Warning: this is an htmlized version!
The original is here, and
the conversion rules are here.
Este é o arquivo "HELP" do pacote Debian "eev-puro".
Versão upstream:  http://angg.twu.net/eev-puro/HELP.html
                          (find-angg "eev-puro/HELP")
Versão local: (find-fline "/usr/share/eev-puro/HELP")
Para abrí-lo bata `M-2 M-j',
para fechá-lo bata `M-k'     (`ee-kill-this-buffer').

Teclas básicas do Eev
M-e     -- ee-eval-sexp-eol     (find-eval-intro "`M-e'")
M-k     -- ee-kill-this-buffer  (find-eval-intro "Going back")
F8      -- eepitch-this-line    (find-eepitch-intro "The main key: <F8>")
M-T     -- ee-wrap-eepitch      (find-eepitch-intro "Creating eepitch blocks:")
M-S     -- ee-wrap-sh           (find-wrap-intro "M-S")
M-F     -- ee-wrap-file         (find-wrap-intro "What else?")

M-h M-2 -- ee-duplicate-this-line  (find-eval-intro "Producing and refining")
M-h M-y -- ee-yank-pos-spec        (find-eval-intro "Producing and refining")
M-h M-i -- find-einfo-links        (find-eval-intro "Producing and refining")

Teclas básicas do Emacs
C-g     -- keyboard-quit                (find-enode "Quitting" "`C-g'")
C-/     -- undo                         (find-enode "Basic Undo")

M-x     -- execute-extended-command     (find-enode "M-x")
            more about the minibuffer:  (find-enode "Minibuffer")
TAB     -- for completion:              (find-enode "Completion")
           for indentation:             (find-enode "Indentation")
           in programming modes:        (find-enode "Basic Indent")

C-x o   -- other-window                      (find-enode "Other Window")
C-x 0   -- delete-window                     (find-enode "Change Window")
C-x 1   -- delete-other-windows ("1 window") (find-enode "Change Window")
C-x 2   -- split-window-vertically (Abv/Blw) (find-enode "Split Window")
C-x 3   -- split-window-horizontally   (L|R) (find-enode "Split Window")

                                        (find-enode "Dired")
C-x C-f -- find-file                    (find-enode "Visiting")
C-x C-s -- save-buffer                  (find-enode "Saving")
C-x C-c -- save-buffers-kill-emacs      (find-enode "Saving")
C-x b   -- switch-to-buffer             (find-enode "Select Buffer")
C-x k   -- kill-buffer                  (find-enode "Kill Buffer")

Cut & Paste
S-arrows                                (find-enode "Shift Selection")
C-SPC   -- set-mark-command             (find-enode "Mark")
                                        (find-enode "Setting Mark")
C-w     -- kill-region     (cut)        (find-enode "Other Kill Commands")
M-w     -- kill-ring-save  (copy)       (find-enode "Kill Ring")
C-y     -- yank            (paste)      (find-enode "Kill Ring")

Some info mode bindings
q       -- Info-exit                    (find-enode "Misc Help")
RET     -- Info-follow-nearest-node
n       -- Info-next
p       -- Info-prev
u       -- Info-up
l       -- Info-last
?       -- Info-summary
TAB     -- Info-next-reference

C-a     -- beginning-of-line            (find-enode "Moving Point")
C-e     -- end-of-line                  (find-enode "Moving Point")
M-<     -- beginning-of-buffer          (find-enode "Moving Point")
M->     -- end-of-buffer                (find-enode "Moving Point")

M-q     -- fill-paragraph               (find-enode "Fill Commands")

C-s     -- isearch-forward              (find-enode "Incremental Search")
C-r     -- isearch-backward             (find-enode "Incremental Search")

Confira:      (find-fline "/usr/share/eev-puro/")     
	                (find-status   "eev-puro")     
	                (find-vldifile "eev-puro.list")
	                (find-udfile   "eev-puro/")    
Adaptado de: http://angg.twu.net/emacs.html#intro-keys
                       (find-TH "emacs"    "intro-keys")
                       (find-TH "emacs"    "files-and-buffers")
                       (find-TH "emacs"    "basic-keys")
Autor: Eduardo Ochs <eduardoochs@gmail.com>
Versão: 2012apr24

Veja também: (find-wrap-intro)

Como usar este HELP
Use-o com eejump. Se o eev-puro estiver instalado no sistema e
carregado no Emacs (com `M-x puro') então `M-22j' abre este arquivo
e `M-k' o fecha.

Informações avançadas:
Se você criar uma versão deste HELP no seu home use `M-2j' para
abrí-la. Confira:

  (find-fline "/usr/share/eev-puro/.emacs" "(eq arg 22)")
  (find-fline "/usr/share/eev-puro/.emacs" "(eq arg 2)")

Idéias básicas: teclas
  (find-enode "Keys" "key sequence")
  (find-enode "User Input" "`Control-a'" "usually written `C-a'")
  (find-enode "User Input" "<META> key")
  (find-enode "M-x" "Running Commands by Name")
  (find-enode "Quitting" "`C-g'")

Screen, files, buffers, window, frames
  (find-enode "Files")
  (find-enode "Buffers")
  (find-enode "Screen")
    (find-enode "Windows")
    (find-enode "Frames")

Partes da janela ("frame") do Emacs:
                                        __ _ _
          /  |                                 |  \
          |  | bla                             |  | O Emacs
Window    |  |                                 |  | chama isto
managers  |  |                                 |  | de "janela".
chamam    |  |                                 |  /
isto de   |  |--:** foo.txt  (Fundamental) ----|  <-- A "modeline" da janela.
"window". /  |                                 |  \
O Emacs   \  | bla bla                         |  | Outra
chama     |  | ble                             |  | janela.
isto de   |  |                                 |  |
"frame".  |  |                                 |  /
          |  |--:** bar.txt  (Fundamental) ----|  <-- A modeline dela.
          \  |Find file: ~/bletch.txt__________|  <-- O minibuffer.

A última linha de um frame às vezes funciona como minibuffer, às vezes
como "echo area". Quando o minibuffer está "ativo" ele funciona como
um buffer - o cursor pode ir pra lá.

  (find-enode "Other Window")

Teclas bem menos básicas
M-C-s   -- isearch-forward-regexp       (find-enode "Regexp Search")
M-C-r   -- isearch-backward-regexp      (find-enode "Regexp Search")
M-%     -- query-replace                (find-enode "Replace")

C-x (   -- start-kbd-macro              (find-enode "Keyboard Macros")
C-x )   -- end-kbd-macro                (find-enode "Keyboard Macros")
C-x e   -- call-last-kbd-macro          (find-enode "Keyboard Macros")

Other non-standard bindings that I set
M-o     -- other-window                 (find-enode "Other Window")
ins     -- overwrite-mode               (find-enode "Minor Modes")
f1      -- buffer-menu                  (find-enode "Several Buffers")
f4      -- redraw-display               (find-elnode "Refresh Screen")
f5      -- call-last-kbd-macro          (find-enode "Keyboard Macros")
f6      -- picture-mode                 (find-enode "Picture")

# Local Variables:
# coding: raw-text-unix
# End: