Warning: this is an htmlized version!
The original is here, and the conversion rules are here. |
####### # # E-scripts on Markdown. # # Note 1: use the eev command (defined in eev.el) and the # ee alias (in my .zshrc) to execute parts of this file. # Executing this file as a whole makes no sense. # An introduction to eev can be found here: # # (find-eev-quick-intro) # http://angg.twu.net/eev-intros/find-eev-quick-intro.html # # Note 2: be VERY careful and make sure you understand what # you're doing. # # Note 3: If you use a shell other than zsh things like |& # and the for loops may not work. # # Note 4: I always run as root. # # Note 5: some parts are too old and don't work anymore. Some # never worked. # # Note 6: the definitions for the find-xxxfile commands are on my # .emacs. # # Note 7: if you see a strange command check my .zshrc -- it may # be defined there as a function or an alias. # # Note 8: the sections without dates are always older than the # sections with dates. # # This file is at <http://angg.twu.net/e/markdown.e> # or at <http://angg.twu.net/e/markdown.e.html>. # See also <http://angg.twu.net/emacs.html>, # <http://angg.twu.net/.emacs[.html]>, # <http://angg.twu.net/.zshrc[.html]>, # <http://angg.twu.net/escripts.html>, # and <http://angg.twu.net/>. # ####### # «.pandoc» (to "pandoc") # «.dednat6-baez» (to "dednat6-baez") # «.markdown-mode» (to "markdown-mode") # «.markdown-export» (to "markdown-export") # «.quickref» (to "quickref") # (find-es "lua5" "lua-discount") # (find-status "libmarkdown2") # (find-vldifile "libmarkdown2.list") # (find-udfile "libmarkdown2/") 2015oct18 or 2015oct19, lua-l: pandoc -i -t beamer -V theme:Warsaw a-modern-lua-library.md -o a-modern-lua-library.pdf pandoc -i -t beamer -V theme:Warsaw cqueues.md -o cqueues.pdf # (find-epackages "\n markdown-mode " t) # (find-epackage 'markdown-mode) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown https://github.com/adam-p/markdown-here/wiki/Markdown-Cheatsheet https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#inbox/FMfcgzQVzXcBTRcKRzXGPTkFWpdZNMxG Markdown in Pure Lua # (find-eev "README.md") ##### # # pandoc # 2019may18 # ##### # «pandoc» (to ".pandoc") # (find-es "pandoc") # (find-zsh "installeddebs | sort | grep pandoc") # (find-zsh "availabledebs | sort | grep pandoc") # (find-status "pandoc") # (find-vldifile "pandoc.list") # (find-udfile "pandoc/") # (find-udfile "pandoc/README.gz") # (find-udfile "pandoc/README.gz" "which languages are supported") # (find-sh "pandoc --version") # (find-sh "pandoc --version" "highlighting-kate") # (find-sh "pandoc --version" "latex") # (find-status "pandoc-data") # (find-vldifile "pandoc-data.list") # (find-udfile "pandoc-data/") # (find-zsh "installeddebs | sort | grep pandoc") # (find-zsh "availabledebs | sort | grep pandoc") # https://pandoc.org/demos.html # (find-man "1 pandoc") # (find-man "1 pandoc" "--highlight-style=STYLE") # (find-man "1 pandoc" "\nSYNTAX HIGHLIGHTING") # (find-zsh "installeddebs | sort | grep kate") # (find-zsh "availabledebs | sort | grep kate") apti pandoc * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) ##### # # A post about dednat6 for John Baez's blog # 2019sep29 # ##### # «dednat6-baez» (to ".dednat6-baez") # https://mail.google.com/mail/ca/u/0/#search/baez/QgrcJHsBqKldwMtLvRrFrDDbQdGKkFcWTqv # https://golem.ph.utexas.edu/category/ # (find-fline "~/MARKDOWN/") # (find-fline "~/MARKDOWN/lorand_blog_post.txt") # https://golem.ph.utexas.edu/category/2018/02/hypergraph_categories_of_cospa.html # http://math.ucr.edu/home/baez/mathematical/ACT2018/lorand/hypergraph_comp.png # (find-sh "grep png ~/MARKDOWN/lorand_blog_post.txt") * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) # (find-fline "/tmp/md/") rm -Rv /tmp/md/ mkdir /tmp/md/ cd /tmp/md/ cp -iv ~/MARKDOWN/lorand_blog_post.txt . pandoc lorand_blog_post.txt -o lo.html # (defun c () (interactive) (find-sh "cd ~/MARKDOWN/ && pandoc d.md -o d.html")) # (defun e () (interactive) (find-angg "MARKDOWN/d.md")) # (defun d () (interactive) (brg "file:///home/edrx/MARKDOWN/d.html")) # (find-sh0 "cp -v ~/MARKDOWN/d.md /tmp/") Hi John, sorry for taking ages to prepare the blog post... I was working obsessively on a Free Software project that I've had for years ("eev"), and that I felt that working on it and teaching it to students would be the best things that I could do against the Bolsonaro government and its fake news... Anyway, here goes a _first version_ of the blog post. I still have to reread it tomorrow and to try to make the text more fluent... but is it _technically_ ok? I used pandoc to compile it, like this: pandoc d.md -o d.html but it didn't add syntax highlighting to the latex blocks, even though "pandoc --version" said: pandoc 1.17.2 Compiled with texmath, highlighting-kate 0.6.3. Syntax highlighting is supported for the following languages: abc, actionscript, ada, agda, apache, asn1, asp, awk, bash, bibtex, boo, c, changelog, clojure, cmake, coffee, coldfusion, commonlisp, cpp, cs, css, curry, d, diff, djangotemplate, dockerfile, dot, doxygen, doxygenlua, dtd, eiffel, elixir, email, erlang, fasm, fortran, fsharp, gcc, glsl, gnuassembler, go, hamlet, haskell, haxe, html, idris, ini, isocpp, java, javadoc, javascript, json, jsp, julia, kotlin, latex, lex, lilypond, literatecurry, literatehaskell, llvm, lua, m4, makefile, mandoc, markdown, mathematica, matlab, maxima, mediawiki, metafont, mips, modelines, modula2, modula3, monobasic, nasm, noweb, objectivec, objectivecpp, ocaml, octave, opencl, pascal, perl, php, pike, postscript, prolog, pure, python, r, relaxng, relaxngcompact, rest, rhtml, roff, ruby, rust, scala, scheme, sci, sed, sgml, sql, sqlmysql, sqlpostgresql, tcl, tcsh, texinfo, verilog, vhdl, xml, xorg, xslt, xul, yacc, yaml, zsh Default user data directory: /home/edrx/.pandoc Copyright (C) 2006-2016 John MacFarlane Web: http://pandoc.org This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is no warranty, not even for merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Should I use another program to convert from markdown to HTML for tests? Which one? Cheers, thanks in advance, etc etc, Eduardo Ochs http://angg.twu.net/dednat6.html http://angg.twu.net/math-b.html http://angg.twu.net/#eev ##### # # markdown-mode # 2019sep29 # ##### # «markdown-mode» (to ".markdown-mode") # (find-epackage-links 'markdown-mode "markdownmode" t) # (find-epackage 'markdown-mode) # (code-c-d "markdownmode" "~/.emacs.d/elpa/markdown-mode-20240107.831/") # (find-markdownmodefile "") # https://jblevins.org/projects/markdown-mode/ git clone https://github.com/jrblevin/markdown-mode.git # (code-c-d "markdownmode" "~/usrc/markdown-mode/") # (find-markdownmodefile "") # (find-elocus-links "C-c C-o" 'markdown-mode-map) # (find-efunctiondescr 'markdown-follow-thing-at-point) # (find-efunction 'markdown-follow-thing-at-point) # (find-es "emacs" "melpa-stable") # (find-epackages "\n markdown-mode ") # (find-epackage-links 'markdown-mode) # (find-epackage 'markdown-mode) # (find-elpafile "markdown-mode-readme.txt") # (find-elpafile "markdown-mode-20190802.2215/") # http://melpa.org/#/markdown-mode # https://jblevins.org/projects/markdown-mode/ # Interesting but unrelated: # https://golem.ph.utexas.edu/category/2019/09/the_narratives_category_theori.html ##### # # markdown-export # 2024mar09 # ##### # «markdown-export» (to ".markdown-export") # (find-elocus-links "C-c C-c e" 'markdown-mode-map) # (find-ekeymapdescr markdown-mode-map "C-c C-c e" "markdown-export") # (find-hkeymap-links 'markdown-mode-map 2 "C-c C-c e" "markdown-export") # (find-efunction-links 'markdown-export) # (find-efunctiondescr 'markdown-export) # (find-efunction 'markdown-export) # (find-evariable 'markdown-mode-command-map) # (find-evariable 'markdown-mode-command-map "(make-keymap (markdown--command-map-prompt))") # (find-evariable 'markdown-mode-command-map "markdown-export") # (find-evariable 'markdown-mode-map) # (find-evariable 'markdown-mode-map "C-c C-c") # (find-evariable 'markdown-mode-map "C-c C-c" "markdown-mode-command-map") # (find-efunction 'markdown--command-map-prompt) # (find-estring (markdown--command-map-prompt)) ##### # # quickref # 2019sep29 # ##### # «quickref» (to ".quickref") # https://en.support.wordpress.com/markdown-quick-reference/ # https://github.com/adam-p/markdown-here/wiki/Markdown-Cheatsheet # https://github.com/adam-p/markdown-here/wiki/Markdown-Here-Cheatsheet # https://help.github.com/en/categories/writing-on-github # https://www.markdownguide.org/cheat-sheet/ # https://www.markdownguide.org/basic-syntax # https://www.markdownguide.org/extended-syntax https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=34501901 Marp: Markdown Presentation Ecosystem (marp.app) https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=36528984 MdBook – A command line tool to create books with Markdown (rust-lang.github.io) https://www.taipy.io/posts/augmenting-the-markdown-language-for-great-python-graphical-interfaces https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=39076908 Augmenting the Markdown Language for Great Python Graphical Interfaces (taipy.io) # Local Variables: # coding: utf-8-unix # End: