(22, function () PP(debug.getinfo(0, "nSlu")) end) f(22, function () PP(debug.getinfo(1, "nSlu")) end) f(22, function () PP(debug.getinfo(2, "nSlu")) end) f(22, function () PP(debug.getinfo(2, "nu")) end) --> {"name"="f", "namewhat"="global", "nups"=1} f(22, function () PP(debug.getinfo(0, "n").name) end) --> "getinfo" f(22, function () PP(debug.getinfo(1, "n").name) end) --> "g" f(22, function () PP(debug.getinfo(2, "n").name) end) --> "f" f(22, function () P(debug.getlocal(2, 1)) end) --> "a" 22 f(22, function () P(debug.getlocal(2, 2)) end) --> "g" <function> f(22, function () P(debug.getlocal(2, 3)) end) --> "b" "33" f(22, function () P(debug.getlocal(2, 4)) end) --> nil PP(debug.getinfo(f, "f").func) PP(debug.getinfo(f, "u")) --> {"nups"=1} PP(debug.getupvalue(f, 1)) --> "u" "33" f(22, function () PP(debug.getinfo(2, "f").func, f) end) --> (same func twice) f(22, function () PP(debug.getupvalue(debug.getinfo(2, "f").func, 1)) end) --> "u" "33" L_meta = {} L = {2, {a=1, g=2, b=3}, function () L[2] = {} for i=1,10000 do local name = debug.getlocal(L[1], i) if name then print(name); L[2][name] = i else break end end end} setmetatable(L, L_meta) L_meta.__index = function (L, k) local name, v = debug.getlocal(L[1], L[2][k]) print(name) return v end L_meta.__newindex = function (L, k, v) debug.setlocal(L[1], L[2][k], v) end L[1]=0; f(22, function () PP(L.b) end) L[1]=1; f(22, function () PP(L.b) end) L[1]=2; f(22, function () PP(L.b) end) L[1]=3; f(22, function () PP(L.b); L.b=44; PP(L.b) end) L[1]=3; f(22, function () L[3]() end) -- (find-luamanualw3m "#pdf-debug.getupvalue") -- (find-lua51file "") -- (find-lua51grep "grep -nH -e '\"getinfo\"' $(cat .files.ch)") -- (find-lua51file "src/ldblib.c" "static int db_getinfo ") -- (find-lua51tag "db_getinfo") -- (find-lua51tag "lua_Debug") -- (find-lua51tag "lua_Debug" "activation record") ##### # # getlocal and setlocal # 2016feb14 # ##### # «debug.getlocal» (to ".debug.getlocal") # «getlocal-and-setlocal» (to ".getlocal-and-setlocal") # (find-angg "LUA/getlocals.lua") # (find-pil3page (+ 19 237) "24 The Debug Library") # (find-pil3text (+ 19 237) "The Debug Library") # (find-pil3page (+ 19 239) "Accessing local variables") # (find-pil3text (+ 19 239) "Accessing local variables") # (find-pil2page (+ 19 205) "23. The Debug Library") # (find-pil2text (+ 19 205) "The Debug Library") # (find-pil2page (+ 19 207) "Accessing local variables") # (find-pil2text (+ 19 207) "Accessing local variables") # (to "debug.getinfo") * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) getlocals = function (level) local tbl = {} for i=1,2000 do local name = debug.getlocal(level, i) if not name then break end tbl[i] = name tbl[name] = i end return tbl end getlocaln = function (tbl, name) if not tbl[name] then error(format("No local \"%s\" in: [%s]", tostring(name), table.concat(tbl, " "))) end return tbl[name] end getlocal = function (level, name) local nm, val = debug.getlocal(level, getlocaln(getlocals(level+1), name)) return val end setlocal = function (level, name, value) debug.setlocal(level, getlocaln(getlocals(level+1), name), value) end f = function (n, a, b) local c, d, e = "cc", "dd", "ee" print(table.concat(getlocals(2), " ")) print(getlocaln(getlocals(2), "c")) print(getlocal(2, "c")) print("c="..c) setlocal(2, "c", "cccc") print("c="..c) print(getlocal(2, "c")) end f() ##### # # debug.getupvalue # 2023nov11 # ##### # «debug.getupvalue» (to ".debug.getupvalue") # (find-lua51manual "#pdf-debug.getupvalue") # (find-lua51manual "#pdf-debug.setupvalue") # (find-angg "LUA/PreTraceback1.lua") # (find-angg "LUA/PreTraceback1.lua" "DGetFrame") * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) mksetget = function () local u,v -- new upvalues local set = function (a,b) u,v=a,b end local get = function () return u,v end return set,get end set1,get1 = mksetget() set2,get2 = mksetget() set1(20,42); set2(99,200) = get1() = get2() run_repl3_now() ptb = nil dgf = DGetFrame.fromfunction(set1, true, true) = dgf = dgf.locals = dgf.upvalues = dgf.upvalues:invs() ##### # # A debug.getinfo accepting pointers as strings # 2019may12 # ##### # «debug.mygetstack» (to ".debug.mygetstack") # https://mail.google.com/mail/ca/u/0/#sent/QgrcJHsBpWSrMNmLnkJXCvXHQnTklNJWrFV # http://lua-users.org/lists/lua-l/2019-05/msg00126.html my question # http://lua-users.org/lists/lua-l/2019-05/msg00137.html Sean's last answer # (find-angg "LUA/mygetstack.c") Adding another way to point to "levels" to debug.getinfo and friends Hi list, Two questions: 1) Is there a standard header that I can put in my e-mails that means "this is _NOT GOING to be used in production code UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES_, this is going to be a personal hack that I will only load into a Lua interpreter BY HAND for some VERY CONTROLLED tests, etc, etc"? (Can you please suppose that I started my e-mail with a header like this? I've been considering asking the question below here at the list for YEARS, but EVERY SINGLE TIME I predicted the probable reaction of the professional programmers in the list and gave up...) By the way, I am the author of the article "Bootstrapping a Forth in 40 lines of Lua code" that appeared in the Lua Gems book. One of its last paragraphs is this: I've met many people over the years who have been Forth enthusiasts in the past, and we often end up discussing what made Forth so thrilling to use at that time - and what we can do to adapt its ideas to the computers of today. My personal impression is that Forth's main points were not the ones that I listed at the beginning of this section, and that I said that were easy to quantify; rather, what was most important was that nothing was hidden, there were no complex data structures around with "don't-look-at-this" parts (think on garbage collection in Lua, for example, and Lua's tables - beginners need to be convinced to see these things abstractly, as the concrete details of the implementation are hard), and _everything_ - code, data, dictionaries, stacks - were just linear sequences of bytes, that could be read and modified directly if we wished to. We had total freedom, defining new words was quick, and experiments were quick to make; that gave us a sense of power that was totally different from, say, the one that a Python user feels today because he has huge libraries at his fingertips. The technical question that I want to ask is related to using Lua as Forths were used in the early 90's - there were LOTS of commands that if used wrongly could freeze the system and require a reboot, and we were perfectly happy with that. 2) Here is the idea; the question is below. The functions debug.getinfo, debug.getlocal and debug.setlocal are usually called with an integer argument that the manual refers to as "level", that is processed like this (I took the code from db_getinfo, in ldblib.c) to set the variable "ar" to an "activation record": if (lua_isnumber(L, arg+1)) { if (!lua_getstack(L1, (int)lua_tointeger(L, arg+1), &ar)) { lua_pushnil(L); /* level out of range */ return 1; } } I would like to have _variants_ of these functions, to be called debug.mygetinfo, debug.mygetlocal and debug.mysetlocal, that would accept an alternative to a numerical "level". Running ar = debug.mygetstack(2) would set ar to a string like "activation record: 0x125cf20" whose address part points to the "activation record" of a function in the call stack, like the pointer that lua_getstack(L1, (int)lua_tointeger(L, arg+1), &ar) puts into ar, and if we are super-ultra-careful then we can call debug.mygetinfo, debug.mygetlocal and debug.mysetlocal in either of these ways, the second one being equivalent to the first one: debug.mygetinfo (2, "n") debug.mygetinfo (ar, "n") debug.mygetlocal(2, 3) debug.mygetlocal(ar, 3) debug.mysetlocal(2, 3, 42) debug.mysetlocal(ar, 3, 42) But OF COURSE if we set ar to a bad address, say, ar = "activation record: 0x12345678" then debug.mygetinfo, debug.mygetlocal and debug.mysetlocal WOULD NOT HESITATE to use that address and segfault (HAHAHA! DEAL WITH THIS, MODERN PROGRAMMERS!!!)... The question is: has anyone implemented something like this, or something that would cover a part of this? I haven't written any C code in ages... I think I can implement it myself, alone, but that would take me one or two full days just for a prototype in which I would just change ldblib.c... putting these new functions into a ".so" would take more. Thanks in advance!!! Eduardo Ochs =) http://angg.twu.net/dednat6.html <- (for lualatex users) ##### # # debug.mygetstack-idea-1 # 2019may12 # ##### # «debug.mygetstack-idea-1» (to ".debug.mygetstack-idea-1") * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) ##### # # luafilesystem-1.2.1 # 2007aug13 # ##### # http://luaforge.net/frs/download.php/2381/luafilesystem-1.2.1.tar.gz #* rm -Rv ~/usrc/luafilesystem-1.2.1/ tar -C ~/usrc/ -xvzf \ $S/http/luaforge.net/frs/download.php/2381/luafilesystem-1.2.1.tar.gz cd ~/usrc/luafilesystem-1.2.1/ #* # (code-c-d "lfs" "~/usrc/luafilesystem-1.2.1/") # (find-lfsfile "") # (find-lfsw3m "doc/us/manual.html") ##### # # lualogging-1.1.3 # 2007aug13 # ##### # http://luaforge.net/frs/download.php/2552/lualogging-1.1.3.tar.gz #* rm -Rv ~/usrc/lualogging-1.1.3/ tar -C ~/usrc/ -xvzf \ $S/http/luaforge.net/frs/download.php/2552/lualogging-1.1.3.tar.gz cd ~/usrc/lualogging-1.1.3/ #* # (code-c-d "lualogging" "~/usrc/lualogging-1.1.3/") # (find-lualoggingfile "") # (find-lualoggingw3m "doc/us/manual.html") ##### # # luadoc-3.0 # 2007aug13 # ##### # http://luaforge.net/frs/download.php/2557/luadoc-3.0.tar.gz #* rm -Rv ~/usrc/luadoc-3.0/ tar -C ~/usrc/ -xvzf \ $S/http/luaforge.net/frs/download.php/2557/luadoc-3.0.tar.gz cd ~/usrc/luadoc-3.0/ #* # (code-c-d "luadoc" "~/usrc/luadoc-3.0/") # (find-luadocfile "") # (find-luadocfile "doc/us/") # (find-luadocw3m "doc/us/manual.html") ##### # # metalua # 2008feb06 / 2011oct18 # ##### # «metalua» (to ".metalua") # https://github.com/fab13n/metalua # (find-git-links "https://github.com/fab13n/metalua" "metalua") # (code-c-d "metalua" "~/usrc/metalua/") # (find-metaluafile "") # (find-metaluafile "README-compiler.md") # (find-metaluafile "README-parser.md") # (find-metaluafile "README.md") # (code-pdf-page "metalua" "~/usrc/metalua/doc/manual/metalua-manual.pdf") # (code-pdf-text "metalua" "~/usrc/metalua/doc/manual/metalua-manual.pdf") # (find-metaluapage) # (find-metaluatext) # 2011: # (find-angg ".emacs" "metalua") # (find-angg "bin/setenved-metalua") # http://groups.google.com/group/metalua?pli=1 # http://metalua.luaforge.net/ # http://metalua.blogspot.com/ # http://metalua.luaforge.net/download.html # http://metalua.luaforge.net/metalua-0.4.1-rc1.tgz # http://metalua.luaforge.net/metalua-0.4.tgz # http://metalua.luaforge.net/metalua-0.4.1-rc1.tgz #* rm -Rv ~/usrc/metalua/ tar -C ~/usrc/ -xvzf \ $S/http/metalua.luaforge.net/metalua-0.4.1-rc1.tgz cd ~/usrc/metalua/ cd ~/usrc/metalua/src/ # make PLATFORM=linux |& tee om # make PLATFORM=linux TARGET_LUA_PATH=$PWD/tmp/metalua |& tee om make PLATFORM=linux TARGET_LUA_PATH=$HOME/usrc/metalua/target |& tee om cd ~/usrc/metalua/ cat src/setenv.sh > target/bin/setenved-metalua echo "exec $PWD/target/bin/metalua \$*" >> target/bin/setenved-metalua chmod 755 target/bin/setenved-metalua #* # (code-c-d "metalua" "~/usrc/metalua/") # (find-metaluafile "") # (find-metaluafile "src/om") # (find-metaluafile "INSTALL.TXT") # (find-metaluafile "INSTALL.TXT" "Un*x") # (find-metaluafile "src/config") # (find-metaluafile "src/config" "TARGET_LUA_PATH =") # (find-metaluagrep "grep -nrH -e TARGET_BIN *") # (find-metaluagrep "grep -nrH -e TARGET_LUA *") # (find-metaluagrep "grep -nrH -e yueliang *") # (find-metaluafile "src/Makefile") # (find-metaluafile "src/setenv.sh") # (find-metaluafile "target/bin/") # (find-metaluafile "target/bin/setenved-metalua") # (find-metaluash0 "cp -v target/bin/setenved-metalua ~/bin/") # (find-fline "~/usrc/metalua/src/setenv.sh") # (find-fline "/tmp/metalua/") # (find-metaluash "find * | sort") # (find-metaluafile "src/lib/metalua/runtime.lua") # (find-metaluafile "junk/notes.txt" "Yueliang") # (find-metaluafile "src/samples/") # (find-metaluafile "src/compiler/gg.lua") * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) cd ~/usrc/metalua/target/ # bin/metalua . ~/usrc/metalua/src/setenv.sh bin/metalua * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) cd ~/usrc/metalua/src/samples/ setenved-metalua -- (find-metaluafile "src/samples/") dofile "h_test.mlua" * (eepitch-metalua) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-metalua) # (find-metaluafile "README.TXT") # (find-metaluafile "doc/ast.txt") # (find-metaluafile "doc/manual/") # (code-pdf-page "metalua" (ee-metaluafile "doc/manual/metalua-manual.pdf")) # (code-pdf-text "metalua" (ee-metaluafile "doc/manual/metalua-manual.pdf")) # (find-metaluapage 1) # (find-metaluapage 5 "Contents") # (find-metaluatext 1) # http://www.ccs.neu.edu/home/dherman/research/papers/esop08-hygiene.pdf # http://www.cs.utah.edu/plt/publications/macromod.pdf # (find-metaluafile "src/lib/package2.lua" "function package.findfile") # «gradual-typing» (to ".gradual-typing") https://github.com/fab13n/metalua/tree/tilo/src/tilo https://github.com/fab13n/metalua/raw/tilo/doc/tilo/paper/tilo.pdf http://ecee.colorado.edu/~siek/gradualtyping.html ##### # # Using setvbuf to sync stdout and stderr # 2008feb09 # ##### # «setvbuf» (to ".setvbuf") # «setvbuf-stdout-stderr» (to ".setvbuf-stdout-stderr") # (find-node "(libc)Controlling Buffering" "Function: int setvbuf") # (find-lua51manual "#pdf-file:setvbuf") # (find-blogme3 "anggdefs.lua" "setvbuf") # (find-blogme3 "anggdefs.lua" "setvbuf" "Without a setvbuf errors are") io.stdout:setvbuf("no") ##### # # luarocks-2.0.12 # 2008may13 / 2012mar19 # ##### # «luarocks» (to ".luarocks") # (find-angg ".emacs" "luarocks") # (find-angg ".emacs.templates" "find-luarocks-links") # http://luarocks.org/ # http://luarocks.org/repositories/rocks/ # http://luarocks.org/repositories/rocks/index.html#lposix # http://luarocks.org/repositories/rocks/#lposix # http://luarocks.luaforge.net/luadoc/ # http://www.luarocks.org/en/Documentation # http://www.luarocks.org/en/Installation_instructions_for_Unix # http://www.luarocks.org/en/Using_LuaRocks # http://www.luarocks.org/en/Download # http://lists.luaforge.net/pipermail/luarocks-developers/ # http://lists.luaforge.net/pipermail/luarocks-developers/2010-December/002188.html # http://luarocks.org/releases/ # http://luarocks.org/releases/luarocks-2.0.12.tar.gz # http://luarocks.org/releases/luarocks-2.0.13.tar.gz # http://luarocks.org/releases/luarocks-2.1.1.tar.gz # http://luarocks.luaforge.net/rocks/ # http://luarocks.luaforge.net/rocks/index.html * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) #* # (find-fline "~/usrc/luarocks/") rm -Rv ~/usrc/luarocks/ rm -Rv ~/usrc/luarocks-2.0.13/ tar -C ~/usrc/ -xvzf \ $S/http/luarocks.org/releases/luarocks-2.0.13.tar.gz cd ~/usrc/luarocks-2.0.13/ ./configure ./configure --help ./configure \ --with-lua=$LUA51SRC \ --prefix=$HOME/usrc/luarocks make |& tee om make install |& tee omi #* * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) #* # (find-fline "~/usrc/luarocks/") rm -Rv ~/usrc/luarocks/ rm -Rv ~/usrc/luarocks-2.1.1/ tar -C ~/usrc/ -xvzf \ $S/http/luarocks.org/releases/luarocks-2.1.1.tar.gz cd ~/usrc/luarocks-2.1.1/ ./configure ./configure --help ./configure \ --with-lua=$LUA51SRC \ --prefix=$HOME/usrc/luarocks make |& tee om make build |& tee om make install |& tee omi #* # (code-c-d "luarockssrc" "~/usrc/luarocks-2.1.1/") # (code-c-d "luarockssrc" "~/usrc/luarocks-2.0.13/") # (code-c-d "luarocks" "~/usrc/luarocks/") # (code-c-d "luarocksbin" "~/usrc/luarocks/bin/") # (code-c-d "luarocks51" "~/usrc/luarocks/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/") # (find-luarockssrcfile "") # (find-luarockssrcfile "Makefile") # (find-luarockssrcfile "configure") # (find-luarockssrcsh "./configure --help") # (find-luarockssrcfile "om") # (find-luarockssrcfile "omi") # (find-luarockssrcfile "omi" "into /home/edrx/usrc/luarocks") # (find-luarocks51file "") # (find-luarocksfile "") # (find-luarocksfile "etc/luarocks/") # (find-luarocksfile "etc/luarocks/config.lua") # (find-luarocksfile "bin/") # (find-luarocksfile "bin/luarocks") # (find-luarocksfile "bin/luarocks-admin") # (find-luarocksfile "lib/") # (find-luarocksfile "lib/luarocks/rocks/alien/0.5.0-1/") # (find-luarocksfile "lib/luarocks/rocks/lpeg/0.10-1/") # (find-luarocksfile "lib/luarocks/rocks/") # (find-luarocksfile "share/") # (find-luarocks51file "build.lua") # (find-luarocks51file "build.lua" "--- Build and install") # (find-luarockssh "pwd; find * | sort") # (find-luarockssrcsh "pwd; find * | sort") # (find-luarocks51sh "pwd; find * | sort") # (find-luarocksfile "bin/") # (find-sh "find ~/usrc/luarocks* | sort") # 2014jul03: * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) rm -v ~/bin/luarocks ln -s ../usrc/luarocks/bin/luarocks ~/bin/luarocks # (find-sh "luarocks help search") # (find-sh "luarocks help download") # (find-sh "luarocks help unpack") # (find-sh "luarocks help make") # (find-sh "luarocks help build") # (find-sh "luarocks help install") luarocks search lpeg rm -Rfv /tmp/lr/ mkdir /tmp/lr/ cd /tmp/lr/ luarocks download lpeg 0.12-1 rm -Rfv /tmp/lr/lpeg-0.12-1/ luarocks unpack lpeg 0.12-1 cd /tmp/lr/lpeg-0.12-1/ cd /tmp/lr/lpeg-0.12-1/lpeg-0.12/ luarocks make --pack-binary-rock lpeg-0.12-1.rockspec |& tee ob luarocks install lpeg-0.12-1.linux-x86.rock luarocks make |& tee om luarocks build lpeg-0.12-1.rockspec |& tee ob # (find-fline "/tmp/lr/lpeg-0.12-1/") # (find-fline "/tmp/lr/lpeg-0.12-1/lpeg-0.12/") # (find-luarocks51file "") # (find-luarocks51file "build.lua") # (find-luarocks51file "build/") # (find-luarocks51file "build.lua" "is now built and installed in") rm -Rv /tmp/lr/; mkdir /tmp/lr/; cd /tmp/lr/ luarocks download lpeg 0.12-1; luarocks unpack lpeg 0.12-1; luarocks make # (find-fline "/tmp/lr/lpeg-0.12-1/") # (find-fline "/tmp/lr/lpeg-0.12-1/lpeg-0.12/") # (find-fline "/tmp/lr/lpeg-0.12-1/lpeg-0.12/lpeg-0.12-1.linux-x86.rock") cd /tmp/lr/lpeg-0.12-1/ cd /tmp/lr/lpeg-0.12-1/lpeg-0.12/ laf # luarocks download --all lpeg 0.12-1 laf # (find-fline "/tmp/lr/") # (find-fline "~/bin/" "luarocks") # (find-fline "~/bin/luarocks") # (find-luarocks51file "") cd /tmp/ luarocks search lpeg luarocks download --all lpeg 0.12-1 unzip -o lpeg-0.12-1.src.rock # (find-fline "/tmp/lpeg-0.12.tar.gz") # (find-fline "/tmp/") # (find-man "unzip") # (find-sh "luarocks search repl") # (find-sh "luarocks help") # (find-sh "luarocks help install") # (find-sh "luarocks help unpack") luarocks download --all asklua luarocks download inspect luarocks unpack inspect cd /tmp/ # (find-sh "luarocks help") # (find-sh "luarocks help search") # (find-sh "luarocks search --all") # (find-sh "luarocks help download") * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) cd ~/usrc/luarocks/ laf cd ~/usrc/luarocks/bin/ laf ./luarocks ./luarocks list ./luarocks download lpeg ./luarocks build lpeg |& tee olb-lpeg ./luarocks download lposix ./luarocks build lposix |& tee olb-lposix ./luarocks download luarepl ./luarocks build luarepl |& tee olb-luarepl # https://rocks.moonscript.org/modules/leafo/loadkit ./luarocks download alien ./luarocks build alien |& tee olb-alien ./luarocks download luagl ./luarocks build luagl |& tee olb-luagl ./luarocks download xavante ./luarocks build xavante |& tee olb-xavante ./luarocks download lexpect ./luarocks build lexpect |& tee olb-lexpect ./luarocks download lbc ./luarocks build lbc |& tee olb-lbc ./luarocks download lmapm ./luarocks build lmapm |& tee olb-lmapm <edrx> hello - I'm trying luarocks again, after a long time... two quick questions: 1) is there a way to make it run in verbose mode? 2) where does it put the build dirs for the rocks? for example, ~/usrc/luarocks/bin/lpeg-0.10-1.src.rock -> lpeg-0.10.tar.gz -> lpeg-0.10/lpeg.html should be available somewhere... * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) cd ~/usrc/luarocks/bin/ laf strace-to /tmp/s ./luarocks build lpeg |& tee olb-lpeg # (find-fline "/tmp/s") # http://lists.luaforge.net/pipermail/luarocks-developers/2008-February/date.html # http://lists.luaforge.net/pipermail/luarocks-developers/ # http://cosmo.luaforge.net/ luarocks luarocks help luarocks list luarocks search --all luarocks install bitlib # (find-fline "/tmp/luarocks/") # (find-fline "/tmp/luarocks/bin/luarocks") # (find-luarocksfile "configure" "LUA_BINDIR") <edrx> hi (& happy new year =)) - <edrx> I'm looking for hints on how to use luarocks more verbosely... <edrx> my current way of using it is through the sequences of commands stored in these messy notes (which come with an implicit "you are not expected to understand this" - summary soon): <edrx> http://angg.twu.net/e/lua5.e.html#luarocks <edrx> so, for installing, for example, luarepl, I'd do this: <edrx> ./luarocks download luarepl <edrx> ./luarocks build luarepl 2>&1 | tee olb-luarepl <edrx> which leaves a copy of the ___.rock and a build log in a known place <edrx> but I have the impression that there must a way to make the "./luarocks build" run more verbose - in particular, to make it show which dirs are being used, and what is the current pwd before running a sequence of commands. <edrx> if anyone has any hints I'd love to hear... luarocks still feels quite opaque to me =\ ##### # # luarocks-deb # 2019apr02 # ##### # «luarocks-deb» (to ".luarocks-deb") # (find-status "luarocks") # (find-vldifile "luarocks.list") # (find-udfile "luarocks/") # (find-vldifile "luarocks.postinst") # (find-vldifile "luarocks.postrm") # (find-vldifile "luarocks.conffiles") # (find-vldifile "luarocks.md5sums") # (find-fline "/etc/luarocks/config.lua") # (find-fline "/usr/local/lib/luarocks/rocks/") # (find-fline "/usr/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/repos.lua") # (find-udfile "luarocks/NEWS.Debian.gz") # (find-udfile "luarocks/NEWS.Debian.gz" "/usr/local/lib/luarocks") # (find-udfile "luarocks/NEWS.Debian.gz" "$HOME/.luarocks") # (find-udfile "luarocks/copyright") # (find-udfile "luarocks/changelog.Debian.gz") # (find-udfile "luarocks/doc") # (find-man "1 luarocks") # (find-man "1 luarocks-admin") # (find-fline "/usr/bin/luarocks") # (find-fline "/usr/bin/luarocks-admin") # (find-fline "/etc/luarocks/config-5.1.lua") (code-c-d "luarocks" "/usr/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/") # (find-luarocksfile "") # (find-luarocksfile "search.lua") * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) luarocks list luarocks search luarocks help search luarocks search --all luarocks search lpeglabel luarocks help install luarocks install lpeglabel luarocks install --local lpeglabel sudo apt-get install lua5.1-dev sudo apt-get install lua5.2-dev sudo apt-get install lua5.3-dev luarocks list luarocks install --local lpeglabel # Installing https://luarocks.org/lpeglabel-1.6.0-1.src.rock # gcc -O2 -fPIC -I/usr/include/lua5.1 -c lpcap.c -o lpcap.o # gcc -O2 -fPIC -I/usr/include/lua5.1 -c lpcode.c -o lpcode.o # gcc -O2 -fPIC -I/usr/include/lua5.1 -c lpprint.c -o lpprint.o # gcc -O2 -fPIC -I/usr/include/lua5.1 -c lptree.c -o lptree.o # gcc -O2 -fPIC -I/usr/include/lua5.1 -c lpvm.c -o lpvm.o # gcc -shared -o lpeglabel.so -L/usr/local/lib lpcap.o lpcode.o lpprint.o lptree.o lpvm.o # No existing manifest. Attempting to rebuild... # lpeglabel 1.6.0-1 is now installed in /home/edrx/.luarocks (license: MIT/X11) # (find-fline "~/.luarocks/") # (find-fline "~/.luarocks/lib/luarocks/rocks/lpeglabel/1.6.0-1/doc/") # (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "userocks") ##### # # Using require "luarocks.loader" to activate luarocks # 2019apr02 # ##### # «luarocks.loader» (to ".luarocks.loader") # (to "package.path") # (find-angg ".emacs" "luarocks") # (find-status "luarocks") # (find-vldifile "luarocks.list") # (find-udfile "luarocks/") * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) luarocks list luarocks install --local lpeglabel cd find .* * | grep lpeglabel # (find-fline "~/.luarocks/lib/luarocks/rocks/lpeglabel/1.5.0-1/") # (find-fline "~/.luarocks/lib/lua/5.1/" "lpeglabel.so") # (find-fline "/usr/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/loader.lua") # (find-luarocksfile "loader.lua") * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) -- require "lpeglabel" print((package.path:gsub(";", "\n"))) require "luarocks.loader" print((package.path:gsub(";", "\n"))) require "lpeglabel" ##### # # luarocks-git # 2020jan16 / 2025feb21 # ##### # «luarocks-git» (to ".luarocks-git") # (find-debpkg-links "luarocks") # https://packages.debian.org/sid/luarocks # https://github.com/luarocks/luarocks/wiki/installation-instructions-for-unix # https://github.com/luarocks/luarocks # https://github.com/luarocks/luarocks/issues/1132 # (find-git-links "https://github.com/luarocks/luarocks" "luarocksgit") # (code-c-d "luarocksgit" "~/usrc/luarocks/") # (find-luarocksgitfile "") # (find-luarocksgitfile "README.md") # (find-luarocksgitfile "README.md" "## Installing") # (find-luarocksgitfile "docs/installation_instructions_for_unix.md") # (find-luarocks-links "debug.lua") * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) cd ~/usrc/luarocks/ git clean -dfx git reset --hard # ./configure --with-lua-include=/usr/local/include ./configure --with-lua-include=/usr/include |& tee oc make |& tee om sudo make install |& tee omi w luarocks luarocks --version luarocks --help luarocks remove --verbose --verbose --local debug.lua luarocks install --verbose --verbose --local debug.lua luarocks install --verbose --verbose --local debug.lua * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) sudo apt-get install luarocks luarocks --local install luarocks # # Installing https://luarocks.org/luarocks-3.2.1-1.src.rock # Error: Rockspec format 3.0 is not supported, please upgrade LuaRocks. * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) rm -Rfv ~/usrc/luarocks/ cd ~/usrc/ git clone https://github.com/luarocks/luarocks cd ~/usrc/luarocks/ export PAGER=cat git branch --list -a git for-each-ref git log --oneline --graph --all -20 * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) aptrm luarocks apti lua5.1-dev cd ~/usrc/luarocks/ git checkout 3.2.1 git reset ./configure --help ./configure --lua-version=5.1 |& tee oc # ./configure --prefix=/usr # ./configure |& tee oc make |& tee om sudo make install |& tee omi which luarocks # (code-c-d "luarocksgit" "~/usrc/luarocks/") # (find-luarocksgitfile "") cd ~/usrc/luarocks/ sudo make uninstall |& tee omu apti luarocks luarocks --local install luarocks # Installing https://luarocks.org/luarocks-3.2.1-1.src.rock # Error: Rockspec format 3.0 is not supported, please upgrade LuaRocks. ##### # # luarocks mailing list # 2015oct10 # ##### # «luarocks-mailing-list» (to ".luarocks-mailing-list") # https://github.com/keplerproject/luarocks/wiki/Mailing-list # https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/luarocks-developers # http://lists.luaforge.net/pipermail/luarocks-developers/ <- old archive # http://sourceforge.net/p/luarocks/mailman/luarocks-developers/ <- current archive ##### # # running luarocks interactively # 2014mar06 # ##### # «luarocks-interactively» (to ".luarocks-interactively") # (find-luarocksfile "bin/luarocks-5.1" "command_line.run_command(...)") # (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "loadluarocks") # (find-status "luarocks") # (find-vldifile "luarocks.list") # (find-udfile "luarocks/") # (find-fline "/etc/luarocks/config.lua") # (find-fline "/usr/bin/luarocks-admin") # (find-fline "/usr/bin/luarocks") * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) loadluarocks() command_line.run_command("help") command_line.run_command("list") command_line.run_command("path") command_line.run_command("help show") command_line.run_command("help show") -- (find-luarocks-links "lpeg") ##### # # luarocks interactively: my email asking for help # 2015oct10 # ##### # «luarocks-my-email-1» (to ".luarocks-my-email-1") # https://mail.google.com/mail/ca/u/0/#sent/15053d74e98e7f6d (did not go) # https://mail.google.com/mail/ca/u/0/#sent/1512767307f2d09d (sent on 2015nov21) # http://sourceforge.net/p/luarocks/mailman/luarocks-developers/?viewmonth=201511 # http://sourceforge.net/p/luarocks/mailman/message/34636407/ Hi all, I am trying to understand more about luarocks by running it from the lua5.1 interpreter... I added this to my $LUA_INIT file, loadluarocks = function () package.path = "/usr/share/lua/5.1//?.lua;/usr/share/lua/5.1//?/init.lua;"..package.path command_line = require("luarocks.command_line") program_name = "luarocks" program_description = "LuaRocks main command-line interface" commands = {} commands.help = require("luarocks.help") commands.pack = require("luarocks.pack") commands.unpack = require("luarocks.unpack") commands.build = require("luarocks.build") commands.install = require("luarocks.install") commands.search = require("luarocks.search") commands.list = require("luarocks.list") commands.remove = require("luarocks.remove") commands.make = require("luarocks.make") commands.download = require("luarocks.download") commands.path = require("luarocks.path") commands.show = require("luarocks.show") commands.new_version = require("luarocks.new_version") end so that I can do things like this: Lua 5.1.5 Copyright (C) 1994-2012 Lua.org, PUC-Rio > loadluarocks() > command_line.run_command("help") and replace functions dynamically, adding print-like statements to them. One thing that I find very frustrating about luarocks is that I've never managed to learn how to run it more verbosely... for example, if I run this from from a shell, sudo luarocks remove lpeg sudo luarocks install lpeg then the output shows how to build lpeg without luarocks - something like: Installing http://luarocks.org/repositories/rocks/lpeg-1.0.0-1.src.rock... Using http://luarocks.org/repositories/rocks/lpeg-1.0.0-1.src.rock... switching to 'build' mode Archive: /tmp/luarocks_luarocks-rock-lpeg-1.0.0-1-1133/lpeg-1.0.0-1.src.rock inflating: lpeg-1.0.0-1.rockspec inflating: lpeg-1.0.0.tar.gz gcc -O2 -fPIC -I/usr/include/lua5.1 -c lpcap.c -o lpcap.o gcc -O2 -fPIC -I/usr/include/lua5.1 -c lpcode.c -o lpcode.o gcc -O2 -fPIC -I/usr/include/lua5.1 -c lpprint.c -o lpprint.o gcc -O2 -fPIC -I/usr/include/lua5.1 -c lptree.c -o lptree.o gcc -O2 -fPIC -I/usr/include/lua5.1 -c lpvm.c -o lpvm.o gcc -shared -o lpeg.so -L/usr/local/lib lpcap.o lpcode.o lpprint.o lptree.o lpvm.o Updating manifest for /usr/local/lib/luarocks/rocks lpeg 1.0.0-1 is now built and installed in /usr/local/ (license: MIT/X11) but I would like to make that output even more verbose, showing the "chdir"s, the calls to tar and unzip, and the "cp"s - and, ideally, but that may be much harder, to have a way to make luarocks run like "make -n", showing the commands that it would run, but without running them... Any help or hints would be VERY appreciated. I understand very little of the sources right now... Cheers =), Eduardo Ochs eduardoochs@gmail.com http://angg.twu.net/ ##### # # LuaRocks presentation at FOSDEM 2015 # 2015feb06 # ##### # «luarocks-fosdem2015» (to ".luarocks-fosdem2015") # https://github.com/keplerproject/luarocks/wiki/Documentation # http://hisham.hm/papers/talks/hisham_luarocks_fosdem2015.pdf ;; (find-fline "$S/http/hisham.hm/papers/talks/") (code-pdf-page "luarocks2015" "$S/http/hisham.hm/papers/talks/hisham_luarocks_fosdem2015.pdf") (code-pdf-text "luarocks2015" "$S/http/hisham.hm/papers/talks/hisham_luarocks_fosdem2015.pdf") ;; (find-luarocks2015page) ;; (find-luarocks2015text) # (find-luarocks2015page 15 "Up and running in one slide!") # (find-luarocks2015text 15 "Up and running in one slide!") ##### # # luarocks chat # 2016sep11 # ##### # «luarocks-chat» (to ".luarocks-chat") https://gitter.im/keplerproject/luarocks ##### # # My e-mail to lua-l about using and unpacking rocks # 2020jan05 # ##### # «luarocks-email-2020jan05» (to ".luarocks-email-2020jan05") # https://mail.google.com/mail/ca/u/0/#sent/QgrcJHrtwMcbdqvVXpzqvbKPwXGNkFVGXDG # http://lua-users.org/lists/lua-l/2020-01/msg00019.html # https://github.com/luarocks/luarocks/wiki/File-locations Executable notes: LuaRocks Hi all, Lua has been my favorite language since 2000 but I use it in a very unix-ish way - I use pipes and io.popen() to call external programs instead of loading existing libraries written in C or writing my own - and I use luarocks very little because I feel that don't understand it (them?) well enough... which means that I use Lua practically without batteries. A few months ago I gave a talk at the EmacsConf2019 about how I keep "executable notes" of everything that I do, and I finished it with a demo. It's here, and there is even a transcript of the demo part: http://angg.twu.net/emacsconf2019.html I will use some of the tricks shown there in the demo part of the video to explain why some things in LuaRocks are still mysterious to me. 1. LuaRocks on Debian ===================== I'm in a Debian box with lua5.1, lua5.2, lua5.3 and luarocks installed, which means that I've done this: sudo apt-get install lua5.1 lua5.2 lua5.2 luarocks I use a huge LUA_INIT file, but if I run this in a shell export LUA_INIT= lua5.1 I get a "pure" Lua5.1. If I do luarocks luarocks search lpeg luarocks list luarocks --verbose --local install lpeg 2>&1 | tee /tmp/olrl luarocks --verbose --local install lpeglabel 2>&1 | tee /tmp/olrll luarocks list I install lpeg and lpeglabel in ~/.luarocks/, and luarocks also puts some files in ~/.cache/luarocks/. These sexp hyperlinks # (find-sh "cd ~/.luarocks/ && find * | sort") # (find-fline "~/.luarocks/") # (find-fline "~/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/") # (find-fline "~/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/" "re.lua") # (find-fline "~/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/" "relabel.lua") # (find-fline "~/.luarocks/lib/lua/5.1/") # (find-fline "~/.luarocks/lib/lua/5.1/" "lpeg.so") # (find-fline "~/.luarocks/lib/lua/5.1/" "lpeglabel.so") # (find-sh "cd ~/.cache/luarocks/ && find * | sort") # (find-fline "~/.cache/luarocks/") # (find-fline "~/.cache/luarocks/https___luarocks.org/manifest-5.1") help me inspect these directories and remember where the files are. If I execute this in a shell export LUA_INIT= lua5.1 require "lpeglabel" require "relabel" I get errors, because neither "relabel.lua" nor "lpeglabel.so" are found. If I run this in a shell, luarocks path luarocks path | tr "';" "\n\n" I see that there are two ways to make Lua use these paths. One is: export LUA_INIT= eval $(luarocks path) echo $LUA_PATH echo $LUA_CPATH lua5.1 require "lpeglabel" require "relabel" and another is export LUA_INIT= lua5.1 home = os.getenv "HOME" package.path = home.."/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/?.lua;" .. package.path package.path = home.."/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/?/init.lua;" .. package.path package.cpath = home.."/.luarocks/lib/lua/5.1/?.so;" .. package.cpath require "lpeglabel" require "relabel" so far so good - but I confess that I didn't find easy to figure this out when I started using rocks several years ago. 2. Understanding a rock ======================= How do I get the documentation of a rock? Does that documentation always come with examples? Does the source always come with documentation and examples? How do I download and unpack the source of a rock? I found - by trial and error - that I can do this, luarocks luarocks list luarocks show lpeglabel rm -Rv /tmp/lpeglabel/ mkdir /tmp/lpeglabel/ cd /tmp/lpeglabel/ luarocks download lpeglabel unzip lpeglabel-1.6.0-1.src.rock tar -xvzf v1.6.0-1.tar.gz # (find-fline "/tmp/lpeglabel/") # (find-fline "/tmp/lpeglabel/lpeglabel-1.6.0-1/") # (find-fline "/tmp/lpeglabel/lpeglabel-1.6.0-1/README.md") # (find-fline "/tmp/lpeglabel/lpeglabel-1.6.0-1/relabel.lua") # (find-fline "/tmp/lpeglabel/lpeglabel-1.6.0-1/examples/") but I don't have any idea if all rocks can be extracted in a similar way... my video for the EmacsConf has a part that shows how I have semi-automated the task of downloading the source of a Debian package and unpacking and compiling it: http://angg.twu.net/emacsconf2019.html -> 14:45 Demo: the `find-apt-get-source-links' -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=86yiRG8YJD0&t=885 Can something similar be done for rocks? I don't know - I've tried to do something like this a few years ago, and 1) I ended up with the impression that there are several different ways to pack and unpack rocks, 2) I tried to follow what luarocks do - but telling it to run in verbose mode didn't make it verbose enough, 3) I tried to add some prints and calls to repls to luarocks's code and to call its functions from Lua's default REPL but I didn't get very far, 4) I sent the following e-mail to the luarocks mailing list, https://sourceforge.net/p/luarocks/mailman/message/34636407/ but soon after that I gave up... Cheers, Eduardo Ochs http://angg.twu.net/dednat6.html http://angg.twu.net/#eev http://angg.twu.net/emacsconf2019.html ##### # # luarocks-tests-2020jan16 # 2020jan16 # ##### # «luarocks-tests-2020jan16» (to ".luarocks-tests-2020jan16") # (find-angg ".emacs.templates" "find-luarocks-links") # (find-angg ".emacs.templates" "find-luarocks-src-links") ##### # # Problem with luarocks unpack - e-mail to lua-l, 2020jan16 # 2020jan16 # ##### # «luarocks-unpack-2020jan16» (to ".luarocks-unpack-2020jan16") # https://mail.google.com/mail/ca/u/0/#sent/KtbxLrjNcfTLWnlBlNBBkjXQwpzXVnpwzg # http://lua-users.org/lists/lua-l/2020-01/msg00099.html Problem with luarocks unpack Hi list, ok, so Lua is a geek language with geek batteries, right? This means that it should be easy to download and unpack the full source of any given rock, right?... I'm on Debian, and the version of the luarocks that comes with Debian is 2.4.2 - see: https://packages.debian.org/sid/luarocks There are some rocks that that version can't install. Just to cite an obvious example, I tried to ask the luarocks from Debian to install the most recent version of luarocks - some package managers are able to do this - by doing: luarocks --local install luarocks and I got these error messages: Installing https://luarocks.org/luarocks-3.2.1-1.src.rock Error: Rockspec format 3.0 is not supported, please upgrade LuaRocks. So I tried to install a recent version of luarocks from the git repo. Here's what I did: sudo apt-get remove luarocks # Clean all the stuff from previous uses of luarocks rm -Rfv ~/.cache/luarocks/ rm -Rfv ~/.luarocks/ cd ~/usrc/ git clone https://github.com/luarocks/luarocks cd ~/usrc/luarocks/ # Choose a version git branch --list -a git checkout 3.2.1 git reset ./configure make sudo make install which luarocks luarocks --version rm -Rv /tmp/rock/ mkdir /tmp/rock/ cd /tmp/rock/ luarocks unpack stacktraceplus # Output: # "Error: Failed copying unpacked rockspec into unpacked source directory." I got the same error on several rocks. What I am doing wrong? "luarocks unpack" is not well documented, so I am mostly guessing that it is the right thing for downloading rock sources... Thanks in advance, Eduardo Ochs http://angg.twu.net/dednat6.html http://angg.twu.net/emacsconf2019.html http://angg.twu.net/#eev ##### # # Switch between the luarocks from Debian and luarocks from git # 2020jan16 # ##### # «luarocks-switch-version» (to ".luarocks-switch-version") # Moved to: # (find-es "luarocks" "luarocks-switch-version") ##### # # Using luarocks --tree (Ka Mykolas) # 2020jan16 # ##### # «luarocks-tree» (to ".luarocks-tree") # https://mail.google.com/mail/ca/u/0/#search/luarocks+tree/KtbxLrjNcfTLWnlBlNBBkjXQwpzXVnpwzg # http://lua-users.org/lists/lua-l/2020-01/msg00114.html # (to "luarocks-switch-version") * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) rm -Rv /tmp/rock/ mkdir /tmp/rock/ cd /tmp/rock/ mkdir ./tree luarocks install --tree ./tree luarocks ./tree/bin/luarocks download stacktraceplus ./tree/bin/luarocks unpack stacktraceplus luarocks download stacktraceplus luarocks unpack stacktraceplus luarocks --verbose unpack stacktraceplus # (find-fline "/tmp/rock/") * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) rm -Rv /tmp/rock/ mkdir /tmp/rock/ cd /tmp/rock/ mkdir ./tree luarocks install --tree ./tree luarocks ./tree/bin/luarocks --tree ./tree download stacktraceplus ./tree/bin/luarocks --tree ./tree unpack stacktraceplus # (find-sh "find /tmp/rock | sort") # (find-sh "find /tmp/rock/tree | sort") rm -Rv /tmp/rock/ mkdir /tmp/rock/ cd /tmp/rock/ ./tree/bin/luarocks --tree ./tree download stacktraceplus ##### # # alien-0.5.0 # 2010nov10 # ##### # «alien» (to ".alien") # http://alien.luaforge.net/alien-0.5.0.tar.gz #* rm -Rv ~/usrc/alien-0.5.0/ tar -C ~/usrc/ -xvzf \ $S/http/alien.luaforge.net/alien-0.5.0.tar.gz cd ~/usrc/alien-0.5.0/ #* # (code-c-d "alien" "~/usrc/alien-0.5.0/") # (find-alienfile "") # (find-alienfile "libffi/") # (find-aliensh "find * | sort") ##### # # lua-gdb and lexpect # 2008apr01 / 2009sep26 # ##### # «lexpect» (to ".lexpect") # http://mysite.mweb.co.za/residents/sdonovan/lua/lua-gdb.zip # http://linux.die.net/man/3/forkpty # (find-man "3 forkpty") # (find-man "3 forkpty" "Link with -lutil") #* rm -Rv ~/usrc/lua-gdb/ unzip -d ~/usrc/ $S/http/mysite.mweb.co.za/residents/sdonovan/lua/lua-gdb.zip cd ~/usrc/lua-gdb/ rm -Rv *.dll rm -Rv *.so gcc -shared -I$LUA51SRC/src -lutil spawnx.c -o spawnx.so gcc -shared -I$LUA51SRC/src stubby.c -o stubby.so #* rm -Rv ~/usrc/lua-gdb/ unzip -d ~/usrc/ $S/http/mysite.mweb.co.za/residents/sdonovan/lua/lua-gdb.zip cd ~/usrc/lua-gdb/ cat > Makefile <<'%%%' clean: -rm -v *.dll -rm -v *.so spawnx.so: gcc -shared -I${LUASODIR} -lutil spawnx.c -o spawnx.so stubby.so: gcc -shared -I${LUASODIR} stubby.c -o stubby.so sos: spawnx.so stubby.so test: sos ${LUA} examples/ftp.lua %%% # (find-fline "$LUA51SRC/") make clean make LUASODIR=$LUA51SRC/src sos make LUA=$LUA51SRC/bin/lua test #* # (find-luamanualw3m "#pdf-package.loadlib") # (code-c-d "luagdb" "~/usrc/lua-gdb/") # (find-luagdbfile "") # (find-luagdbfile "lexpect.lua") # (find-luagdbfile "spawnx.c") # (find-luagdbfile "spawnx.c" 149) # (find-luagdbfile "examples/ftp.lua") # Old stuff: * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) rm -Rv ~/usrc/lua-gdb/ unzip -d ~/usrc/ $S/http/mysite.mweb.co.za/residents/sdonovan/lua/lua-gdb.zip cd ~/usrc/lua-gdb/ rm -Rv *.dll rm -Rv *.so gcc -shared -I$LUA51SRC/src -lutil spawnx.c -o spawnx.so gcc -shared -I$LUA51SRC/src stubby.c -o stubby.so cd ~/usrc/lua-gdb/ lua51 -- require "path" -- = path.loadlib('lexpect','spawnx') L = require 'lexpect' L.open 'ftp' L.writeln 'open ftp.csir.co.za' L.expect(': $',true) L.writeln 'anonymous' L.expect(':%s*$',true) L.writeln 'sjdonova@csir.co.za' L.prompt = 'ftp>' print(L.read_response_string()) print(L.command_string 'ls') L.command 'quit' * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) chdir "~/usrc/lua-gdb/" require 'path' if not path.loadlib('lexpect','spawnx') then print 'cannot find spawnx in same directory as lexpect.lua' end PP(path.loadlib('lexpect','spawnx')) -- (find-luagdbfile "spawnx.c" "forkpty") -- (find-luagdbfile "") -- (find-luagdbfile "examples/ftp.lua") -- (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "chdir") chdir "~/usrc/lua-gdb/" -- (find-luagdbfile "lexpect.lua") L = require 'lexpect' L.open 'ftp' L.writeln 'open ftp.csir.co.za' L.expect(': $',true) L.writeln 'anonymous' L.expect(':%s*$',true) L.writeln 'sjdonova@csir.co.za' L.prompt = 'ftp>' print(L.read_response_string()) print(L.command_string 'ls') L.command 'quit' # (find-man "3 execvp") # (find-node "(libc)Executing a File" "Function: int execvp") To: steve donovan Date: 2009sep25 Subj: Status of lexpect? Hi Steve, what is the status of lexpect? Is the version from http://mysite.mweb.co.za/residents/sdonovan/lua/lua-gdb.zip the latest one? I'm trying to run it - recompiling the ".so"s in a naive way - and I'm getting a linking error... Here's what I've done: rm -Rv ~/usrc/lua-gdb/ unzip -d ~/usrc/ $S/http/mysite.mweb.co.za/residents/sdonovan/lua/lua-gdb.zip cd ~/usrc/lua-gdb/ rm -Rv *.dll rm -Rv *.so gcc -shared -I$LUA51SRC/src spawnx.c -o spawnx.so gcc -shared -I$LUA51SRC/src stubby.c -o stubby.so and then doing a "require 'lexpect'" in Lua fails, and if I try to debug the problem here's what I get: /home/edrx/usrc/lua-gdb(edrx:pe)# $LUA51SRC/bin/lua Lua 5.1.4 Copyright (C) 1994-2008 Lua.org, PUC-Rio > require "path" > if not path.loadlib('lexpect','spawnx') then >> print 'cannot find spawnx in same directory as lexpect.lua' >> end cannot find spawnx in same directory as lexpect.lua > = path.loadlib('lexpect','spawnx') nil cannot load extension: ./spawnx.so: undefined symbol: forkpty > Any hints? What is the right way to build the ".so"s? 8-\ Cheers & thanks in advance, Eduardo Ochs eduardoochs@gmail.com http://angg.twu.net/ P.S.: I'm running all this in a Debian Stable ("Lenny") box... --- (His answer:) (...) The only thing missing is -lutil for spawnx.c so that forkpty() can be found. x in same directory as lexpect.lua > > = path.loadlib('lexpect','spawnx') > nil cannot load extension: ./spawnx.so: undefined symbol: forkpty > > It would help if the code actually gave the proper error message ;) I'll package it properly, sorry packaging quality ain't always my strong point. I'm intending to make lexpect/luagdb available as rocks, but I'll sort out the makefiles as well. steve d. ##### # # lpty (similar to lexpect) # 2010aug17 # ##### # «lpty» (to ".lpty") # http://www.tset.de/lpty/ # http://www.tset.de/downloads/lpty-0.8-2.tar.gz # (find-man "7 pty") # (find-node "(libc)Pseudo-Terminals") ##### # # shells in lua # 2008may02 # ##### # «shells-in-lua» (to ".shells-in-lua") Ei, acabei de ter uma ideia muito legal relacionada a essa historia de passar os scripts todos pra Lua... Quando o shell recebe uma linha como wget -q -O - http://foo/bar | apt-key add - ele separa ela em "comandos" (o "|" e' um sinal de diz como conectar dois comandos separados) e depois em "palavras"; cada comando vira um processo, e estes processos estao ligados entre si de certos modos... por exemplo, o output do "wget" e' um pipe que e' o input do "apt-key", e se o shell receber certos "signals" do wget ou do apt-key ele retransmiste esses signals pro outro programa da pipeline... Bom, shells interpretam essas pipelines criando processos conectados - e fazem isso com umas rotinas em C que nao sao compridas (umas 100 linhas, acho, em codigo de baixo nivel que chama diretamente as kernel calls) e que eu sempre quis entender... Acho ate' que a parte em C necessaria pra gente fazer tudo isso a partir de Lua ja' deve estar toda pronta dentro do lposix... e, bom, tendo as ideias e as desculpas certas da' pra mandar umas mensagens pra lista de Lua e os bichos de C e POSIX da lista vao produzir num instante o codigo em lua que executa coisas como: w = command({"wget", "-q", "-O", "-", "http://foo/bar"}) a = command({"apt-key", "add", "-"}) p = pipeline({w, "|", a}) run(p) E ai' vamos ter uma biblioteca para fazer shells em Lua, que e' algo que vai interessar a muita gente... Ah, a parte de editar os arquivos de configuracao do Plurall usando Lua e' facilima, claro... []oooooo, Edrx ##### # # coxpcall-1.12.0 # 2008may09 # ##### # «coxpcall» (to ".coxpcall") # http://luaforge.net/frs/download.php/3351/coxpcall-1.12.0.tar.gz #* rm -Rv ~/usrc/coxpcall-1.12.0/ tar -C ~/usrc/ -xvzf \ $S/http/luaforge.net/frs/download.php/3351/coxpcall-1.12.0.tar.gz cd ~/usrc/coxpcall-1.12.0/ #* # (code-c-d "coxpcall" "~/usrc/coxpcall-1.12.0/") # (find-coxpcallfile "") ##### # # elua and grub # 2008jul08 # ##### # «elua-and-grub» (to ".elua-and-grub") # (find-fline "/boot/grub/menu.lst") # http://elua.luaforge.net/tut_boot_lua.html # http://elua.luaforge.net/surprise # (find-sh0 "mount | grep hd") # (find-sh0 "sudo cp -v $S/http/elua.luaforge.net/surprise /boot/surprise") # (find-fline "/boot/") # title ELua root (hd0,0) kernel /surprise ##### # # elua # 2008sep02 # ##### # «elua» (to ".elua") # (find-es "anatocc" "newlib-upstream") # http://download.berlios.de/elua/elua_0.4.tgz # http://elua.berlios.de/download.html # http://elua.berlios.de/doc_building.html # http://elua.berlios.de/doc_use_i386.html # http://elua.berlios.de/tut_boot_lua.html # http://elua.berlios.de/tut_gcc_i386.html # http://elua.berlios.de/tut_gcc_arm.html # https://lists.berlios.de/pipermail/elua-dev/ # http://developer.berlios.de/mail/?group_id=9919 #* rm -Rv ~/usrc/elua/ tar -C ~/usrc/ -xvzf \ $S/http/download.berlios.de/elua/elua_0.4.tgz cd ~/usrc/elua/ #* # (code-c-d "elua" "~/usrc/elua/") # (find-eluafile "") # (find-eluafile "docs/") # (find-eluagrep "grep -nriH -e grub *") # (find-eluafile "src/platform/i386/") # (find-zsh "dmissing newlib") # (find-zsh "dmissing i686-elf-gcc") # (find-status "libnewlib-dev") # (find-vldifile "libnewlib-dev.list") # (find-udfile "libnewlib-dev/") # http://ftp.debian.org/debian/pool/main/n/newlib/ # http://ftp.debian.org/debian/pool/main/n/newlib/newlib_1.16.0-3.dsc apti scons nasm libnewlib-dev * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) cd ~/usrc/elua/ scons cpu=i386 # 2011nov25: # http://eluabrain.blogspot.com/ ##### # # apairs and print # 2008jul10 # ##### # «apairs-and-print» (to ".apairs-and-print") # From a message by Thomas Lauer on lua-l, 2008jul10 # http://lua-users.org/lists/lua-l/2008-07/msg00188.html # [...] the print() function [...] is hardcoded to use the output # handle that was in place when the interpreter was started (print() # has for obvious reasons no notion of module io). -- Or use this as a replacement for print() function apairs(...) local function _apairs(a,i) if i<a.n then return i+1,a[i+1] end end return _apairs,{n=select('#',...),...},0 end function print(...) local t={} -- the much simpler local t={...} doesn't cut it if there's -- a terminating nil in ... so this does it bit by bit for i,v in apairs(...) do t[i]=tostring(v) end io.stdout:write(table.concat(t,'\t'),'\n') end print(1,2,3,"four",nil) print(1,2,3,"four",nil,true) ##### # # LUA_COMPAT_VARARG # 2008jul18 # ##### # «LUA_COMPAT_VARARG» (to ".LUA_COMPAT_VARARG") # (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "pack-and-unpack") # http://lua-users.org/lists/lua-l/2008-07/msg00369.html # (find-luamanualw3m "#pdf-select") # (find-luamanualw3m "#7.1" "LUA_COMPAT_VARARG") # (find-lua51file "src/luaconf.h" "LUA_COMPAT_VARARG") * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) pack51 = function (...) return {n=select("#",...), ...} end PP(pack51(1, 2)) PP(pack51(1, 2, nil)) PP({10, 20, a=30, 40, 50}) ##### # # Coroutines as iterators # 2008aug02 # ##### # «coroutine-iterator» (to ".coroutine-iterator") # (find-pilw3m "9.3.html") # (find-pilw3m "9.3.html" "9.3 - Coroutines as Iterators") # (find-luamanualw3m "#2.11" "coroutine.wrap") # (find-luamanualw3m "#pdf-coroutine.wrap") * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) function permgen (a, n) if n == 0 then coroutine.yield(a) else for i=1,n do a[n], a[i] = a[i], a[n] permgen(a, n - 1) a[n], a[i] = a[i], a[n] end end end function perm (a) return coroutine.wrap(function () permgen(a, #a) end) end for p in perm{"a", "b", "c", "d"} do print(table.concat(p, " ")) end * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) uples = function (A) return coroutine.wrap(function () for _,a in ipairs(A) do for _,b in ipairs(A) do coroutine.yield(a, b) end end end) end for a,b in uples({"aa", "bb"}) do print(a, b) end ##### # # Modal and intuitionistic logic # 2008aug03 # ##### # «modal.lua» (to ".modal.lua") # (find-angg "LUA/modal.lua") * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) ee_dofile "~/LUA/modal.lua" -- (find-angg "LUA/modal.lua") -- I want to check that the implication -- (P*\/Q)*=>(P\/Q)* -- is strict; that is, I need a countermodel for -- (P*\/Q)*<=>(P\/Q)*, i.e., for: -- (P*\/Q)*<=(P\/Q)* -- formula = function (p, q) return iimp(star(iimp(p, q)), star(iimp(star(p), q))) end Setup(Meta_Two) for a,p,q in generatetriples(itvs) do star = star_or(a) if formula(p, q) ~= t then print(a, p, q) end end PP(t) * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) dofile "/home/edrx/LUA/modal.lua" -- (find-angg "LUA/modal.lua") Setup(Meta_House); printneight(iand, 4) Setup(Meta_House); printneight(ior, 5) Setup(Meta_House); printneight(iimp, 3) Setup(Meta_House); printeight (iimp, 3) Setup(Meta_Bighouse); printeight (iimp, 3) * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) dofile "/home/edrx/LUA/modal.lua" -- (find-angg "LUA/modal.lua") setup(5, Nec_House); printneight(iand, 4) setup(5, Nec_House); printneight(ior, 5) setup(5, Nec_House); printneight(iimp, 3) setup(5, Nec_House); printeight (iimp, 3) Setup(Meta_Vee) PP(itvs) printeight(iand) printneight(iand) PP(toset{"aaa", "bb", "cccc", "aaa"}) PP(keys(toset{"aaa", "bb", "cccc", "aaa"})) = #keys(toset{"aaa", "bb", "cccc", "aaa"}) = differents{"aaa", "bb", "cccc", "aaa"} Setup(Meta_Reh) PP(addss({}, 4)) = iimp("0101", "0011") = S(mand(M"0011", M"0101")) = S(mimp(M"0011", M"0101")) = S(Nec_Reh(M"1001")) ##### # # preproc # 2008sep26 # ##### # «preproc» (to ".preproc") # (find-anggfile "LUA/preproc.lua") * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) ee_dofile "~/LUA/preproc.lua" -- (find-angg "LUA/preproc.lua") F = function (fmt) return function (...) return format(fmt, ...) end end cmddef("ONE", Curly1, F"(one: %s)") cmddef("TWO", Curly2, F"(two: %s %s)") cmddef("THREE", Curly3, F"(three: %s %s %s)") = preproc "\\ONE{foo}{bar}_\\TWO{plic}{ploc}{woo} bleh" --> "(one: foo){bar}_(two: plic ploc){woo} bleh" ##### # # ee_loadlib # 2008aug06 # ##### # «ee_loadlib» (to ".ee_loadlib") # (find-luamanualw3m "#pdf-require") # (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "ee_loadlib") # (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "loadlpeg") # Should I create low-level versions of my load___ functions?... * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) ee_loadlib = function (libname, funcname) return assert(package.loadlib(ee_expand(libname), funcname))() end loadlpeg = function (fname) if lpeg then return "already loaded" end ee_loadlib(fname or "~/usrc/lpeg-0.8.1/lpeg.so", "luaopen_lpeg") lpeg.test = function (pat, str) PP(pat:C():match(str)) end end loadlpeg() PP(lpeg) ##### # # shake-1.0.1 # 2008sep26 # ##### # «shake» (to ".shake") # http://luaforge.net/frs/download.php/3009/shake-1.0.1.tar.gz #* rm -Rv ~/usrc/shake-1.0.1/ tar -C ~/usrc/ -xvzf \ $S/http/luaforge.net/frs/download.php/3009/shake-1.0.1.tar.gz cd ~/usrc/shake-1.0.1/ #* # (code-c-d "shake" "~/usrc/shake-1.0.1/") # (find-shakefile "") # (find-shakew3m "doc/us/index.html") ##### # # ctemplate # 2008oct12 # ##### # «ctemplate» (to ".ctemplate") # (find-angg "LUA/ctemplate.lua") # (find-angg "LUA/ctemplate.lua" "demo") * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) ee_dofile "~/LUA/ctemplate.lua" -- (find-angg "LUA/ctemplate.lua") T = ccompile {name="foo", body=[[printf("Hello 2!\n"); return 0;]]} T:load() foo() * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) ee_dofile "~/LUA/ctemplate.lua" -- (find-angg "LUA/ctemplate.lua") cbody = [[lua_pushnumber(L, 44); return 1;]] cloadfoo() = foo() * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) ee_dofile "~/LUA/ctemplate.lua" -- (find-angg "LUA/ctemplate.lua") cbody = [[lua_pushnumber(L, 44); return 1;]] cloadfoo() = foo() * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) ee_dofile "~/LUA/ctemplate.lua" -- (find-angg "LUA/ctemplate.lua") cbody = [[ lua_pushnumber(L, 100 * lua_tonumber(L, -2) /* 1st arg */ + lua_tonumber(L, -1) /* 2nd arg */ ); /* ^ 1st result */ lua_pushnumber(L, 44); /* <- 2nd result */ return 2; ]] cloadfoo() = foo(2, 3) --> 203 44 ##### # # string.__call # 2008oct20 # ##### # «string.__call» (to ".string.__call") # (find-luamanualw3m "#pdf-string.byte") * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) = getmetatable("foo") = getmetatable("foo").__index = string ("foo")("bar") --> error: attempt to call a string value = getmetatable("foo").__call getmetatable("foo").__call = PP ("foo")("bar") --> "foo" "bar" getmetatable("foo").__call = string.byte = ("foobar")(2) --> 111 = ("foobar")(2, 4) --> 111 111 98 getmetatable("foo").__call = nil ("foo")("bar") --> error: attempt to call a string value ##### # # wordgrinder (has ncurses support) # 2008nov20 # ##### # «wordgrinder» (to ".wordgrinder") # http://wordgrinder.sourceforge.net/ # http://downloads.sourceforge.net/wordgrinder/wordgrinder-0.3.2.tar.bz2 #* rm -Rv ~/usrc/wordgrinder-0.3.2/ tar -C ~/usrc/ -xvjf \ $S/http/downloads.sourceforge.net/wordgrinder/wordgrinder-0.3.2.tar.bz2 cd ~/usrc/wordgrinder-0.3.2/ #* # (code-c-d "wordgrinder" "~/usrc/wordgrinder-0.3.2/") # (find-wordgrinderfile "") # (find-wordgrinderfile "README.Unix" "Debian") # libncursesw5-dev liblua5.1-0-dev liblua5.1-filesystem0 # (find-available "liblua5.1-0-dev") # (find-available "liblua5.1-filesystem0") ##### # # primemover (used by wordgrinder) # 2008nov20 # ##### # «primemover» (to ".primemover") # http://downloads.sourceforge.net/primemover/primemover-0.1.4.tar.bz2 #* rm -Rv ~/usrc/primemover-0.1.4/ tar -C ~/usrc/ -xvjf \ $S/http/downloads.sourceforge.net/primemover/primemover-0.1.4.tar.bz2 cd ~/usrc/primemover-0.1.4/ #* # (code-c-d "primemover" "~/usrc/primemover-0.1.4/") # (find-primemoverfile "") ##### # # vectors # 2009may01 # ##### # «vectors» (to ".vectors") # (find-luamanualw3m "#2.8" "Metatables") # (find-luamanualw3m "#2.8" "Metatables" "__add") # (find-luamanualw3m "#pdf-setmetatable") # (find-anggfile "LUA/tos.lua") # (find-pilw3m "index.html" "13 Metatables and Metamethods") # (find-pilw3m "13.1.html" "function Set.union") * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) ee_dofile "~/LUA/tos.lua" vector_mt = { __add = function (a, b, c, d) PP("__add", a, b, c, d); return 99 end, __sub = function (a, b, c, d) PP("__sub", a, b, c, d); return 99 end, __unm = function (a, b, c, d) PP("__unm", a, b, c, d); return 99 end, __mul = function (a, b, c, d) PP("__mul", a, b, c, d); return 99 end, } vector = function (x, y) return setmetatable({x, y}, vector_mt) end v = {2, 3} setmetatable(v, vector_mt) = v + v = vector(2, 3) + vector(4, 5) = vector(2, 3) + 45 = 23 + vector(4, 5) = - vector(4, 5) vector_mt.__add = function(v, w) return vector(v[1]+w[1], v[2]+w[2]) end vector_mt.__sub = function(v, w) return vector(v[1]-w[1], v[2]-w[2]) end vector_mt.__mul = function(x, v) return vector(x*v[1], x*v[2]) end vector_mt.__unm = function(v) return vector(-v[1], -v[2]) end vector_mt.__tostring = function(v) return "["..tostring(v[1])..", "..tostring(v[2]).."]" end = vector(2, 3) + vector(4, 5) = vector(2, 3) - vector(4, 5) = 20 * vector(4, 5) = - vector(4, 5) -- This one gives an error ("attempt to index local 'w' (a number value)"): = vector(2, 3) + 45 ##### # # Löve2D - stuff moved to love.e # ##### # «love» (to ".love") # «love-deb-src» (to ".love-deb-src") # «tableauxprover» (to ".tableauxprover") # «love-vilua» (to ".love-vilua") # (find-es "love" "love") # (find-es "love" "love-deb-src") # (find-es "love" "tableauxprover") # (find-es "love" "love-vilua") ##### # # lua-gnuplot # 2009oct02 # ##### # «lua-gnuplot» (to ".lua-gnuplot") # (find-es "gnuplot") # (find-es "maxima") # http://luaforge.net/projects/gnuplot/ # http://luaforge.net/frs/download.php/3007/gnuplot_t.lua ##### # # lua5.1-tests # 2023oct29 # ##### # «lua5.1-tests» (to ".lua5.1-tests") # https://www.lua.org/tests/ # https://www.lua.org/tests/lua5.1-tests.tar.gz * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) rm -Rv ~/usrc/lua5.1-tests/ tar -C ~/usrc/ -xvzf \ $S/https/www.lua.org/tests/lua5.1-tests.tar.gz cd ~/usrc/lua5.1-tests/ cd ~/usrc/lua5.1-tests/ export LUA_PATH="?;./?.lua" export LUA_PATH="./?.lua;;" export LUA_INIT="package.path = '?;'..package.path" lua5.1 all.lua lua5.1 -e"_U=true" all.lua # (code-c-d "lua51tests" "~/usrc/lua5.1-tests/") # (find-lua51testsfile "") # (find-lua51testsfile "README") # (find-lua51testsgrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e namewhat *") # (find-lua51testsfile "db.lua") ##### # # lua5.1-tests # 2009oct02 # ##### # «lua5.1-tests» (to ".lua5.1-tests") # http://lua-users.org/lists/lua-l/2008-06/msg00124.html # http://www.inf.puc-rio.br/~roberto/lua/lua5.1-tests.tar.gz #* rm -Rv ~/usrc/lua5.1-tests/ tar -C ~/usrc/ -xvzf \ $S/http/www.inf.puc-rio.br/~roberto/lua/lua5.1-tests.tar.gz cd ~/usrc/lua5.1-tests/ #* # (code-c-d "lua51tests" "~/usrc/lua5.1-tests/") # (find-lua51testsfile "") # (find-lua51testsfile "README") * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) cd ~/usrc/lua5.1-tests/ export LUA_PATH="?;./?.lua" export LUA_PATH="./?.lua;;" export LUA_INIT="package.path = '?;'..package.path" w lua51 lua51 all.lua # They fail: # (find-lua51testsfile "main.lua" 31) # (find-lua51testsfile "main.lua" 99) # (find-lua51testsfile "all.lua" 69) ##### # # lua-5.2 tests # 2012may31 # ##### # «lua5.2-tests» (to ".lua5.2-tests") # http://www.lua.org/tests/5.2/ # http://www.lua.org/tests/5.2/index.html # http://www.lua.org/tests/5.2/lua-5.2.0-tests.tar.gz #* rm -Rv ~/usrc/lua-5.2.0-tests/ tar -C ~/usrc/ -xvzf \ $S/http/www.lua.org/tests/5.2/lua-5.2.0-tests.tar.gz cd ~/usrc/lua-5.2.0-tests/ #* * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) cd ~/usrc/lua-5.2.0-tests/ lua52 -e"_U=true" all.lua |& tee ot # (code-c-d "lua52tests" "~/usrc/lua-5.2.0-tests/") # (find-lua52testsfile "") ##### # # ltcltk # 2010mar23 # ##### # «ltcl» (to ".ltcl") # «ltcltk» (to ".ltcltk") # (find-es "tcl" "bibtex") # (find-angg ".emacs" "ltcltk") # (find-luarocks-links "ltcltk") # (find-luarocks-links "ltcltk" "0.9-2" "") # http://www.tset.de/ltcltk/ # http://www.tset.de/ltcltk/README.html # http://www.tset.de/ltcltk/README_ltcl.html # http://www.tset.de/ltcltk/README_ltk.html # (find-ltcltkfile "") # (find-ltcltkfile "doc/") # (find-ltcltkfile "doc/README") # (find-ltcltkfile "doc/README_ltcl") # (find-ltcltkfile "doc/README_ltk") # (find-ltcltkfile "samples/") * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) userocks() chdir "~/usrc/ltcltk-0.9-2/" chdir "~/usrc/ltcltk-0.9-2/samples/" -- (find-ltcltkfile "samples/") dofile "ltcltest.lua" dofile "ltkcheckers.lua" * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) userocks() require "ltk" ltk.update() c = ltk.canvas {width = 300, height = 200} cc = ltk.wcmd(c) ltk.pack {c} ltk.update() * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) userocks() chdir "~/dednat5/" require "repl" tcl_incomplete3l = function (repl, body) return false end tcl_eval3 = function (repl, body) print(tcl:eval(body)) end Repl.__index.incomplete3 = tcl_incomplete3 Repl.__index.eval3 = tcl_eval3 require "ltcl" tcl = ltcl.new() repl() === expr "1+2" === package require Tk === update === canvas .c -background bisque === pack .c -expand yes -fill both === update === .c create line 10 20 30 50 === update -- (find-man "3tcl update") -- (find-angg "LUA/vectors.lua") -- (find-angg "LUA/vectors.tcl") # Old stuff: # http://www.tset.de/downloads/ltcltk-0.9-1.tar.gz # http://www.tset.de/ltcltk/README.html # http://www.tset.de/ltcltk/README_ltcl.html # http://www.tset.de/ltcltk/README_ltk.html #* rm -Rv ~/usrc/ltcltk-0.9-1/ tar -C ~/usrc/ -xvzf \ $S/http/www.tset.de/downloads/ltcltk-0.9-1.tar.gz cd ~/usrc/ltcltk-0.9-1/ gcc --shared -ltcl8.4 \ -Wall \ -I$LUA51SRC/src/ -I/usr/include/tcl8.4/ \ -o ltcl.so ltcl.c #* # (code-c-d "ltcltk" "~/usrc/ltcltk-0.9-1/") # (find-ltcltkfile "") # (find-ltcltkfile "doc/") # (find-ltcltkfile "doc/README") # (find-ltcltkfile "doc/README_ltcl") # (find-ltcltkfile "doc/README_ltk") # (find-ltcltkfile "ltcltk-0.9-1.rockspec") # (find-lua51w3m "doc/manual.html#pdf-require") * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) chdir "~/usrc/ltcltk-0.9-1/" ee_loadlib("~/usrc/ltcltk-0.9-1/ltcl.so", "luaopen_ltcl") PP(tcl) --> wrong - what's this? PP(ltcl) tcl = ltcl.new() PP(tcl) = tcl:eval("expr 1+2") = tcl:eval("expr 1+") dofile "ltk.lua" * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) chdir "~/usrc/ltcltk-0.9-1/" ee_loadlib("~/usrc/ltcltk-0.9-1/ltcl.so", "luaopen_ltcl") tcl = ltcl.new() dofile "ltk.lua" b=ltk.button { text="Ok" } bcmd = ltk.wcmd(b) ltk.pack{b} ltk.mainloop() -- (find-ltcltkfile "doc/README_ltk") -- (find-ltcltkfile "samples/ltcltest.lua") * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) package.cpath = package.cpath..";/home/edrx/usrc/luaposix-5.1.4/?.so" package.cpath = package.cpath..";/home/edrx/usrc/ltcltk-0.9-1/?.so" package.path = package. path..";/home/edrx/usrc/ltcltk-0.9-1/?.lua" require "ltk" * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) package.cpath = package.cpath..";/home/edrx/usrc/luaposix-5.1.4/?.so" package.cpath = package.cpath..";/home/edrx/usrc/ltcltk-0.9-1/?.so" package.path = package. path..";/home/edrx/usrc/ltcltk-0.9-1/?.lua" ee_dofile "~/usrc/ltcltk-0.9-1/samples/ltkfuncplotter.lua" -- require "ltk" * (find-ltcltkfile "samples/ltcltest.lua") * (find-ltcltkfile "samples/") * (find-ltcltkfile "samples/ltkfuncplotter.lua") ##### # # ltcltk-1.9-1 # 2011nov09 # ##### # «ltcltk-new» (to ".ltcltk-new") # http://www.tset.de/downloads/ltcltk-1.9-1.tar.gz #* rm -Rv ~/usrc/ltcltk-1.9-1/ tar -C ~/usrc/ -xvzf \ $S/http/www.tset.de/downloads/ltcltk-1.9-1.tar.gz cd ~/usrc/ltcltk-1.9-1/ #* # (code-c-d "ltcltk" "~/usrc/ltcltk-1.9-1/") # (find-ltcltkfile "") ##### # # addlayer and removelayer # 2010jun18 # ##### # «addlayer» (to ".addlayer") # (find-luamanualw3m "#2.8" "\"index\"") * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) set__index = function (T, I) local mt = getmetatable(T) or {} mt.__index = I setmetatable(T, mt) return T end addlayer = function (T) return setmetatable({}, {__index = T}) end removelayer = function (T) return getmetatable(T).__index end T = {10, 20, 3} T = addlayer(T) -- T is now an {} whose whose mt.__index is the old T PP(T) --> {} PP(T[2]) --> 20 PP(removelayer(T)[3]) --> 30 PP(T) --> {} (still the same) T = removelayer(T) --> P is now {10, 20, 30} again PP(T) --> {10, 20, 30} ##### # # Phyzios Lab (warning: closed source) # 2010jul10 # ##### # «phyzios» (to ".phyzios") http://phyzios.net/Lab/Scene.aspx?id=PSLAB00000000066 http://phyzios.net/Lab/Wiki/ Hello. I am a developer from Phyzios, Inc. We've created a web application using Lua Alchemy (http://code.google.com/p/lua-alchemy) and Box2d Flash World Construction Kit (http://github.com/jesses/wck). By using the application, you can create your own physics world by writing Lua codes. Phyzios Lab: http://phyzios.net/Lab/ This is a research project and currently is a closed beta version. We appreciate any comment/feedback/suggestion from you. Thanks. Best regards, Teruyoshi Sasaki # file:///tmp/phyzios_6.html # file:///home/edrx/PHYZIOS/phyzios_6.html # (find-fline "~/PHYZIOS/") ##### # # Bison and Lua # 2010jul30 # ##### # «bison-and-lua» (to ".bison-and-lua") # (find-luamanualw3m "#2.4.1" "Chunks") # (find-luamanualw3m "#8" "The Complete Syntax of Lua") # (find-es "lexyacc") # (find-node "(libc)Formatted Output Functions") # (find-dn4 "newtrees.lua" "trees") # (find-bison "foo1.y") Just a vague idea at the moment... Here it is. It shouldn't be hard to code in Bison and Lexx the syntax of Lua; the result of parsing a lua chunk should be a Lua chunk that creates a tree-ish data structure in Lua -- something like what I do in "newtrees.lua" --, and these tress will then be easy to process. ##### # # luainspect # 2010aug15 # ##### # «luainspect» (to ".luainspect") # (find-es "cvs" "git") # http://github.com/davidm/lua-inspect * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) rm -Rv ~/usrc/lua-inspect/ cd ~/usrc/ git clone http://github.com/davidm/lua-inspect.git cd ~/usrc/lua-inspect/ # (code-c-d "luainspect" "~/usrc/lua-inspect/") # (find-luainspectfile "") # (find-luainspectsh "find | sort") # (find-luainspectfile "luainspectlib/luainspect/") # (find-luainspectfile "luainspectlib/luainspect/html.lua") ##### # # Sticky metatables # 2010sep30 # ##### # «sticky-metatables» (to ".sticky-metatables") # «metatable-reductions» (to ".metatable-reductions") # The trick is based on these reduction rules: # T(...) -~-> T.__mt.__call(T, ...) # tostring(T) -~-> T.__mt.__tostring(T) # I am not sure if these reductions hold: # A + B -~-> A.__mt.__add(A, B) # A - B -~-> A.__mt.__sub(A, B) # A * B -~-> A.__mt.__mul(A, B) # A / B -~-> A.__mt.__div(A, B) # A % B -~-> A.__mt.__mod(A, B) # A ^ B -~-> A.__mt.__pow(A, B) # A .. B -~-> A.__mt.__concat(A, B) # A[B] -~-> A.__mt.__index(A, B) # -A -~-> A.__mt.__unm(A, A) # Other: (find-es "lua-intro" "quick-presentation" "Missing:") * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) minitostring = function (o) return type(o)=="string" and o or mytostring(o) end Format = function (fmt, ...) return format(fmt, unpack(map(minitostring, {...}))) end formatfields = function (T, fmt, ...) -- local formatfield = function (field) return tostring(T[field]) end -- local formatfield = function (field) return mytostring(T[field]) end local formatfield = function (field) return minitostring(T[field]) end return format(fmt, unpack(map(formatfield, {...}))) end lazyformat = function (args) return function (T) return formatfields(T, unpack(args)) end end revsetmetatable = function (mt, T) return setmetatable(T, mt) end sticky = function (mt) return setmetatable(mt, {__call = revsetmetatable}) end stickyformat = function (fmtargs) return sticky {__tostring = lazyformat(fmtargs)} end = lazyformat {"[%s %s]", 1, 2} {20, 30} --> [20 30] = lazyformat {"[%s %s]", 1, 2} {20, {30, 40}} --> [20 {1=30, 2=40}] prodprint = lazyformat {"(%s*%s)", 1, 2} prod = sticky {__tostring = prodprint} = prod {10, 20} prod = stickyformat {"(%s*%s)", 1, 2} = prod {10, 20} --> (10*20) = prod {10, {20, 30}} --> (10*{1=20, 2=30}) = prod {10, prod {20, 30}} --> (10*(20*30)) -- Stuff for Category Theory: name = stickyformat {"%s", 1} object = stickyformat {"%s", "name"} morphism = stickyformat {"(%s: %s -> %s)", "name", "src", "tgt"} morphism = stickyformat { "%s", "name"} longfun = lazyformat {"(%s: %s -> %s)", "name", "src", "tgt"} A = name {"A"} B = name {"B"} f = morphism {name="f", src=A, tgt=B} = f = f.src = longfun(f) L0 = stickyformat {"L(%s)", 1} L1 = stickyformat {"L(%s)", 1} R0 = stickyformat {"R(%s)", 1} R1 = stickyformat {"R(%s)", 1} sc = stickyformat {"%s;%s", 1, 2} eta = stickyformat {"eta(%s)", 1} eps = stickyformat {"eps(%s)", 1} flat = stickyformat {"flat(%s)", 1} sharp = stickyformat {"sharp(%s)", 1} UNR0 = function (f) return f[1] end UNL0 = function (f) return f[1] end SRC = function (f) return f.src end TGT = function (f) return f.tgt end FLAT = function (g) return morphism {name=flat{g}, src=L0{SRC(g)}, tgt=UNR0(TGT(g))} end SHARP = function (f) return morphism {name=sharp{f}, src=UNL0(SRC(f)), tgt=R0{TGT(f)}} end ETA = function (A) return morphism {name=eta{A}, src=A, tgt=R0{L0{A}}} end EPS = function (B) return morphism {name=eps{B}, src=L0{R0{B}}, tgt=B} end A = object {name="A"} B = object {name="B"} LA = L0 {A} RB = R0 {B} f = morphism {name="f", src=LA, tgt=B} g = morphism {name="g", src=A, tgt=RB} = TGT(g) = UNR0(TGT(g)) gflat = FLAT(g) fsharp = SHARP(f) = longfun(FLAT(g)) = longfun(SHARP(FLAT(g))) = longfun(ETA(A)) = longfun(EPS(B)) -- (find-854 "" "cheap-and-exp-adjs-2") ##### # # Rima # 2010oct29 # ##### # «rima» (to ".rima") # http://code.google.com/p/rima/ # http://code.google.com/p/rima/wiki/RoadMap # http://rima.googlecode.com/files/rima-latest.tar.gz # http://rima.incremental.co.nz/contents.html # http://rima.incremental.co.nz/expressions.html # http://www.incremental.co.nz/projects/lua.html #* rm -Rv ~/usrc/rima-0.04/ tar -C ~/usrc/ -xvzf \ $S/http/rima.googlecode.com/files/rima-latest.tar.gz cd ~/usrc/rima-0.04/ #* # (code-c-d "rima" "~/usrc/rima-0.04/") # (code-c-d "rimahtml" "~/usrc/rima-0.04/htmldocs/") # (find-rimafile "") # (find-rimahtmlfile "") # (find-rimahtmlw3m "expressions.html") ##### # # Multiplication tables (for Violeta) # 2010oct31 # ##### # «mult-table» (to ".mult-table") * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) fmt = "%4d" tabuada = function (nlines, ncols) if ncols==nil then ncols = nlines end for y=1,nlines do for x=1,ncols do printf(fmt, x*y) end print() end end tab = tabuada tab(10) tab(16) tab(40, 5) tab(31) ##### # # LA.lua # 2010dec18 # ##### # «LA.lua» (to ".LA.lua") from Doug Lua to lua-l@lists.lua.org date Sat, Dec 18, 2010 at 2:19 AM subject Re: point to plane projections and algebra * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) rm -Rv ~/usrc/lua-la/ mkdir ~/usrc/lua-la/ unzip -d ~/usrc/lua-la/ $S/http/www.dkrogers.com/lua/LA.zip cd ~/usrc/lua-la/ lua51 LA_test.lua # (code-c-d "luala" "~/usrc/lua-la/") # (find-lualafile "LA.lua") # (find-lualafile "LA_test.lua") # (find-lualafile "") ##### # # Marc's oop.lua # 2010dec28 # ##### # «oop.lua» (to ".oop.lua") * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) PP(LUA_PATH) PP(package.path) package.path = package.path..";/tmp/?.lua" require "shape" -- (find-fline "/tmp/oop.lua") -- (find-fline "/tmp/shape.lua") PP(square_) PP(s1) PP(s2) PP(getmetatable(s1)) -- (find-fline "/tmp/bank.lua") require "bank" PP(a) PP(b) PP(a_o) PP(b_o) gmt = getmetatable smt = setmetatable PP(a) PP(gmt(a)) PP(gmt(a).__private) * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) -- (find-fline "/tmp/oop.lua") -- (find-fline "/tmp/foo.lua") package.path = package.path..";/tmp/?.lua" gmt = getmetatable smt = setmetatable require "foo" PP(foo) PP(foo_) foo_ = { a = 10, p = \() print(this.a) end } foo = class(foo_) -~-> foo = (\(t) => \(...) => instance(t, ...) end end)(foo_) -~-> foo = \(...) => instance(foo_, ...) end f = foo() -~-> f = (\(...) => instance(foo_, ...) end)() -~-> f = instance(foo_) -~-> f = (\() local me = {__mt={}} prepare(me, "a", foo_.a) prepare(me, "p", foo_.p) => me) () instance = function(fields, ...) -- local me = {} local mt = {} setmetatable(me, mt) -- Inheritance: if ( fields.super ) then for k,v in pairs(fields.super) do prepare(me, k, v) end end -- Construction: for k,v in pairs(fields) do prepare(me, k, v) end -- this isn't a constructor as such, more a post-construction initialiser if ( me.new ) then me.new(...) end return me end class = function(t,...) return function(...) return instance(t,...) end end ##### # # Closure reductions (e-mail sent to Marc Simpson) # 2010dec29 # ##### # «closure-reductions» (to ".closure-reductions") # (find-TH "__mt") Hi Marc! This is my favourite example for explaining closures: foo = function () -- foo returns two functions... local storage return function () return storage end, -- a "getter", function (x) storage = x; return x end -- and a "setter". end get1, set1 = foo() -- get1 and set1 use a first "storage" get2, set2 = foo() -- get2 and set2 use a second, different "storage" print(set1(22), get1()) --> 22 22 print(set2(33), get1(), get2()) --> 33 22 33 Rewriting it with \, =>, and shorter var names, it becomes: foo = \ () local st => \ () => st end, \ (x) st = x; => x end end g1, s1 = foo() g2, s2 = foo() print(s1(22), g1()) print(s2(33), g1(), g2() Only yesterday I realized that we can distinguish different local variables with same name but with different scopes - and that includes the ones used in closures, of course - by writing their time of creation as a subscript... so: foo = \() local st; => \() => st end, \(x) st = x; => x end end g1, s1 = foo() --~-> (\() local st; => \() => st end, \(x) st = x; => x end end)() --~-> (\() local st_1; => \() => st_1 end, \(x) st_1 = x; => x end end)() --~-> \() => st_1 end, \(x) st_1 = x; => x end g2, s2 = foo() --~-> (\() local st; => \() => st end, \(x) st = x; => x end end)() --~-> (\() local st_2; => \() => st_2 end, \(x) st_2 = x; => x end end)() --~-> \() => st_2 end, \(x) st_2 = x; => x end -- Now we have: -- g1 = \() => st_1 end -- s1 = \(x) st_1 = x; => x end -- g2 = \() => st_2 end -- s2 = \(x) st_2 = x; => x end print(s1(22), g1()) --~-> print((\(x) st_1 = x; => x end)(22), (\() => st_1 end)()) --~-> print( (st_1 = 22; 22) , st_1 ) print(s2(33), g1(), g2() --~-> print((\(x) st_2 = x; => x end)(33), (\() => st_1 end)(), -- (\() => st_2 end)()) --~-> print( (st_2 = 33; 33) , st_1 , -- st_2 ) Maybe this trick would be enough to display your classes and instances - and the ones in chapter 16 of PiL - as static objects, maybe not... Probably your trick to backup "this" and "priv" deserves another shortand... More soon! [[]], Eduardo ##### # # luatcc # 2011jan04 # ##### # «luatcc» (to ".luatcc") # http://luatcc.luaforge.net/ # http://www.gnu.org/software/lightning/ # http://bellard.org/tcc/tcc-doc.html#SEC10 # 2013mar14: # http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tiny_C_Compiler # https://github.com/spc476/lua-conmanorg/blob/master/src/tcc.c # https://github.com/spc476/lua-conmanorg/blob/master/lua/cc.lua # https://github.com/spc476/LPeg-Parsers/blob/master/json.lua ##### # # libaoo - A library for audio output # 2011jan16 # ##### # «ao» (to ".ao") # (find-luarocks-links "ao" "-1.0.0" "-1") # http://luarocks.org/repositories/rocks/index.html#ao * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) cd ~/usrc/luarocks/bin/ ./luarocks install ao |& tee oli-ao # Error: Could not find expected file ao/ao.h for LIBAO -- you may # have to install LIBAO in your system and/or set the LIBAO_DIR # variable ##### # # vlists (and dracula) # 2011feb27 # ##### # «vlists» (to ".vlists") # http://lua-users.org/lists/lua-l/2011-02/msg01467.html # http://lua-users.org/lists/lua-l/2011-02/msg01477.html # (find-lua52manualw3m "#pdf-table.pack") ##### # # Environments # 2011feb03 # ##### # «environments» (to ".environments") # (find-luamanualw3m "#2.9" "Environments") # (find-lua52manualw3m "#2.2" "Environments and the Global Environment") # (find-lua52manualw3m "#3.2" "Variables") # (find-lua52manualw3m "#3.2" "Variables" "_ENV.x") # (find-lua52manualw3m "#3.3.3") # (find-lua52manualw3m "#pdf-setmetatable") # http://lua-users.org/lists/lua-l/2012-11/msg00401.html _ENV and HTML * (eepitch-lua52) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua52) metacopy = function (T) return setmetatable({}, {__index=T}) end do local _ENV = metacopy(_G) oldprint = print print = function (...) oldprint("=>", ...) end print("hello", "bye") end print("hello", "bye") print(oldprint) ##### # # LuaJit # 2011sep27 # ##### # «luajit» (to ".luajit") # (find-angg ".emacs" "luajit") # http://luajit.org/ # http://luajit.org/luajit.html # http://luajit.org/download.html # http://luajit.org/download/LuaJIT-2.0.2.tar.gz # http://luajit.org/download/LuaJIT-2.0.0-beta8.tar.gz # http://luajit.org/ext_ffi.html # http://luajit.org/ext_ffi_tutorial.html # http://luajit.org/ext_ffi_semantics.html#init_table # <NotDeco> You can access structs with indexing, e.g: x = # ffi.new("struct foo", {a=22}) x.a = 9 print(x.a) # (find-luajitfile "") # (find-luajitfile "doc/") # (find-luajitw3m "doc/install.html") # (find-luajitw3m "doc/install.html" "If you've already embedded Lua") # (find-luajitw3m "doc/ext_ffi_tutorial.html") # http://lua-users.org/wiki/SimpleLuaApiExample #* rm -Rv ~/usrc/LuaJIT-2.0.2/ tar -C ~/usrc/ -xvzf \ $S/http/luajit.org/download/LuaJIT-2.0.2.tar.gz cd ~/usrc/LuaJIT-2.0.2/ make |& tee om #* # (find-fline "~/bin/" " luajit") # (find-fline "~/usrc/LuaJIT-2.0.2/src/" " luajit") rm -v ~/bin/luajit ln -s ~/usrc/LuaJIT-2.0.2/src/luajit ~/bin/luajit #* * (eepitch-luajit) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-luajit) local ffi = require("ffi") ffi = require("ffi") ffi.cdef[[ unsigned long compressBound(unsigned long sourceLen); int compress2(uint8_t *dest, unsigned long *destLen, const uint8_t *source, unsigned long sourceLen, int level); int uncompress(uint8_t *dest, unsigned long *destLen, const uint8_t *source, unsigned long sourceLen); ]] zlib = ffi.load(ffi.os == "Windows" and "zlib1" or "z") compress = function (txt) local n = zlib.compressBound(#txt) local buf = ffi.new("uint8_t[?]", n) local buflen = ffi.new("unsigned long[1]", n) local res = zlib.compress2(buf, buflen, txt, #txt, 9) assert(res == 0) return ffi.string(buf, buflen[0]) end uncompress = function (comp, n) local buf = ffi.new("uint8_t[?]", n) local buflen = ffi.new("unsigned long[1]", n) local res = zlib.uncompress(buf, buflen, comp, #comp) assert(res == 0) return ffi.string(buf, buflen[0]) end -- Simple test code. txt = string.rep("abcd", 1000) print("Uncompressed size: ", #txt) c = compress(txt) print("Compressed size: ", #c) txt2 = uncompress(c, #txt) assert(txt2 == txt) # (find-luajitfile "src/lib_ffi.c") # (find-luajitfile "src/luajit") # (find-libcnode "Numeric Input Conversions") # (find-libcnode "Formatted Input Functions" "sscanf") * (eepitch-luajit) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-luajit) ffi = require "ffi" ffi.cdef [[ int printf(const char *fmt, ...); ]] PP(ffi.C.printf("Hello\n")) PP(ffi.C.printf("Number: %d\n", 100)) -- doesn't work PP(ffi.C.printf("Number: %f\n", 100)) -- works ##### # # luajit-git # 2020jan05 # ##### # «luajit-git» (to ".luajit-git") # http://luajit.org/download.html # http://luajit.org/git/luajit-2.0.git # https://github.com/LuaJIT/LuaJIT (2021oct10) # (find-git-links "http://luajit.org/git/luajit-2.0.git" "luajit20") * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) # rm -Rfv ~/usrc/luajit-2.0/ cd ~/usrc/ git clone http://luajit.org/git/luajit-2.0.git cd ~/usrc/luajit-2.0/ export PAGER=cat git branch --list -a git for-each-ref git log --oneline --graph --all -20 # (find-fline "~/usrc/") # (find-fline "~/usrc/luajit-2.0/") # (find-gitk "~/usrc/luajit-2.0/") # (code-c-d "luajit20" "~/usrc/luajit-2.0/") # (find-luajit20file "") # (find-luajit20file "doc/") # file:///home/edrx/usrc/luajit-2.0/doc/install.html * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) cd ~/usrc/luajit-2.0/ make |& tee om sudo make install |& tee omi ##### # # luajit-debian # 2021oct16 # ##### # «luajit-debian» (to ".luajit-debian") # (find-status "luajit") # (find-vldifile "luajit.list") # (find-udfile "luajit/") # https://packages.debian.org/sid/luajit * (eepitch-luajit) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-luajit) ##### # # luajit-ffi # 2022feb20 # ##### # «luajit-ffi» (to ".luajit-ffi") # https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=3534746 Why Lua? (datamules.com) # http://luajit.org/ext_ffi_tutorial.html * (eepitch-luajit) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-luajit) ffi = require("ffi") ffi.cdef [[ void Sleep(int ms); int poll(struct pollfd *fds, unsigned long nfds, int timeout); ]] function sleep(s) ffi.C.poll(nil, 0, s*1000) end for i=1,160 do io.write("."); io.flush() sleep(0.01) end; io.write("\n") PPPV(ffi.C.poll) PPPV(ffi.C) PPPV(ffi) ##### # # luadist # 2011oct26 # ##### # «luadist» (to ".luadist") # http://www.luadist.org/ # https://github.com/LuaDist/Repository * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) rm -Rv ~/usrc/luadist/ mkdir ~/usrc/luadist/ cd ~/usrc/luadist/ # tar -xvzf ~/tmp/luadist-git.tgz git clone git://github.com/LuaDist/Repository.git cd Repository git submodule update --init bootstrap cd bootstrap git submodule update --init cd .. cd ~/usrc/luadist/ tar -cvzf ~/tmp/luadist-git.tgz * # (find-fline "~/tmp/" "luadist.tgz") # (find-fline "~/usrc/luadist/") # (find-man "1 git-submodule") ./install bootstrap rm -Rv ~/usrc/lua-inspect/ cd ~/usrc/ git clone http://github.com/davidm/lua-inspect.git cd ~/usrc/lua-inspect/ ##### # # luadist-2019 # 2019may15 # ##### # «luadist-2019» (to ".luadist-2019") # http://luadist.org/ ##### # # package.path # 2011nov04 # ##### # «package.path» (to ".package.path") # See also: (to "luarocks.loader") # (to "require") # (to "arg") # (find-lua51manual "#pdf-package.path") # (find-pil2page (+ 19 138) "15.1 The require Function") # (find-pil2text (+ 19 138) "15.1 The require Function") # (find-pil2page (+ 19 140) "package.path") # (find-pil2text (+ 19 140) "package.path") # (find-pil2page (+ 19 146) "system's directory separa-" "tor") # (find-pil2text (+ 19 146) "system's directory separa-" "tor") # (find-lua51file "") # (find-lua51srcgrep "grep -nH -e path $(cat .files.ch)") # (find-lua51srcgrep "grep -nH -e LUA_PATH_DEFAULT $(cat .files.ch)") # (find-lua51srcfile "loadlib.c" "\"path\", LUA_PATH") # (find-lua51srcfile "luaconf.h" "#define LUA_PATH_DEFAULT") * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) f = function (pth) return (pth:gsub(";", "\n")) end f = function (pth) return (pth:gsub(";", ";\n")) end = package.path = f(package.path) * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) lua5.1 f = function (pth) return (pth:gsub(";", "\n")) end f = function (pth) return (pth:gsub(";", ";\n")) end = package.path = f(package.path) require "luarocks.loader" = f(package.path) ##### # # A 4-line hack to add the directory of the current script to package.path # 2019apr30 # ##### # «add-to-package.path» (to ".add-to-package.path") # Used in: (find-dn6 "dednat6.lua" "package.path") # (find-blogme3 "blogme3.lua" "blogmedir") # See: (to "package.path") # (to "arg") # Where is it explained that it works to use "/" as a directory # separator in the functions fnamedirectory and fnamenondirectory in # the 4-line hack in Windows too? Both blogme3 and dednat6 work on # Windows with "/" but I can't find an official reference that # explains why... # See also: # Hongyi Zhao / Daniel Roßberg on lua-l in 2020jan21, # "debug.getinfo(1, "S").source" is probably what you are looking for. # http://lua-users.org/lists/lua-l/2020-01/ ##### # # gsl-shell-2.0-beta1 # 2011nov14 # ##### # «gsl-shell» (to ".gsl-shell") # (find-es "math" "gsl") # (find-es "python" "python-sphinx") # http://download.savannah.gnu.org/releases/gsl-shell/gsl-shell-2.0-beta1.tar.gz # (find-zsh "availabledebs | sort | grep gsl") # (find-zsh "installeddebs | sort | grep gsl") #* rm -Rv ~/usrc/gsl-shell-2.0-beta1/ tar -C ~/usrc/ -xvzf \ $S/http/download.savannah.gnu.org/releases/gsl-shell/gsl-shell-2.0-beta1.tar.gz cd ~/usrc/gsl-shell-2.0-beta1/ make |& tee om #* apti gsl-doc-info gsl-doc-pdf gsl-ref-html libgsl0-dev apti libagg-dev apti python-sphinx # (find-status "libagg-dev") # (find-vldifile "libagg-dev.list") # (find-udfile "libagg-dev/") # (code-c-d "gslshell" "~/usrc/gsl-shell-2.0-beta1/") # (find-gslshellfile "") # (find-gslshellfile "Makefile") # (find-gslshellfile "om") # (find-gslshellfile "luagdb.txt") # (find-gslshellsh "find .* * | sort") # (find-gslshellsh "find .* * -type f | sort") # (find-gslshellfile "demos/") # (find-gslshellfile "doc/gsl-shell-index/") # (find-gslshellfile "doc/gsl-shell-index/older-news.rst") # (find-gslshellfile "doc/gsl-shell-index/older-news.rst" "JavaScript/Lua") # (find-gslshellfile "doc/user-manual/") # (find-gslshellfile "doc/user-manual/Makefile") # (find-gslshellfile "examples/") * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) cd ~/usrc/gsl-shell-2.0-beta1/ ./gsl-shell dofile "examples/3d.lua" demo1() os.exit() * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) cd ~/usrc/gsl-shell-2.0-beta1/ ./gsl-shell -- ODE = {} -- cODE = {} Ode = dofile "demos/ode.lua" -- (find-gslshellfile "demos/") -- (find-gslshellfile "demos/ode.lua") Ode Ode[2] Ode[2][1] Ode[2][1].f Ode[2][1].f() Ode[2][2].f() Ode[2][3].f() os.exit() * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) cd ~/usrc/gsl-shell-2.0-beta1/ cd ~/usrc/gsl-shell-2.0-beta1/doc/user-manual/ make text |& tee omt # 2013apr23: # http://www.nongnu.org/gsl-shell/doc/gdt.html # http://www.nongnu.org/gsl-shell/doc/ # http://download.savannah.gnu.org/releases/gsl-shell/ # https://github.com/franko/gsl-shell ##### # # lua-codegen # 2011nov14 # ##### # «lua-codegen» (to ".lua-codegen") # http://fperrad.github.com/lua-CodeGen/ # http://www.cs.usfca.edu/~parrt/papers/mvc.templates.pdf # http://www.cs.usfca.edu/~parrt/papers/ST.pdf ##### # # JNLua (Java Native Lua) # 2012jan30 # ##### # «jnlua» (to ".jnlua") # http://code.google.com/p/jnlua/ # http://jnlua.googlecode.com/files/jnlua-1.0.2-src.zip ##### # # goto # 2012feb01 # ##### # «goto» (to ".goto") # http://lua-users.org/wiki/GotoStatement # (find-lua52manual "#3.3.4" "The goto statement") # (find-pil3page (+ 19 36) "4.4 break, return, and goto") # (find-pil3text (+ 19 36) "4.4 break, return, and goto") * (eepitch-lua52) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua52) for i=1,10 do if i%3 == 0 then goto continue end local v = i*2 print(v) ::continue:: end ##### # # A variant of lua_getstack # 2012feb22 # ##### # «lua_getstack» (to ".lua_getstack") # My message about getstack: # http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lang.lua.general/88610 # http://lua-users.org/lists/lua-l/2012-02/msg00767.html ##### # # xctrl # 2012mar11 # ##### # «xctrl» (to ".xctrl") # (find-es "x" "wmctrl") # http://lua-users.org/lists/lua-l/2010-10/msg00698.html xctrl # http://luarocks.org/repositories/rocks/index.html#xctrl ##### # # Leg - a parser for Lua written in Lpeg # 2012apr13 # ##### # «leg» (to ".leg") # http://lua-users.org/wiki/LpegRecipes # http://leg.luaforge.net/ # http://leg.luaforge.net/index.html # http://leg.luaforge.net/grammar.html # http://leg.luaforge.net/parser.html # http://leg.luaforge.net/scanner.html # http://leg.luaforge.net/doc.css # http://files.luaforge.net/releases/leg/leg/0.1.2/leg-0.1.2.tar.gz #* rm -Rv ~/usrc/leg/ tar -C ~/usrc/ -xvzf \ $S/http/files.luaforge.net/releases/leg/leg/0.1.2/leg-0.1.2.tar.gz cd ~/usrc/leg/ cd ~/usrc/leg/tests/ ln -s ../src leg # cp -v ~/usrc/lpeg-0.7/lpeg.so . cp -v ~/usrc/lpeg-0.8.1/lpeg.so . cd ~/usrc/leg/ make test |& tee omt #* # (code-c-d "leg" "~/usrc/leg/") # (find-legfile "") # (find-legfile "Makefile") # (find-legfile "Makefile" "test:") # (find-legfile "src/") # (find-legfile "src/parser.lua" "-- EXPRESSIONS") # (find-legfile "src/parser.lua" ", _SimpleExp") # (find-legfile "src/parser.lua" ", BinOp") # (find-legfile "tests/") # (find-legfile "tests/test.lua") # (find-legfile "tests/test_scanner.lua") # (find-legfile "omt") # (find-fline "~/usrc/lpeg-0.9/lpeg.so") # make LUA_LIB=$PWD/lib leg install test |& tee om # (find-lua51manualw3m "#pdf-require") # (find-lua51manualw3m "#pdf-package.path") # (find-lua51manualw3m "#pdf-package.cpath") * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) ee cd ~/usrc/leg/ make test laf leg LUA_PATH=$PWD \ make LUA_LIB=$PWD/lib test ##### # # NaN and infinity # 2012apr13 # ##### # «nan-and-inf» (to ".nan-and-inf") # Not described in the manual? * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) nan = 0/0 inf = 1/0 print(nan, inf) ##### # # ZeroBrane # 2012oct13 # ##### # «zerobrane» (to ".zerobrane") # http://studio.zerobrane.com/ # https://studio.zerobrane.com/download?not-this-time # https://download.zerobrane.com/ZeroBraneStudioEduPack-2.01-linux.sh # https://github.com/pkulchenko/zerobranestudio/ # http://notebook.kulchenko.com/ # http://bowerhaus.eu/blog/files/live_coding.html # (find-google-links "lua for android") # http://www.google.com/search?q=lua+for+android # http://code.google.com/p/android-scripting/ # 2013nov01: # https://download.zerobrane.com/ZeroBraneStudioEduPack-0.39-linux.sh cd $S/https/download.zerobrane.com/ * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) # (find-fline "$S/https/download.zerobrane.com/") cd $S/https/download.zerobrane.com/ chmod 755 ./ZeroBraneStudioEduPack-0.39-linux.sh ./ZeroBraneStudioEduPack-0.39-linux.sh --help ./ZeroBraneStudioEduPack-0.39-linux.sh --info ./ZeroBraneStudioEduPack-0.39-linux.sh --target ~/usrc/zb/ # (find-fline "~/usrc/zb/") # (find-fline "/opt/zbstudio/") (code-c-d "zb" "/opt/zbstudio/") ;; (find-zbfile "") ;; (find-zbsh "find * | sort") ;; (find-zbsh "find * | sort" "src/editor") ;; (find-zbfile "myprograms/turtle-samples/") ;; (find-zbfile "src/editor/") # 2013mar14: # https://download.zerobrane.com/ZeroBraneStudio-0.35-linux-i386.sh # https://github.com/megastep/makeself * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) # (find-fline "$S/https/download.zerobrane.com/") cd $S/https/download.zerobrane.com/ ./ZeroBraneStudio-0.35-linux-i386.sh --help ./ZeroBraneStudio-0.35-linux-i386.sh --info ./ZeroBraneStudio-0.35-linux-i386.sh --lsm ./ZeroBraneStudio-0.35-linux-i386.sh --list ./ZeroBraneStudio-0.35-linux-i386.sh --noexec --keep # (find-fline "$S/https/download.zerobrane.com/debs/") cd $S/https/download.zerobrane.com/debs/ sudo dpkg -i wxlua* # (find-zsh "dmissing add-apt-repository") http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13018626/add-apt-repository-not-found apti libwxbase2.8-0 # 2013mar14, a possible bug fix: * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) # (find-fline "~/usrc/zerobrane/") rm -Rfv ~/usrc/zerobrane/ mkdir ~/usrc/zerobrane/ cd ~/usrc/zerobrane/ git clone git://github.com/pkulchenko/ZeroBraneStudio.git zbs * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) # (find-fline "~/usrc/zerobrane/") # (find-fline "~/usrc/zerobrane/zbs/") cd ~/usrc/zerobrane/ cd ~/usrc/zerobrane/zbs/ git checkout wxwidgets ./zbstudio.sh # Old: * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) rm -Rfv /tmp/zb/ mkdir /tmp/zb/ cd /tmp/zb/ git clone https://github.com/pkulchenko/zerobranestudio/ /tmp/zb/ Hi Tom, > The ZeroBrane site has no link to download the Linux version. You can get the latest version from the repository and run "bash ./zbstudio.sh" (or use CMake build file in the build/ directory). Running zbstudio.sh the first time will install the dependencies and then run the IDE (tested on Ubuntu and Mint versions of Linux, but should work anywhere with deb packaging support). I'll have a packaged shell archive when the next version (0.33) is out. I've described how this is done in my debugger (MobDebug: https://github.com/pkulchenko/MobDebug) in this SO answer: http://stackoverflow.com/a/11026978/1442917. It also integrates with an IDE (in the signature), so you can see how this type of debugging can work. Paul. ZeroBrane Studio - slick Lua IDE and debugger for Windows, OSX, and Linux - http://studio.zerobrane.com/ https://github.com/pkulchenko/ZeroBraneStudio/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md ##### # # ZeroBrane 2018 # 2018oct10 # ##### # «zerobrane-2018» (to ".zerobrane-2018") # https://studio.zerobrane.com/ # https://studio.zerobrane.com/download # https://download.zerobrane.com/ZeroBraneStudioEduPack-1.80-linux.sh * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) cp -v $S/https/download.zerobrane.com/ZeroBraneStudioEduPack-1.80-linux.sh /tmp/ cd /tmp/ sh ZeroBraneStudioEduPack-1.80-linux.sh --help sh ZeroBraneStudioEduPack-1.80-linux.sh --info sh ZeroBraneStudioEduPack-1.80-linux.sh --lsm sh ZeroBraneStudioEduPack-1.80-linux.sh --list sh ZeroBraneStudioEduPack-1.80-linux.sh --check sh ZeroBraneStudioEduPack-1.80-linux.sh --keep # (find-fline "/tmp/") # (find-fline "/tmp/ZeroBraneStudioEduPack-1.80-linux.sh") # (find-fline "/tmp/ZeroBraneStudio-linux/uninstall.sh") # (find-fline "/opt/zbstudio/") (code-c-d "zbstudio" "/opt/zbstudio/") ;; (find-zbstudiofile "") ;; (find-zbstudiofile "myprograms/zerobrane-lessons/02-controls.lua") ;; (find-zbstudiofile "myprograms/programming-lessons/") ;; (find-zbstudiofile "myprograms/programming-lessons/02-controls.lua") ;; (find-zbstudiosh "find * | sort") * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) /opt/zbstudio/zbstudio.sh # (find-status "love") # (find-vldifile "love.list") # (find-udfile "love/") ##### # # zerobrane-2019 # 2019jun27 # ##### # «zerobrane-2019» (to ".zerobrane-2019") # https://studio.zerobrane.com/community # https://studio.zerobrane.com/doc-lua-quick-start-guide # https://www.freelists.org/archive/zerobrane # (defun z2 () (interactive) (find-freenode-2a "#zerobrane")) # (defun z3 () (interactive) (find-freenode-3a "#zerobrane")) ##### # # ZeroBrane from the git repository # 2019jun27 # ##### # «zerobrane-git» (to ".zerobrane-git") # https://github.com/pkulchenko/ZeroBraneStudio # https://github.com/pkulchenko/ZeroBranePackage * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) rm -Rfv ~/usrc/ZeroBraneStudio/ cd ~/usrc/ git clone https://github.com/pkulchenko/ZeroBraneStudio cd ~/usrc/ZeroBraneStudio/ # (code-c-d "zerobranegit" "~/usrc/ZeroBraneStudio/") # (find-zerobranegitfile "") # (find-gitk "~/usrc/ZeroBraneStudio/") cd ~/usrc/ZeroBraneStudio/build/ # (find-zerobranegitfile "build/") ./build-linux.sh |& tee obl # doesn't work * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) rm -Rfv ~/usrc/ZeroBranePackage/ cd ~/usrc/ git clone https://github.com/pkulchenko/ZeroBranePackage cd ~/usrc/ZeroBranePackage/ # (find-fline "~/usrc/") # (find-fline "~/usrc/ZeroBranePackage/") # (code-c-d "zerobranepgit" "~/usrc/ZeroBranePackage/") # (find-zerobranepgitfile "") # (find-gitk "~/usrc/ZeroBranePackage/") ##### # # eoo # 2019feb22 # ##### # «eoo» (to ".eoo") # Documented version: (find-dn6 "eoo.lua") # Example of use: (find-dn6 "eoo.lua" "Vector") # (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "eoo") # (find-blogme3grep "grep --color -nH -e eoo anggmake.lua") # «eoo-2021-09» (to ".eoo-2021-09") # https://mail.google.com/mail/ca/u/0/#sent/FFNDWMQWGQmnTrmjZMqGktVsbDMtwTFB # http://lua-users.org/lists/lua-l/2021-09/msg00090.html # eoo.lua: OO in 5 lines of code Hello list, I have just finished rewriting the documentation of eoo.lua, that is a very minimalistic implementation of OO in Lua in just 5 lines of code. Its code is just this, except for some functions that I only use very rarely: Class = { type = "Class", __call = function (class, o) return setmetatable(o, class) end, } setmetatable(Class, Class) Most people will probably think that this has too few features to be useful to them, but the diagrams in the documentation are very nice, and can be adapted to other implementations of OO too (I guess). It is here: http://angg.twu.net/LUA/eoo.lua.html http://angg.twu.net/LUA/eoo.lua Cheers, Eduardo Ochs http://angg.twu.net/ http://angg.twu.net/luaforth.html # «eoo-2019-02» (to ".eoo-2019-02") # http://lua-users.org/lists/lua-l/2019-02/ # http://lua-users.org/lists/lua-l/2019-02/msg00056.html Edrx # http://lua-users.org/lists/lua-l/2019-02/msg00057.html Dirk Laurie OO in five lines of Lua Hi list, I just added lots of documentation, including box diagrams and a detailed example of use, to the OO mechanism that I've been using for years, whose main part is just these these five lines of Lua code: Class = { type = "Class", __call = function (class, o) return setmetatable(o, class) end, } setmetatable(Class, Class) The code and the comments are here: http://angg.twu.net/LATEX/dednat6/eoo.lua.html (htmlized) http://angg.twu.net/LATEX/dednat6/eoo.lua (original) I guess that most people here will find it almost offensibly simple but I have hope that some people will find the box diagrams and the reduction diagrams in its documentation inspiring... maybe even to the point of creating box diagrams for some of the OOs here: http://lua-users.org/wiki/ObjectOrientedProgramming http://lua-users.org/wiki/ObjectOrientationTutorial http://www.lua.org/pil/16.html Cheers =), Eduardo Ochs http://angg.twu.net/dednat6.html ##### # # over # 2023may10 # ##### # «over» (to ".over") # (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "over") # (find-angg "LUA/addoverrides1.lua") * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) A = {a=1, b=2, c=3} B = over(A) {b=22, c=33, d=44} C = over(B) {c=333, d=444, e=555} PP(A) --> {"a"=1, "b"=2, "c"=3} PP(B) --> {"b"=22, "c"=33, "d"=44} PP(C) --> {"c"=333, "d"=444, "e"=555} = A.a, A.b, A.c, A.d, A.e --> 1 2 3 nil nil = B.a, B.b, B.c, B.d, B.e --> 1 22 33 44 nil = C.a, C.b, C.c, C.d, C.e --> 1 22 333 444 555 gm = function (o) return getmetatable(o) end gmi = function (o) return getmetatable(o).__index end PP( gm (B)) PP( gmi(B)) PP( gm (C)) PP( gmi(C)) PP(gm (gmi(C))) PP(gmi(gmi(C))) ### over and Over: very old notes ### 2013aug30 # (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "over") * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) over = function (B) return function (A) return setmetatable(A, {__index=B}) end end Over = function (class) return over(class.__index) end b = {bb="BB"} a = over(b) {aa="AA"} = a.aa --> "AA" = a.bb --> "BB" B = Class { type = "B", __index = { b = "bb", }, } A = Class { type = "A", __index = Over(B) { a = "aa", }, } = A{}.a --> "aa" = A{}.b --> "bb" ##### # # addoverrides # 2023may11 # ##### # «addoverrides» (to ".addoverrides") # Also here: (find-angg "LUA/ToTeX1.lua" "addoverrides") # (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "addoverrides") # Used by: (find-angg "LUA/Subst1.lua" "Subst") # (find-angg "LUA/Subst1.lua" "ToTeX-fakeclass") # (find-angg "LUA/ToTeX1.lua") # (find-angggrep "grep --color=auto -nH --null -e addoverrides LUA/*.lua") * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) -- From: o -----------------> mt1 --> A -- to: o --> mt3 --> O2 --> mt2 --> A addoverrides = function (o, O) local mt1 = getmetatable(o) local A = getmetatable(o).__index local mt2 = { __index = A } local O2 = setmetatable(copy(O), mt2) local mt3 = copy(mt1); mt3.__index = O2 return setmetatable(o, mt3) end Foo = Class { type = "Foo", from = function (str) return Foo {str=str} end, __index = { foo = function (o) return "foo:"..o.str end, }, } B = { bar = function (o) return "bar:"..o:foo() end, } gm = function (o) return getmetatable(o) end gmi = function (o) return getmetatable(o).__index end o = Foo.from("blep") = o:foo() --> foo:blep = o:bar() --> <error> = otype(o) --> Foo addoverrides(o, B) = o:foo() --> foo:blep = o:bar() --> bar:foo:blep = otype(o) --> Foo PPV( gm (o)) PPV( gmi(o)) PPV(gm (gmi(o))) PPV(gmi(gmi(o))) ##### # # methodsover # 2022jun25 # ##### # «methodsover» (to ".methodsover") # (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "methodsover") # (find-angg "LUA/eoo.lua" "test-Vector") # (find-angggrep "grep --color=auto -nH --null -e methodsover LUA/*.lua") * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) methodsover = function (class1index) return function (class2index) local class2indexmetatable = { __index = class1index } setmetatable(class2index, class2indexmetatable) return class2index end end Class1 = Class { type = "Class1", new = function (a, b) return Class1 {a=a, b=b} end, __index = { method1 = function (o) return "["..o.a.." "..o.b.."]" end, }, } Class2 = Class { type = "Class2", new = function (a, b, c) return Class2 {a=a, b=b, c=c} end, __index = methodsover(Class1.__index) { method2 = function (o) return "["..o.a.." "..o.b.." "..o.c.."]" end, }, } o1 = Class1.new(22, 44) = o1:method1() o2 = Class2.new(22, 44, 66) = o2:method2() = o2:method1() ##### # # Printable functions # 2012nov07 # ##### # «printable-functions» (to ".printable-functions") * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) Callable = Class { type = "Callable", __call = function (o, ...) return o.f(...); end, __tostring = function (o) return o.name; end, __index = { }, } F = Callable {f=PP, name="(PP)"} F(1, 2, 3) = F nf0 = function (name, f) return Callable {name=name, f=f} end f = nf0 ([[ a,b . a*b ]], function (a, b) return a*b end) f = nf0 ([[(a,b: a*b)]], function (a, b) return a*b end) = f(2,3) = f lambda = function (str) local vars,rest = str:match "^ *([%w_,]*)[ .:]*(.-) *$" local body = rest:gsub("=>", " return ") body = "return function ("..vars..")\n"..body.."\nend" local name = "("..vars..": "..rest..")" -- PP(vars, rest) -- PP(name) -- PP(body) local f = assert(loadstring(body))() return Callable {name=name, f=f} end f = lambda [[ a,b: =>a*b ]] = f = f(2,3) ##### # # Named functions # 2012nov17 # ##### # «NamedFunction» (to ".NamedFunction") # (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "NamedFunction") # (find-dn6 "eoo.lua") * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) NamedFunction = Class { type = "NamedFunction", __tostring = function (o) return o.name end, __call = function (o, ...) return o.f(...) end, __index = { }, } lambda = function (str) local vars,rest = str:match "^ *([%w_,]*)[ .:]*(.-) *$" local body = rest:gsub("=>", " return ") local code = "return function ("..vars..")\n"..body.."\nend" local name = "("..vars..": "..rest..")" local f = assert(loadstring(code))() return NamedFunction {name=name, f=f} end add = NamedFunction { name="(a,b: => a+b)", f = function (a, b) return a+b end, } = add(2, 3) = add mul = lambda "a,b: => a*b" = mul(2,3) = mul * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) = lambda "a,b => a*b" = lambda "a,b => a*b" .code = lambda "a,b => a*b" (2, 3) = lambda "a,b print(b,a)" (2, 3) * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) L = lambda = L "a,b => a*b" = L "a,b => a*b" .code = L "a,b => a*b" (2, 3) ##### # # string.format # 2012dec14 # ##### # «string.format» (to ".string.format") # (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "trailing-zeroes") # (find-es "lua-intro" "intro:string.format") # (find-lua51manual "#pdf-string.format") # (find-libcnode "Formatted Output") # (find-libcnode "Floating-Point Conversions") # (find-libcnode "Floating-Point Conversions" "%13.4f") # (find-libcnode "Floating-Point Conversions" "drops trailing zeros") # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/277772/avoid-trailing-zeroes-in-printf * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) for _,x in ipairs {0, 0.5, 1, -1, 100, 1000, 10000, 12345, 100000, 123456,} do printf("|%6.2f|\n", x) end = format('"%d"', 2) --> "2" = format('"%3d"', 2) --> " 2" = format('"%03d"', 2) --> "002" = format('"%-3d"', 2) --> "2 " = format('"%-03d"', 2) --> "2 " * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) trunc0 = function (str) return str:reverse():gsub("^0*%.?", ""):reverse() end trunc = function (n) return trunc0(string.format("%.3f", n)) end = trunc(1/3) = trunc(0) = trunc(0.1) = trunc("0.1000") ##### # # pformat: a variant of "format" that truncates numbers (for pict2e) # 2018mai25 # ##### # «pformat» (to ".pformat") # (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "trailing-zeroes") # (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "map") # (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "mytostring") # (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "pformat") # (find-dn6 "picture.lua" "V") # Used by: (find-LATEX "2018-1-GA-material.tex" "calcpoints") * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) -- ee_dofile "~/LATEX/dednat6/picture.lua" loaddednat6() pformat1 = function (o) if type(o) == "number" then return truncn(o) end return tostring(o) end pformatargs = function (...) local n = select("#", ...) return unpack(map(pformat1, {...}, n), 1, n) end pformat = function (fmt, ...) return format(fmt, pformatargs(...)) end = format("(%s,%s)", 1/3, 2/3) = pformat("(%s,%s)", 1/3, 2/3) = pformat("(%s,%s)", 0.0001, 0.9999) = V{3,4} - V{2,1} = V{1/3,2/3} = pformatargs(1/3, V{1/3,2/3}, nil) = pformat1(V{1/3,2/3}) V.__tostring = function (v) return format("(%.3f,%.3f)", v[1], v[2]) end = v(0.0001, 0.9999) V.__tostring = function (v) return pformat("(%s,%s)", v[1], v[2]) end = v(0.0001, 0.9999) = V{3,4} - V{2,1} = V{1/3,2/3} = pformatargs(1/3, V{1/3,2/3}, nil) = pformat1(V{1/3,2/3}) pformatexpr = function (exprstr) return table.concat(map(pformat1, {expr(exprstr)})) end = pformatargs(V{3,4}, V{5,6}) = pformatargs(expr "V{3,4}, V{5,6}") = map(pformat1, {expr "V{3,4}, V{5,6}"}) = table.concat(map(pformat1, {expr "V{3,4}, V{5,6}"})) = pformatexpr "V{3,4}, V{5,6}" ##### # # gformat: A variant of "format" that uses "string.gsub" # 2021dec14 # ##### # «gformat» (to ".gformat") # See: (find-angg "bin/gsub.lua") # (find-THLgrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e gformat .* *") -- gformat "<%1_%1>" "foo" --> <foo_foo> -- mapconcat(gformat "<%1_%1>", split "foo bar", ", ") --> <foo_foo>, <bar_bar> -- See also: (find-es "emacs" "ee-gformat") gformat = function (fmt, pat) return function (str) return (str:gsub((pat or "^.*$"), fmt)) end end ##### # # gsub.lua # 2021dec14 # ##### # «gsub.lua» (to ".gsub.lua") # (find-angg "bin/gsub.lua") ##### # # histogram # 2012dec14 # ##### # «histogram» (to ".histogram") # (find-angg "LUA/2013.2-ES-diags") * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) letters = "ABCDEFGHIJ" L = function (n) return letters:sub(n,n) end V = {3, 3, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7, 7, 9, 9} V = {3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 6, 6, 9} histo = { addpoint = function (histo, x, name) if not x then error() end histo.minx = histo.minx and min(histo.minx, x) or x histo.maxx = histo.maxx and max(histo.maxx, x) or x histo[x] = histo[x] or {} table.insert(histo[x], name) local y = #(histo[x]) histo.maxy = histo.maxy and max(histo.maxy, y) or y end, point = function (histo, x, y) if y==0 then return format("%4.1f ", x/5) end return (histo[x] or {})[y] or " " end, line = function (histo, y) local T = {} for x=histo.minx, histo.maxx do table.insert(T, histo:point(x, y)) end return table.concat(T, " ") end, } n = 0 for a=1,10 do for b=a+1,10 do for c=b+1,10 do for d=c+1,10 do for e=d+1,10 do name = L(a)..L(b)..L(c)..L(d)..L(e) tot = V[a]+V[b]+V[c]+V[d]+V[e] n = n+1 -- histo[tot] = histo[tot] or {} -- table.insert(histo[tot], name) histo:addpoint(tot, name) print(n, name) end end end end end PP(histo) for tot=histo.minx,histo.maxx do print(tot, table.concat(histo[tot], " ")) end for tot=histo.minx,histo.maxx do print(tot/5, #(histo[tot])) end for y=histo.maxy,0,-1 do print(histo:line(y)) end ##### # # (Many) histograms # 2013jun07 # ##### # «histograms» (to ".histograms") * (eepitch-gab) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-gab) -- (find-gab "gab.lua") -- (find-gabfile "gab.lua" "stringtorect =") Rect.__index.setxy = function (rect, x, y, str) local str0 = rect[y] or "" local minw = x+#str if #str0 < minw then str0 = str0..string.rep(" ", minw-#str0) end local strl = str0:sub(1, x) local strr = str0:sub(x+1+#str) rect:set(y, strl..str..strr) return rect end Rect.__index.putbox = function (rect, x) local x0, y0 = x*4, rect.heights[x]*-2+1 rect:setxy(x0+1, y0-2, "___") rect:setxy(x0, y0-1, "| |") rect:setxy(x0, y0, "|___|") rect.heights[x] = rect.heights[x]+1 end histo_ = function () local h = stringtorect( "_____________________________________________\n".. " 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10") h.heights = {[0]=0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0} return h end histo = function (str) local h = histo_() for c in str:gmatch"." do h:putbox(0 + c:gsub("a","10")) end return h end h = histo_() h:putbox(1) h:putbox(1) = h = histo "3355a" = "a) " .. histo "3355a" histos = function (str) print(str) print(str:len()) for label, values in str:gmatch("(%S+) (%S+)") do print(label.." "..histo(values)) print() end end histos [[ a) 123 b) 135 c) 2235555788 d) 113355 e) 144 f) 114444 g) 147 h) 44556677 i) 2334445555 j) 6778889999 k) 4444555667 l) 1111333557 m) 2223334449 n) 33577 o) 45556 p) 34556678 ]] ##### # # 64-bit integers # 2012nov13 # ##### # «64-bit-integers» (to ".64-bit-integers") # From Shmuel Zeigerman, lua-l, 2012nov13: # http://farmanager.com/svn/trunk/plugins/luamacro/luafar/bit64.c ##### # # penlight (from rocks) # 2014oct07 / 2023nov12 # ##### # «penlight» (to ".penlight") # (find-luarocks-links "penlight") # (code-c-d "penlightpl" "~/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/pl/") # (code-c-d "penlightv" "~/.luarocks/lib/luarocks/rocks/penlight/1.13.1-1/") # file:///home/edrx/.luarocks/lib/luarocks/rocks/penlight/1.13.1-1/docs/index.html # file:///home/edrx/.luarocks/lib/luarocks/rocks/penlight/1.13.1-1/docs/libraries/pl.pretty.html # file:///home/edrx/.luarocks/lib/luarocks/rocks/penlight/1.13.1-1/docs/manual/01-introduction.md.html # https://github.com/lunarmodules/Penlight # https://lunarmodules.github.io/Penlight/ # https://lunarmodules.github.io/Penlight/manual/01-introduction.md.html # (find-penlightvsh "find * | sort") # (find-penlightplsh "find * | sort") # (find-penlightvfile "") # (find-penlightvfile "tests/") # (find-penlightplfile "") # (find-penlightplfile "pretty.lua") * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) # (find-fline "~/usrc/penlight/") rm -Rv ~/usrc/penlight/ mkdir ~/usrc/penlight/ cd ~/usrc/penlight/ unzip ~/usrc/luarocks/bin/penlight-1.3.1-1.src.rock ##### # # penlight's pl.pretty # 2014oct07 # ##### # «pl.pretty» (to ".pl.pretty") # (find-penlightfile "") # (find-penlightfile "examples/test-pretty.lua") # (find-penlightgrep "grep -nH -e pretty doc/manual/*") # (find-penlightfile "lua/pl/pretty.lua") * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) userocks() pretty = require 'pl.pretty' pp = function (o) print(pretty.write(o)) end tb = { 'one','two','three',{1,2,3}, alpha=1,beta=2,gamma=3,['&']=true,[0]=false, _fred = {true,true}, s = [[ hello dolly you're so fine ]] } pp(tb) # «pl.wrap» (to ".pl.wrap") # «pl.text.wrap» (to ".pl.text.wrap") # (find-penlightfile "doc/manual/03-strings.md" "`wrap`") # (find-penlightgrep "grep -nH -e wrap lua/pl/*.lua") # (find-penlightfile "lua/pl/text.lua" "text.wrap") ##### # # Penlight from Git # 2014oct23 # ##### # «penlight-git» (to ".penlight-git") # (find-angg ".emacs" "ee-rstdoc-:penlight") # Old: (find-git-links "https://github.com/stevedonovan/Penlight" "penlightgit") # New: (find-git-links "https://github.com/lunarmodules/Penlight" "penlightgit") # (code-c-d "penlightgit" "~/usrc/Penlight/") # (find-penlightgitfile "") # (find-penlightgitfile "lua/pl/pretty.lua") # (find-penlightdoc "index") # (find-penlightdoc "libraries/pl.pretty") # (find-penlightdoc "libraries/pl.pretty#write") # Ldoc: # (find-penlightgitfile "docs/") # (find-penlightgitfile "docs/index.html" "ldoc_fixed.css") # (find-penlightgitfile "docs/ldoc_fixed.css") # (find-penlightgitfile "ldoc.ltp") # (find-penlightgitfile "ldoc.ltp" "generated by") # https://github.com/lunarmodules/ldoc # (to "ldoc") ##### # # A fix for pl.write # 2014oct23 # ##### # «pl.pretty-fix» (to ".pl.pretty-fix") # (find-penlightdoc "index") # (find-penlightdoc "libraries/pl.pretty") # (find-penlightdoc "libraries/pl.pretty#write") * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) # (find-angg ".zshrc" "strace") strace-to /tmp/s lua5.1 userocks() pretty = require 'pl.pretty' = pretty.write {20, 30, 40} = pretty.write {20, 30, 40, "Hello\nworld"} longquote = function (str) return '[[\n'..str..']]' end = pretty.write {20, 30, 40, "Hello\nworld"} os.exit() # (find-fline "/tmp/s") # (find-sh "grep '= 3' /tmp/s") # (find-luarocksfile "share/lua/5.1/pl/pretty.lua") # (find-luarocksfile "share/lua/5.1/pl/pretty.lua" "[[") * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) userocks() pretty = require 'pl.pretty' -- longquote = function (str) return '[[\n'..str..']]' end longquote = function (str) local T = {} local f = function (eqs) T[#eqs+1] = 1; print(#eqs) end if str:gsub("%](=*)", f) then local eqs = string.rep("=", #T) return '['..eqs..'[\n'..str..']'..eqs..']' end return '[[\n'..str..']]' end badstr = "Hello\nworld].]=.]===" = pretty.write {20, 30, 40, badstr} = pretty.write {20, 30, 40, "Hello\nworld"} = pretty.write {20, 30, 40, "Hello\nworld]"} = pretty.write {20, 30, 40, "Hello\nworld]]"} = pretty.write {20, 30, 40, "Hello\nworld]==]"} ##### # # Penlight # 2012dec27 # ##### # «penlight-old» (to ".penlight-old") # (find-status "luadoc") # (find-vldifile "luadoc.list") # (find-udfile "luadoc/") # (find-man "1 luadoc") # (find-fline "/usr/bin/luadoc") rm -Rfv ~/usrc/PenLight/ cd ~/usrc/ && \ git clone https://github.com/stevedonovan/Penlight cd ~/usrc/ && tar -cvzf ~/tmp/PenLight.tgz Penlight/ rm -Rfv ~/usrc/LDoc/ cd ~/usrc/ && \ git clone https://github.com/stevedonovan/LDoc cd ~/usrc/ && tar -cvzf ~/tmp/LDoc.tgz LDoc/ rm -Rfv ~/usrc/LuaMacro/ cd ~/usrc/ && \ git clone https://github.com/stevedonovan/LuaMacro cd ~/usrc/ && tar -cvzf ~/tmp/LuaMacro.tgz LuaMacro/ http://lua-users.org/wiki/SlightlyLessSimpleLuaPreprocessor https://github.com/stevedonovan/Penlight/blob/master/lua/pl/template.lua http://penlight.luaforge.net/FAQ/ * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) #* # (find-fline "~/tmp/LuaMacro.tgz") # (code-c-d "luamacro" "~/usrc/LuaMacro/") # (code-c-d "ldoc" "~/usrc/LDoc/") # (find-ldocfile "") # (find-luamacrofile "") # (find-luamacrofile "readme.txt") # (find-luamacrofile "luam.lua") rm -Rfv ~/usrc/LuaMacro/ tar -C ~/usrc/ \ -xvzf ~/tmp/LuaMacro.tgz cd ~/usrc/LuaMacro/ cp -v $S/http/www.frykholm.se/files/markdown.lua . pandoc readme.md -o readme.txt # (find-es "lua5" "markdown.lua") http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown # (find-status "pandoc") # (find-vldifile "pandoc.list") # (find-udfile "pandoc/") # (find-udfile "pandoc/README.gz") ##### # # Microlight # 2012dec27 # ##### # «microlight» (to ".microlight") # https://github.com/stevedonovan/Microlight # http://stevedonovan.github.com/files/microlight-1.1.zip # http://stevedonovan.github.com/microlight/ # https://github.com/stevedonovan/Microlight/tags ##### # # How the repls of various versions of Lua handle the prefix "=" # 2023nov04 # ##### # «repl-prefix» (to ".repl-prefix") # (find-man "lua5.1" "=") # (find-man "lua5.2" "=") # (find-man "lua5.3" "=") # (find-man "lua5.3" "expression") # (find-man "lua5.4" "expression") # See the explanation here: # (find-angg "LUA/Repl1.lua" "EdrxRepl") * (defun find-5ee (b c d e) (find-wset "13o2eo2eo2eo+eo" b c d e)) * (defun find-5EE (b c d e) (find-wset "13o2Eo2Eo2Eo+Eo" b c d e)) * * (find-5EE '(eepitch-lua51) '(eepitch-lua52) '(eepitch-lua53) '(eepitch-lua54)) * (find-5ee '(eepitch-lua51) '(eepitch-lua52) '(eepitch-lua53) '(eepitch-lua54)) * (eepitch-lua51) f = function () return 20, nil, 40 end = f() --> 20 nil 40 f() --> * (eepitch-lua52) f = function () return 20, nil, 40 end = f() --> 20 nil 40 f() --> * (eepitch-lua53) f = function () return 20, nil, 40 end = f() --> 20 nil 40 f() --> 20 nil 40 * (eepitch-lua54) f = function () return 20, nil, 40 end = f() --> 20 nil 40 f() --> 20 nil 40 ##### # # repls # 2020jan16 # ##### # «repls» (to ".repls") # https://luarocks.org/search?q=repl # https://luarocks.org/search?q=trace # (find-luarocks-links) # (find-luarocks-links "debugger") # (find-luarocks-links "plotly") # (find-luarocks-src-links "debugger") lua-resty-repl by saksmlz - downloads: 35.2k repl for openresty. debugger by 3scale - downloads: 1,728 A simple, highly embedabble CLI debugger for Lua 5.x, and LuaJIT 2.0. moor by nymphium - downloads: 555 MoonScript REPL trepl-torchless by vsergeev - downloads: 183 A REPL for Lua/LuaJIT. interlu by raingloom - downloads: 11 (Pure) Lua REPL that aims to be familiar StackTracePlus by ignacio - downloads: 819 StackTracePlus provides enhanced stack traces for Lua croissant by giann - downloads: 338 A Lua REPL implemented in Lua lua-resty-console by nickr - downloads: 201 Interactive console (REPL) for Openresty to inspect Lua VM internal state, to run lua code, to invoke functions and more mooni by steved - downloads: 619 Simple interactive MoonScript luarepl by hoelzro - downloads: 35.7k A reusable REPL component for Lua, written in Lua l by daurnimator - downloads: 11 A lua REPL deeptrace by raingloom - downloads: 1 A simple replacement for StackTracePlus, that uses inspect.lua and is easier to analyze luaish-windows by Choonster - downloads: 112 luaish is a better REPL for Lua. luaish is based on lua.lua which is a Lua interpreter front-end written in Lua by David Manura. # (find-luarocks-src-links "stacktraceplus" "StackTracePlus-0.1.2-1" "stacktraceplus") (find-luarocks-src-links "stacktraceplus") (find-luarocks-src-links "croissant") (find-luarocks-src-links "debugger") (find-luarocks-src-links "deeptrace") (find-luarocks-src-links "interlu") (find-luarocks-src-links "l") (find-luarocks-src-links "lua-resty-console") (find-luarocks-src-links "lua-resty-repl") (find-luarocks-src-links "luaish") (find-luarocks-src-links "luaish-windows") (find-luarocks-src-links "luarepl") (find-luarocks-src-links "mooni") (find-luarocks-src-links "moor") (find-luarocks-src-links "trepl-torchless") # (find-sh "luarocks --help") # (find-sh "luarocks completion") # (find-sh "luarocks completion zsh") ##### # # debugger # 2020jan19 # ##### # «debugger» (to ".debugger") # (find-luarocks-links "debugger") # https://luarocks.org/modules/3scale/debugger # git://github.com/slembcke/debugger.lua.git * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) -- (find-fline "~/.luarocks/lib/luarocks/rocks/debugger/scm-1/doc/README.md") -- (find-fline "~/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/debugger.lua") -- (find-fline "~/.luarocks/") userocks() require "debugger" * (eepitch-lua53) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua53) userocks() require "debugger" # (find-fline "~/.luarocks/lib/luarocks/rocks-5.3/debugger/scm-1/doc/README.md") * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) # rm -Rfv ~/usrc/debugger.lua/ cd ~/usrc/ git clone git://github.com/slembcke/debugger.lua.git cd ~/usrc/debugger.lua/ # (find-fline "~/usrc/") # (find-fline "~/usrc/debugger.lua/") # (find-gitk "~/usrc/debugger.lua/") # (code-c-d "debuggerlua" "~/usrc/debugger.lua/") # (find-debuggerluafile "") # (find-debuggerluafile "interact.lua") # (find-debuggerluafile "tutorial.lua") * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) chdir "~/usrc/debugger.lua/" userocks() dofile "tutorial.lua" ##### # # debugger.lua-tutorial # 2025jan24 # ##### # «debugger.lua-tutorial» (to ".debugger.lua-tutorial") # (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "load_debugger") # https://github.com/slembcke/debugger.lua # (find-git-links "https://github.com/slembcke/debugger.lua" "debuggerlua") # (find-eaproposf "find.*lua.*links") # (find-luainit-links "~/LUA/") # (find-luainit-links "/tmp/dbg-test/") # (find-fline "/tmp/dbg-test/") # (code-c-d "debuggerlua" "~/usrc/debugger.lua/") # (find-debuggerluafile "") # (find-debuggerluafile "debugger.lua" "dbg.read = dbg_read") * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) rm -Rfv /tmp/dbg-test/ mkdir /tmp/dbg-test/ cd /tmp/dbg-test/ git clone https://github.com/slembcke/debugger.lua wget -N http://anggtwu.net/LUA/lua50init.lua * (setenv "LUA_INIT" "@/home/edrx/LUA/lua50init.lua") * (setenv "LUA_INIT" "@/tmp/dbg-test/lua50init.lua") * (eepitch-ansiterm "lua5.2") * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-ansiterm "lua5.2") * (eepitch-lua52) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua52) Path.prependtopath "/tmp/dbg-test/debugger.lua/?.lua" require "debugger" require "tutorial" w s n c f l c c e my_upvalue1 = "foobar" e print(my_upvalue1) c t c u p my_var d p my_var d p my_var c h c c q ##### # # lua-repl # 2012dec27 # ##### # «lua-repl» (to ".lua-repl") # https://github.com/downloads/hoelzro/lua-repl/lua-repl-0.3.tar.gz #* rm -Rv ~/usrc/lua-repl-0.3/ tar -C ~/usrc/ -xvzf \ $S/https/github.com/downloads/hoelzro/lua-repl/lua-repl-0.3.tar.gz cd ~/usrc/lua-repl-0.3/ #* # (code-c-d "luarepl" "~/usrc/lua-repl-0.3/") # (find-luareplfile "") # (find-luareplsh "find * -type f | sort") * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) cd ~/usrc/lua-repl-0.3/ lua51 rep.lua laf laf repl/ cd ~/usrc/lua-repl-0.3/repl/ lua51 ../rep.lua # (find-luarocks-links "luarepl" "0.3" "-1" "luarepl") # (find-luarocksfile "share/lua/5.1/repl/") # (find-fline "~/usrc/luarocks/bin/") * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) ~/usrc/luarocks/bin/rep.lua 2+3 2+ 3 print(2+ 3) = 2+3 # http://repl.it/languages/Lua ##### # # luarepl as a rock # 2014aug29 # ##### # «lua-repl-rock» (to ".lua-repl-rock") # (find-luarocksrocksfile "luarepl/0.4-1/") # (find-luarocks-links "luarepl" "{ver}" "{sub}" "luarepl") # (find-luarocks-links "luarepl" "0.4" "-1" "luarepl") # https://github.com/hoelzro/lua-repl/archive/0.5.tar.gz * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) cd ~/usrc/luarocks/bin/ ./luarocks download luarepl ./luarocks build luarepl |& tee olb-luarepl ./luarocks install luarepl |& tee oli-luarepl # (find-luarocksbinfile "") # (find-luarocksbinfile "olb-luarepl") # (find-luarocksbinfile "oli-luarepl") # (find-luarocksbinfile "luarepl-0.4-1.src.rock") # (find-luarocksbinfile "rep.lua") # (find-luarocksrocksfile "luarepl/0.4-1/") # (find-luarocksrocksfile "") # (find-luarocksrockssh "find luarepl | sort") # (find-luarocksfile "") # (find-luarockssh "find * | grep repl") # (find-luarocksfile "share/lua/5.1/repl/") unzip -l ~/usrc/luarocks/bin/luarepl-0.4-1.src.rock unzip -p ~/usrc/luarocks/bin/luarepl-0.4-1.src.rock 0.4.tar.gz \ | tar -tvzf - rm -Rfv ~/usrc/lua-repl-0.4/ unzip -p ~/usrc/luarocks/bin/luarepl-0.4-1.src.rock 0.4.tar.gz \ | tar -C ~/usrc/ -xvzf - cd ~/usrc/lua-repl-0.4/ ;; (find-angg ".emacs" "luarocks") ;; (find-luarocks-links "luarepl" "0.4" "-1") ;; (find-luareplfile "") (code-c-d "luarepl" "~/usrc/lua-repl-0.4/") * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) -- userocks() require "repl" require "rep" = package.path * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) lua5.1 = package.path ##### # # lua-repl-0.5 # 2015jan11 # ##### # «lua-repl-0.5» (to ".lua-repl-0.5") # https://github.com/hoelzro/lua-repl/archive/0.5.tar.gz * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) rm -Rv ~/usrc/lua-repl-0.5/ tar -C ~/usrc/ -xvzf \ /home/edrx/snarf/https/github.com/hoelzro/lua-repl/archive/0.5.tar.gz cd ~/usrc/lua-repl-0.5/ * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) repldir = ee_expand "~/usrc/lua-repl-0.5/" package.path = repldir.."?/init.lua;"..package.path package.path = repldir.."?.lua;" ..package.path repl = require 'repl' PP(repl) PP(repl._plugins) repl:loadplugin 'history' PP(repl._plugins) sync = require 'repl.sync' PP(sync) repl:run() sync:run() function sync:showprompt() print ">>>" end function sync:lines() return io.stdin:lines() end function sync:displayerror(err) print(err) end function sync:displayresults(results) if results.n == 0 then return end print(unpack(results, 1, results.n)) end sync:run() print(2+3) 2+3 * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) repldir = ee_expand "~/usrc/lua-repl-0.5/" package.path = repldir.."?/init.lua;"..package.path package.path = repldir.."?.lua;" ..package.path repl = require "repl" sync = require "repl.sync" function sync:showprompt() print ">>>" end function sync:showprompt() io.write ">>> " end function sync:showprompt(n) print(n); io.write ">>> " end function sync:showprompt(p) io.write(p == ">" and ">>> " or ">>>> ") end function sync:lines() return io.stdin:lines() end function sync:displayerror(err) print(err) end function sync:displayresults(results) if results.n == 0 then return end print(unpack(results, 1, results.n)) end sync:run() print(2+3) print(2+ 3+ 4) = 2+3 # (find-luareplgrep "grep -nRH -e showprompt *") # (find-luareplgrep "grep -nRH -e :lines *") # (find-luareplgrep "grep -nRH -e :displayerror *") # (find-luareplgrep "grep -nRH -e :displayresult *") # (code-c-d "luarepl" "~/usrc/lua-repl-0.5/") # (find-luareplfile "") # (find-luareplfile "README.md") # (find-luareplfile "rep.lua") # (find-luareplfile "repl/") # (find-luareplgrep "grep -nRH -e pretty *") # (find-luareplfile "t/plugin-basic-tests.lua") # (find-luareplfile "rep.lua" "repl:run()") # (find-luareplgrep "grep -nwrH -e run *") # (find-luareplgrep "grep -nwrH -e loadplugin *") # (find-luareplgrep "grep -nwrH -e hasplugin *") # (find-luareplgrep "grep -nwrH -e sync *") # (find-luareplfile "repl/init.lua" "function repl:loadplugin(chunk)") # (find-luareplfile "repl/sync.lua") ##### # # lua-repl-0.8 # 2015aug23 # ##### # «lua-repl-0.8» (to ".lua-repl-0.8") # (find-angg ".emacs" "lua-repl") # (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "loadluarepl") # https://mail.google.com/mail/ca/u/0/#inbox/14f5bba4abb13d01 # https://github.com/hoelzro/lua-repl/blob/0.8/README.md#removal-of-default-plugins-in-08 # https://github.com/hoelzro/lua-repl/archive/0.8.tar.gz #* rm -Rv ~/usrc/lua-repl-0.8/ tar -C ~/usrc/ -xvzf \ /home/edrx/snarf/https/github.com/hoelzro/lua-repl/archive/0.8.tar.gz cd ~/usrc/lua-repl-0.8/ #* # (code-c-d "luarepl" "~/usrc/lua-repl-0.8/") # (find-luareplfile "") * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) repldir = ee_expand "~/usrc/lua-repl-0.8/" package.path = repldir.."?/init.lua;"..package.path package.path = repldir.."?.lua;" ..package.path repl = require "repl" sync = require "repl.sync" function sync:showprompt() print ">>>" end function sync:showprompt() io.write ">>> " end function sync:showprompt(n) print(n); io.write ">>> " end function sync:showprompt(p) io.write(p == ">" and ">>> " or ">>>> ") end function sync:lines() return io.stdin:lines() end function sync:displayerror(err) print(err) end function sync:displayresults(results) if results.n == 0 then return end print(unpack(results, 1, results.n)) end sync:run() print(2+3) print(2+ 3+ 4) = 2+3 --> [string "REPL"]:1: unexpected symbol near '=' 2+3 --> [string "REPL"]:1: unexpected symbol near '2' * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) loadluarepl() sync:run() print(mytabletostring(sync)) print(mytabletostring(repl)) print(repl:name()) ##### # # luarepl for lualatex # 2016sep18 # ##### # «lua-repl-2016» (to ".lua-repl-2016") # «luarepl-2016» (to ".luarepl-2016") # https://github.com/hoelzro/lua-repl/ * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) rm -Rfv ~/usrc/lua-repl/ cd ~/usrc/ git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/hoelzro/lua-repl/ cd ~/usrc/lua-repl/ git pull --depth 1 # git pull # (find-fline "~/usrc/") # (find-fline "~/usrc/lua-repl/") # (find-fline "~/usrc/lua-repl/repl/") # (find-fline "~/usrc/lua-repl-0.8/") * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) cd ~/usrc/lua-repl/repl/ tar -cvzf /tmp/lua-repl-repl.tgz * cd ~/usrc/lua-repl/ tar -cvzf /tmp/lua-repl-repl.tgz rep.lua repl/* rm -Rv ~/LATEX/lua-repl/ mkdir ~/LATEX/lua-repl/ tar -C ~/LATEX/lua-repl/ -xvzf /tmp/lua-repl-repl.tgz # (find-fline "~/LATEX/lua-repl/") * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) cd ~/LATEX/ lua5.1 loadluarepl("lua-repl/") sync:run() os.exit() lua5.2 loadluarepl() sync:run() os.exit() export REPL=0 lualatex -record 2016-2-GA-algebra.tex export REPL=1 lualatex -record 2016-2-GA-algebra.tex os.exit() * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) cd ~/LATEX/ REPL=0 lualatex -record 2016-2-GA-algebra.tex REPL=1 lualatex -record 2016-2-GA-algebra.tex os.exit() # (find-LATEX "2016-2-GA-algebra.tex" "repl") # loadluarepl("~/LATEX/lua-repl/"); # (code-c-d "luarepl" "~/usrc/lua-repl/") # (find-luareplfile "") # (find-luareplfile "RELEASE-GUIDE.md") # (find-luareplfile "RELEASE-GUIDE.md" "0.8.tar.gz") # https://github.com/hoelzro/lua-repl/commits/master # https://github.com/hoelzro/lua-repl/compare/0.8-prep # https://github.com/hoelzro/lua-repl/commit/c130b628df6611ad7857c9aba6aaeb0525bd2589 rcfile ##### # # lua-repl 2017 # 2017ago04 # ##### # «luarepl-2017» (to ".luarepl-2017") # (find-es "luarepl") # https://github.com/hoelzro/lua-repl # (find-git-links "https://github.com/hoelzro/lua-repl" "luarepl") # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Read%E2%80%93eval%E2%80%93print_loop # (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "loadluarepl") # (find-fline "~/LATEX/dednat6/lua-repl/") * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) rm -Rfv ~/usrc/lua-repl/ cd ~/usrc/ git clone https://github.com/hoelzro/lua-repl cd ~/usrc/lua-repl/ * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) rm -Rv ~/LATEX/dednat6/lua-repl/ mkdir ~/LATEX/dednat6/lua-repl/ mkdir ~/LATEX/dednat6/lua-repl/repl/ cd ~/usrc/lua-repl/ cp -v rep.lua \ ~/LATEX/dednat6/lua-repl/ cd ~/usrc/lua-repl/repl/ cp -v init.lua compat.lua sync.lua utils.lua \ ~/LATEX/dednat6/lua-repl/repl/ # (find-fline "~/usrc/") # (find-fline "~/usrc/lua-repl/") # (code-c-d "luarepl" "~/usrc/lua-repl/") # (find-luareplfile "") # (find-gitk "~/usrc/lua-repl/") # (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "loadluarepl") * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) = (package.path:gsub(";", "\n")) = loadluarepl("~/usrc/lua-repl/") = (package.path:gsub(";", "\n")) PPV(keys(package.loaded)) PPV(package.loaded["repl"]) PPV(package.loaded["repl.sync"]) PPV(package.loaded["repl.utils"]) PPV(package.loaded["repl.compat"]) sync:run() print(repl:name()) PPV(sync) PPV(repl) ##### # # luarepl-2017 in latex: tests # 2017ago05 # ##### # «luarepl-2017-latex» (to ".luarepl-2017-latex") # (find-LATEXfile "2017planar-has-1.tex") # (find-LATEXfile "2017planar-has-1.tex" "\\repl") # (find-dn6file "luarepl.lua") * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) cd ~/LATEX/ lualatex -record 2017planar-has-1.tex REPL=1 lualatex -record 2017planar-has-1.tex ##### # # lua-repl: displayresults # 2016oct07 # ##### # «luarepl-displayresults» (to ".luarepl-displayresults") # (find-LATEXgrep "grep --color -nrH -e display lua-repl/*") # (find-LATEXfile "lua-repl/repl/init.lua" "function repl:displayresults") ##### # # luaprompt # 2015jun12 # ##### # «luaprompt» (to ".luaprompt") # https://github.com/dpapavas/luaprompt ##### # # A REPL that I wrote in 2013. Obsolete. # 2013jan05 # ##### # «Repl-2013» (to ".Repl-2013") * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) Repl = Class { type = "Repl", __index = { incompletep0 = function (r, str) return str:find(": unexpected symbol near '<eof>'$") end, incompletep = function (r, str) local f, err = loadstring(str) return f == nil and r:incompletep0(err) end, read0 = function (r, prompt) io.write(prompt); return io.read() end, read1 = function (r) return r:read0 ">>> " end, read2 = function (r) return r:read0 "... " end, complete = function (r, str) while r:incompletep(str) do str = str.."\n"..r:read2() end return str end, split = function (r, str) return str:match "^(=?=?)(.*)$" end, printers = {[""]=id, ["="]=print, ["=="]=PP}, prepends = {[""]="", ["="]="return ", ["=="]="return "}, read_ = function (r) return r:complete(r:read1()) end, read = function (r, str00) local prefix, str0 = r:split(str00 or r:read1()) local printer, prepend = r.printers[prefix], r.prepends[prefix] local str = r:complete(prepend..str0) return printer, str end, evalprint = function (r, printer, str) local f, err = loadstring(str) return printer(f()) end, rep = function (r, str00) return r:evalprint(r:read(str00)) end, repp = function (r) local str00 = r:read1() if str00 == "!" then return false end r:rep(str00) return true end, repl = function (r) while r:repp() do end end, }, } repl = Repl{} = repl:read_() print(2+ 3+ 4) repl:repl() print(2+ 3) = 2 = 3+ 4 == {2, 3} ! ##### # # Repl - my REPL from 2020, that uses MyXpcall # 2020oct25 # ##### # «Repl» (to ".Repl") # (find-angg "LUA/myxpcall.lua" "Repl") # (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "Repl") # (find-angg "edrxrepl/edrxrepl.lua") * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) # (find-fline "/tmp/testedrxrepl/") rm -Rv /tmp/testedrxrepl/ mkdir /tmp/testedrxrepl/ cd /tmp/testedrxrepl/ wget http://angg.twu.net/edrxrepl/edrxrepl.lua cat > edrxrepltest.tex <<'---' \documentclass{article} \begin{document} \directlua{dofile "edrxrepl.lua"} \directlua{print(); print(); print("Run REPL.stop = 1 to leave the REPL.")} \directlua{REPL = Repl.new(); REPL:repl()} \end{document} --- lualatex edrxrepltest.tex REPL.stop = 1 ##### # # Repl-special-prefixes # 2021feb22 # ##### # «Repl-special-prefixes» (to ".Repl-special-prefixes") # (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "Repl") * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) Repl.__index.specialprefix = function (r) local line = r.lines[1] if line:match("^%%D") then print("%D:", line); return true end return false end REPL = Repl:new(); REPL:repl() %D FOO print( 3 + 2 ) REPL.stop = 1 * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) Repl.__index.read = function (r) r.lines = {} r:read1() local m = r:bigstr():match("^: ?(.*)$") if m then print(m); r.lines[1] = ""; return r end while r:incompletep() do r:read2() end return r end REPL = Repl:new(); REPL:repl() : FOO REPL.stop = 1 ##### # # Using edrxrepl with emacs-lua # 2021jun10 # ##### # «Repl-emacs-lua» (to ".Repl-emacs-lua") # (find-angg "edrxrepl/edrxrepl.lua" "Repl-emacs-lua") # (find-angg "edrxrepl/") # (find-angg "edrxrepl/edrxrepl.lua") # (find-angg "edrxrepl/edrxrepl.lua" "Repl") # (find-angg "edrxrepl/edrxrepl.lua" "Repl-emacs-lua") # (find-angg "edrxrepl/edrxrepl.lua" "Repl" "e0 =") # (find-angg "emacs-lua/") * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) ee_dofile "~/edrxrepl/edrxrepl.lua" tos = Tos({}):f() tos_packed = function (A) return mapconcat(tos, A, " ", A.n) end REPL = Repl:new():setquiet(1) PP(REPL) -- REPL.esuccessprint = REPL.esuccessprint0 eps = function (line) print(" "..REPL:eprompt()..line) print(REPL:esend(line)) end = a eps "a = 2 " eps "a = 2 +" eps " 3 " eps "= 2 * 3" eps "= 2 * 3, {7, '8'}" eps "= 2, nil, 3, nil, nil" eps "= 2 * " eps " 3" = a PPV(REPL) -- Compilation errors: eps "***" eps "a = 2 +" eps " ! " eps "= 2 * " eps " !" -- Execution errors: eps "a = 2 * nil" eps "= 2 * nil" = REPL.myx:errmsg() = REPL.myx.tb_shorter PPV(REPL) PPV(REPL.myx) -- = REPL.myx.tb_string = REPL.myx.quiet REPL = Repl.new():setquiet(20) PP(REPL) m = MyXpcall.new():setquiet(42) PP(m) ##### # # follow # 2013aug28 # ##### # «follow» (to ".follow") # A tool to debug metatable & inheritance schemes -- (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "Repl") -- (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "follow") -- (find-dn5file "eoo.lua") -- (find-dn5 "eoo.lua" "box-diagram") * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) PlainRep = Class { type = "MetaRep", __index = { incompletep0 = function (r, str) return str:find(": unexpected symbol near '<eof>'$") end, incompletep = function (r, str) local f, err = loadstring(str) return f == nil and r:incompletep0(err) end, read0 = function (r, prompt) io.write(prompt); return io.read() end, read1 = function (r) return r:read0 ">>> " end, read2 = function (r) return r:read0 "... " end, -- readinitial = function (r, str) return r, (str or r:read1()) end, -- readrest = function (r, str) -- while r:incompletep(str) do str = str..r:read2() end -- return r,str -- end, -- read = function (r, str) -- r,str = r:readinitial(str) -- return r:readrest(str) -- end, prefixhack = function (r, str) return r, str end, read = function (r, str) str = str or r:read1() -- first line r, str = r:prefixhack(str) -- a trick for "=" and friends while r:incompletep(str) do str = str..r:read2() end -- complete return r, str end, eval = function (r, str) return assert(loadstring(str))() end, print = function (r, ...) end, ep = function (r, str) r:print(r:eval(str)) end, rep = function (r, str) r,str = r:read(str); return r:ep(str) end, }, } ExprRep = Class { type = "ExprRep", __index = Over(PlainRep) { print = function (r, ...) print(...) end, }, } LuaRep = Class { type = "LuaRep", __index = Over(PlainRep) { read = function (r) local str = r:read1() local expr = str:match("^=(.*)$") if expr then return ExprRep{}:read("return "..expr) end return PlainRep{}:read(str) end end, }, } LuaRep = Class { type = "LuaRep", __index = Over(PlainRep) { }, } LuaRep{}:rep() =1+ 2 LuaRep{}:rep() print(1+ 2) ExprRep{}:rep("return 1+2") pf = function (str) PP(follow(LuaRep, str)) end pf "" pf "__index" pf "__index mt" pf "__index mt __index" pf "mt" pf "mt __call" pf "mt __call" pf "{}" pf "{} mt" pf "{} mt __index" pf "{} mt __index mt" pf "{} rep" pf "{} ep" ##### # # icollect # 2013jan01 # ##### # «icollect» (to ".icollect") # (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "icollect") # http://lua-users.org/lists/lua-l/2012-12/msg00661.html # http://lua-users.org/lists/lua-l/2012-12/msg00713.html # http://lua-users.org/lists/lua-l/2012-12/msg00739.html ##### # # Low-level access to the innards # 2013jan09 # ##### # «lua-innards-gdb» (to ".lua-innards-gdb") # (find-angg ".emacs" "eepitch-gdb-lua") # (find-es "gdb" "main-commands") # (find-es "gdb" "macros") # http://lua-users.org/lists/lua-l/2013-01/msg00203.html # http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lang.lua.general/96395 # http://zeuxcg.org/2010/11/07/lua-callstack-with-c-debugger/ # http://www.altdevblogaday.com/2011/04/15/scripting-rant/ # https://github.com/mkottman/lua-gdb-helper * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) gdb -q ~/usrc/lua-5.1.4/src/lua_O0 br math_sin run outer_fun = function (a, b) local c, d, e = "CC", "DD", "EE" return 1 + inner_fun("FF", "GG") end inner_fun = function (f, g) local h, i, j = "HH", "II", "JJ" return math.sin(0) end twentytwo = "22" twentytwon = 22 outer_fun("AA", "BB") #/-- set $mystr = "inner_fun" tbr luaS_newlstr p lua_getglobal(L, $mystr) # (find-lua51tag "luaS_newlstr") u u u u u info locals p lmod(h, G(L)->strt.size) macro expand G(L) p L->l_G->strt.hash[384] u p o p *o p LUA_TSTRING p o->ts.tsv.tt p o->ts.tsv.tt == LUA_TSTRING n n p ts p getstr(ts) macro expand rawgco2ts(o) p getstr(o) pt o->gch pt o->ts pt o->ts.dummy p &(o->gch .tt) p &(o->ts.tsv.tt) ptype o #*** # gdb: # (find-gdbnode "Convenience Vars" "set $foo =") set $twentytwo = "twentytwo" pt $twentytwo p printf("\"%s\"\n", $twentytwo) macro expand lua_getglobal(L, $twentytwo) # (find-lua51tag "lua_getglobal") # (find-lua51tag "lua_getfield") # (find-lua51tag "luaS_new") # (find-lua51tag "luaS_newlstr") # tbr luaS_newlstr # p luaS_newlstr(L, $twentytwo, strlen($twentytwo)) p lua_getglobal(L, $twentytwo) n n n n # We're in a loop, so let's use `u' (`until') to trace past it u p h info args info locals # (find-gdbnode "Frame Info") # macro expand G(L) macro expand lmod(h, G(L)->strt.size) p lmod(h, G(L)->strt.size) n p ts p *ts # # (find-lua51tag "luaS_newlstr") macro expand getstr(ts) p getstr(ts) n n cont pt L pt L->env p L->env.tt pt L->env.value pt L->env.value.gc pt L->env.value.gc.h pt L->env.value.gc.h p L->env.value.gc.h.sizearray tbr luaS_newlstr p lua_getfield(L, -10002, "twentytwo") bt 4 n tbr 82 c info line l 82 l $(info line) p h # h = 178388671 n p o ptype o p o->gch.tt p o->ts p &(o->ts) n p ts # (find-lua51tag "luaS_newlstr") p (char *)((ts) + 1) p str p ts # (find-lua51file "") # (find-lua51tag "main") # (find-lua51tag "lua_getglobal") # (find-lua51tag "LUA_GLOBALSINDEX" "-10002") # (find-lua51tag "lua_getfield") # (find-lua51tag "luaS_new") # (find-lua51tag "rawgco2ts") # (find-lua51tag "LUA_TSTRING" "4") # (find-lua51tag "getstr") # (find-lua51tag "lmod") # (find-lua51tag "G") # (find-eevgrep "grep -nH -e ee-find-tag *.el") # (find-lua51manualw3m "#lua_getglobal") # lua_getfield(L, LUA_GLOBALSINDEX, s) # (find-gdbnode "Continuing and Stepping" "`until'") # (find-gdbnode "Continuing and Stepping" "`next [COUNT]'") # (find-gdbnode "Auto Display") # (find-gdbnode "Convenience Vars") ##### # # A user-friendly class based on getsexp with a nice printing function # 2019jan08 # ##### # «SexpSkel» (to ".SexpSkel") # (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "SexpSkel") # (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "SexpSkel" "right =") # (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "SexpSkel" "splitsexp =") # «SexpSkel-test» (to ".SexpSkel-test") # (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "SexpSkel") * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) ppconcat = function (...) print(table.concat({...}, "|")) end test0 = function (line) ss = SexpSkel.fromline(line); PPV(ss); print(ss) end test1 = function (line) ss = SexpSkel.fromline(line); ppconcat(ss:parseq()) end test2 = function (line) ss = SexpSkel.fromline(line); PPV(ss:splitsexp()) end test0 " Hello (to (+ 2 3)) " test0 " Hello (to (+ 2 3))" test0 ' Hello (find-pdf-page "~/LATEX/foo.pdf" (+ 2 3))' test0 ' Hello (find-fline "~/LATEX/foo.tex" "foo")' test1 ' Hello (find-pdf-page "~/LATEX/foo.pdf" (+ 2 3))' test1 ' Hello (find-fline "~/LATEX/foo.tex" "foo")' test2 ' Hello (find-pdf-page "~/LATEX/foo.pdf" (+ 2 3))' test2 ' Hello (find-fline "~/LATEX/foo.tex" "foo")' -- (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "SexpSkel") -- (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "SexpSkel" "Interface with ELispH") code_c_d_angg("dn6", "LATEX/dednat6/") code_c_d_angg("e", "e/") = _EHF test0 '(find-foo)' test0 '(find-dn6 "repl/")' = ss:toeh() = ss:toehf() = ss:totarget() = ss:tosexphtml() test0 'No sexp here' -- (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "EevIntro") -- (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "EevIntro" "introhtml =") ##### # # The Sexp class (for htmlizing elisp sexps, from blogme3, rewritten) # 2013jan17 # ##### # «Sexp» (to ".Sexp") # (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "Sexp") # (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "Sexp" "hrefto =") * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) h = function (line) print(Sexp{line=line}:getlinehtml()) end h '# foo: (find-angg "dir" "tatag")' h '# sexp: (to "target")' h '# foo: (find-angg "dir" "tatag")' h '# foo: (find-es "lua5" "goto")' h '# foo: (find-fooaudio "12:34" "comment")' -- print(Q"commént") -- (find-blogme3 "charset.lua") ##### # # Sean Conner's Kitchen Sink Lua # 2013mar07 # ##### # «kslua» (to ".kslua") # (find-fline "~/tmp/kitchen-sink-lua-2013-03-07.txt") ##### # # Lua for Windows # 2013may17 # ##### # «luaforwindows» (to ".luaforwindows") # (find-es "w32" "emacs-for-windows-2012") # http://luabinaries.sourceforge.net/ # https://code.google.com/p/luaforwindows/ # https://luaforwindows.googlecode.com/files/LuaForWindows_v5.1.4-46.exe # http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lang.lua.general/100153 c:/eev2/ c:/eev2/eev-readme.el c:/eev2/Lua/5.1/ c:/eev2/Lua/5.1/lua.exe c:/eev2/Lua/5.1/ilua.cmd * (setenv "LUA_INIT" "@c:/eev2/luainit.lua") * (eev "io.stdout:setvbuf'no'; print'Hello'" nil "/tmp/o") * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) lua print(1+2) ##### # # luabinaries # 2019jun27 / 2021nov04 # ##### # «luabinaries» (to ".luabinaries") # http://luabinaries.sourceforge.net/ # http://luabinaries.sourceforge.net/download.html # https://sourceforge.net/projects/luabinaries/files/5.3.5/ # https://sourceforge.net/projects/luabinaries/files/5.3.5/Tools%20Executables/ # https://sourceforge.net/projects/luabinaries/files/5.3.5/Tools%20Executables/lua-5.3.5_Win64_bin.zip/download ##### # # luabinaries-lua54.exe # 2021nov04 # ##### # «luabinaries-lua54.exe» (to ".luabinaries-lua54.exe") # 2021nov04: # http://luabinaries.sourceforge.net/download.html # -> "But here are shortcuts for the most popular downloads:" # "LuaBinaries 5.4.2 - Release 1" # "lua-5.4.2_Win64_bin.zip Windows x64 Executables" # -> https://sourceforge.net/projects/luabinaries/files/5.4.2/Tools%20Executables/lua-5.4.2_Win64_bin.zip/download # # "LuaBinaries 5.3.6 - Release 1" # "lua-5.3.6_Win32_bin.zip" # -> https://sourceforge.net/projects/luabinaries/files/5.3.6/Tools%20Executables/lua-5.3.6_Win32_bin.zip/download # # "LuaBinaries 5.2.4 - Release 1" # "lua-5.2.4_Win32_bin.zip" # -> https://sourceforge.net/projects/luabinaries/files/5.2.4/Tools%20Executables/lua-5.2.4_Win32_bin.zip/download # # "LuaBinaries 5.1.5 - Release 1" # "lua5_1_5_Win32_bin.zip" # -> https://sourceforge.net/projects/luabinaries/files/5.1.5/Tools%20Executables/lua5_1_5_Win32_bin.zip/download # -> https://sourceforge.net/projects/luabinaries/files/5.1.4/Tools%20Executables/lua5_1_4_Win32_bin.zip/download * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) # (find-fline "/tmp/luabinaries/") rm -Rv /tmp/luabinaries/ mkdir /tmp/luabinaries/ cd /tmp/luabinaries/ unzip /tmp/lua-5.2.4_Win32_bin.zip unzip /tmp/lua-5.3.6_Win32_bin.zip unzip /tmp/lua-5.4.2_Win64_bin.zip unzip /tmp/lua5_1_4_Win32_bin.zip cp -v lua52.exe ~/2021-oficina/ cp -v lua52.dll ~/2021-oficina/ cp -v lua53.exe ~/2021-oficina/ cp -v lua53.dll ~/2021-oficina/ cp -v lua54.exe ~/2021-oficina/ cp -v lua54.dll ~/2021-oficina/ cd ~/2021-oficina/ # (find-fline "~/2021-oficina/" "lua54.exe") # (find-cp-angg-links "lua52.exe" "~/2021-oficina/" "2021-oficina/") # (find-cp-angg-links "lua52.dll" "~/2021-oficina/" "2021-oficina/") # (find-cp-angg-links "lua53.exe" "~/2021-oficina/" "2021-oficina/") # (find-cp-angg-links "lua53.dll" "~/2021-oficina/" "2021-oficina/") # (find-cp-angg-links "lua54.exe" "~/2021-oficina/" "2021-oficina/") # (find-cp-angg-links "lua54.dll" "~/2021-oficina/" "2021-oficina/") # (find-cp-angg-links "lua54.exe" "/tmp/luabinaries/" "2021-oficina/") lua54.exe ##### # # lua-on-windows-2019 # 2019jun27 # ##### # «lua-on-windows-2019» (to ".lua-on-windows-2019") # «lua-on-windows-2021» (to ".lua-on-windows-2021") # https://www.lua.org/ # https://www.lua.org/download.html # https://github.com/rjpcomputing/luaforwindows # http://luadist.org/ ##### # # hex # 2013jul01 # ##### # «hex» (to ".hex") * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) tohex2 = function (n) return format("%02X", n) end tohex2s = function (...) return table.concat(map(tohex2, {...}), " ") end strtohex = function (s) return tohex2s(string.byte(s, 1, #s)) end hextoc = function (h) return string.char(tonumber(h, 16)) end hextostr = function (hs) return (hs:gsub("(%x%x) ?", hextoc)) end = tohex2s(3, 17) --> 03 11 = strtohex "Hello" --> 48 65 6C 6C 6F = hextoc("40") --> @ = hextostr("40 41") --> @A hextopstr = function (s) return "("..strtohex(s)..")" end strtouhex = function (s) return (s:gsub("[\127-\255]+", hextopstr)) end big = readfile "/home/edrx/UTF8/greek-glyphs" = big = strtouhex(big) = hextostr "CE B3 CE B2 CE B1" = strtohex "abc" ##### # # LaTeX parsing # 2013sep23 # ##### # «latex-parsing» (to ".latex-parsing") # (find-lpegmanual "") * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) loadlpeg() whitespacechar = lpeg.S " \t" restofline = (1 - lpeg.S "\n")^0 whitespace_r = lpeg.P "%" * restofline newline = lpeg.P "\n" whitespace_l = whitespacechar^0 whitespace_rl = whitespace_r * newline * whitespace_l ignore = whitespace_rl^0 whitespace_m = whitespacechar^1 comment = ##### # # Using coroutines in a for # 2013sep24 # ##### # «coroutine-for» (to ".coroutine-for") # (find-anggfile "LUA/youtube-db.lua" "coy = coroutine.yield") * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) Y = coroutine.yield W = coroutine.wrap f = function () Y(11, 111); Y(22, 222); Y(33, 333) end for a,b in W(f) do print(a,b) end --> 11 111 | 22 222 | 33 333 g = function () for i=1,4 do Y(i) end for i=10,12 do Y(i) end end for a in W(g) do print(a) end --> 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 10 | 11 | 12 -- This part does not work yet: C = coroutine.create R = coroutine.resume = R(C(f)) = R(R(C(f))) ##### # # cow and coy # 2014apr03 # ##### # «cow-and-coy» (to ".cow-and-coy") # (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "cow-and-coy") # (find-anggfile "LUA/youtube-db.lua" "coy = coroutine.yield") # (find-anggfile "LUA/youtube-db.lua" "return cow(function ()") # (find-lua51manual "#2.11" "Coroutines") # (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "ierusalimschy" "83" "9 Coroutines") * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) coy = coroutine.yield cow = coroutine.wrap foo = function () return cow(function () coy(3); coy(4) end) end for a in foo() do print(a) end dominos = function (prefix, n) if n <= 0 then coy(prefix) elseif n == 1 then coy(prefix.."1") else dominos(prefix.."1", n-1) dominos(prefix.."2", n-2) end end gen_dominos = function (n) return cow(function () dominos("", n) end) end for d in gen_dominos(6) do print(d) end ##### # # video_fnames_js # 2013sep26 # ##### # «video_fnames_js» (to ".video_fnames_js") # (find-angg "HTML/local-videos.js") * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) coy = coroutine.yield cow = coroutine.wrap coc = coroutine.create cor = coroutine.resume cos = coroutine.status video_fnames = function (bigstr) return cow(function () for fname in bigstr:gmatch("%S+") do local hash = fname:match "(...........)%.mp4$" if hash then coy(hash, fname) end end end) end video_fnames_js = function (bigstr, filter) local A = {} for hash,fname in video_fnames(ols) do if not filter or filter(hash) then table.insert(A, format(" '%s': '%s'", hash, fname)) end end return "{\n"..table.concat(A, ",\n").."\n}" end ols = getoutput("cd ~/TH/L/ && ls manifs/*.mp4") ols = getoutput("cd ~/TH/L/ && ls manifs/*.mp4 | head -n 4") ols = getoutput("cd ~/TH/L/ && ls manifs/*.mp4 | awk 'length($0)<60'") for h,fn in video_fnames(ols) do printf(" '%s': '%s',\n", h, fn) end = "youtube_mp4s = "..video_fnames_js(ols) youtube_mp4s = { 'y7E5Vy0PinY': 'manifs/7_de_setembro-y7E5Vy0PinY.mp4', 'cfxnZHuL-OQ': 'manifs/Black_Bloc_-_o_Brasil_de_preto-cfxnZHuL-OQ.mp4', 'T0ITOENS8qE': 'manifs/CA_A_IMPRENSA_NO_7_DE_SETEMBRO-T0ITOENS8qE.mp4' } ##### # # Thijs Schreier's post about threads # 2013oct03 # ##### # «thijs-threads» (to ".thijs-threads") # http://www.thijsschreijer.nl/blog/?p=693 ##### # # Worp # 2013nov14 # ##### # «worp» (to ".worp") # Worp: a LuaJIT based engine for audio / music / DSP # http://lua-users.org/lists/lua-l/2013-11/msg00229.html # http://worp.zevv.nl/ # https://github.com/zevv/worp.git # (find-git-links "https://github.com/zevv/worp.git" "worp") # (find-angg ".emacs" "luajit") # (code-c-d "worp" "~/usrc/worp/") # (find-worpfile "") # (find-worpfile "app/") # (find-worpfile "app/Makefile") # (find-worpfile "worp") * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) cd ~/usrc/worp/ git clean -dfx git reset --hard make |& tee om cd ~/usrc/worp/ luajit userocks() loadposix() dofile "worp" require "luaposix" luajit worp ##### # # rawtostring # 2014feb06 / 2021sep11 # ##### # «rawtostring» (to ".rawtostring") # Also here: (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "rawtostring") # More metatable abuse: useful __tostring for functions # http://lua-users.org/lists/lua-l/2014-02/msg00050.html # https://github.com/dlaurie/lua-ihelp # (find-lua51srcgrep "grep -nH -e tostring *.c") # (find-lua51srcfile "lbaselib.c" "luaB_tostring") # Inspired by: (find-lua51manual "#pdf-rawget") # See: (find-lua51manual "#pdf-getmetatable" "__metatable") # (find-lua51manual "#pdf-setmetatable" "__metatable") # (find-lua51manual "#pdf-setmetatable" "__metatable" "error") * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) rawtostring = function (o) if type(o) == "table" then local mt = getmetatable(o); setmetatable(o, nil) local rawtos = tostring(o); setmetatable(o, mt) return rawtos end return tostring(o) end s = SetL.new() = s = tostring(s) = rawtostring(s) = tostring(s) = s ##### # # rawtostring_comp # 2023nov25 # ##### # «rawtostring_comp» (to ".rawtostring_comp") # (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "rawtostring_comp") # (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "sorted") # (find-angg "LUA/Tos2.lua" "Tos" "comparekvs =") * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) A = { 2, "foo", a={3, 4}, b=VTable{5, 6} } PP(A) PP(keys(A)) PP(sortedkeys(A)) rawtostring_comp = function (o1, o1) local t1, t2 = type(o1), type(o2) if t1 == t2 then if t1 == "number" then return o1 < o2 end if t1 == "string" then return o1 < o2 end return rawtostring(o1) < rawtostring(o2) -- fast else PP("else", t1, t2) return t1 < t2 -- numbers before strings before tables, etc end end = rawtostring_comp(1, "a") = rawtostring_comp("a", 2) = Tos{}:o(A) = mapconcat(mytostring, sortedkeys(A), " ") = keys(A) PP(keys(A)) ##### # # lbc # 2014mar06 # ##### # «lbc» (to ".lbc") # (find-luarocksbinfile "") # (find-luarocks-links "lbc" "" "20120430-1" "lbc") # (find-luarocks-links "lbc" "20120430" "-1" "lbc") # (find-luarocks-links "lbc" "20120430-1" "" "lbc") # Inspect and unpack: * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) # (find-luarocksfile "bin/" "lbc") # (find-luarocksfile "bin/lbc-20120430-1.src.rock") unzip -l ~/usrc/luarocks/bin/lbc-20120430-1.src.rock unzip -p ~/usrc/luarocks/bin/lbc-20120430-1.src.rock lbc.tar.gz \ | tar -tvzf - rm -Rfv ~/usrc/bc/ unzip -p ~/usrc/luarocks/bin/lbc-20120430-1.src.rock lbc.tar.gz \ | tar -C ~/usrc/ -xvzf - cd ~/usrc/bc/ ;; (find-angg ".emacs" "luarocks") ;; (find-luarocks-links "lbc" "" "20120430-1") ;; (find-lbcfile "") (code-c-d "lbc" "~/usrc/bc/") ##### # # HTML parsers # 2014aug30 # ##### # «html-parsers» (to ".html-parsers") # (find-es "netsurf" "lua-hubbub") # http://lua-users.org/lists/lua-l/2013-05/threads.html#00581 # http://lua-users.org/lists/lua-l/2013-05/msg00636.html ##### # # gumbo-parser # 2014aug30 # ##### # «gumbo-parser» (to ".gumbo-parser") # Moved to: (find-es "html" "gumbo-parser") ##### # # lua-gumbo: building (with thanks to Craig Barnes) # 2015nov21 # ##### # «lua-gumbo-build» (to ".lua-gumbo-build") # Uses: (find-es "html" "gumbo-parser-deb-src") # https://github.com/craigbarnes/lua-gumbo # https://github.com/craigbarnes/lua-gumbo#persistent-build-configuration # http://lua-users.org/lists/lua-l/2015-11/msg00192.html # https://mail.google.com/mail/ca/u/0/#inbox/15123247666963ee craig<->me # (find-git-links "https://github.com/craigbarnes/lua-gumbo" "luagumbo") * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) rm -Rfv ~/usrc/lua-gumbo/ cd ~/usrc/ git clone https://github.com/craigbarnes/lua-gumbo cd ~/usrc/lua-gumbo/ # (find-gitk "~/usrc/lua-gumbo/") git checkout git clean -f cd ~/usrc/lua-gumbo/ # export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib make |& tee om make check |& tee omc sudo make install |& tee omi installeddebs | sort |& tee oinstalleddebs # (find-angg ".zshrc" "installeddebs") tar -cvzf /tmp/lua-gumbo-logs.tgz o* # (find-fline "/tmp/lua-gumbo-logs.tgz") # (code-c-d "luagumbo" "~/usrc/lua-gumbo/") # (find-luagumbofile "") # (find-luagumbofile "om") # (find-luagumbofile "omc") # (find-luagumbofile "omi") # (find-luagumbofile "gumbo/" "parse.so") # (find-luagumbofile "README.md") # (find-luagumbofile "README.md" "make LUA_CFLAGS=") # (find-luagumbofile "test/dom/") # (find-luagumbofile "test/dom/interfaces.lua") # (find-luagumbofile "test/dom/Document-title.lua") * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) cd ~/usrc/lua-gumbo/test/ for i in *.lua; do echo; echo $i; lua5.1 $i; done # lua5.1: error loading module 'gumbo.parse' from file '/usr/local/lib/lua/5.1/gumbo/parse.so': # libgumbo.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) chdir "~/usrc/lua-gumbo/test/" -- (find-luagumbofile "test/") -- (find-luagumbofile "test/dom/") -- (find-luagumbofile "test/dom/Document-title.lua") dofile "Set.lua" ##### # # lua-gumbo # 2015nov21 # ##### # «lua-gumbo» (to ".lua-gumbo") # https://github.com/craigbarnes/lua-gumbo#example * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) gumbo = require "gumbo" document = gumbo.parse('<div id="foo">Hello World</div>') foo = document:getElementById("foo") text = foo.childNodes[1].data print(text) --> Hello World -- file:///home/edrx/TH/L/uma-policia-que.html fname = "/home/edrx/TH/L/uma-policia-que.html" bigstr = ee_readfile(fname) document = gumbo.parse(bigstr) = document.title -- (find-luagumbofile "test/htmlfmt.lua") serialize = require "gumbo.serialize.html" serialize(document, io.stdout) ##### # # The Rect class # 2019jan13 # ##### # «Rect» (to ".Rect") # Mini: (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "Rect") # Full: (find-dn6 "rect.lua" "Rect") # (find-dn6 "rect.lua" "Rect-tests") # Old: (find-gabgrep "grep --color -nH -e Rect *.lua") # (find-gab "gab-tests.lua" "rect-0") # (find-gab "gab-tests.lua" "rect-1") # (find-gab "gabriela.lua" "Rect") # (find-gab "gabriela.lua" "Rect-test") * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) abc = Rect.from [[ a b ---- c]] = abc PP(abc) ##### # # Rect-2019: an old version of the Rect class # 2021sep18 # ##### # «Rect-2019» (to ".Rect-2019") # See: (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "Rect") Rect = Class { type = "Rect", new = function (A) return Rect(A or {""}) end, from = function (o) if otype(o) == "Rect" then return o end return Rect.new(splitlines(tostring(o))) end, __index = { copy = function (rect) return Rect(shallowcopy(rect)) end, width = function (rect) local w = 0 for i=1,#rect do w = max(w, #rect[i]) end return w end, replace1 = function (rect, x, y, r, w) while #rect < y do table.insert(rect, "") end rect[y] = rect[y]:replace(x, r, w) end, replace = function (rect1, x, y, rect2, w) w = w or rect2:width() for i=1,#rect2 do rect1:replace1(x, y, rect2[i], w) y = y + 1 end return rect1 end, -- For syntax trees: syntree1 = function (rect, op, hchar, vchar) rect = rect:copy() op = op or "." if hchar then op = op .. string.rep(hchar, rect:width() + 2 - #op) end table.insert(rect, 1, vchar or "|") table.insert(rect, 1, op) return rect end, }, __concat = function (r1, r2) return Rect.new():replace(0, 1, r1):replace(r1:width(), 1, r2) end, __tostring = function (rect) return table.concat(rect, "\n") end, } -- (find-es "lua5" "syntax-trees") -- (find-es "lua-intro" "lpeg-re-1") syntree0 = function (op, rects) local rf = function (i, op, h) return Rect.from(rects[i]):syntree1(op, h) end if #rects == 1 then return rf(1, op) end if #rects > 1 then local r = rf(1, op, "_") for i=2,#rects-1 do r = r..rf(i, ".", "_") end r = r..rf(#rects, ".") return r end end syntreeg = function (...) local A = {...} local rf = function (i, op, h) return Rect.from(A[i]):syntree1(op, h) end if #A == 1 then return A[1] end r = rf(#A) for i=#A-2,1,-2 do r = rf(i, A[i+1], "_")..r end return r end ##### # # Syntax trees (using Rect) # 2014sep27 # ##### # «syntax-trees» (to ".syntax-trees") # (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "Rect") # (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "syntree") * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) rf = function (str) return Rect.from(str) end r1 = rf "*__.\n| |\n2 3" = r1 = syntree0("a", {r1, 44, r1}) * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) = syntreeg("a", "b", "c", "d", "e") abc = syntreeg("a", "+", "b", "-", "c") = abc = syntreeg(abc, "*", "b", "-", abc) = syntreeg("e") ##### # # pkg-config # 2014oct02 # ##### # «pkg-config» (to ".pkg-config") # (find-angg "peek/Makefile") # (find-status "pkg-config") # (find-vldifile "pkg-config.list") # (find-udfile "pkg-config/") # (find-status "liblua5.1-0-dev") # (find-vldifile "liblua5.1-0-dev:i386.list") # (find-udfile "liblua5.1-0-dev/") # (find-fline "/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/pkgconfig/") # (find-fline "/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/pkgconfig/" "lua") # (find-fline "/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/pkgconfig/lua5.1.pc") # (find-fline "/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/pkgconfig/lua5.1-c++.pc") # http://lua-users.org/lists/lua-l/2012-02/msg00748.html # (find-fline "~/LOGS/2014oct02.lua") * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) pkg-config --cflags lua5.1 pkg-config --libs lua5.1 # See: https://github.com/stevedonovan/ldeb # http://lua.2524044.n2.nabble.com/ANN-ldeb-a-Debian-packager-for-Lua-scripts-td7538861.html ##### # # pluto-lang # 2023dec28 # ##### # «pluto-lang» (to ".pluto-lang") # https://pluto-lang.org/ # https://pluto-lang.org/docs/New%20Operators ##### # # pluto # 2014oct07 # ##### # «pluto» (to ".pluto") # (find-luarocks-links "pluto" "2.4" "-1" "pluto") # (find-luarocksfile "bin/olb-pluto") # (find-luarocksfile "bin/" "pluto") * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) userocks() require "pluto" o = {20, 30} = pluto.persist({}, o) # https://luarocks.org/modules/luarocks/pluto # http://lua-users.org/wiki/PlutoLibrary # https://luarocks.org/labels/serialization (inc. JSON) # http://lua-users.org/wiki/TamedPluto # https://github.com/fnuecke/eris ##### # # serpent # 2014oct07 # ##### # «serpent» (to ".serpent") # https://rocks.moonscript.org/modules/luarocks/serpent # (find-luarocks-links "serpent" "0.27" "-1" "serpent") # (find-sh "unzip -l ~/usrc/luarocks/bin/serpent-0.27-1.src.rock") * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) rm -Rv ~/usrc/serpent/ mkdir ~/usrc/serpent/ cd ~/usrc/ unzip ~/usrc/luarocks/bin/serpent-0.27-1.src.rock # (find-serpentfile "") # (find-serpentfile "README.md") # (find-serpentfile "t/bench.lua") * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) userocks() serpent = require "serpent" = serpent PP(serpent) = serpent.dump({20, 30}) --> do local _={20,30};return _;end ##### # # LDoc # 2014nov10 # ##### # «ldoc» (to ".ldoc") # (to "penlight-git") # https://github.com/stevedonovan/LDoc # http://keplerproject.github.io/luadoc/ # http://stevedonovan.github.io/ldoc/ # http://lua-users.org/wiki/DocumentingLuaCode # (find-luarocks-links "ldoc" "1.4.2" "-1" "") # (find-luarocks-links "markdown" "0.32" "-2" "") * (eepitch-shel) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shel) rm -Rfv ~/usrc/ldoc-1.4.2/ mkdir ~/usrc/ldoc-1.4.2/ cd ~/usrc/ldoc-1.4.2/ unzip ~/usrc/luarocks/bin/ldoc-1.4.2-1.src.rock # (find-ldocfile "") # (find-ldocfile "doc/doc.md") # (find-ldocfile "readme.md") ##### # # Firestar # 2014dec01 # ##### # «firestar» (to ".firestar") # http://www.firestr.com # http://www.github.com/mempko/firestr # http://fire.readthedocs.org/en/latest/api/reference/ ##### # # debug.lua # 2014dec03 # ##### # «debug.lua» (to ".debug.lua") # (find-luarocks-links "debug.lua" "{ver}" "{sub}" "") # (find-luarocks-links "debug" "{ver}" "{sub}" "") # http://www.tset.de/debug.lua/ # http://www.tset.de/debug.lua/README.html # http://www.tset.de/downloads/debug.lua-0.8-1.tar.gz #* rm -Rv ~/usrc/debug.lua-0.8-1/ tar -C ~/usrc/ -xvzf $S/http/www.tset.de/downloads/debug.lua-0.8-1.tar.gz cd ~/usrc/debug.lua-0.8-1/ #* # (code-c-d "debuglua" "~/usrc/debug.lua-0.8-1/") # (find-debugluafile "") ##### # # graph-toolkit # 2014dec19 # ##### # «graph-toolkit» (to ".graph-toolkit") # https://github.com/franko/graph-toolkit # http://franko.github.io/graph-toolkit/ # http://franko.github.io/graph-toolkit/graphics.html#module-graph # (find-git-links "https://github.com/franko/graph-toolkit" "graphtoolkit") # (code-c-d "graphtoolkit" "~/usrc/graph-toolkit/") # (find-graphtoolkitfile "") # (find-graphtoolkitfile "src/makeconfig") # (find-debpkg-links "libagg-dev") * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) cd ~/usrc/graph-toolkit/ make |& tee om make debian |& tee omd sudo dpkg -i *.deb # (find-status "lua-graph-toolkit") # (find-vldifile "lua-graph-toolkit.list") # (find-udfile "lua-graph-toolkit/") # (find-fline "/usr/share/lua/5.1/graph/") * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) require "graph" -- define the function function f(x) return math.sin(x) * x^2 end -- create a plot of f(x) for x going from 0 to 25 p = graph.plot("y = sin(x) * x^2") line = graph.fxline(f, 0, 25) p:addline(line, "red") p:show() ##### # # debug2 # 2015jan02 # ##### # «debug2» (to ".debug2") # (find-es "lua5" "pkg-config") # (find-lua51srcfile "ldebug.c") # (find-lua51srcfile "ldebug.h") # (find-lua51srcfile "ldblib.c") # (find-angg "peek/peek-0.0.1-0.rockspec" "build") # (find-angg "peek/olm-peek") # (find-angg "peek/peek.c" "init") # (find-sh0 "pkg-config --cflags lua5.1") # (find-sh0 "pkg-config --libs lua5.1") # (find-lua51srcgrep "grep -nH -e '\"debug\"' *") # # (defun eejump-9 () (find-freenode "#lua")) # (defun eejump-99 () (find-freenode-3a "#lua")) # (defun u () (interactive) (find-escript-upload-links "lua5" "debug2")) # (defun u () (interactive) (find-escript-upload-links "lua5" "debug2-compile-0")) # «debug2-compile-0» (to ".debug2-compile-0") * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) cd /tmp/ cp -v ~/usrc/lua-5.1.4/src/ldblib.c /tmp/debug2.c cat >> /tmp/debug2.c <<'%%%' LUALIB_API int luaopen_debug2 (lua_State *L) { luaL_register(L, "debug2", dblib); return 1; } %%% tail /tmp/debug2.c # (find-fline "/tmp/debug2.c") cd /tmp/ gcc -O2 -fPIC $(pkg-config --cflags lua5.1) -c debug2.c -o debug2.o gcc -shared $(pkg-config --libs lua5.1) debug2.o -o debug2.so lua5.1 require "debug2" PP(debug2) os.exit() # (find-fline "/tmp/debug2.c") # (find-lua51srcfile "ldblib.c" "db_getlocal") # (find-lua51srcfile "ldebug.c" "lua_getlocal") # (find-lua51manualw3m "#luaL_checkudata") # (find-lua51manualw3m "#lua_islightuserdata") # (find-lua51manualw3m "#lua_pushlightuserdata") # (find-lua51manualw3m "#lua_touserdata") ##### # # 30log - Roland Yonaba's "30 Lines Of Goodness" (oo) # 2015apr02 # ##### # «30log» (to ".30log") # https://github.com/Yonaba/30log # https://github.com/Yonaba/30log/blob/master/README.md # http://github.com/Yonaba/30log/blob/master/30logclean.lua # (find-git-links "https://github.com/Yonaba/30log" "30log") * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) rm -Rfv ~/usrc/30log/ cd ~/usrc/ git clone https://github.com/Yonaba/30log cd ~/usrc/30log/ export PAGER=cat git branch --list -a git for-each-ref git log --oneline --graph --all -20 # (find-fline "~/usrc/") # (find-fline "~/usrc/30log/") # (find-gitk "~/usrc/30log/") # (code-c-d "30log" "~/usrc/30log/") # (find-30logfile "") # (find-30logfile "README.md") # (find-30logfile "specs/") # (find-30logfile "specs/cast.lua") # https://github.com/bartbes/Class-Commons # https://github.com/norman/telescope # https://github.com/Yonaba/Moses # http://tylerneylon.com/a/learn-lua/ # https://github.com/Yonaba/Lua-Class-System # https://github.com/Yonaba/yonaba.github.com ##### # # Lua5.1 and Lua5.2 in Debian # 2015may09 # ##### # «lua5.1-debian» (to ".lua5.1-debian") # «lua5.2-debian» (to ".lua5.2-debian") # «lua5.1-doc» (to ".lua5.1-doc") # «lua5.2-doc» (to ".lua5.2-doc") # (find-angg ".emacs" "lua5.2-debian") # (find-zsh "installeddebs | sort | grep lua5.2") # (find-zsh "availabledebs | sort | grep lua5.2") # (find-zsh "availabledebs | sort | grep lua5") # (find-status "lua5.2") # (find-vldifile "lua5.2.list") # (find-udfile "lua5.2/") # (find-status "lua5.2-doc") # (find-vldifile "lua5.2-doc.list") # (find-udfile "lua5.2-doc/") apti lua5.1 lua5.1-doc apti lua5.2 lua5.2-doc ##### # # Lua5.3 in Debian # 2019may02 # ##### # «lua5.3-debian» (to ".lua5.3-debian") # «lua5.3-doc» (to ".lua5.3-doc") # (find-zsh "installeddebs | sort | grep lua5.3") # (find-zsh "availabledebs | sort | grep lua5.3") # (find-sh "apt-file search lua5.3") # (find-status "lua5.3") # (find-vldifile "lua5.3.list") # (find-udfile "lua5.3/") # (find-status "liblua5.3-0") # (find-vldifile "liblua5.3-0:amd64.list") # (find-udfile "liblua5.3-0/") # (find-status "liblua5.3-dev") # (find-vldifile "liblua5.3-dev:amd64.list") # (find-udfile "liblua5.3-dev/") # https://www.lua.org/manual/5.3/manual.html # https://www.lua.org/manual/5.3/logo.gif ##### # # Lua5.4 in Debian # 2021sep14 # ##### # «lua5.4-debian» (to ".lua5.4-debian") # «lua5.4-doc» (to ".lua5.4-doc") # (find-sh "apt-file search lua5.4") # https://www.lua.org/manual/5.4/manual.html # https://www.lua.org/manual/5.4/logo.gif ##### # # Compiling the Debian package for lua5.3 from source # 2019aug11 # ##### # «lua5.3-debian-src» (to ".lua5.3-debian-src") # (find-sh "apt-file search lua5.3") # (find-sh "apt-file search lua5.3 | grep html") # (find-apt-get-source-links "lua5.3") # https://packages.debian.org/search?searchon=sourcenames&keywords=lua5.3 # https://packages.debian.org/source/sid/lua5.3 # http://deb.debian.org/debian/pool/main/l/lua5.3/ * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) # (find-sh "apt-cache show lua5.3") # (find-sh "apt-cache showsrc lua5.3") rm -Rv /tmp/d/ mkdir /tmp/d/ cd /tmp/d/ sudo apt-get build-dep -y lua5.3 apt-get source lua5.3 2>&1 | tee osource apt-get source --build lua5.3 2>&1 | tee osourceb cd /tmp/d/lua5.3-5.3.3/ find .* * | sort | grep html # (find-fline "/tmp/d/") # (find-fline "/tmp/d/lua5.3-5.3.3/") # (code-c-d "lua53debsrc" "/tmp/d/lua5.3-5.3.3/") # (find-lua53debsrcfile "") # (find-lua53debsrcfile "debian/") # (find-lua53debsrcsh "find .* * | sort") # (find-lua53debsrcsh "find .* * | sort | grep html") # (find-lua53debsrcgrep "grep --color -niRH -e manual .* *") # (find-apt-get-source-links "lua5.2") * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) cd /tmp/d/ sudo apt-get build-dep -y lua5.2 apt-get source lua5.2 2>&1 | tee osource apt-get source --build lua5.2 2>&1 | tee osourceb cd /tmp/d/lua5.2-5.2.4/ find .* * | sort | grep html # (find-fline "/tmp/d/") # (find-fline "/tmp/d/lua5.2-5.2.4/") # (code-c-d "lua52debsrc" "/tmp/d/lua5.2-5.2.4/") # (find-lua52debsrcfile "") # (find-lua52debsrcfile "debian/") # (find-lua52debsrcsh "find .* * | sort") # (find-lua52debsrcsh "find .* * | sort | grep html") # (find-lua52debsrcgrep "grep --color -niRH -e manual .* *") # https://mail.google.com/mail/ca/u/0/#sent/QgrcJHsHlmlsdskSMnZJkzhbGRTTkgcBbgv # http://lua-users.org/lists/lua-l/2019-08/ Why there isn't a package called "lua5.3-doc" in Debian? Hi list, I just noticed that there isn't a "lua5.3-doc" package for Debian, and that none of the packages generated from the lua5.3 Debian source package contains a file "manual.html"... where can I find the rationale for that? I grepped the Debian sources and found nothing... Thanks in advance! Eduardo Ochs http://angg.twu.net/ http://angg.twu.net/e/lua5.e.html#lua5.3-debian-src ##### # # The "utf8" library of lua5.3 # 2019may03 # ##### # «lua5.3-utf8» (to ".lua5.3-utf8") # (find-lua53manual "#6.5") # (find-lua53manual "#pdf-utf8.charpattern") ##### # # utf8 # 2015may09 / 2019may03 # ##### # «utf8» (to ".utf8") # http://lua-users.org/wiki/LuaUnicode # https://github.com/alexander-yakushev/awesompd/blob/master/utf8.lua # https://github.com/alexander-yakushev/awesompd/raw/master/utf8.lua # http://www.lua.org/manual/5.3/manual.html#6.5 # (find-lua53manual "#6.5") # (find-esgrep "grep -niH -e utf *.e") # (find-man "7 utf-8") # (find-man "7 utf-8" "0x00000080 - 0x000007FF:") 0x00000000 - 0x0000007F: 0xxxxxxx 0-127 0x00000080 - 0x000007FF: 110xxxxx 10xxxxxx 192-223 128-191 0x00000800 - 0x0000FFFF: 1110xxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 224-239 128-191 128-191 0x00010000 - 0x001FFFFF: 11110xxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 240-247 128-191 128-191 128-191 0x00200000 - 0x03FFFFFF: 111110xx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 248-251 128-191 128-191 128-191 128-191 0x04000000 - 0x7FFFFFFF: 1111110x 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 252-253 128-191 128-191 128-191 128-191 128-191 An utf8-char matches this pattern: "[\192-\253][\128-\191]+" string.len8 = function (str) return str:gsub("[\128-\191]+", ""):len() end * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) utf8pat = "[\192-\253][\128-\191]+" bigstr = ee_readfile "~/LATEX/istanbul1.org" lines = splitlines(bigstr) ulines = {} for _,li in ipairs(lines) do if li:match(utf8pat) then table.insert(ulines, li) end end = #lines = #ulines = ulines[1] u = ulines[1]:match(utf8pat) = u = #u = u:byte(1, 2) a, b = u:byte(1, 2) = (a-192)*64+(b-128) = tostring(183, 16) = format("%x", 183) = format("%X", 183) = format("&#x%X;", 183) A9";" # (find-blogme3grep "grep -nH -e '>' *.lua") = utohtml(u) = ustohtml(ulines[1]) # New code, 2019feb11: = divmod (1234, 100) = divmod (-1234, 100) = toslashhex("\128\255") * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) -- 2019feb11 -- (find-lua51manual "#2.2" "eight basic types") utf8ctocode = function (u) local a, b = u:byte(1, 2) return (a-192)*64+(b-128) end codetoutf8c = function (code) local b = code % 64 local a = (code-b) / 64 return end * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) code_to_utf8 = function (code) if 0 <= code and code < 128 then return string.char(code) elseif 128 <= code and code < 2048 then local a,b = divmod(code, 64) return string.char(192+a, 128+b) end end utf8_to_code = function (str) local c = function (n) return str:byte(n) end if str:match"[\1-\127]" then return s:sub(1,1), 1 end if end ##### # # utf8 to html # 2015aug06 # ##### # «utf8-to-html» (to ".utf8-to-html") # Note: I wrote this as a quick hack for the Istanbul minicourse, # then abandoned it - it is much better to generate a PDF from Org # using verbatim blocks and ttchars. * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) utf8pat = "[\192-\253][\128-\191]+" utohtml = function (u) local a, b = u:byte(1, 2) local code = (a-192)*64+(b-128) return format("&#x%X;", code) end ustohtml = function (str) return (str:gsub(utf8pat, utohtml)) end ustohtml2 = function (str) local str2 = str:gsub("[&<>]", {["&"]="&", ["<"]="<", [">"]=">"}) return ustohtml(str2) end -- (find-es "org" "parse-org-with-lua") -- dofile "istanbulall.lua" -- parseorg_utils() bigstr = ee_readfile "~/LATEX/istanbul1.org" bigstr2 = ustohtml2(bigstr) ee_writefile("/tmp/uh", bigstr2) -- (find-fline "/tmp/uh") ##### # # utf8.sub # 2024may18 # ##### # «utf8.sub» (to ".utf8.sub") # https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#inbox/FMfcgzGxTNxFlqPqGPJzSsSdMCxMtXnB ##### # # multiplication as composition # 2015jun01 # ##### # «mult-as-comp» (to ".mult-as-comp") # (find-LATEXgrep "grep -nH -e __mul *") # (find-LATEXfile "2014-1-GA-P2-gab.lua" "__mul =") # (find-LATEXfile "2015-1-C2-figuras1.lua" "__mul =") * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) -- Make (f*g)(a, b, c) behave as f(g(a, b, c)) debug.setmetatable (print, { __mul = function (f, g) return function (...) return f(g(...)) end end, }) w = function (pre, post) return function (str) return pre..str..post end end p = w("(", ")") b = w("[", "]") a = w("<", ">") = (p*b*a) "foo" ##### # # Free hosting for Lua scripts # 2015jul24 # ##### # «free-hosting» (to ".free-hosting") * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) cat <(wget -qO- http://i.imgur.com/91HtaFp.gif) # GIF89a=GIF89a # print'Hello world' lua <(wget -qO- http://i.imgur.com/91HtaFp.gif) # Hello world ##### # # The classes ELispH and ELispHF for elisp hyperlinks # 2019jan09 # ##### # «ELispH-and-ELispHF» (to ".ELispH-and-ELispHF") # «ELispH» (to ".ELispH") # (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "ELispH") # (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "ElispHF") # (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "SexpSkel") # (find-blogme3file "angglisp.lua" "eevintro =") # «ELispH-tests» (to ".ELispH-tests") * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) = ELispH({}):test() = ELispH({intro="eev-quick"}):test() = ELispH({target="index.html"}):test() = ELispH({target="index.html", anchor="eev"}):test() = ELispH({target="", anchor="eev"}):test() eh = ELispH({intro="eev-quick", target="index.html", anchor="eev"}) = eh:test() line = 'Hello (foo "bar")' ss = SexpSkel.fromline(line) = ss = ss:parseq() = eh:sexphtml(nil, ss:parseq()) = eh = eh:test() = getmetatable(eh) = getmetatable(eh).__tostring = ELispH({intro="eev-quick"}):test() ##### # # ElispHF (for elisp hyperlink functions, like "find-dn6") # 2015aug28 # ##### # «ELispHF» (to ".ELispHF") # «ELispHF-tests» (to ".ELispHF-tests") # (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "ELispHF") # (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "ELispHF" "code_c_d_angg =") # High-level tests: # (find-dn6 "zhas.lua" "Cuts") * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) code_c_d_angg("dn6", "LATEX/dednat6/") code_c_d_angg("e", "e/") = _EHF = _EHF["find-dn6"] = _EHF["find-dn6"]("zhas.lua") = _EHF["find-dn6"]("zhas.lua"):gethelp() = _EHF["find-dn6"]("zhas.lua"):gettarget() = _EHF["find-dn6"]("zhas.lua", "Cuts") = _EHF["find-dn6"]("zhas.lua", "Cuts"):gethelp() = _EHF["find-dn6"]("zhas.lua", "Cuts"):gettarget() # Low-level tests * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) ehf = ELispHF {head="find-dn6", d="LATEX/dednat6/", suffix=".html", intro="eev-quick"} = ehf = ehf:angg("foo.lua") = ehf:angg("foo.lua", "main") = ehf:angg("repl/") = ehf:angg("repl/", "badanchor") ehf = ELispHF.newangg("find-dn6", "LATEX/dednat6/", ".html") = ehf = ehf:angg("foo.lua") = ehf:angg("foo.lua", "main") = ehf:angg("repl/") = ehf:angg("repl/", "badanchor") = ehf.f = ehf.angg = ehf[ehf.f] = ehf[ehf.f](ehf, "foo.lua", "main") = ehf("foo.lua", "main") _EHF = VerticalTable {} _EHF["find-dn6"] = ELispHF.newangg("find-dn6", "LATEX/dednat6/", ".html") = _EHF ##### # # ELispInfo: a class that deals with links like (find-node "(libc)I/O Overview") # 2019feb17 # ##### # «ELispInfo» (to ".ELispInfo") # (find-es "blogme" "code_c_m_b") # (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "ELispInfo") # (find-blogme3 "angglisp.lua" "code_c_m_b_s") # (find-blogme3 "sexp.lua" "find-xxxnodes") * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) elin = ELispInfo.new("e", "emacs", "http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/emacs/") = infomanual_basedir = elin:nodenametohtml("(emacs)Keys") = elin:nodenametohtml("(foo)Keys") code_c_m_b("e", "emacs", "http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/emacs/") ##### # # EevIntro: a class that deals with links to find-xxx-intros # 2019feb17 # ##### # «EevIntro» (to ".EevIntro") # (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "EevIntro") * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) ei = EevIntro.from("eev-quick", "9") = ei = ei:url() ei = EevIntro.from("eev-quick") = ei = ei:url() = EevIntro.fromsexp ' (find-eev-quick-intro "9. Shorter hyperlinks") ' = EevIntro.fromsexp ' (find-eev-quick-intro "9. Shorter hyperlinks") ' :short() = EevIntro.fromsexp ' (find-eev-quick-intro "9. Shorter hyperlinks") ' :url() = EevIntro.fromsexp ' (find-eev-quick-intro "9. Shorter hyperlinks") ' = EevIntro.fromsexp ' (find-eev-quick-intro "9. Shorter hyperlinks") ' :short() = EevIntro.fromsexp ' (find-eev-quick-intro "Shorter hyperlinks") ' = EevIntro.fromsexp ' (find-eev-quick-intro "Shorter hyperlinks") ' :short() ##### # # getsexpskel # 2015aug05 # ##### # «getsexpskel» (to ".getsexpskel") # (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "getsexpskel") # This can be a replacement for the lpeg-based sexp parsers at: # (find-blogme3 "escripts.lua") * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) str = [=[# (foo) (find-es "\\bar" (concat "pl" "ic"))]=] print(str:sub(-1) == ")") f = function (s) return '"'..string.rep("_", #s-2)..'"' end g = function (s) return ')'..string.rep("_", #s-2)..'(' end str2 = str:gsub("\\.", "__") print(str2) str3 = str2:reverse() str4 = str3:gsub('"[^"]*"', f) print(str4:reverse()) skel1 = str3:match("%b)(") print(skel1:reverse()) skel2 = skel1:sub(2, -2):gsub("%b)(", g) print(skel2:reverse()) skel3 = skel2:reverse() = str skel = getsexpskel(str) print(skel) print(str) getsexpcomponents = function (str, skel) local offset = #str - (#skel + 2) for a,b,c in skel:gmatch("()[^ \t]+()") do print(str:sub(offset+a+1, offset+b)) end end ##### # # getsexp: an updated and simplified version of getsexpskel # 2017dez14 # ##### # «getsexp» (to ".getsexp") # (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "getsexp") * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) gs = function (str) local sexp,head,skel,left = getsexp(str) return end ge = function (str) PPV({getsexp(str)}) end ge 'Hello (foo "bar")' ge 'Hello (foo "bar" (plic ploc))' ge 'Hello ("bar")' ##### # # Eline: a line with an elisp hyperlink at the end # 2017dez14 # ##### # «Eline» (to ".Eline") # (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "SexpLine") # (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "getsexp") # (find-lua51manual "#pdf-string.match") * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) ge = function (str) PP("->", getsexp(str)) end ge 'Hello (foo "bar")' ge 'Hello ("bar")' = a PP(("foo"):match("f")) PP(("foo"):match("^f")) ##### # # SexpLine # 2015aug13 # ##### # «SexpLine» (to ".SexpLine") # (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "SexpLine") -- sl = SexpLine.from(li) -- local f = sl.skel and sl:skelf() if f then print(sl:split():splitt(), f, sl.skel) end if f then PP(sl:split():splitsexp().nth) end if f then print(sl:n(), sl:rawarg(2), sl:arg(2)) end * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) li = [[foo (ab "cde")]] li = [[foo (to "cde")]] sl = SexpLine.from(li):sethtml() = sl PP(sl) PP(keys(sl)) = sl.html test = function (li) sl = SexpLine.from(li):sethtml() local f = sl.f if sl.f then print(sl:split():splitt(), f, sl.skel) end print(sl) end test [[foo (ab cd ef)]] test [[foo (ab "cde")]] test [[foo (ab "c\"")]] test [[foo (ab "c e")]] test [[foo (ab "c \"")]] test [[foo ()]] test [[foo .ab cd.]] for i,li in ipairs(splitlines(ee_readfile "~/LUA/lua50init.lua")) do test(li) end ##### # # SetL # 2015aug13 # ##### # «SetL» (to ".SetL") # (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "Set") * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) adds = function (A, str) for w in str:gmatch"%S+" do local k,v = w:match"(.-)->(.*)" if v then A:add(k, v) else A:add(w) end end return A end A = adds(SetL.new(), "1 2->22 3->33") B = adds(SetL.new(), "3->333 4->444 5->555") = A:ksc" " = B:ksc" " = (A+B):ksc" " = (A*B):ksc" " = (A-B):ksc" " SetL.__index.print = function (A) for k,v in A:gen() do print(k.."->"..v) end end (A+B):print() (A*B):print() (A-B):print() ##### # # Tos # 2015aug14 / 2021sep11 # ##### # «Tos» (to ".Tos") # (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "Tos") * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) -- (find-es "lua-intro" "intro:keys") c = {11, 22, 33, nil, 55, foo="FOO"} d = {11, 22, 33, [5]=555, ["bar"]="BAR", [c]="!"} PP(c) --> {1=11, 2=55, 3=33, 5=55, "foo"="FOO"} PP(d) --> {1=11, 2=22, 3=33, 5=555, "bar"="BAR", {...}="!"} d[2], d[c] = nil, nil PP(d, d[2]) --> {1=11, 3=33, 5=555, "bar"="BAR"} <nil> x, y = {10, 20}, {10, 20} PP(x, y) --> {1=10, 2=20} {1=10, 2=20} print(x, y) --> table: 0x84fc048 table: 0x84fb770 x[1] = 1000 PP(x, y) --> {1=1000, 2=20} {1=10, 2=20} # «Tos-indented» (to ".Tos-indented") # (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "Tos") # (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "Tos" "Tos-indented") * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) Tos.__index.indented = function (tos, o, ind) ind = ind or "" local ty = type(o) if ty=="number" then return tostring(o) end if ty=="string" then return format("%q", o) end if ty=="table" then local ps = tos:getsortedpairs(o) local p_tos = function (p) return tos:k(p.key).."="..tos:indented(p.val, ind.." ") end return "{\n "..ind..mapconcat(p_tos, ps, ",\n "..ind).."\n"..ind.."}" end return "<"..tostring(o)..">" end, A = {11, {22, {33, 44}, 55}, {66, 77}} = Tos{}:indented(A) = " "..Tos{}:indented(A, " ") -- «VerticalTable» (to ".VerticalTable") -- (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "VerticalTable") * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) -- (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "Tos") a = {{11, 22}, {33, 44}} = a --> table: 0x23e9ac0 = mytostring(a) --> {1={1=11, 2=22}, 2={1=33, 2=44}} = mytabletostring(a) --> { 1={1=11, 2=22}, \n 2={1=33, 2=44} \n } = VerticalTable(a) --> { 1={1=11, 2=22}, \n 2={1=33, 2=44} \n } = a --> { 1={1=11, 2=22}, \n 2={1=33, 2=44} \n } PPV( {{11, 22}, {33, 44}} ) ##### # # Tos-2021 # 2021aug15 # ##### # «Tos-2021» (to ".Tos-2021") # (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "Tos") # (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "HTable-and-VTable") -- Code deleted from the top level of lua50init: -- hastostring = function (o) -- return getmetatable(o) and getmetatable(o).__tostring -- end -- Code deleted from Tos.__index: -- -- t1 = function (tos, T, a,sep,b,emp) -- broken =( -- if hastostring(T) then return tostring(T) end -- return tos:t0(T, a, sep, b, emp) -- end, -- PP = function (tos, ...) -- local T = pack(...) -- for i=1,T.n do printf(" %s", tos:o(T[i])) end -- print() -- return ... -- end -- fn = function (tos, prefix) -- return tos:f(prefix.."{", ", ", "}") -- end, * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) FooTable = Class { type = "FooTable", __tostring = function (ft) return "FOO" end, __index = { }, } BarTable = Class { type = "BarTable", __tostring = Tos({}):fn("Bar:"), __index = { }, } mytostring0 = Tos({t = Tos.__index.t0}):f() mytostring1 = Tos({t = Tos.__index.t1}):f() mytostring2 = Tos({t = Tos.__index.t1}):f("Hey:{", ", ", "}", "Hey:{_}") A = FooTable {1, 2, 3} B = BarTable {1, 2, 3} C = {30, A, B, 40} = mytostring(A) = mytostring(B) = mytostring(C) = mytostring0(A) = mytostring1(B) = mytostring1(C) = mytostring2(C) = mytostring2({}) tos_HTable = Tos({}):f() tos_VTable = Tos({}):f("{ ", ",\n ", "\n}", "{}") HTable = Class { type = "HTable", __tostring = tos_HTable, __index = { }, } VTable = Class { type = "VTable", __tostring = tos_VTable, __index = { }, } = HTable {10, C, 20} = VTable {10, C, 20} tos_HTable0 = Tos({t = Tos.__index.t0}):f() tos_HTable1 = Tos({t = Tos.__index.t1}):f() tos_VTable0 = Tos({t = Tos.__index.t0}):f("{ ", ",\n ", "\n}", "{}") tos_VTable1 = Tos({t = Tos.__index.t1}):f("{ ", ",\n ", "\n}", "{}") = tos_HTable0(C) = tos_HTable1(C) = tos_VTable0(C) = tos_VTable1(C) HTable0 = Class { type = "HTable0", __tostring = tos_HTable0, __index = { }, } HTable1 = Class { type = "HTable1", __tostring = tos_HTable1, __index = { }, } VTable0 = Class { type = "VTable0", __tostring = tos_VTable0, __index = { }, } VTable1 = Class { type = "VTable1", __tostring = tos_VTable1, __index = { }, } D = VTable0 {10, C, 20} E = VTable1 {10, C, 20} = D = tos_VTable0(D) = tos_VTable1(D) = E --> error calling 'print' (C stack overflow) = HTable0 {10, C, 20} = HTable1 {10, C, 20} --> error calling 'print' (C stack overflow) = VTable0 {10, C, 20} = VTable1 {10, C, 20} --> error calling 'print' (C stack overflow) PP(D) PPV(D) ##### # # sortedkeys # 2023jun24 # ##### # «sortedkeys» (to ".sortedkeys") # (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "Tos") # (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "Tos" "getsortedkvs =") * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) sortedkeys = function (T) local A = VTable {} for i,keyval in ipairs(Tos({}):getsortedkvs(T)) do table.insert(A, keyval.key) end return A end = sortedkeys({a=1, b=2, [{2,3}]=23, 4, 5}) ##### # # getdefs # 2016apr10 # ##### # «getdefs» (to ".getdefs") # (find-angg "LUA/flsfiles.lua") # This script extract functions from my $LUA_INIT file... # I use it to make lua scripts that are self-contained. # (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua") * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) bigstr = ee_readfile "~/LUA/lua50init.lua" lines = splitlines(bigstr) isdef = function (i) return lines[i]:match "^(%w[%w_]*)%s+=" end iscom = function (i) return lines[i]:match "^%-%-" end isblnk = function (i) return lines[i]:match "^%s*$" end ismore = function (i) return lines[i] and not isdef(i) and not iscom(i) and not isblnk(i) end defj = function (i) for j=i+1,20000 do if not ismore(j) then return j-1 end end end getdef = function (i) local name = isdef(i) if name then return name, table.concat(lines, "\n", i, defj(i)) end end getdefs = function (names) local S = Set.from(split(names)) for i=1,#lines do local name,def = getdef(i) if name and S:has(name) then print(def) end end end getdefs "ee_expand ee_readfile Set readfile split" ##### # # Web frameworks # 2016may01 # ##### # «web-frameworks» (to ".web-frameworks") # http://lua.space/webdev/the-best-lua-web-frameworks ##### # # Determining the Lua version # 2016may22 # ##### # «lua-version» (to ".lua-version") # (find-lua51manual "#pdf-_VERSION") # http://lua-users.org/lists/lua-l/2016-05/msg00297.html * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) print(_VERSION) * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) f = function() return function() end end t = { nil, [false] = 'Lua 5.1', [true] = 'Lua 5.2', [1/'-0'] = 'Lua 5.3', [1] = 'LuaJIT' } version = t[1] or t[1/0] or t[f()==f()] = version PP(t) ##### # # tekui # 2016jun11 # ##### # «tekui» (to ".tekui") # http://tekui.neoscientists.org/index.html # http://tekui.neoscientists.org/installation.html ##### # # relative require # 2017fev06 # ##### # «relative-require» (to ".relative-require") # http://lua-users.org/lists/lua-l/2017-02/msg00022.html # (find-dn6 "dednat6.lua" "package.path") ##### # # finding underlined lines in a text file # 2017jun24 # ##### # «underlined-lines» (to ".underlined-lines") # (find-fline "~/eev-intros/find-eev-quick-intro") # (find-blogme3 "escripts.lua") # (find-es "lua-intro" "lpeg-re-1") # file:///usr/share/doc/lua-lpeg-dev/lpeg.html # file:///usr/share/doc/lua-lpeg-dev/re.html * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) bigstr = ee_readfile "~/eev-intros/find-eev-quick-intro" -- = bigstr require "lpeg" require "re" UnderLine = re.compile "('='+ / '-'+) '\n'" HeadLine1 = re.compile "{{[0-9][.0-9]+} ' '+ {[^\n]*}} '\n'" HeadLine = HeadLine1 * #UnderLine PP(HeadLine:match "123.4 Hello\n===\n") PP(HeadLine:match "123.4 Hello\nOooo\n") -- (find-lpegfile "re.lua" "local function find (s, p, i)") function myfind (pat) return lpeg.P{ lpeg.Cp() * pat * lpeg.Cp() + 1 * lpeg.V(1) } end FindHeadLine = myfind(HeadLine) PP(FindHeadLine:match(bigstr)) Line = re.compile "{[^\n]*}\n" = Line PPV(getmetatable(Line)) PPV(getmetatable(Line).__index) TwoLines = Line * Line TwoLines = Line * lpeg.B(Line) PP(Line:match(bigstr)) PP(TwoLines:match(bigstr)) ##### # # O'Reilly ebook: Creating Solid APIs with Lua # 2017set10 # ##### # «creating-solid-apis» (to ".creating-solid-apis") # https://mail.google.com/mail/ca/u/0/#inbox/15e6e009da4c819b # https://github.com/tylerneylon/APIsWithLua # https://medium.com/@tylerneylon/make-your-code-scriptable-19be885dda69 ##### # # The Lua manual in "our format", and 2html # 2017dez31 # ##### # «our-format» (to ".our-format") # https://github.com/lua/manual # http://lua-users.org/lists/lua-l/2017-12/msg00160.html ##### # # yue # 2018abr12 # ##### # «yue» (to ".yue") # http://lua-users.org/lists/lua-l/2018-04/msg00075.html # https://lobste.rs/s/bpigl2/wey_fast_open_source_slack_desktop_app # https://github.com/yue/yue # https://github.com/yue/wey # http://libyue.com # https://github.com/yue/yue-sample-apps # https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/lua-yue-bin/ ##### # # table.concat # 2018oct16 # ##### # «table.concat» (to ".table.concat") # (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "map") # (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "map" "mapconcat =") # (find-lua51manual "#pdf-table.concat") # (find-pil2page (+ 19 171) "The Table Library") # (find-pil2text (+ 19 171) "The Table Library") # (find-pil2page (+ 19 173) "19.3 Concatenation") # (find-pil2text (+ 19 173) "19.3 Concatenation") # (find-pil2page (+ 19 103) "11.6 String Buffers") # (find-pil2text (+ 19 103) "11.6 String Buffers") ##### # # io.read # 2018nov14 # ##### # «io.read» (to ".io.read") # (find-lua51manual "#pdf-io.read") # (find-lua51manual "#pdf-file:read") # (find-pil2page (+ 19 194) "io.read(\"*all\")") # (find-pil2text (+ 19 194) "io.read(\"*all\")") ##### # # lambdas # 2018nov18 # ##### # «lambdas» (to ".lambdas") # http://lua-users.org/lists/lua-l/2010-11/msg00808.html # https://mail.google.com/mail/ca/u/0/#inbox/FMfcgxvzLhgKgMZvGZbLfWCkbKZHBVbh 2018nov18 # (to "risclua") http://lua-users.org/lists/lua-l/2018-11/msg00177.html Dirk Laurie's question (start of thread) http://lua-users.org/lists/lua-l/2018-11/msg00179.html LHF points to token filter thing http://lua-users.org/lists/lua-l/2018-11/msg00188.html P Verdy's syntax http://lua-users.org/lists/lua-l/2018-11/msg00196.html Nested ##### # # lambda-with-L # 2021nov12 # ##### # «lambda-with-L» (to ".lambda-with-L") # (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "eval-and-L") * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) = L "x -> 10*x" (200) PW = function (s) L("t -> "..s) ##### # # Lambdas from strings using the class Code # 2021dec14 # ##### # «lambda-with-Code» (to ".lambda-with-Code") # (find-angg "LUA/Code.lua") # (find-angg "LUA/Code.lua" "Code-tests") # (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "Code") # (find-angg "SRF/srfa.lua" "Code") ##### # # List comprehensions # 2018nov27 # ##### # «list-comprehensions» (to ".list-comprehensions") # http://lua-users.org/wiki/ListComprehensions # http://github.com/davidm/lua-list-comprehension # http://lua-users.org/wiki/LuaBalanced ##### # # formatt: a variant of format that handles tables well # 2019feb19 # ##### # «formatt-and-printt» (to ".formatt-and-printt") # (find-dn6 "output.lua" "formatt") * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) loaddednat6() ##### # # bprint: print to a buffer # 2019feb19 # ##### # «bprint» (to ".bprint") # (find-dn6 "output.lua" "bprintt") # (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "printf") # (find-angg "LUA/Cabos2.lua" "StrOut") # (find-LATEXgrep "grep --color -nH -e bprint *.tex") # (find-LATEX "2018-1-GA-material.tex" "pictOuv") # (find-LATEX "2018-1-GA-material.tex" "pictOuv" "bprint") # (find-LATEX "2018-1-GA-material.tex" "pictABCDE") # (find-LATEX "2018-1-GA-material.tex" "pictABCDE" "bprint") * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) loaddednat6() bprint = print bprint("%s--%s", v(2,3), v(4,5)) bprint("%s--%s", v(20,30), v(40,50)) bprint, out = makebprint("verbose") bprint("%s--%s", v(2,3), v(4,5)) bprint("%s--%s", v(20,30), v(40,50)) = out() ##### # # getexifdatetime (mainly for processing whiteboard images) # 2018nov19 # ##### # «getexifdatetime» (to ".getexifdatetime") # (find-es "imagemagick" "exif") # (find-angg "LUA/exifdatetime.lua") * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) dofile(ee_expand "~/LUA/exifdatetime.lua") -- (find-angg "LUA/exifdatetime.lua") * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) fname = "~/Quadros-2018.2/20180924_181851.jpg" bigstr = getoutput(format("exif %s | grep -i 'Date and time'", fname)) = bigstr = bigstr:match("([0-9:]+)%s+([0-9:]+)") getexifdatetime = function (fname) local bigstr = getoutput(format("exif %s | grep -i 'Date and time'", fname)) local date,time = bigstr:match("([0-9:]+)%s+([0-9:]+)") if date then return date:gsub(":", ""), (time:gsub(":", "")) end end getfnamedatecoursen = function (fname) local fname1 = fnamenondirectory(fname) local fdate,fcourse,fn = fname1:match("^([0-9]+)_([0-9A-Z]+)([0-9])%.") return fdate,fcourse,fn end inslot = function (time) return function (slot) local a0,c0 = slot:match("([0-9]+)-([0-9]+)") local b = time+0 local a,c = a0*10000, c0*10000 if a < b and b < c then return slot end end end gettimeslot = function (time) local inslott = inslot(time - 3000) return inslott "9-11" or inslott "11-13" or inslott "14-16" or inslott "16-18" end = gettimeslot(102345) = gettimeslot(112345) = gettimeslot(132345) = gettimeslot(142345) -- (find-fline "~/2018.2-MD/") -- (find-sh "ls ~/2018.2-MD/*MD*.jpg") files = split(getoutput("ls ~/2018.2-MD/*MD*.jpg")) PPV(files) for _,fname in ipairs(files) do local fname1 = fnamenondirectory(fname) local fdate,fcourse,fn = getfnamedatecoursen(fname) local edate,etime = getexifdatetime(fname) local ecourse = gettimecourse(etime) -- print(fname, fdate, frest) -- print(fname, fdate==edate, fcourse, ecourse, etime, fn) print(fname, fcourse, etime) end /home/edrx/2018.2-MD/20180820_MDA1.jpg MDA 115715 /home/edrx/2018.2-MD/20181008_MDA1.jpg MDA 121021 /home/edrx/2018.2-MD/20180905_MDA1.jpg MDA 123109 /home/edrx/2018.2-MD/20180829_MDA1.jpg MDA 123429 /home/edrx/2018.2-MD/20181031_MDA1.jpg MDA 123508 /home/edrx/2018.2-MD/20180813_MDA1.jpg MDA 123811 /home/edrx/2018.2-MD/20180917_MDA1.jpg MDA 125137 /home/edrx/2018.2-MD/20180820_MDA2.jpg MDA 125459 /home/edrx/2018.2-MD/20180815_MDA1.jpg MDA 125756 /home/edrx/2018.2-MD/20180827_MDA1.jpg MDA 130003 /home/edrx/2018.2-MD/20180926_MDA1.jpg MDA 130028 /home/edrx/2018.2-MD/20180905_MDA2.jpg MDA 130224 /home/edrx/2018.2-MD/20180919_MDA1.jpg MDA 130359 /home/edrx/2018.2-MD/20180924_MDA1.jpg MDA 130458 /home/edrx/2018.2-MD/20180822_MDA1.jpg MDA 130509 /home/edrx/2018.2-MD/20181031_MDA2.jpg MDA 130518 /home/edrx/2018.2-MD/20180829_MDA2.jpg MDA 130734 /home/edrx/2018.2-MD/20181008_MDA2.jpg MDA 130744 /home/edrx/2018.2-MD/20180910_MDA1.jpg MDA 131128 /home/edrx/2018.2-MD/20180903_MDA1.jpg MDA 131255 /home/edrx/2018.2-MD/20180905_MDB1.jpg MDB 153821 /home/edrx/2018.2-MD/20180905_MDB2.jpg MDB 155153 /home/edrx/2018.2-MD/20180815_MDB1.jpg MDB 160106 /home/edrx/2018.2-MD/20180822_MDB1.jpg MDB 160213 /home/edrx/2018.2-MD/20180829_MDB1.jpg MDB 160224 /home/edrx/2018.2-MD/20180912_MDB1.jpg MDB 160409 /home/edrx/2018.2-MD/20180926_MDB1.jpg MDB 160709 /home/edrx/2018.2-MD/20180821_MDB1.jpg MDB 172708 /home/edrx/2018.2-MD/20181030_MDB1.jpg MDB 174609 /home/edrx/2018.2-MD/20180814_MDB1.jpg MDB 175210 /home/edrx/2018.2-MD/20180925_MDB1.jpg MDB 175930 /home/edrx/2018.2-MD/20180904_MDB1.jpg MDB 180000 /home/edrx/2018.2-MD/20180821_MDB2.jpg MDB 180306 /home/edrx/2018.2-MD/20180828_MDB1.jpg MDB 180350 /home/edrx/2018.2-MD/20180918_MDB1.jpg MDB 181138 /home/edrx/2018.2-MD/20181030_MDB2.jpg MDB 181416 /home/edrx/2018.2-MD/20181002_MDB1.jpg MDB 183151 /home/edrx/2018.2-MD/20180904_MDB1.jpg /home/edrx/2018.2-MD/20180821_MDB2.jpg /home/edrx/2018.2-MD/20180828_MDB1.jpg /home/edrx/2018.2-MD/20180918_MDB1.jpg /home/edrx/2018.2-MD/20181030_MDB2.jpg /home/edrx/2018.2-MD/20181002_MDB1.jpg # (find-fline "~/Quadros-2018.2/") ##### # # The "Wrap" class # 2019may02 # ##### # «Wrap» (to ".Wrap") # Used in: (find-LATEX "edrxpict.lua" "defpictdots") * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) Wrap = Class { type = "Wrap", new = function (left, right) return Wrap {left=left, right=right} end, __tostring = function (o) return mytabletostring(o) end, __mul = function (w, o) if otype(o) == "Wrap" then return Wrap.new(w.left..o.left, o.right..w.right) else return w.left .. o .. w.right end end, __index = { }, } wa = Wrap.new ("<a ", " a>") wb = Wrap.new ("<b ", " b>") wc = Wrap.new ("<c ", " c>") = wa = wa * wb = wa * wb * "o" ##### # # table.insert # 2019jul02 # ##### # «table.insert» (to ".table.insert") # (find-lua51manual "#pdf-table.insert") # «table.remove» (to ".table.remove") # (find-lua51manual "#pdf-table.remove") ##### # # table.sort and sorted # 2021sep11 # ##### # «table.sort» (to ".table.sort") # «sorted» (to ".sorted") # (find-lua51manual "#pdf-table.sort") # (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "sorted") # (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "Tos") * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) prt = function (T) for k,v in ipairs(T) do print(k, v) end end prt0 = function (T) for k,v in pairs(T) do print(k, v) end end conc = function (T) return table.concat(T, " ") end lt = function (o1, o2) return o1 < o2 end gt = function (o1, o2) return o1 > o2 end strlt = function (o1, o2) return tostring(o1) < tostring(o2) end A = {2, 1, 12, 13, a="AA", b="BB"} prt(A) prt0(A) table.sort(A, lt) prt0(A) table.sort(A, gt) prt0(A) table.sort(A, strlt) prt0(A) = conc(sorted(A)) = conc(sorted(A, lt)) = conc(sorted(A, gt)) = conc(sorted(A, strlt)) = conc(sorted(A, function () return true end)) = conc(sorted(A, function () return false end)) = false = {2} < {3} ##### # # fold # 2021nov23 # ##### # «fold» (to ".fold") # (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "fold") # (find-es "haskell" "foldr") * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) f = function (a, b) return format("(%s,%s)", a, b) end = foldl(min, 20, {20, 42, 99, 10, 5, 100}) = foldl(f, 20, {20, 42, 99, 10, 5, 100}) = foldl1(min, {20, 42, 99, 10, 5, 100}) = foldl1(max, {20, 42, 99, 10, 5, 100}) = foldl1(f, {20, 42, 99, 10, 5, 100}) = foldr1(f, {20, 42, 99, 10, 5, 100}) ##### # # A simplified "tos" that does not need my LUA_INIT file # 2019aug05 # ##### # «tos-standalone» (to ".tos-standalone") # See: (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "PP") # (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "mytostring") # (find-angg "miniforth/miniforth6.lua" "PP") * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) export LUA_INIT= lua5.1 map = function (f, A) local B = {} for i=1,#A do table.insert(B, (f(A[i]))) end return B end mapconcat = function (f, A, sep) return table.concat(map(f, A), sep) end tos_compare_pairs = function (pair1, pair2) local key1, key2 = pair1.key, pair2.key local type1, type2 = type(key1), type(key2) if type1 == type2 then if type1 == "number" then return key1 < key2 end if type1 == "string" then return key1 < key2 end return tostring(key1) < tostring(key2) -- fast else return type1 < type2 -- numbers before strings before tables, etc end end tos_sorted_pairs = function (T) local Tpairs = {} for key,val in pairs(T) do table.insert(Tpairs, {key=key, val=val}) end table.sort(Tpairs, tos_compare_pairs) return Tpairs end tos_pair = function (pair) return tos(pair.key).."="..tos(pair.val) end tos_table = function (T, sep) return "{"..mapconcat(tos_pair, tos_sorted_pairs(T), sep or ", ").."}" end tos = function (o) local t = type(o) if t=="number" then return tostring(o) end if t=="string" then return format("%q", o) end if t=="table" then return tos_table(o) end return "<"..tostring(o)..">" end a = {10, 20, 30} print(a[2]) --> 20 print(200, "some string", a) --> 200 some string table: 0x8e2eee0 PP (200, "some string", a) --> 200 "some string" {1=10, 2=20, 3=30} b = {11, a, "foo", print} PP(b) --> {1=11, 2={1=10, 2=20, 3=30}, 3="foo", 4=<function: 0x8e1e020>} function foo() return 30, 40, 50 end c = {10, 20, foo()} --> {1=10, 2=20, 3=30, 4=40, 5=50} PP(c) ##### # # bad argument #2 to 'format' (number has no integer representation) # 2019aug11 # ##### # «no-integer-representation» (to ".no-integer-representation") # (find-es "git" "detached-head") * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) # Here's how to trigger the bug: use the commit of 2019jul29 of # dednat6 and a lualatex from texlive-upstream that has lua 5.3... rm -Rfv /tmp/dednat6/ cd /tmp/ git clone https://github.com/edrx/dednat6 cd /tmp/dednat6/ PAGER=cat git log --oneline --graph --all git checkout 846aacb git clean -dfx cat VERSION # make tug-slides.pdf echo x | make tug-slides.pdf |& tee o # (find-fline "/tmp/dednat6/o") # (find-fline "/tmp/dednat6/o" "diagtex.lua:69: bad argument #2 to 'format'") # (find-fline "/tmp/dednat6/tug-slides.tex" 489 "BCCL-std") # (find-fline "/tmp/dednat6/tug-slides.tex" 531) # (find-fline "/tmp/dednat6/tug-slides.tex" 531 "\\pu") # (find-fline "/tmp/dednat6/dednat6/diagtex.lua" 69) # (code-c-d "tmpdednat6" "/tmp/dednat6/") # (find-tmpdednat6file "") # (find-tmpdednat6grep "grep --color -nH -e %d dednat6/*.lua") # (find-lua51manual "#lua_pushfstring") # (find-lua52manual "#lua_pushfstring") # (find-lua53manual "#lua_pushfstring") * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) = format("%d", 2.3) --> 2 = format("%.0f", 2.3) --> 2 * (eepitch-lua52) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua52) = format("%d", 2.3) --> 2 = format("%.0f", 2.3) --> 2 * (eepitch-lua53) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua53) = format("%d", 2.3) -- stdin:1: bad argument #2 to 'format' (number has no integer representation) = format("%.0f", 2.3) = _VERSION = _VERSION:sub(5) ##### # # dformat: a variant of format that keeps the old behavior of "%d" # 2019aug12 # ##### # «dformat» (to ".dformat") # (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "dformat") * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) = format("%d", 2.3) --> 2 = format("%.0f", 2.3) --> 2 = dformat("%d", 2.3) --> 2 = dformat("%.0f", 2.3) --> 2 * (eepitch-lua52) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua52) = format("%d", 2.3) --> 2 = format("%.0f", 2.3) --> 2 = dformat("%d", 2.3) --> 2 = dformat("%.0f", 2.3) --> 2 * (eepitch-lua53) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua53) = format("%d", 2.3) --> err = format("%.0f", 2.3) --> 2 = dformat("%d", 2.3) --> 2 = dformat("%.0f", 2.3) --> 2 # Fix the problematic points of dednat6: # (find-dn6file "") # (find-dn6grep "grep --color -nH -e %d *.lua") ##### # # Coercions in Lua 5.3 # 2019aug12 # ##### # «coercions-5.3» (to ".coercions-5.3") # (find-lua53manual "#3.4.3") # http://lua-users.org/wiki/LuaFiveThree # http://www.lua.org/manual/5.3/readme.html#changes # http://www.lua.org/manual/5.3/manual.html#8 # http://www.lua.org/wshop14/Ierusalimschy.pdf * (eepitch-lua52) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua52) = "4" + 0 = 0 + "4" = tonumber("4") = 0 .. "4" * (eepitch-lua53) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua53) = "4" + 0 = 0 + "4" = tonumber("4") ##### # # The Lua repo at github # 2019aug14 # ##### # «lua-at-github» (to ".lua-at-github") # (find-git-links "https://github.com/lua/lua" "luaatgithub") # https://github.com/lua/lua * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) # rm -Rfv ~/usrc/lua/ cd ~/usrc/ git clone https://github.com/lua/lua cd ~/usrc/lua/ git branch --list -a git for-each-ref PAGER=cat git log --oneline --graph --all -20 PAGER=cat git log --oneline --graph --all |& tee ogl PAGER=cat git log -1 783aa8a9da5f3 # (code-c-d "luaatgithub" "~/usrc/lua/") # (find-luaatgithubfile "") # (find-luaatgithubfile "ogl") # (find-luaatgithubfile "ogl" "783aa8a9") ##### # # My splitlines behaves differently in 5.3 # 2019aug12 # ##### # «splitlines-5.3» (to ".splitlines-5.3") # (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "split") # (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "splitlines") # (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "splitlines-5.3") # https://mail.google.com/mail/ca/u/0/#sent/QgrcJHrjCsBQJwskQTfwMwcZTlCDvKprHfB # http://lua-users.org/lists/lua-l/2019-08/msg00071.html my question # http://lua-users.org/lists/lua-l/2019-08/msg00083.html Roberto's answer # See: http://lua-users.org/lists/lua-l/2013-04/msg00812.html # http://lua-users.org/lists/lua-l/2016-05/msg00198.html # See also commit 783aa8a9da5f3. # http://lua-users.org/lists/lua-l/2019-08/msg00090.html my answer * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-lua53) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua53) PP(splitlines("a\nb\nc")) PP(splitlines("a\nb\n")) -- (find-LATEX "2019elephant-poster-z.tex" "drawing-topologies") loaddednat6() output = print kite = ".1.|2.3|.4.|.5." house = ".1.|2.3|4.5" W = "1.2.3|.4.5." guill = ".1.2|3.4.|.5.6" hex = ".1.2.|3.4.5|.6.7." mp = MixedPicture.new({def="dagKite", meta="s", scale="5pt"}, z):zfunction(kite):output() mp = MixedPicture.new({def="dagKite", meta="t", scale="4pt"}, z):zfunction(kite):output() mp = MixedPicture.new({def="dagHouse", meta="s", scale="5pt"}, z):zfunction(house):output() mp = MixedPicture.new({def="dagW", meta="s", scale="4pt"}, z):zfunction(W):output() mp = MixedPicture.new({def="dagGuill", meta="s", scale="4pt"}, z):zfunction(guill):output() mp = MixedPicture.new({def="dagHex", meta="s", scale="4pt"}, z):zfunction(hex):output() ##### # # "Plotting" the Cobb-Douglas function with just numbers # 2019dec01 # ##### # «cobb-douglas» (to ".cobb-douglas") # (find-LATEX "2019-2-C3-material.tex" "cobb-douglas") # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cobb%E2%80%93Douglas_production_function * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) cobbd = function (x, y) return x^0.75 * y^0.25 end = cobbd(16, 10000) = cobbd(2, 2) = format("<%.2f>", 2.345) fs = function (x, y) return format("%.2f", cobbd(x, y)) end fo = function (n) return format("%.2f", n) end foy = function (n) return format("%.2f", n) end fox = function (n) return format("%.1f", n) end fy = function (y) local fx = function (x) return fo(cobbd(x, y)) end xs = mapconcat(fx, seq(0, 2, 0.25), " ") -- return foy(y) .. " | " .. xs return foy(y) .. " _|_ " .. xs end fys = mapconcat(fy, seq(2, 0, -0.25), "\n") footer = "\n y "..string.rep("-+---", 9) .. "\n x "..mapconcat(fo, seq(0, 2, 0.25), " ") = footer = fys..footer ##### # # lua-shepi - Tiny EDSL for shell pipes in lua # 2020jan17 # ##### # «lua-shepi» (to ".lua-shepi") # «lua-shell-pipes» (to ".lua-shell-pipes") # https://luarocks.org/modules/forflo/lua-shepi # https://github.com/forflo?tab=repositories # https://github.com/forflo/shepi The EDSL uses the same left-to-right evaluation order and the pipe character | that you are familiar with. For instance local pipe = bp.echo('foo bar') | bp.tr('-d', ' ') becomes possible (see the examples further below). - There are no tempfiles. - Space complexity for normal shepi pipes is constant (not taking into account the commands in the pipeline of course). - If you are using the shepi.fork function, space complexity is O(n) = n, because it synchronuously joins the subpipes in order. (n referes to the data input from the subpipes.) - You can throw lua functions into the pipe. They also do run in a separate process! - You can reuse your pipes, since they are just regular lua-functions. - And, of course, there won't be zombie processes (but that's not really a hightlight). ##### # # lush # 2020may23 # ##### # «lush» (to ".lush") # https://github.com/parke/lush * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) rm -Rfv ~/usrc/lush/ cd ~/usrc/ git clone https://github.com/parke/lush cd ~/usrc/lush/ export PAGER=cat git branch --list -a git for-each-ref git log --oneline --graph --all -20 # (find-fline "~/usrc/") # (find-fline "~/usrc/lush/") # (find-gitk "~/usrc/lush/") # (code-c-d "lush" "~/usrc/lush/") # (find-lushfile "") # (find-lushfile "readme.txt") # Lush is a pure Lua module for writing POSIX shell script style # programs in Lua. ##### # # Hard links - lua50init.lua and edrxlib.lua used to be hard-linked # 2020jan23 # ##### # «hard-links» (to ".hard-links") # On my system ~/LUA/lua50init.lua the two "edrxlib.lua"s # USED TO BE hard linked: # (find-sh0 "cp -flv ~/LUA/lua50init.lua ~/dednat4/edrxlib.lua") # (find-sh0 "cp -flv ~/LUA/lua50init.lua ~/blogme3/edrxlib.lua") # (find-sh0 "ls -li ~/LUA/lua50init.lua ~/{dednat4,blogme3}/edrxlib.lua") # (find-tkdiff "~/LUA/lua50init.lua" "~/dednat4/edrxlib.lua") # (find-tkdiff "~/LUA/lua50init.lua" "~/dednat4/blogme3.lua") # (find-elnode "Rename or Copy" "hard links") # (find-elnode "Rename or Copy" "backup-by-copying") # ##### # # lua_ipython_kernel # 2020feb16 # ##### # «lua_ipython_kernel» (to ".lua_ipython_kernel") # https://github.com/neomantra/lua_ipython_kernel # (find-git-links "https://github.com/neomantra/lua_ipython_kernel" "luaipyk") * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) # rm -Rfv ~/usrc/lua_ipython_kernel/ cd ~/usrc/ git clone https://github.com/neomantra/lua_ipython_kernel cd ~/usrc/lua_ipython_kernel/ export PAGER=cat git branch --list -a git for-each-ref git log --oneline --graph --all -20 # (find-fline "~/usrc/") # (find-fline "~/usrc/lua_ipython_kernel/") # (find-gitk "~/usrc/lua_ipython_kernel/") # (code-c-d "luaipyk" "~/usrc/lua_ipython_kernel/") # (find-luaipykfile "") ##### # # cffi-lua # 2020apr07 # ##### # «cffi-lua» (to ".cffi-lua") # https://github.com/q66/cffi-lua ##### # # The Ipe extensible drawing editor # 2020apr07 # ##### # «ipe» (to ".ipe") # http://ipe.otfried.org/ # http://ipe.otfried.org/manual/manual.html # https://dl.bintray.com/otfried/generic/ipe/7.2/ipe-7.2.13-src.tar.gz * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) rm -Rv ~/usrc/ipe-7.2.13/ mkdir ~/usrc/ipe-7.2.13/ tar -C ~/usrc/ -xvzf $S/https/dl.bintray.com/otfried/generic/ipe/7.2/ipe-7.2.13-src.tar.gz cd ~/usrc/ipe-7.2.13/ # (code-c-d "ipe" "~/usrc/ipe-7.2.13/") # (find-ipefile "") # (find-ipefile "install.txt") apti ipe # (find-status "ipe") # (find-vldifile "ipe.list") # (find-udfile "ipe/") ##### # # package.loaders # 2020nov05 # ##### # «package.loaders» (to ".package.loaders") # «package.searchers» (to ".package.searchers") # (find-es "luatex" "package.loaders") # (find-es "luatex" "luapackageloader") # (to "lua5.1-require") # (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "package.require") # (find-lua51manual "#pdf-require") # (find-lua51manual "#pdf-package.loaders") # (find-lua52manual "#pdf-package.searchers") # (find-lua53manual "#pdf-package.searchers") # (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "ierusalimschy") # (find-pil2page (+ 19 137) "15. Modules and Packages") # (find-pil2page (+ 19 138) "15.1 The require Function") # (find-pil2text (+ 19 138) "15.1 The require Function") # (find-pil3page (+ 19 151) "15 Modules and Packages") # (find-pil3page (+ 19 153) "15.1 The require Function") # (find-pil3text (+ 19 153) "15.1 The require Function") # (find-pil3page (+ 19 155) "Searchers") # (find-pil3text (+ 19 155) "Searchers") ##### # # readnumber # 2020nov27 # ##### # «readnumber» (to ".readnumber") # (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "readnumber") # (find-lua51manual "#pdf-io.read") # (find-lua51manual "#pdf-file:read") * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) readnumber = function () return io.read("*n") end for i=1,5 do PP(readnumber()) end 42 42 99 42,99 n = io.read("*n") 42 = n ##### # # hslua # 2020dec07 # ##### # «hslua» (to ".hslua") # https://hslua.github.io/santas-little-lua-scripts.html # https://github.com/hslua/hslua-examples # https://github.com/hslua/hslua # https://adventofhaskell.com/ ##### # # glu # 2020dec08 # ##### # «glu» (to ".glu") # https://sourceforge.net/projects/glu1 # https://sourceforge.net/projects/glu1/files/glu-0.1/glu-0.1-src.tar.gz # https://glu1.sourceforge.io/ 2021oct15 # http://www.trevorrow.com/ * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) rm -Rv ~/usrc/glu-0.1-src/ tar -C ~/usrc/ -xvzf \ $S/https/sourceforge.net/projects/glu1/files/glu-0.1/glu-0.1-src.tar.gz cd ~/usrc/glu-0.1-src/ # (code-c-d "glu" "~/usrc/glu-0.1-src/") # (find-glufile "") # (find-glufile "Scripts/Rubik'sCube/Rubik'sCube.lua") ##### # # operator-precedence # 2020dec11 # ##### # «operator-precedence» (to ".operator-precedence") # https://mail.google.com/mail/ca/u/0/#inbox/QgrcJHsbdKGFDzdTtMjRnNXmFvThxWjTGwV # https://craftinginterpreters.com/parsing-expressions.html # https://github.com/lua/lua/blob/master/lparser.c # https://github.com/pallene-lang/pallene/blob/master/pallene/parser.lua # http://lua-users.org/lists/lua-l/2020-12/msg00100.html # (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "syntree") ##### # # tonumber # 2021feb08 # ##### # «tonumber» (to ".tonumber") # (find-lua51manual "#pdf-tonumber") * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) PP(tonumber("123")) PP(tonumber("123.")) PP(tonumber(" 123.")) PP(tonumber(" 123. ")) PP(tonumber(" 123.4 ")) PP(tonumber(" 123.4e2 ")) PP(tonumber(" 123.4e2 9")) PP(tonumber("FF", 16)) PP(tonumber("ff", 16)) PP(tonumber("")) ##### # # complex-numbers # 2021aug31 # ##### # «complex-numbers» (to ".complex-numbers") # (find-angg "LUA/complex.lua") * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) loaddednat6() complexsquare = function (a, b) return a*a - b*b, 2*a*b end csq = function (vv) return v(complexsquare(vv[1], vv[2])) end drawsquare = function (vv, f, e) return pformat("\\polygon%s%s%s%s", f(vv), f(vv+v(e,0)), f(vv+v(e,e)), f(vv+v(0,e))) end drawline = function (vv, ww, f, n) local g = function (k) return tostring(f(tow(vv, ww, k/n))) end return "\\Line"..mapconcat(g, seq(0, n), "") end drawall = function (f, eps, n) return table.concat({ drawsquare(v(0, 0), f, eps), drawsquare(v(0, 1), f, eps), drawsquare(v(0, 2), f, eps), drawsquare(v(1, 0), f, eps), drawsquare(v(1, 1), f, eps), drawsquare(v(1, 2), f, eps), drawsquare(v(2, 0), f, eps), drawsquare(v(2, 1), f, eps), drawsquare(v(2, 2), f, eps), drawline(v(0, 0), v(0, 2), f, n), drawline(v(1, 0), v(1, 2), f, n), drawline(v(2, 0), v(2, 2), f, n), drawline(v(0, 0), v(2, 0), f, n), drawline(v(0, 1), v(2, 1), f, n), drawline(v(0, 2), v(2, 2), f, n), }, "\n") end = drawall(id, 0.1, 1) = drawall(csq, 0.1, 1) = drawsquare(v(2,3), id, 0.1) = drawline(v(2,0), v(0,3), id, 10) = complexsquare(3, 0) = complexsquare(0, 3) = complexsquare(2, 1) V.__index.csq = function (v) return v(complexsquare(v[1], v[2])) end = v(2,1):csq() = v(2,1) = v(1/3,-1.3) ##### # # teliva # 2021nov25 # ##### # «teliva» (to ".teliva") # https://github.com/akkartik/teliva * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) # rm -Rfv ~/usrc/teliva/ cd ~/usrc/ git clone https://github.com/akkartik/teliva cd ~/usrc/teliva/ export PAGER=cat git branch --list -a git for-each-ref git log --oneline --graph --all -20 # (find-fline "~/usrc/") # (find-fline "~/usrc/teliva/") # (find-gitk "~/usrc/teliva/") # (code-c-d "teliva" "~/usrc/teliva/") # (find-telivafile "") cd ~/usrc/teliva/ make linux src/teliva hanoi.tlv src/teliva life.tlv ##### # # el-calculator # 2021nov30 # ##### # «el-calculator» (to ".el-calculator") # https://github.com/stevedonovan/el ##### # # luagravity # 2021nov30 # ##### # «luagravity» (to ".luagravity") # https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-_EIWe2CFRQ # http://www.ceu-lang.org/chico/luagravity/ # https://thesynchronousblog.files.wordpress.com/2009/06/luagravity_msc.pdf # https://thesynchronousblog.files.wordpress.com/2009/08/luagravity_sblp.pdf # https://thesynchronousblog.wordpress.com/ ##### # # sol2 - a C++ library binding to Lua # 2021dec31 # ##### # «sol2» (to ".sol2") # https://github.com/ThePhD/sol2 ##### # # rotating-ascii-donut # 2022feb23 # ##### # «rotating-ascii-donut» (to ".rotating-ascii-donut") # http://lua-users.org/lists/lua-l/2022-02/msg00085.html * (eepitch-vterm) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-vterm) lua5.2 do local io=io.write local i,j,k local z,b={},{} local a=".,-~:;=!*#$@"local A=0.0 local sin=math.sin local cos=math.cos local int=math.floor io("\27[2J")local B= 0 while true do for i= 0,1759 do b[i]=" " z [i]=0.0 end j=0.0 while 6.28 > j do i=0 while 6.28>i do local c=sin(i)local d=cos(j) local e= sin(A)local f=sin(j) local g=cos(A) local h=d+2 local D= 1/( c*h*e+f*g+5) local l=cos(i) local m= cos(B)local n=sin (B) t=c*h*g - f*e local x=int(40+30 * D*(l*h*m - t*n)) local y= int(12+15 * D*(l*h*n + t*m))o= int(x+80*y) local N= int(8 *((f*e-c*d*g)*m - c*d*e - f*g - l*d*n))+1 if 22>y and y>0 and x>0 and 80>x and D > z[o] then z[o]= D if N > 1 then b[o]= a:sub(N,N) else b[o]=a:sub(1,1) end end i=i+0.02 end j= j + 0.07 end io("\27[H")for k = 0, 1760 do if k%80>0.0 then io(b[k]) else io("\n") end end A= A+ 0.04 B=B+0.02 end end ##### # # luacheck # 2022mar18 # ##### # «luacheck» (to ".luacheck") # (find-es "emacs" "flycheck-languages") # https://github.com/mpeterv/luacheck # (find-flycheckgrep "grep --color=auto -niH --null -e lua *.el") # (find-flycheckfile "flycheck.el" "flycheck-luacheckrc") * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) luarocks install --local luacheck rm -fv ~/bin/luacheck cp -s ~/.luarocks/bin/luacheck ~/bin/ luacheck # (find-fline "~/bin/" "luacheck") # (find-fline "~/.luarocks/bin/" "luacheck") # (find-fline "~/.luarocks/bin/luacheck") # (find-fline "~/LUA/flsfiles.lua") # (find-hmacro 'flycheck-define-checker) # (find-git-links "https://github.com/mpeterv/luacheck" "luacheck") # (code-c-d "luacheck" "~/usrc/luacheck/") # (find-luacheckfile "") # (find-luacheckfile "docsrc/config.rst" ".luacheckrc") # (find-luacheckgrep "grep --color=auto -niRH --null -e init *") ##### # # minus-0 # 2022may24 # ##### # «minus-0» (to ".minus-0") # (find-lua51manual "#6" "LUA_INIT" "@filename") # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5095968/does-float-have-a-negative-zero-0f # https://softwareengineering.stackexchange.com/questions/280648/why-is-negative-zero-important # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2109755/why-does-gnu-octave-have-negative-zeroes # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Signed_zero # https://github.com/toggledbits/luaxp/issues/4 * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) print(0*-2) print(math.floor(0*-2)) print(-0 == -0) print(-0 == 0) print(format("%d", -0)) * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-lua52) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua52) * (eepitch-lua53) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua53) * (eepitch-lua54) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua54) f = function (x) if (x == 0) then return 0 else return x end end g = function (x) if (x == -0) then return 0 else return x end end -- buggy on Lua5.1 h = function (x) if (x == -0) then return 42 else return x end end print(f(0), f(-0), f(99)) print(g(0), g(-0), g(99)) print(h(0), h(-0), h(99)) * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) cat > /tmp/testminus0.lua <<'%%%' print( f = function (x) if (x == 0) then return 0 else return x end end g = function (x) if (x == -0) then return 0 else return x end end -- buggy on Lua5.1 h = function (x) if (x == -0) then return 42 else return x end end print(f(0), f(-0), f(99)) print(g(0), g(-0), g(99)) print(h(0), h(-0), h(99)) %%% lua5.1 /tmp/testminus0.lua lua5.2 /tmp/testminus0.lua lua5.3 /tmp/testminus0.lua lua5.4 /tmp/testminus0.lua print(fix0(0)) print(fix0(99)) end = -0 ##### # # minus-0-email # 2022may24 # ##### # «minus-0-email» (to ".minus-0-email") # (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "minus-0") # http://lua-users.org/lists/lua-l/2022-05/msg00082.html # https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#sent/KtbxLxgFzXsHJDGzlPxhJQlXrWrQbpzQSq Problem with -0 Hi list, a few hours ago I noticed for the first time that print(0*-2) prints "-0" instead of "0" - because Lua supports <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Signed_zero> - and I tried to write a function that would "fix" the "-0"s in the cases that I don't want them... and well, it turns out that this doesn't work on Lua 5.1.5: fix0 = function (x) if (x == -0) then return 0 else return x end end Here's a test: --snip--snip-- cd cat > /tmp/testminus0.lua <<'%%%' f = function (x) if (x == 0) then return 0 else return x end end g = function (x) if (x == -0) then return 0 else return x end end -- buggy on Lua5.1 h = function (x) if (x == -0) then return 42 else return x end end print(f(0), f(-0), f(99)) print(g(0), g(-0), g(99)) print(h(0), h(-0), h(99)) %%% lua5.1 /tmp/testminus0.lua lua5.2 /tmp/testminus0.lua lua5.3 /tmp/testminus0.lua lua5.4 /tmp/testminus0.lua --snip--snip-- It prints this: /home/edrx(edrx:sc)# lua5.1 /tmp/testminus0.lua 0 0 99 -0 -0 99 42 42 99 /home/edrx(edrx:sc)# lua5.2 /tmp/testminus0.lua 0 0 99 0 0 99 42 42 99 /home/edrx(edrx:sc)# lua5.3 /tmp/testminus0.lua 0 0 99 0 0 99 42 42 99 /home/edrx(edrx:sc)# lua5.4 /tmp/testminus0.lua 0 0 99 0 0 99 42 42 99 /home/edrx(edrx:sc)# So it seems that this doesn't work, fix0 = function (x) if (x == -0) then return 0 else return x end end but this does: fix0 = function (x) if (x == 0) then return 0 else return x end end Where is that bug documented? I would like to put in my code a link that explains why the "more natural" version with (x == -0) doesn't work, and why we need the "weird" version with (x == 0)... Thanks in advance! Eduardo Ochs http://angg.twu.net/#eev P.S.: I am using Debian Stable. ##### # # destructuring # 2022oct28 # ##### # «destructuring» (to ".destructuring") # https://scriptinghelpers.org/questions/127588/is-there-object-destructuring-in-lua-quick-question # https://github.com/leafo/moonscript/blob/master/moonscript/transform/destructure.lua # https://moonscript.org/ # https://moonscript.org/reference/ # https://moonscript.org/reference/#table_comprehensions # https://moonscript.org/reference/#the-language/comprehensions # https://moonscript.org/reference/#the-language/destructuring-assignment ##### # # luacas # 2022nov15 # ##### # «luacas» (to ".luacas") # https://www.ctan.org/pkg/luacas # https://linorg.usp.br/CTAN/macros/luatex/latex/luacas/doc/luacas.pdf ##### # # posnumbers # 2023jan22 # ##### # «posnumbers» (to ".posnumbers") * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) for i=5,12 do printf("%2d\n", i) end posnumbers = function (i,j,fmt) fmt = fmt or "%2d" local hnum = function (k) return format(fmt, k) end local digit = function (k, pos) return hnum(k):sub(pos,pos) end local line = function (pos) local f = function (k) return digit(k, pos) end return mapconcat(f, seq(i,j), "") end local ndigits = #hnum(i) return mapconcat(line, seq(ndigits,1,-1), "\n") end = posnumbers(1, 40, "%2d") = posnumbers(4, 8, "%1d") ##### # # grep the "components" of files like 2022-2-C2-tudo.tex # 2023feb13 # ##### # «semestre-tudo-grep» (to ".semestre-tudo-grep") # (find-angg "LUA/Tudos1.lua") ##### # # cs106 # 2023mar14 # ##### # «cs106» (to ".cs106") # https://www.cs.tufts.edu/cs/106/ CS 106: Simple Virtual Machines and Language Translation ##### # # nelua # 2023mar30 # ##### # «nelua» (to ".nelua") # (find-es "lpeg" "lpegrex") # (find-git-links "https://github.com/edubart/nelua-lang" "nelua") # (find-gitk "~/usrc/nelua-lang/") # (code-c-d "nelua" "~/usrc/nelua-lang/") # (find-neluafile "") # (find-neluash "find * | sort") # (find-neluafile "lualib/nelua/syntaxdefs.lua") ##### # # obj:extend # 2023may13 # ##### # «obj:extend» (to ".obj:extend") # https://eev.ee/blog/2020/11/30/gamedev-from-scratch-0-groundwork/ # https://eev.ee/blog/2021/01/26/gamedev-from-scratch-1-scaffolding/ obj:extend *** * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) function nop(...) return ... end obj = {init = nop} obj.__index = obj function obj:__call(...) local o = setmetatable({}, self) return o, o:init(...) end -- subclassing function obj:extend(proto) proto = proto or {} -- -- copy meta values, since lua doesn't walk the prototype chain to find them for k, v in pairs(self) do if sub(k, 1, 2) == "__" then proto[k] = v end end -- proto.__index = proto proto.__super = self return setmetatable(proto, self) end ##### # # run_options # 2023jun02 # ##### # «run_options» (to ".run_options") # (find-angg "LUA/GetOpt1.lua" "GetOpt") # (find-angg "LUA/Caepro3.lua" "run_options") # (find-angg "LUA/Caepro4.lua" "run_options") # (find-angg "LUA/Caepro5.lua" "run_options") # (find-angg "LUA/Comissao1.lua" "run_options") # (find-angg "LUA/Deps1.lua" "run_options") # (find-angggrep "grep --color=auto -nH --null -e 'run_options =' ~/LUA/*.lua") # Based on: (find-blogme3 "options.lua" "dooptions") # (find-blogme3 "blogme3.lua" "dooptions") # (find-dednat6lua "dednat6.lua" "dooptions") # (find-dednat6lua "options6.lua") ##### # # luasvgwriter # 2023jun24 # ##### # «luasvgwriter» (to ".luasvgwriter") # https://github.com/Jericho1060/svg-lua # https://www.reddit.com/r/lua/comments/g0p84g/a_lua_library_to_create_svg_documents/ # https://gitlab.com/hansonry/luasvgwriter # (code-c-d "luasvgwriter" "~/usrc/luasvgwriter/") # (find-luasvgwriterfile "") # (find-luasvgwriterfile "SVGWriter.lua") * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) Path.prependtopath "~/LUA/?.lua" Path.prependtopath "~/usrc/luasvgwriter/?.lua" require "SortedKeys1" -- (find-angg "LUA/SortedKeys1.lua") require "SVGWriter" s = require "SVGWriter" sk = SortedKeys.from = sk(s) = sk(s.Circle) = sk(s.Circle.__index) = sk(s.Circle) = sk(s.Color) = sk(s.Document) = sk(s.Ellipse) = sk(s.Group) = sk(s.Line) = sk(s.LinearGradient) = sk(s.Marker) = sk(s.Path) = sk(s.Pattern) = sk(s.Polygon) = sk(s.Polyline) = sk(s.RadialGradient) = sk(s.Rect) = sk(s.Style) = sk(s.Text) = sk(s.Use) Circle Color Document Ellipse Group Line LinearGradient Marker Path Pattern Polygon Polyline RadialGradient Rect Style Text Use * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) Path.prependtopath "~/LUA/?.lua" Path.prependtopath "~/usrc/luasvgwriter/?.lua" -- Get a handle to the library SVGW = require "SVGWriter" -- Create a new SVG document doc = SVGW.Document:new(150, 100) s = {x = 10, y = 10, hue = 0} function s:nextCol() s.x = s.x + 20 s.hue = s.hue + 0.05 end function s:nextRow() s.y = s.y + 20 s.x = 10 s.hue = s.hue + 0.05 end style = SVGW.Style:new("black", 2) style:setFill(SVGW.Color.HSL(s.hue, 0.5, 0.5)) doc:addRect(s.x, s.y, 10, 10):setStyle(style) s:nextCol() style:setFill(SVGW.Color.HSL(s.hue, 0.5, 0.5)) doc:addRect(s.x, s.y, 30, 10):setStyle(style) s:nextCol() s:nextCol() style:setFill(SVGW.Color.HSL(s.hue, 0.5, 0.5)) doc:addRect(s.x, s.y, 10, 20, 3, 3):setStyle(style) s:nextCol() style:setFill(SVGW.Color.HSL(s.hue, 0.5, 0.5)) doc:addCircle(s.x + 5, s.y + 5, 5):setStyle(style) s:nextCol() s:nextCol() style:setFill(SVGW.Color.HSL(s.hue, 0.5, 0.5)) doc:addEllipse(s.x, s.y + 5, 15, 5):setStyle(style) s:nextRow() s:nextRow() style:setFill(SVGW.Color.HSL(s.hue, 0.5, 0.5)) doc:addLine(s.x, s.y, s.x + 10, s.y + 10):setStyle(style) s:nextCol() style:setFill(SVGW.Color.HSL(s.hue, 0.5, 0.5)) doc:addPolygon():setStyle(style):add(s.x, s.y + 10):add(s.x + 5, s.y):add(s.x + 10, s.y+ 10) s:nextCol() style:setFill(SVGW.Color.HSL(s.hue, 0.5, 0.5)) doc:addPolyline():setStyle(style):add(s.x, s.y + 10):add(s.x + 5, s.y):add(s.x + 10, s.y+ 10) s:nextCol() style:setFill(SVGW.Color.HSL(s.hue, 0.5, 0.5)) doc:addPath():setStyle(style):addMoveToAbs(s.x, s.y):addCubicCurveToRel(10, 10, 10, 0, 0, 10):addNextCubicCurveToRel(10, -10, 0, -10):addNextCubicCurveToRel(10, 10, 5, 5) s:nextRow() doc:addText("Test Text", s.x, s.y + 10):setOnlyFill("black") -- Write document to file doc:writeToFile("/tmp//shapes.svg") ##### # # stripping-comments # 2023jul26 # ##### # «stripping-comments» (to ".stripping-comments") # https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#inbox/FMfcgzGtwMXqVgHNXPlWpcqGHHzszbzk # http://lua-users.org/lists/lua-l/2023-07/msg00076.html ##### # # luaver # 2023aug21 # ##### # «luaver» (to ".luaver") # https://github.com/DhavalKapil/luaver # (code-c-d "luaver" "~/usrc/luaver/") # (find-luaverfile "") # (find-luaverfile "README.md") ##### # # LUA fails to parse expression with big and nested lists # 2023oct07 # ##### # «big-and-nested-lists» (to ".big-and-nested-lists") # https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#inbox/FMfcgxmXLGqjZrCnVZkVnNRNfHnJgVCW # http://lua-users.org/lists/lua-l/2023-10/msg00049.html # http://lua-users.org/lists/lua-l/2023-10/threads.html#00049 * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) depth = 5 list_size= 49 io.write("return { ") for i = 1, depth do for j = 1, list_size do io.write(i, ", ") end io.write("{") end for i = depth, 1, -1 do io.write("}") end io.write("}") ##### # # The binary_module example in lua5.1-doc # 2023dec14 # ##### # «binary_module» (to ".binary_module") # (find-vldifile "lua5.1-doc.list") # (find-vldifile "lua5.2-doc.list") # (find-vldifile "liblua5.2-dev:amd64.list") # (find-vldifile "lua5.1-doc.list" "binary_module") # (find-fline "/usr/share/doc/lua5.1-doc/examples/debian/binary_module/") # (code-c-d "luabm0" "/usr/share/doc/lua5.1-doc/examples/debian/binary_module/") # (code-c-d "luabm" "/tmp/binary_module/") # (code-c-d "luac" "~/LuaC/") # (find-luabm0file "") # (find-luabmfile "") # (find-angg "LuaC/lua-foo.c") # (find-angg "LuaC/Makefile") # (find-luacfile "") # (find-zsh "availabledebs | sort | grep lua") # (find-zsh "availabledebs | sort | grep lua5") # (find-fline "~/usrc/lpeg-1.0.2/makefile") * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) # (find-fline "/tmp/binary_module/") rm -Rv /tmp/binary_module/ mkdir /tmp/binary_module/ cd /tmp/binary_module/ cp -v /usr/share/doc/lua5.1-doc/examples/debian/binary_module/* . make test-dynamic |& tee omtd # make |& tee om # (code-c-d "luabm" "/tmp/binary_module/") # (find-luabmfile "") # (find-luabmfile "om") # (find-angg "LuaC/README") # (find-angg "LuaC/Makefile") # (find-udfile "lua5.1-doc/examples/debian/binary_module/") ##### # # agena # 2023dec22 # ##### # «agena» (to ".agena") # https://agena.sourceforge.net/ # https://agena.sourceforge.net/samplecode.html # http://downloads.sourceforge.net/agena/agena-3.7.6-src.tar.gz ##### # # lua_api_demo # 2024jan12 # ##### # «lua_api_demo» (to ".lua_api_demo") # https://github.com/tylerneylon/lua_api_demo # (find-git-links "https://github.com/tylerneylon/lua_api_demo" "luaapidemo") # (code-c-d "luaapidemo" "~/usrc/lua_api_demo/") # (find-luaapidemofile "") # (find-luaapidemofile "readme.md") ##### # # nested-coroutines # 2024apr30 # ##### # «nested-coroutines» (to ".nested-coroutines") # https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#inbox/FMfcgzGxStrgrRbDrbpmhzQjhLWnmcJB ##### # # civlua # 2024may04 # ##### # «civlua» (to ".civlua") # https://github.com/civboot/civlua # (find-git-links "https://github.com/civboot/civlua" "civlua") # (code-c-d "civlua" "~/usrc/civlua/") # (find-civluafile "") # (find-civluafile "README.md") # (find-civluafile "lib/doc/README.md") # (find-civluafile "lib/ds/ds.lua") # (find-civluash "find * | sort") # (find-civluafile "lib/pegl/") # (find-civluafile "lib/pegl/README.md") # (find-civluafile "lib/pegl/tests/") # (find-civluafile "lib/pegl/tests/test_lua.lua") ##### # # lqslite3-src # 2024sep26 # ##### # «lqslite3-src» (to ".lqslite3-src") # (find-es "sqlite" "lua-src") # (find-es "sqlite" "lsqlite3") * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) # (find-fline "/tmp/lr/") rm -Rv /tmp/lr/ mkdir /tmp/lr/ cd /tmp/lr/ luarocks download lsqlite3 laf # (find-fline "/tmp/lr/") # (find-fline "/tmp/lr/lsqlite3-0.9.6-1.rockspec") wget http://lua.sqlite.org/index.cgi/zip/lsqlite3_v096.zip # (find-fline "/tmp/lr/lsqlite3_v096.zip") * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) rm -Rfv ~/usrc/lsqlite3_v096/ unzip -d ~/usrc/ /tmp/lr/lsqlite3_v096.zip cd ~/usrc/lsqlite3_v096/ wget -P ~/usrc/lsqlite3_v096/ \ -nc http://lua.sqlite.org/index.cgi/doc/tip/doc/lsqlite3.wiki mv lsqlite3.wiki \ lsqlite3.wiki.html # file:///home/edrx/usrc/lsqlite3_v096/lsqlite3.wiki.html # (code-c-d "lsqlite3" "~/usrc/lsqlite3_v096/") # (code-c-d "lsqlite3ex" "~/usrc/lsqlite3_v096/examples/") # (find-lsqlite3file "") # (find-lsqlite3exfile "") # (find-lsqlite3exfile "aggregate.lua" "db:create_aggregate") # (find-lsqlite3exfile "function.lua" "db:create_function") # (find-lsqlite3exfile "hooks_advanced.lua" "INSERT INTO T2 SELECT * FROM T1") # (find-lsqlite3exfile "order.lua" "db:prepare") # (find-lsqlite3exfile "simple.lua" "db:nrows") # (find-lsqlite3exfile "smart.lua" "stmt:bind_names") # (find-lsqlite3exfile "statement.lua") # (find-lsqlite3exfile "statement.lua") # (find-lsqlite3file "lsqlite3.c" "dbvm_bind_values") # (find-lsqlite3file "test/tests-sqlite3.lua") # (find-lsqlite3exgrep "grep --color=auto -nH --null -e db:prepare *.lua") # (find-lsqlite3exgrep "grep --color=auto -nH --null -e db:urows *.lua") # (find-lsqlite3exgrep "grep --color=auto -nH --null -e db:nrows *.lua") # (find-lsqlite3exgrep "grep --color=auto -nH --null -e insert *.lua") # (find-lsqlite3grep "grep --color=auto -nH --null -e db:prepare examples/*.lua") # (find-lsqlite3grep "grep --color=auto -nH --null -e db:urows examples/*.lua") https://luarocks.org/modules/dougcurrie/lsqlite3 http://lua.sqlite.org/index.cgi/doc/tip/doc/lsqlite3.wiki http://lua.sqlite.org/index.cgi/index https://github.com/LuaDist/lsqlite3 ##### # # moonlibs # 2025feb26 # ##### # «moonlibs» (to ".moonlibs") # https://github.com/stetre/moonlibs # (find-git-links "https://github.com/stetre/moonlibs" "moonlibs") # (code-c-d "moonlibs" "~/usrc/moonlibs/") # (find-moonlibsfile "") * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) # rm -Rfv ~/usrc/moonlibs/ cd ~/usrc/ git clone https://github.com/stetre/moonlibs cd ~/usrc/moonlibs/ git clean -dfx git reset --hard # (find-fline "~/usrc/") # (find-fline "~/usrc/moonlibs/") # (find-gitk "~/usrc/moonlibs/") ##### # # moonglmath # 2025feb26 # ##### # «moonglmath» (to ".moonglmath") # https://github.com/stetre/moonglmath # (find-git-links "https://github.com/stetre/moonglmath" "moonglmath") # (code-c-d "moonglmath" "~/usrc/moonglmath/") # (find-moonglmathfile "") * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) # rm -Rfv ~/usrc/moonglmath/ cd ~/usrc/ git clone https://github.com/stetre/moonglmath cd ~/usrc/moonglmath/ git clean -dfx git reset --hard make |& tee om sudo make install |& tee omi # (find-moonglmathfile "") # (find-moonglmathfile "README.md") # (find-moonglmathfile "omi") # (find-moonglmathfile "examples/") cd ~/usrc/moonglmath/examples/ lua5.3 matrices.lua ##### # # moonglfw # 2025feb27 # ##### # «moonglfw» (to ".moonglfw") # (find-sh "apt-file search libglfw") # (find-debpkg-links "libglfw3") # (find-status "libglfw3") # (find-vldifile "libglfw3:amd64.list") # (find-udfile "libglfw3/") # (find-git-links "https://github.com/stetre/moonglfw" "moonglfw") * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) # rm -Rfv ~/usrc/moonglfw/ cd ~/usrc/ git clone https://github.com/stetre/moonglfw cd ~/usrc/moonglfw/ git clean -dfx git reset --hard make |& tee om sudo make install |& tee omi # (find-fline "~/usrc/moonglfw/examples/") # (find-fline "~/usrc/moonglfw/examples/hello.lua") cd ~/usrc/moonglfw/examples/ lua5.3 hello.lua lua5.3 native.lua lua5.3 simple.lua # (code-c-d "moonglfw" "~/usrc/moonglfw/") # (find-moonglfwfile "") # (find-moonglfwfile "README.md") # (find-moonglfwfile "om") # (find-moonglfwfile "omi") # (find-moonglfwgrep "grep --color=auto -niRH --null -e libglfw *") # (find-fline "/usr/local/include/" "moonglfw.h") # (find-fline "/usr/local/lib/" "libmoonglfw.so") # (find-fline "/usr/local/lib/lua/5.3/" "moonglfw.so") # (find-fline "/usr/local/share/lua/5.3/moonglfw/" "README") # (find-git-links "https://github.com/stetre/moonglfw" "moonglfw") # (find-fline "/usr/local/include/" "moongl.h") # (find-fline "/usr/local/lib/lua/5.3/" "moongl.so") # (find-fline "/usr/local/share/lua/5.3/moongl/" "make.lua") (find-fline "/usr/local/share/lua/5.3/moongl/make.lua") $ git clone https://github.com/stetre/moonglfw $ cd moonglfw moonglfw$ make moonglfw$ make install # or 'sudo make install' (Ubuntu and MacOS) cd ~/usrc/moongl/examples/ lua5.3 get.lua ##### # # moongl # 2025feb27 # ##### # «moongl» (to ".moongl") # (find-git-links "https://github.com/stetre/moongl" "moongl") * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) # (find-luarocks-links "moongl") * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) rm -Rfv ~/usrc/moongl/ cd ~/usrc/ git clone https://github.com/stetre/moongl cd ~/usrc/moongl/ make |& tee om sudo make install |& tee omi # (code-c-d "moongl" "~/usrc/moongl/") # (find-moonglfile "") # (find-moonglfile "README.md") # (find-moonglfile "om") # (find-moonglfile "omi") # (find-fline "/usr/local/include/" "moongl.h") # (find-fline "/usr/local/lib/lua/5.3/" "moongl.so") # (find-fline "/usr/local/share/lua/5.3/moongl/" "make.lua") # (find-moonglfile "examples/") # (find-moonglgrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e moonglfw *") # (find-moonglfile "examples/colorcube/") # (find-moonglfile "examples/colorcube/colorcube-glut.lua") '/usr/local/lib/libmoongl.so' '/usr/local/lib/lua/5.3' '/usr/local/lib/lua/5.3/moongl.so' '/usr/local/share/lua/5.3' '/usr/local/share/lua/5.3/moongl' '/usr/local/share/lua/5.3/moongl/make.lua' * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) # (find-moonglfile "examples/") # (find-moonglfile "examples/colorcube/") # (find-moonglfile "examples/colorcube/colorcube.lua") cd ~/usrc/moongl/examples/ lua5.3 get.lua cd ~/usrc/moongl/examples/colorcube/ lua5.3 colorcube-glut.lua lua5.3 dofile "colorcube-glut.lua" = Path.from "cpath" -- (find-angg "LUA/Path.lua") * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) cd ~/usrc/moongl/examples/ lua5.3 get.lua lua5.3 dofile "get.lua" = Path.from "cpath" # (find-sh "apt-file search glew.h") apti libglew-dev ##### # # gamely-cli.lua # 2025feb27 # ##### # «gamely-cli.lua» (to ".gamely-cli.lua") # (find-es "love" "love-git") * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) # (find-fline "/tmp/meu_game/") rm -Rv /tmp/meu_game/ mkdir /tmp/meu_game/ cd /tmp/meu_game/ wget https://get.gamely.com.br/cli.lua mkdir /tmp/meu_game/src/ lua cli.lua init . lua cli.lua build src/game.lua --core love --run cat > /tmp/meu_game/src/game.lua <<'%%%' function love.draw() love.graphics.print("Hello World", 40, 30) end %%% lua cli.lua build src/game.lua --core love --run # (find-fline "~/usrc/love-engine/samples/helloworld/main.lua") ##### # # love-engine # 2025feb27 # ##### # «love-engine» (to ".love-engine") # https://github.com/gamelly/?q=core-native # https://github.com/gamelly/love-engine # (find-git-links "https://github.com/gamelly/love-engine" "loveengine") # (code-c-d "loveengine" "~/usrc/love-engine/") # (find-loveenginefile "") * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) # rm -Rfv ~/usrc/love-engine/ cd ~/usrc/ git clone https://github.com/gamelly/love-engine cd ~/usrc/love-engine/ git clean -dfx git reset --hard cd ~/usrc/love-engine/ mv cli.lua cli.lua.old wget https://get.gamely.com.br/cli.lua cd ~/usrc/love-engine/ lua5.3 cli.lua build --core repl # (find-loveenginefile "") # (find-loveenginefile "README.md") # (find-loveenginefile "samples/") # (find-loveenginefile "samples/helloworld/") # (find-loveenginefile "samples/helloworld/main.lua") # (find-loveenginefile "samples/pong/") # (find-loveenginefile "samples/pong/main.lua") * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) cd ~/usrc/love-engine/samples/helloworld/ love . cd ~/usrc/love-engine/samples/pong/ love . * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) # (find-loveenginefile "cli.lua") cd ~/usrc/love-engine/ lua5.3 cli.lua build --core repl ##### # # gly-engine # 2025feb27 # ##### # «gly-engine» (to ".gly-engine") # https://github.com/gamelly/?q=core-native # https://github.com/gamelly/core-native-tui # https://github.com/gamelly/core-native-desktop # https://github.com/gamelly/love-engine # https://github.com/gamelly/core-native-desktop # (find-git-links "https://github.com/gamelly/core-native-desktop" "corenativedesktop") * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) # rm -Rfv ~/usrc/core-native-desktop/ cd ~/usrc/ git clone https://github.com/gamelly/core-native-desktop cd ~/usrc/core-native-desktop/ # (code-c-d "corenativedesktop" "~/usrc/core-native-desktop/") # (find-corenativedesktopfile "") # (find-corenativedesktopsh "find * | sort") cmake -Bbuild -H. make -C build ```bash ./build/bin/game -g vendor/engine/examples/asteroids/game.lua https://github.com/gamelly/gly-engine # https://github.com/gamelly/gly-engine # (find-git-links "https://github.com/gamelly/gly-engine" "glyengine") * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) # rm -Rfv ~/usrc/gly-engine/ cd ~/usrc/ git clone https://github.com/gamelly/gly-engine cd ~/usrc/gly-engine/ lua cli.lua build @asteroids --core love --run # (code-c-d "glyengine" "~/usrc/gly-engine/") # (find-glyenginesh "find * | sort") # (find-glyenginefile "") # (find-glyenginefile "README.md") # (find-glyenginefile "docs/cli_build_love2d.txt") ##### # # gamelly # 2025feb27 # ##### # «gamelly» (to ".gamelly") * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) # The LuaRocks sudo luarocks install https://raw.github.com/Neopallium/lua-zmq/master/rockspecs/lua-zmq-scm-1.rockspec sudo luarocks install dkjson sudo luarocks install uuid # luarocks install https://raw.github.com/Neopallium/lua-zmq/master/rockspecs/lua-zmq-scm-1.rockspec # luarocks install dkjson # luarocks install uuid -- (find-es "lua5" "string.format") cobbd(16, 10000) http://lua-users.org/wiki/StringIndexing # http://packages.debian.org/search?searchon=sourcenames&keywords=lua # http://packages.debian.org/search?keywords=lua&searchon=names&suite=stable§ion=all # (find-zsh "availabledebs | sort | grep lua") http://kotisivu.dnainternet.net/askok/bin/lanes/index.html#comparisons # Constant folding: # (find-sh "echo 'return 2^8' | luac -l -") # (find-sh "echo 'return 2^8' | luac51 -l -") Etc (2006aug19): http://matexhu.org/eurotex2006/lectures/pdftex/luatex-prelim-demo.pdf http://lua-users.org/files/wiki_insecure/users/NormanRamsey/luahelp http://lua-users.org/wiki/ExtensionProposal http://www.inf.puc-rio.br/~roberto/pil2/ http://www.inf.puc-rio.br/~roberto/pil2/chapter15.pdf 2006dec30: http://ds9a.nl/webcoding.html http://www.nongnu.org/cinvoke/lua.html http://lua-users.org/wiki/SimpleMatrix http://lua-users.org/files/wiki_insecure/users/chill/Matrix.V.0.4.lua File descriptors: http://lua-users.org/lists/lua-l/2006-08/msg00284.html Commas (aaron): http://lua-users.org/lists/lua-l/2007-09/msg00230.html Commas (edrx): http://lua-users.org/lists/lua-l/2007-09/msg00231.html Windows's CRT.dll: http://lua-users.org/lists/lua-l/2007-11/msg00514.html In-house languages: http://lua-users.org/lists/lua-l/2007-11/msg00526.html IP-to-Country: http://lua-users.org/lists/lua-l/2008-01/msg00465.html Dirname/basename: http://lua-users.org/lists/lua-l/2008-04/msg00025.html and from mathias.guijarro: os.pathsep = package.config:sub(1,1) Help I'm new: http://lua-users.org/lists/lua-l/2008-05/msg00175.html Rewriting "print": http://lua-users.org/lists/lua-l/2008-07/msg00188.html Title case: http://lua-users.org/lists/lua-l/2008-08/msg00353.html IP mnemonics: http://lua-users.org/lists/lua-l/2008-08/msg00666.html Comprehensions: http://lua-users.org/lists/lua-l/2008-09/msg00182.html Scripting (luash): http://lua-users.org/lists/lua-l/2008-09/msg00286.html http://lua-users.org/lists/lua-l/2008-09/msg00300.html -- From Natanael Copa on lua-l, 2008sep15 -- shell utility library function quote(s) -- complement what doesn't need quotes local quote_me = "[^%w%+%-%=%@%_%/]" if s == nil then return nil end if s:find(quote_me) or s == '' then return "\'"..string.gsub(s, "\'", "\'\"\'\"\'").."'" else return s end end function execv(...) local args = {} for _,i in ipairs{...} do table.insert(args, quote(i)) end return os.execute(table.concat(args, " ")) end function capture(cmd) local p = io.popen(cmd) if p == nil then return nil end local ret = p:read("*all") p:close() return ret end # Luashell: # http://ztact.com/software/Luashell # http://ztact.com/software/pozix.c # http://ztact.com/files/ # http://ztact.com/files/src/ztact-lua/ # http://ztact.com/files/downloads/ztact-lua-20080407.2123.zip # http://www.cowlark.com/objective-lua/ # http://www.cowlark.com/objective-lua/olua-0.0.1.tar.bz2 # http://www.reddit.com/r/programming/comments/9r1r3/objective_lua_now_you_can_mix_lua_and_smalltalk/ http://lua-users.org/wiki/UnofficialFaqDiscussion http://www.tecgraf.puc-rio.br/~lhf/ftp/lua/5.1/demo.tar.gz http://software.schmorp.de/pkg/libev.html http://twistedmatrix.com/ http://lists.schmorp.de/pipermail/libev/ http://www.inf.puc-rio.br/~roberto/docs/ry08-05.pdf http://luaforge.net/frs/download.php/3955/luaproc.tgz http://lua-users.org/lists/lua-l/2009-06/msg00611.html http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lang.lua.general/55735 Strict 'struct' pattern: http://lua-users.org/lists/lua-l/2009-08/msg00142.html http://lua-users.org/lists/lua-l/2009-08/msg00214.html http://www.lua.org/doc/jai2009.pdf http://batbytes.com/luafaq http://www.cons.org/cracauer/sigint.html What you can do is simply use pcall, and check that the error message is "interrupted!". http://trylua.org/ It's in the same vain as tryruby.org and the like. It will remember the state of your session until the next browser reload. CliDebugger: http://luaforge.net/frs/?group_id=228 http://luaforge.net/frs/download.php/2498/debugger.lua Announced on lua-l on 2011jun09: http://stevedonovan.github.com/winapi/ http://stevedonovan.github.com/winapi/api.html http://smbolton.com/lua/lbitlib-5.2.0-beta-rc1-backport3.c http://loop.luaforge.net/library/compiler/Expression.html http://lua-users.org/wiki/ListComprehensions http://luaforge.net/projects/lcurses Hyperbananas: http://lua-users.org/lists/lua-l/2011-08/msg00207.html My message on return vs return nil: http://lua-users.org/lists/lua-l/2011-09/msg00301.html http://luakit.org/projects/luakit/ http://packages.debian.org/luakit http://packages.debian.org/sid/luakit http://awesome.naquadah.org/ LuaRocks and GNU autotools: http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lang.lua.general/83600 # (find-lua52manualw3m "#3.3.4" "goto") http://www.reddit.com/comments/63hth/ask_reddit_which_oss_codebases_out_there_are_so/c02pxbp http://stevedonovan.github.com/lua-5.1.4/ Small is Beautiful: http://lambda-the-ultimate.org/node/3894 http://www.stanford.edu/class/ee380/Abstracts/100310-slides.pdf lpeg http://www.tset.de/dbghelper/ http://cgit.gitano.org.uk/supple.git A good example to look at is LuaSocket [1], where 'socket' is a Lua module that builds on the undocumented "internal" C module, 'socket.core'. [1] http://w3.impa.br/~diego/software/luasocket/ # From Dirk Laurie on lua-l, 2012nov14/2012nov15: a={}; a[-0]=false; a[0]=true; for k,v in pairs(a) do print(k,v) end --> -0 true http://lua-users.org/wiki/CustomOperators http://notebook.kulchenko.com/mt/mt-search.cgi?blog_id=2&tag=lua&limit=20 http://www.inf.puc-rio.br/~roberto/struct/ > TID3 = record > signature: array[0..2] of char; > title, artist, album: array[0..29] of char; > year: array[0..3] of char; > comment: array[0..29] of char; > genre: byte; > end; > > My first difficult is: how to represent a Lua 128 bytes structure like that. > And how can I read the last 128 bytes of a file and attibutes it to a > structure, probably a table, with this fields, sized with the given > values? function subl(s,i,l) return i+l,s:sub(i,i+l-1) end f = io.open("foo.mp3","rb") f:seek("end",-128) h = f:read(128) f:close() t = {} i = 1 i,t.signature = subl(h,i,3) i,t.title = subl(h,i,30) i,t.artist = subl(h,i,30) i,t.album = subl(h,i,30) i,t.year = subl(h,i,4) i,t.comment = subl(h,i,30) i,t.genre = subl(h,i,1) http://www.h-online.com/open/news/item/Wikimedia-adopts-Lua-for-page-generation-1825268.html https://blog.wikimedia.org/2013/03/14/what-lua-scripting-means-wikimedia-open-source/ http://randomascii.wordpress.com/2012/02/25/comparing-floating-point-numbers-2012-edition/ http://web.cse.msu.edu/~cse320/Documents/FloatingPoint.pdf > P.S.: is there a smarter way to get the link to the online archived > version of a lua-l message? You can query by message-id. Use this form: +Message-ID: <20130725151210.GA22303@magritte.tecgraf.puc-rio.br> Terra: http://terralang.org/ http://terralang.org/publications.html http://www.dcc.ufrj.br/~fabiom/lua/ Even if you didn't have sleep. You can just use select with empty sets :) require "socket".select(nil,nil,0.5) Or using SIP: > res = {} > = sip.match('Local Socket: $S{addr}..$i{port}',p,res) true > = res.port 750 > = res.addr 2014mar06 Typed Lua: > [slides] <https://www.dropbox.com/s/8mfvnzagx2gixdb/luawshop13-fleutot.pptx> > [notes] <https://github.com/fab13n/metalua/blob/tilo/src/tilo/readme.md> > [video]<http://2013.capitoledulibre.org/conferences/lua-workshop/towards-practical-type-checking-for-lua.html> # (find-es "console" "ansi.lua") http://lua-users.org/lists/lua-l/2014-07/msg00174.html Horizon problem https://github.com/pkulchenko/serpent#sorting http://notebook.kulchenko.com/algorithms/alphanumeric-natural-sorting-for-humans-in-lua On Thu, Jul 31, 2014 at 2:23 AM, Dirk Laurie <dirk.laurie@gmail.com> wrote: > What I have done in some of my modules is to make them > return two values. Then `require "mymod"` only accesses the > public part, but `mymod, private = dofile"mymod.lua"` also > returns a table containing some local functions, cached > while they were visible. http://lua-users.org/lists/lua-l/2014-08/msg00492.html next and inext https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/lua-table-semantics http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-rMC2s0s-zA Textadept - Behind the Scenes https://github.com/dlaurie/lua-notes/blob/master/lpeg-brief.txt http://lua-users.org/wiki/LpegRecipes http://lua-users.org/lists/lua-l/2014-08/msg00529.html Narrative / conversational prose http://lua-users.org/lists/lua-l/2014-05/msg00681.html the parsing room http://lua-users.org/lists/lua-l/2014-08/msg00632.html gsub in lpeg http://lua-users.org/lists/lua-l/2016-06/msg00277.html "n" field to be avoided at all costs Sile: Message-ID: <5404930A.20506@simon-cozens.org> http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/~krejzi/blfs-git/general/lua.html http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/patches/blfs/svn/lua-5.2.3-shared_library-1.patch https://lua-toolbox.com/ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/lua http://xyproblem.info/ http://hg.piratery.net/losix/get/tip.tar.gz # (find-fline "$S/http/hg.piratery.net/losix/get/tip.tar.gz") http://www.openbsd.org/cgi-bin/man.cgi/OpenBSD-current/man7/patterns.7 * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) which lua5.2 export LUA_INIT= lua5.2 PP() = require "posix" * (eepitch-lua52) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua52) table.sort({1,2,3,4,5}, function() return true end) -- stdin:1: invalid order function for sorting http://lua-users.org/lists/lua-l/2015-04/msg00429.html converting Lua C sources to HTML http://lua-users.org/lists/lua-l/2015-04/msg00033.html table of metamethods http://lua-users.org/lists/lua-l/2015-04/msg00101.html Fast metamethods for Userdata types http://lua-users.org/lists/lua-l/2018-05/msg00014.html Lua high-level debugger http://linuxcommand.org/man_pages/ssconvert1.html https://github.com/Yonaba/Algorithm-Implementations http://sano.luaforge.net/ http://lua-users.org/lists/lua-l/2015-04/msg00341.html http://lua.space/ http://oberon00.github.io/lua-cfuncidx/ https://github.com/arcapos/luaunix http://lua-users.org/lists/lua-l/2016-05/msg00405.html try-catch http://the-ravi-programming-language.readthedocs.io/en/latest/lua_bytecode_reference.html https://aperezdc.github.io/lua-itertools/ http://blog.klipse.tech/lua/2017/03/19/blog-lua.html *** http://lua-users.org/lists/lua-l/2017-04/msg00412.html Lua-y lambda syntax using ltokenp http://lua-users.org/wiki/LuaStyleGuide https://github.com/Olivine-Labs/lua-style-guide https://github.com/zaki/lua-style-guide https://github.com/ykst/lua-style-guide http://lua.space/webdev/why-we-rewrote-lua-in-js http://druidstone-game.com/object-decomposition-druidstone http://leafo.net/guides/parsing-expression-grammars.html lpeg http://the-ravi-programming-language.readthedocs.io/en/latest/lua-introduction.html https://github.com/dlaurie/lua-notes *** https://github.com/pallene-lang/pallene https://ulua.io/index.html http://boston.conman.org/2013/03/22.1 Preloading Lua modules http://boston.conman.org/2013/03/23.1 Preloading Lua modules, part II http://lua-users.org/lists/lua-l/2020-01/msg00321.html Lorenzo Donati - Non-language Lua gaps https://github.com/LewisJEllis/awesome-lua https://github.com/lua-users-foundation/foundation https://github.com/dibyendumajumdar/Suravi http://lua-users.org/lists/lua-l/2011-10/msg00481.html Subject: modules, require, magic http://lua-users.org/lists/lua-l/2011-10/msg00532.html Re: modules, require, magic http://lua-users.org/lists/lua-l/2020-02/msg00036.html ...is a pre-requisite https://github.com/Tieske/luawinmulti https://github.com/rxi/lite https://github.com/howl-editor/howl https://github.com/PG1003/dogfood https://github.com/lua/lua/blob/master/manual/manual.of http://savage.net.au/Marpa.html (similar to LPEG) * Homepage: https://github.com/un-def/lua-buffet * Examples: https://github.com/un-def/lua-buffet/tree/master/examples/ * Luarocks: https://luarocks.org/modules/undef/lua-buffet * OPM: https://opm.openresty.org/package/un-def/lua-buffet/ ltn12 https://wiki.c2.com/?ClosuresAndObjectsAreEquivalent https://github.com/luarocks/lua-style-guide https://andregarzia.com/2021/01/lua-a-misunderstood-language.html https://github.com/xmake-io/xmake https://github.com/tboox/ltui https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4521085/main-function-in-lua https://github.com/Koihik/LuaFormatter http://boston.conman.org/2020/06/05.2 A Lua module in assembly, why not? https://gitspartv.github.io/lua-to-lua-c-api/ https://github.com/GitSparTV/lua-to-lua-c-api https://github.com/luaj/luaj https://onlinejudge.org/external/124/12423.pdf mini-lua 2022aug03 http://lua-users.org/lists/lua-l/2022-09/msg00016.html Structured concurrency and Lua - John Belmonte https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=33756181 LuaJIT Remake: An ongoing attempt to re-engineer LuaJIT from scratch (github.com/luajit-remake) <parsnip> ,bootle <fsbot> "Should array indices start at 0 or 1? My compromise of 0.5 was rejected without, I thought, proper consideration." — Stan Kelly-Bootle # ALK is a group of snippets and articles to serve as reference on Lua and Lua C API development. # https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#inbox/FMfcgzGqRZbhqhbLpDKFxfsLZdSPqPDw # Official repo: https://codeberg.org/waxlab/alk # Backup 1: https://github.com/waxlab/alk # Backup 2: https://gitlab.com/waxlab/alk https://yuescript.org/doc/#introduction compiles to Lua https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=37163742 Algebraic data types in Lua (almost) (mrcjkb.dev) https://mrcjkb.dev/posts/2023-08-17-lua-adts.html https://orbitalquark.github.io/lua-quick-reference/ https://github.com/tylerneylon/APIsWithLua https://groups.google.com/g/lua-l/c/UbYDYguBqSg/m/X3snVHKaAAAJ Thomas Jericke on Protos https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#inbox/FMfcgzQVzXcBTRcKRzXGPTkFWpdZNMxG Markdown in pure Lua https://andregarzia.com/2021/01/lua-a-misunderstood-language.html https://www.tset.de/lpty/README.html https://leafo.net/guides/dsl-in-lua.html https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=43128021 Writing a DSL in Lua (2015) (leafo.net) http://lua-users.org/wiki/LuaInterpreterInLua https://github.com/gamelly/gly-engine # Local Variables: # coding: utf-8-unix # modes: (fundamental-mode lua-mode c-mode) # End: