Warning: this is an htmlized version!
The original is here, and
the conversion rules are here.
% (find-angg "bin/dednat5")
% (find-dn5 "tests/")
% (find-LATEX "2011ebl-slides.tex")
% (find-angg ".emacs.papers" "pgf")
% (find-pgfmanualpage 146 "15     Nodes and Edges")
% (find-pgfmanualtext 146 "15     Nodes and Edges")
% (find-pgfmanualpage 151 "\\node {abc}")
% (find-pgfmanualtext 151 "\\node {abc}")
% (find-pgfmanualpage 157 "\\node (somenode) at (1,1)")
% (find-pgfmanualtext 157 "\\node (somenode) at (1,1)")

% (find-angg "LATEX/test1.tex")
% (find-dn4ex "edrx08.sty")
% (find-angg ".emacs.templates" "s2008a")
% (defun c  () (interactive) (find-zsh "cd ~/TIKZ/ && dednat5 -t test1.tex &&    latex test1.tex" 1 '(eek "M->")))
% (defun cp () (interactive) (find-zsh "cd ~/TIKZ/ && dednat5 -t test1.tex && pdflatex test1.tex" 1 '(eek "M->")))
% (defun cp () (interactive) (find-zsh "cd ~/TIKZ/ && dednat5 -t test1.tex && pdflatex test1.tex"))
% (defun c () (interactive) (find-zsh "cd ~/LATEX/ && ~/dednat4/dednat41 test1.tex && latex    test1.tex"))
% (defun c () (interactive) (find-zsh "cd ~/LATEX/ && ~/dednat4/dednat41 test1.tex && pdflatex test1.tex"))
% (eev "cd ~/LATEX/ && Scp test1.{dvi,pdf} edrx@angg.twu.net:slow_html/LATEX/")
% (defun d  () (interactive) (find-dvipage  "~/TIKZ/test1.dvi"))
% (defun dp () (interactive) (find-xpdfpage "~/TIKZ/test1.pdf"))
% (find-dvipage "~/LATEX/test1.dvi")
% (find-pspage  "~/LATEX/test1.pdf")
% (find-xpdfpage "~/LATEX/test1.pdf")
% (ee-cp "~/LATEX/test1.pdf" (ee-twusfile "LATEX/test1.pdf") 'over)

\usepackage{edrx08}       % (find-dn4ex "edrx08.sty")
%%L process "edrx08.sty"  -- (find-dn4ex "edrx08.sty")
%\input edrxheadfoot.tex   % (find-dn4ex "edrxheadfoot.tex")
\input test1.dnt
% \usepackage{tikz,tikz-cd}



%L forths["sl^^"] = function () ds:pick(0).slide =    "5pt" end
%L forths["sl^"]  = function () ds:pick(0).slide =  "2.5pt" end
%L forths["sl_"]  = function () ds:pick(0).slide = "-2.5pt" end
%L forths["sl__"] = function () ds:pick(0).slide =   "-5pt" end
%L forths["<-"]   = function () pusharrow("<-") end
%L forths["<-|"]  = function () pusharrow("<-|") end
%L forths["<--"]  = function () pusharrow("<--") end

%L forths[".PLABEL="] = function ()
%L     ds:pick(0).lplacement = getword()
%L     ds:pick(0).label      = getword()
%L   end
%%L forths[".PLABEL="] = function () PP(getword(), getword()) end

% (find-es "lua5" "setvbuf")
%L io.stdout:setvbuf("no")

%L _arrow_to_TeX = function (arrow)
%L     local node1 = nodes[arrow.from]
%L     local node2 = nodes[arrow.to]
%L     local x1, y1 = realxy(node1.x, node1.y)
%L     local x2, y2 = realxy(node2.x, node2.y)
%L     local dx, dy = x2 - x1, y2 - y1
%L     local N1 = node_to_TeX(node1)
%L     local N2 = node_to_TeX(node2)
%L     local Label = arrow.Label or (arrow.label and unabbrev(arrow.label))
%L     local L = Label and "{"..Label.."}" or ""
%L     --
%L     PP(L)
%L     --
%L     local p = arrow.placement and "|"..arrow.placement.."|" or ""
%L     local shape = arrow.shape or "->"
%L     local slide = arrow.slide and "@<"..arrow.slide..">"
%L     local curve = arrow.curve and "@/"..arrow.curve.."/"
%L     -- local lplace = arrow.lplacement and arrow.lplacement.."{"..label.."}"
%L     local lplace = arrow.lplacement and arrow.lplacement..L
%L     -- PP(lplace)
%L     local sh
%L     if slide or curve or lplace then
%L       sh = format("/{@{%s}%s%s%s}/", shape,
%L                   (lplace or ""), (slide or ""), (curve or ""))
%L     else
%L       sh = "/"..shape.."/"
%L     end
%L     if lplace then p = "||"; L = "" end
%L     --
%L     return format("\\morphism(%d,%d)%s%s<%d,%d>[%s`%s;%s]",
%L                   x1, y1, p, sh, dx, dy, N1, N2, L)
%L   end

%:*->*\to *
%:*|-*\vdash *

%%D diagram app-new
%%D 2Dx     100   +60   +60  +40
%%D 2D  100       A          A'
%%D 2D          / | \
%%D 2D         /  |  \
%%D 2D        v   v   v
%%D 2D  +40 B <- BCB <- BC
%%D 2D            |     |
%%D 2D            |     |
%%D 2D            v     v
%%D 2D  +40       C |-> BC'  C'
%%D 2D
%%D (( BCB .tex= (B{->}C){×}B
%%D    BC  .tex= B{->}C
%%D    BC' .tex= B{->}C
%%D    A B    -> .plabel= l a|-b
%%D  # A BCB  -> .plabel= m a|-(f,b)
%%D    A BCB  -> .plabel= m \sm{(a|-(f,b))\;:=\\\ang{(a|-f),(a|-b)}}
%%D    A BCB  -> .plabel= m \sm{(a|-(f,b))\;:=\ang{(a|-f),(a|-b)}}
%%D    A BCB  -> .plabel= r \sm{(a|-(f,b))\;:=\ang{(a|-f),(a|-b)}}
%%D    A BCB  -> .plabel= r abcdef
%%D    A BC   -> .plabel= r a|-f
%%D  # BCB B  -> .plabel= a '_{B(B{->}C)}
%%D    BCB B  -> .PLABEL= _(0.52) '_{B(B{->}C)}
%%D    BCB BC ->  sl^ .plabel= a _{B(B{->}C)}
%%D    BCB BC <-| sl_ .plabel= b (×B)
%%D    BCB C -> .plabel= l \sm{\ev_{BC}\;:=\\(\id_{B{->C}})^\flat}
%%D    BC BC' -> .plabel= r \id_{B{->}C}
%%D    C BC' -> .plabel= b (B{->})
%%D    BCB BC' harrownodes nil 20 nil <-| .plabel= a \flat
%%D    A' .tex= A
%%D    C' .tex= C
%%D    A' C' --> .plabel= m \sm{(a|-fb)\;:=\\(a|-(f,b));\ev_{BC}}
%%D ))
%%D enddiagram

%D diagram ??
%D 2Dx     100  +30
%D 2D  100 LA   A
%D 2D
%D 2D  +20 B    RB
%D 2D
%D (( A LA ->
%D    B RB ->
%D ))
%D enddiagram

% (find-angg "MINICATS/categoria66.tex")

\begin{tikzpicture} [node distance=.5in]
  \node (a) {$a$};
  \draw [->,in=120,out=60,distance=.3in] (a) to node {} (a);
  \node at (a) {} edge [->,loop,distance=.3in] (a);
  \node (b) [below left of=a] {$b$};
  \draw [->,in=220,out=140,distance=.6in] (b) to node {} (b);
  \draw [->,in=200,out=160,distance=.3in] (b) to node {} (b);
  \node (c) [below right of=a] {$c$};
  \node (d) [below of=b] {$d$};
  \node (e) [below of=c] {$e$};
  \node (f) [below of=a,node distance=.6in] {$f$};
  \draw [->] (a) to node {} (b);
  \draw [->] (a) to node {} (c);
  \draw [->] (a) to node {} (f);
  \draw [->] (b) to node {} (f);
  \draw [->,bend right=30] (d) to node {} (e);
  \draw [->,bend right=30] (e) to node {} (d);
  \draw [->] (b) to node {} (d);
  \draw [->] (e) to node {} (c);
  \draw [->,bend left=30] (c) to node {} (e);
  \draw [->,bend right=30] (c) to node {} (e);
  \node (C) [above right of=c] {$cC$};

% (find-dn4ex "edrx08.sty" "colors")

  \node (X) at (1,3) {X};
  \node (U) at (0,2) {U};
  \node (V) at (2,2) {V};
  \node (W) at (1,1) {W};
  \node (O) at (1,0) {O};
  \draw [->] (X) to node {} (U);
  \draw [->] (X) to node {} (V);
  \draw [->] (U) to node {} (W);
  \draw [->] (V) to node {} (W);
  \draw [->] (W) to node {fou} (O);


* (eepitch-shell)
* (eepitch-kill)
* (eepitch-shell)
cd ~/TIKZ/
dednat5 -t test1.tex

% Local Variables:
% coding:           raw-text-unix
% ee-anchor-format: "«%s»"
% End: