(Re)generate: (find-dot-emacs-intro)
Source code:  (find-efunction 'find-dot-emacs-intro)
More intros:  (find-eev-quick-intro)
This buffer is _temporary_ and _editable_.
It is meant as both a tutorial and a sandbox.


0. Pre-requisites

This intro supposes that you know: 1. how to do cut and paste in Emacs: (find-eev-quick-intro "5.2. Cutting and pasting") (find-emacs-keys-intro "3. Cutting & pasting") 2. how and why to put messy notes at the end of your ~/TODO, (find-here-links-intro "4. `find-here-links-3'") (find-here-links-intro "4. `find-here-links-3'" "~/TODO") (find-refining-intro "3. Three buffers") (find-refining-intro "3. Three buffers" "~/TODO") 3. several ways to go to ~/TODO - for example: (find-eejumps "M-2 M-1 M-j") 4. a bit of elisp - the first six sections of: (find-elisp-intro) 5. what is the "init file" of Emacs: (find-enode "Init File") (find-enode "Find Init") I will always refer to it as "~/.emacs". 6. how Emacs decides that ~/.emacs should be in emacs-lisp-mode: (find-enode "Choosing Modes" "auto-mode-alist") (find-evardescr 'auto-mode-alist) (find-evardescr 'auto-mode-alist "\\..*emacs") 7. how to use `ee-copy-rest' and `ee-copy-rest-3': (find-eev-quick-intro "7.5. `find-latex-links'") (find-eev-quick-intro "7.5. `find-latex-links'" "ee-copy-rest-3") 8. how to use the local variables list: (find-enode "Specifying File Variables" "local variables list") Here you will learn how (and why) to put messy notes _in elisp_ at the end of your ~/.emacs. Note that this is a style that many people despise...

1. A test with an error

Use this to add three lines to your ~/.emacs - before the local variables list - and then try to run a second Emacs: ;; (ee-copy-rest-3 nil ";;--end" "~/.emacs") (setq aa 42) ERROR (setq bb 43) ;;--end In that second Emacs the variable `aa' will have the variable 42 and the variable `bb' will be undefined - the line with the ERROR will make Emacs abort, and stop executing ~/.emacs, before the `(setq bb 43)'. The error message generated by the ERROR is this one, Symbol's value as variable is void: ERROR and, bad news: it will not always be in a visible place... Now delete those three lines from your ~/.emacs. (...)

2. Lisp with hyperlinks in comments

(find-eev-quick-intro "7.1. `eejump'") (find-eev-quick-intro "7.1. `eejump'" "~/TODO") (find-enode "Major Modes")

3. Loading eev by default

See: (find-eev-levels-intro "0. Introduction") ;; (ee-copy-rest-3 nil ";;--end" "~/.emacs") ;; See: (find-eev-levels-intro) (require 'eev-load) ; (find-eev "eev-load.el") (require 'eev-aliases) ; (find-eev "eev-aliases.el") (eev-mode 1) ; (find-eev "eev-mode.el") ;;--end