Warning: this is an htmlized version!
The original is here, and
the conversion rules are here.
;;  Copyright (c) 2004-2007 by Keith M. Knowles.
;;  Free software licenced under the terms of the
;;  GNU Lesser General Public Licence.
;;  Note: this is a slightly modified version of kmk's original
;;  file... I reformatted it, moved the keybindings to a minor mode
;;  keymap, moved a concat'ed regexp to a variable, and changed some
;;  `if's to `when's. Edrx, 2008apr18.
;;  URLs ("0" means kmk's, "non-0" means edrx's):
;;     http://angg.twu.net/elisp/elinks0.el.html
;;     http://angg.twu.net/elisp/elinks0.el
;;     http://angg.twu.net/elisp/elinks.el.html
;;     http://angg.twu.net/elisp/elinks.el
;;     http://angg.twu.net/elisp/menu0.el.html
;;     http://angg.twu.net/elisp/menu0.el
;;     http://angg.twu.net/elisp/menu.el.html
;;     http://angg.twu.net/elisp/menu.el
;;  Program:		Elinks.
;;  Module:		elinks.el -- hypertext capability.
;;  Version:		1
;;  Author:		Keith M. Knowles.
;;  Date:		Feb 2004
;;  Changes:
;;  07/12/13 kmk	Allowed '-' in tag names.
;;  07/12/13 kmk	Define next/prev-link and bind C-> and C-<.
;;  07/12/08 kmk	Timestamp was appearing as yyddmm.
;;  07/12/04 kmk	Add time-stamping for Iweb.
;;  07/12/04 kmk	Define kp-2, 4, 5, 6 and 8 as synonyms.
;;  07/09/26 kmk	Fix a /tag logic error at the beginning of buffer
;;			that prevented recording of the return link.
;;  07/09/24 kmk	Make elinks-widen stack a history entry for return.
;;  07/09/21 kmk	Include linked documentation in this file.
;;  07/08/12 kmk	Completed 5/28 work and clean-up.
;;  07/07/22 kmk	Implement < /tag > to control narrowing.
;;  06/05/28 kmk	Use regexp to drive elinks.
;;  06/04/23 kmk	Implement link-translation.
;;  05/01/30 kmk	Change < topic > to < tag >.
;;  05/01/25 kmk	Switch to file#tag notation.
;;  04/12/28 kmk	Change link format to: "tag1 < see tag2 [file] >".
;;  04/11/29 kmk	Interpret line numbers and search strings
;;  04/05/05 kmk	Implement % to return to last place.
;;  04/03/12 kmk	Include incremental search for tag.
;;  04/02/07 kmk	Implement hyper-link capability in text files.
;;  Description:	<see #root>
;;  <tag root>;
;;		       Elinks -- hyper-text in Emacs
;;  If you are unfamiliar with using  Elinks, press C-. to follow this link:
;;  <see #summary>.
;;  Elinks provides hyper-linking in plain-text files for use within Emacs.
;;  Elinks provides  poor-man's browsing  in Emacs by  following hyper-links
;;  embedded  in the  text in  the form of  "see" directives.   A hyper-link
;;  refers  to its  target using  a file#tag  format, specifying  a location
;;  within a file.  These directives  link topics together.  History is kept
;;  to allow return.
;;  Topics are delineated  with the "tag" directive.  A tag  can be a target
;;  for a hyper-link and viewed as an open or closed topic.
;;  An  open  topic is  viewed  in the  file  along  with whatever  contents
;;  surround it.  For example, a target topic might be a comment in a source
;;  file.  In  this case, you wish to  also see the source  code the comment
;;  applies to.
;;  A closed topic  is viewed in isolation effectively  as a separate "page"
;;  of information.  (This is done in Emacs by narrowing the window.)
;;  Elinks  is  partnered  by  Docgen,  a separate  utility  that  generates
;;  browsable HTML pages from  plain-text files, recognizing Elinks in order
;;  to link pages.
;;  Elinks depends upon the file, menu.el.
;;  Subtopics:
;;    1.  <see #see		"see" directive>
;;    2.  <see #tag		"tag" directive>
;;    3.  <see #ops		Elink operations>
;;    4.  <see #ex		an example page>
;;    5.  <see #notes		To be done>
;;  </tag>
;;  <tag ex>;			      <see #root up:>
;;  <see #ops prev:>					  <see #notes next:>
;;			 An example of page layout
;;  This is an  example of how a  topic page might be laid  out.  Each topic
;;  should fit  in one  window.  In this  example, explanatory  text follows
;;  the title.  The topic ends with a list of links to subtopics.	   
;;  Note that  because the explanatory text may  contain cross-links, (which
;;  would appear  in the down-link menu,  an author might choose  to put the
;;  table of subtopics first, immediately after the title, and then with the
;;  explanatory text.  This style might  also assist the reader who seeks to
;;  quickly "drill down" to a particular subject.		   
;;  Subtopics:
;;    1. < see #subtop1		subtop1 decription >
;;    2. < see #subtop2		subtop2 decription >
;;    3. < see #subtop3		subtop3 decription >
;;       ..
;;       ..
;;    8. < see #subtop8		subtop8 decription >
;;  </tag>
;;  Notes:		<tag notes>;			      <see #root up:>
;;  <see #ex prev:>
;;			    Elinks -- to be done
;;  - should we narrow when going to < tag >?
;;  - <refs ../../../databases/sys/inc/lang11.inc> allows "lang11.inc" only
;;    thereafter.  <see elinks/elinks_loc>
;;  - error when the file name is only 1 character
;;  - error when < tag > in target file is undefined
;;  - illegal menu option causes bug.
;;  - move this documentation into emacs/elinks.el.
;;  - menu bug:
;;    1.  <see #see "see" directive>
;;    2.  missing choice in Ilog
;;  </tag>

(setq-default elinks-stack nil)	; browse stack

;;  <tag summary>;			<see #root up: Elinks root>
;;			   Elinks -- quick start
;;  C->			move to the next link in the buffer, <see #link-next>
;;  C-<			move to the previous link in the buffer, <see #link-prev>
;;  C-.			follow a see-link, such as <see #follow>
;;  C-,			return back via the last link followed, <see #return>
;;  A page  _may_ have up,  left, right and  down pointers linking  the page
;;  into a hierarchy of topics.   There may be numerous down-links and these
;;  will be presented as a menu for selection.
;;  C-kp-up		go up to the parent topic, <see #up>
;;  C-kp-left		go to the previous topic, <see #prev>
;;  C-kp-right		go to the next topic, <see #next>
;;  C-kp-down		present a menu of subtopics, <see #menu>
;;  </tag>

;;  <tag ops>;			      <see #root up:>
;;  <see #tag prev:>					  <see #notes next:>
;;			   Elinks -- operations:
;;  The operations implemented by Elinks are:
;;	1. <see #next-link	elinks-next-link>	C->
;;	2. <see #prev-link	elinks-prev-link>	C-<
;;	3. <see #follow		elinks-follow>		C-.
;;	4. <see #return		elinks-return>		C-,
;;	5. <see #menu		elinks-menu>		C-kp-down
;;	6. <see #next		elinks-next-topic>	C-kp-right
;;	7. <see #up		elinks-up>		C-kp-up
;;	8. <see #prev		elinks-prev-topic>	C-kp-left
;;	9. <see #widen		elinks-widen>		C-kp-space (KP5)
;;  Topics may be linked together  in a hierarchical structure in which each
;;  topic, (except  for the "root" topic),  has a parent  topic.  The parent
;;  topics should  be linked to  their subtopics via  down-links, preferably
;;  presented in a tabular, menu form.  "Next", (and possibly "prev" links),
;;  linking subtopics  in a natural,  sequential reading order  complete the
;;  hierarchy.
;;  Note however  that "cross-links"  may additionally exist  in a  topic to
;;  allow "surfing"  outside the natural hierarchical  reading order.  There
;;  are at least three possible ways to use documentation:
;;     1. read a document in sequential order to absorb its content;
;;     2. "drill down" through the menus from the top to locate information;
;;     3. "surf" from topic to related topic to search for infomration in an
;;	  unknown location in the documentation.
;;  Elinks follow and return support surfing cross-links and the menu, next,
;;  up and prev operations support hierarchical navigation.
;;  NB:  the next  and  prev links  are considered  error-prone and  are not
;;  necessary  for  use with  Docgen,  which  discovers those  relationships
;;  automatically.  Next-links may nevertheless be convenient for "poor man"
;;  browsing in Emacs.  Prev-links  are considered almost completely useless
;;  and  are provided  for symmetry  and little  other reason.   (The Elinks
;;  return operation is considered quite  sufficient for the limited case in
;;  which a reader wishes to retrace his steps in that just read in order.)
;;  </tag>

;; (find-angg "elisp/menu.el")
(require 'menu)

;; (global-set-key [?\C-.] 'elinks-follow) ; <see #follow>
;; (global-set-key [?\C-,] 'elinks-return) ; <see #return>
;; (global-set-key [?\C->] 'elinks-next-link)
;; (global-set-key [?\C-<] 'elinks-prev-link)
;; (global-set-key [C-kp-up]    'elinks-up)
;; (global-set-key [C-kp-8]     'elinks-up)
;; (global-set-key [C-kp-down]  'elinks-menu) ; <see #menu>
;; (global-set-key [C-kp-2]     'elinks-menu) ; <see #menu>
;; (global-set-key [C-kp-left]  'elinks-prev-topic)
;; (global-set-key [C-kp-4]     'elinks-prev-topic)
;; (global-set-key [C-kp-right] 'elinks-next-topic) ; <see #next>
;; (global-set-key [C-kp-6]     'elinks-next-topic) ; <see #next>
;; (global-set-key [C-kp-space] 'elinks-widen) ; <see #widen>
;; (global-set-key [C-kp-5]     'elinks-widen) ; <see #widen>

(defvar elinks-mode-map nil)
(if elinks-mode-map
  (setq elinks-mode-map (make-sparse-keymap))
  (define-key elinks-mode-map [?\C-.] 'elinks-follow) ; <see #follow>
  (define-key elinks-mode-map [?\C-,] 'elinks-return) ; <see #return>
  (define-key elinks-mode-map [?\C->] 'elinks-next-link)
  (define-key elinks-mode-map [?\C-<] 'elinks-prev-link)
  (define-key elinks-mode-map [C-kp-up]    'elinks-up)
  (define-key elinks-mode-map [C-kp-8]     'elinks-up)
  (define-key elinks-mode-map [C-kp-down]  'elinks-menu)       ; <see #menu>
  (define-key elinks-mode-map [C-kp-2]     'elinks-menu)       ; <see #menu>
  (define-key elinks-mode-map [C-kp-left]  'elinks-prev-topic)
  (define-key elinks-mode-map [C-kp-4]     'elinks-prev-topic)
  (define-key elinks-mode-map [C-kp-right] 'elinks-next-topic) ; <see #next>
  (define-key elinks-mode-map [C-kp-6]     'elinks-next-topic) ; <see #next>
  (define-key elinks-mode-map [C-kp-space] 'elinks-widen)      ; <see #widen>
  (define-key elinks-mode-map [C-kp-begin] 'elinks-widen)      ; <see #widen>
  (define-key elinks-mode-map [C-kp-5]     'elinks-widen)      ; <see #widen>

(define-minor-mode elinks-mode
"Toggle elinks mode, i.e, activate or deactivate the `elinks-mode-map' keymap.
With a prefix argument ARG, turn elinks-mode on if positive, else off.
  \\[elinks-follow] -- elinks-follow ; <see #follow>
  \\[elinks-return] -- elinks-return ; <see #return>

  \\[elinks-next-link]  -- elinks-next-link
  \\[elinks-prev-link]  -- elinks-prev-link

  \\[elinks-up]  -- elinks-up
  \\[elinks-up]  -- elinks-up
  \\[elinks-menu]  -- elinks-menu       ; <see #menu>
  \\[elinks-menu]  -- elinks-menu       ; <see #menu>
  \\[elinks-prev-topic]  -- elinks-prev-topic
  \\[elinks-prev-topic]  -- elinks-prev-topic
  \\[elinks-next-topic]  -- elinks-next-topic <see #next>
  \\[elinks-next-topic]  -- elinks-next-topic <see #next>
  \\[elinks-widen]  -- elinks-widen      ; <see #widen>
  \\[elinks-widen]  -- elinks-widen      ; <see #widen>"
  :init-value t
  :global t)

(elinks-mode 1)

;; (find-efunctiondescr 'elinks-mode)
;; (find-efunctiondescr 'eev-mode)

;;  <tag see>;			      <see #root up:>
;;							    <see #tag next:>
;;		       Elinks -- the 'see' directive:
;;  The see directive is an HTML-style directive taking the form:
;;    < see file#tag label >
;;  The file is optional and defaults to the current file.
;;  The #tag is optional and defaults  to the last position in the file used
;;  by Emacs, or to the top of the file.  The tag can be:
;;    .		top of file
;;    $		end of file
;;    %		position last remembered by Emacs
;;    123	line number
;;    "target"	literal text (searched for from top of file)
;;    name	name of a topic defined in a tag directive
;;  The label argument is optional and labels the link.  It is used by the
;;  <see #menu> command.
;;  In addition, file-name short-cuts are implemented, using a //link
;;  prefix notation.  <see #short>
;;  </tag>
;;  <tag follow>;			       <see #ops up:>
;;					       <see #return next:>
;;			   Elinks -- C-. : follow
;;  Scan forward to  the next elink,  <see #see>,  and follow  it.  If a tag
;;  is specified,  find and  follow the corresponding  topic or  location in
;;  the destination buffer.
;;  </tag>
(defun elinks-follow (&optional ref)
  "Follow next Elink"
  (let (file
	(pos (point)))			; original position

    ;; If the ref is specified, position to search the whole, visible buffer.
    (if (not ref)
	(setq tail "\\(?:\\|[ \t\n]+\\([^>]*\\)\\)?[ \t\n]*>")
      (setq tail (concat "[ \t\n]+\\(" ref "[^>]*\\)[ \t\n]*>")))

    ;; Locate the target reference and position before the keyword.
    (if (not
	   "<see[ \t\n]+"		; verb
	   "\\([^ \t\n#>]*\\)"		; file
	   "\\(?:#\\(\."		; top of file
	   "\\|%"			; last position
	   "\\|\$"			; end of file
	   "\\|[A-Za-z0-9_-]+"		; tag or line number
	   "\\|\".*?\"\\)\\)?"		; target string (non-greedy?)
	   tail)			; tail
	  nil t))
	(progn				; abort
	  (goto-char pos)		; leave point at original position
	  (if ref
	      (error (concat "No Elink referring to: " ref))
	    (error (concat "No Elink following current position")))))
    (setq pos (point))
    (setq file (match-string 1))
    (setq tag (match-string 2))
    (setq ref (match-string 3))	; the full ref
    (if (equal file "") (setq file nil))
    (if (or (not tag) (equal tag "")) (setq tag "."))
    (if (equal ref "") (setq ref nil))

    ;;  We need to here detect a timestamp on the beginning of the line and
    ;;  update it with today's date.  If there, it will have the format:
    ;;		yymmdd.
    ;;  where '.' is a space or tab.
    (if (looking-at "[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][ \t]")
	(setq today (calendar-current-date))
	    (- (nth 2 today) 2000)
	    (nth 0 today)
	    (nth 1 today)))
	(kill-word 1)))
    (goto-char pos)

    ;; <tag short>    ;			       <see #see up:>
    ;;			 Elinks -- file short-cuts:
    ;;   If a file-specifiation begins with the notation, //link,
    ;;   Elinks consults the redirection file, ~/.apps/elinks, which
    ;;   should contain entries of the form:
    ;;	  link:file
    ;;   The //link prefix is replaced with the corresponding file
    ;;   found in the elinks redirection file.  This is not, but could be
    ;;   recursive?
    ;; </tag>
    (if file
      (if (and
	   (>= (length file) 2)
	   (equal (substring file 0 2) "//"))
	  (setq file (substring file 2))
	  (setq slash (string-match "/" file))
	  (if slash
		(setq prefix (substring file 0 slash))
		(setq postfix (substring file slash))
	    (setq prefix file)
	    (setq postfix nil))
	  ; look up the prefix in the elinks file.
	  (find-file "~/.apps/elinks")
	  (setq pos (search-forward (concat prefix ":")  nil t))
	  (if (not pos)
	      (error (concat "No translation for " prefix)))
	  (setq start (point))
	  (setq prefix (buffer-substring start (point)))
	  (setq file (concat prefix postfix)))))

    ;;  Save return position.
    (setq pos (point-marker))

    (if file (find-file file))

    ;; <tag tag>    ;			      <see #root up:>
    ;;   <see #see prev:>				    <see #ops next:>
    ;;			Elinks -- the 'tag' directive:
    ;;   < tag tagname label >
    ;;   Use <see #follow> as an example.
    ;;   One possibility  for simplifying parsing is  to place the  up tag in
    ;;   the /tag directive.   This is not so intuitive  and it restricts up-
    ;;   linking to closed topics.
    ;;   But  I think the  better one  is to  put all  the down-links  in the
    ;;   topic, possibly in a table.   Then the "next:" link.  Then the "up:"
    ;;   link.  Then, the "up2:", etc, links.
    ;;   We  need to  balance the  Elink and  HTML appearance.   A plain-text
    ;;   topic will  appear along with the  one generated by  Docgen from the
    ;;   tag directive.
    ;; </tag>
    ;; Find the referenced topic.  If not found, no diagnostic is issued and
    ;; the buffer is left positioned at its beginning.  [kmk] which is not
    ;; desirable.
    ;;	.	top of file
    ;;	$	end of file
    ;;	%	last position remembered by Emacs
    ;;	num	line number
    ;;	"tag"	search for the tag
    ;;	topic	<tag topic>
    (if (not (string-equal tag "%"))
	(if (not (string-equal tag "."))
	  (if (string-equal tag "$")
	    (if (/= (string-to-number tag) 0)
	      (goto-line (string-to-number tag))
	      (if (string-equal (substring tag 0 1) "\"")
		(search-forward (substring tag 1 -1) nil t)
		   "<tag[ \t\n]+" tag "\\(\\|[ \t\n]*[^>]*\\)>")
		  nil t)))
	    (recenter 0)))))

    (setq start (point))
    (if (re-search-forward "\\(<tag[ \t\n]\\|</tag>\\)" nil t)
	(backward-char 5)
	(if (looking-at "/tag")
	  (narrow-to-region start (- (point) 1)))
	(goto-char start)))

    ;;  Success.  Remember the previous page location.
    (push pos elinks-stack)))

;;  The following needs modification for ref.
;;  <tag menu>;			     <see #ops up: ops>
;;  <see #return prev:>					   <see #next next:>
;;			 Elinks -- C-kp-down : menu
;;  The Elinks "menu" operation scans  the current topic page and presents a
;;  menu of  elinks found there.  This  allows the reader an  easy method to
;;  choose a subtopic of the page and navigate directly there.
;;  Note however  that the  menu operation will  discover every link  on the
;;  page and this  will possibly include up-, prev-  and next-links, as well
;;  as cross-links.   These do not link  to subtopics of  the page, however,
;;  with care, this should not lead to confusion.
;;  This page has no subtopics, so for an example of using "menu", first use
;;  "up" to return to the operations topic above and then use "menu" to
;;  select a subtopic; this one, elinks-menu (option "f"?), for example.
;;  </tag>
(defvar elinks-menu-regexp
   "<see[ \t\n]+"			;    verb
   "\\([^ \t\n#>]*\\)"			; 1: file
   "\\(?:"				; (shy group)
   "#\\(\."				; 2: top of file
   "\\|%"				;    last position
   "\\|\$"				;    end of file
   "\\|[A-Za-z0-9_-]+"			;    tag or line number
   "\\|\".*?\"\\)\\)?"			;    target string (non-greedy?)
   "\\(?:[ \t\n]+\\([^>]*\\)\\)?"	; 3: ref
   "[ \t\n]*>"				;    tail

(defun elinks-menu ()
  "Follow text-link to specified tag"
  (setq link-tags nil)
  (setq link-pos nil)
      (re-search-forward elinks-menu-regexp nil t)
      (setq link-tag (match-string 3))
      (if (not link-tag)
	  (setq link-tag (match-string 2))
	  (if (not link-tag)
	    (setq link-tag (match-string 1)))))
      (if link-tag
	  (push link-tag link-tags)
	  (push (match-beginning 0) link-pos)))))
  (setq link-tags (nreverse link-tags))
  (setq link-pos (nreverse link-pos))
  (setq link-tag (mini-menu link-tags))
  (if link-tag
	(goto-char (elt link-pos link-tag))

;;  <tag return>;			       <see #ops up:>
;;  <see #follow prev:>					   <see #menu next:>
;;			   Elinks -- C-, : return
;;  The  <see #follow>  operation keeps  a  history of  visited links.   The
;;  "return" operation pops the most recent entry from the history stack and
;;  navigates back to the corresponding, originating link.
;;  </tag>
(defun elinks-return ()
  "Return from text-link"
  (let (prev)
    (setq prev (pop elinks-stack))
    (if prev
	  (switch-to-buffer (marker-buffer prev))
	  (goto-char (marker-position prev))
	    (if (re-search-forward "\\(<tag[ \t\n]\\|</tag>\\)" nil t)
		  (backward-char 5)
		  (if (looking-at "/tag")
			(setq end (- (point) 1))
			(re-search-backward "<tag[ \t\n]+[^>]+>")
			(goto-char (match-end 0))
			(narrow-to-region (point) end)))
		  (goto-char start)))))
      (error "No previous page"))))

;;  <tag next-link>;				<see #ops up:>
;;  <see #menu prev:>???
;;  </tag>
(defun elinks-next-link ()
  "Position to the next link"
    (forward-char 1)
    (re-search-forward "<see[ \t\n]")
    (backward-char 5)
    (setq pos (point)))
  (goto-char pos))

;;  <tag next>;			       <see #ops up:>
;;  <see #menu prev:>					     <see #up next:>
;;			Elinks -- C-kp-right : next
;;  This  operation searches the  current page  for an  elink marked  with a
;;  description beginning with "next:" and follows it.  This should take the
;;  reader to the next subtopic of the parent (of the current topic).
;;  </tag>
(defun elinks-next-topic ()
  "Follow the next-link"
  (elinks-follow "next:"))

;;  <tag up>;			     <see #ops up:>
;;  <see #next prev:>					   <see #prev next:>
;;			   Elinks -- C-kp-up : up
;;  This operation searches the current page for an elink marked with a
;;  description beginning with "up:" and follows it.  This should take the
;;  reader to the parent of the current topic.
;;  </tag>
(defun elinks-up ()
  "Follow the up-link"
  (elinks-follow "up:"))

;;  <tag prev-link>;
(defun elinks-prev-link ()
  "Position to the previous link"
    (backward-char 1)
    (re-search-backward "<see[ \t\n]")
    (setq pos (point)))
  (goto-char pos))

;;  <tag prev>;			       <see #ops up:>
;;  <see #up prev:>					<see #widen next:>
;;			 Elinks -- C-kp-left : prev
;;  This  operation searches the  current page  for an  elink marked  with a
;;  description beginning with "prev:" and follows it.  This should take the
;;  reader to the previous subtopic of the parent (of the current topic).
;;  Prev-links, like next-links, are considered error-prone.  Note that both
;;  relationships  are automatically  discovered  by Docgen.   Nevertheless,
;;  next-links are at least useful for "poor man's browsing" in Emacs alone.
;;  Prev-links however are considered  next to useless since, realistically,
;;  readers  do not  read a  document in  natural order,  with  the possible
;;  exception of  perhaps backing up  one or two  topics in order  to reread
;;  them;  and this  purpose  can be  achieved  more sensibly  by using  the
;;  "return" operation to retrace recent history.  The "prev" operation is
;;  provided merely for symmetry and that, reluctantly.
;;  </tag>
(defun elinks-prev-topic ()
  "Follow the prev-link"
  (elinks-follow "prev:"))

;;  <tag widen>;			       <see #ops up:>
;;  <see #prev prev:>
;;		    Elinks -- widen the view for editing
;;  This command,  C-kp-space (KP5), is  merely bound to the  Emacs command,
;;  _widen_.  This is  helpful during editing of a  document, particularly a
;;  "closed" topic.
;;  It can  also be useful when  the topic describes  some associated source
;;  code.  By widening the view, the surrounding source code may be exposed.
;;  This does, however, incur the cost that any up-, prev- and next-links on
;;  the  page  may  not  be  interpreted properly  since  the  corresponding
;;  operations  will now  search  the  whole file,  rather  than the  narrow
;;  context of the topic, and thus may find other links, erroneously.
;;  07/09/24 You can now use C-, (elinks-return) to re-narrow the view.
;;  </tag>
(defun elinks-widen ()
  "Widen the view to show the surrounds"
  ; stack a history entry for elinks-return
  (push (point-marker) elinks-stack)

;; (require 'elinks)
(provide 'elinks)