(Re)generate: (find-emacs-intro)
Source code:  (find-eev "eev-intro.el" "find-emacs-intro")
More intros:  (find-eev-quick-intro)
This buffer is _temporary_ and _editable_.
It is meant as both a tutorial and a sandbox.

THIS INTRO IS OBSOLETE, and has been superseded by:

Basic keys (eev)

The most basic keys of eev are: M-e - to follow a hyperlink, see: (find-eval-intro "Elisp hyperlinks") M-k - to go back, see: (find-eval-intro "\nGoing back") M-j - to jump to certain predefined places - in particular, `M-j' takes you to the list of jump targets. `M-2j' takes you to this help page. `M-5j' takes you to: (find-eev-intro) See: (find-eev-quick-intro "7.1. `eejump'") (find-eejump-intro "Families") M-h M-h - hyperlinks to here, plus help. See: (find-links-intro "`find-here-links'") The mnemonics are: M-e - evaluate/execute M-j - jump M-k - kill buffer It is possible to start learning Emacs and eev by remembering only that `M-j' jumps to an index; when you're lost, type `M-j', and will see a reminder of the main keys and of the main jump targets - after that you can learn how to use `M-k' to kill the top buffer, and `M-e' to follow elisp hyperlinks. The other keys are explained in "intros" like this one.

Files, Buffers, Windows, Frames, Display, etc

Emacs can edit several files at the same time, each one in a "buffer". (find-enode "Files") (find-enode "Buffers") (find-enode "Windows") (find-enode "Frames") The display of Emacs looks like this (asciified): __ _ _ ______________emacs_______\/|-|X| / | | \ | | bla. | | Emacs Window | | | | calls this managers | | | | a "window". call | | | / this a | |--:** foo.txt (Fundamental) ----| <-- Its "modeline". "window". / | | \ Emacs \ | bla bla. | | Another calls | | bleh | | window. this a | | | | "frame". | | | / | |--:** bar.txt (Fundamental) ----| <-- Its modeline. \ |Find file: ~/bletch.txt_ ________| <-- The minibuffer. The bottom line of a frame is sometimes the "echo area", sometimes the "minibuffer". The minibuffer acts like a window when it is active, and `C-x o' can be used to move from it to the "normal windows" and back. You can also use the mouse to move between windows. (find-enode "Echo Area") (find-enode "Minibuffer") (find-enode "Other Window") By default there's also a "menu bar" (with textual entries) and a "tool bar" (with icons) at the top of each frame, but advanced users usually disable them. (find-enode "Menu Bar") (find-enode "Tool Bars")

Basic keys (Emacs)

(find-enode "Keys" "key sequence") (find-enode "User Input" "`Control-a'" "usually written `C-a'") (find-enode "User Input" "<META> key") (find-enode "Completion" "<TAB>") <ESC> <ESC> <ESC> (find-enode "Quitting") C-g keyboard-quit (find-enode "Quitting" "`C-g'") M-x execute-extended-command (find-enode "M-x" "Running Commands by Name")

Cutting & pasting

The "region" where cut & copy operate is always what is between the "point" and the "mark": (find-enode "Point") (find-enode "Mark") You can do cut, copy and paste by using the icons in the toolbar or by using the menu bar (the relevant options are under "Edit"), but the keys are worth learning: C-SPC -- set-mark-command (find-enode "Setting Mark") C-x C-x -- exchange-point-and-mark (find-enode "Setting Mark" "C-x C-x") C-w -- kill-region (cut) (find-enode "Other Kill Commands") M-w -- kill-ring-save (copy) (find-enode "Kill Ring") C-y -- yank (paste) (find-enode "Kill Ring")


C-/ -- undo (find-enode "Basic Undo") C-_ -- undo (find-enode "Basic Undo") (find-enode "Undo")


See: (find-enode "Frames") (find-enode "Windows") C-x o -- other-window (find-enode "Other Window") C-x 0 -- delete-window (find-enode "Change Window") C-x 1 -- delete-other-windows ("1 window") (find-enode "Change Window") C-x 2 -- split-window-vertically (Abv/Blw) (find-enode "Split Window") C-x 3 -- split-window-horizontally (L|R) (find-enode "Split Window")

Other keys / reference

M-x -- execute-extended-command (find-enode "M-x") more about the minibuffer: (find-enode "Minibuffer") TAB -- for completion: (find-enode "Completion") for indentation: (find-enode "Indentation") in programming modes: (find-enode "Basic Indent") (find-enode "Dired") C-x C-f -- find-file (find-enode "Visiting") C-x C-s -- save-buffer (find-enode "Saving") C-x C-c -- save-buffers-kill-emacs (find-enode "Saving") C-x b -- switch-to-buffer (find-enode "Select Buffer") C-x k -- kill-buffer (find-enode "Kill Buffer") C-a -- beginning-of-line (find-enode "Moving Point") C-e -- end-of-line (find-enode "Moving Point") M-< -- beginning-of-buffer (find-enode "Moving Point") M-> -- end-of-buffer (find-enode "Moving Point") M-q -- fill-paragraph (find-enode "Fill Commands") C-s -- isearch-forward (find-enode "Incremental Search") C-r -- isearch-backward (find-enode "Incremental Search") M-C-s -- isearch-forward-regexp (find-enode "Regexp Search") M-C-r -- isearch-backward-regexp (find-enode "Regexp Search") M-% -- query-replace (find-enode "Replace") C-x ( -- start-kbd-macro (find-enode "Keyboard Macros") C-x ) -- end-kbd-macro (find-enode "Keyboard Macros") C-x e -- call-last-kbd-macro (find-enode "Keyboard Macros")