Warning: this is an htmlized version!
The original is here, and
the conversion rules are here.
-- This file:
-- http://angg.twu.net/LUA/binops-re.lua
-- http://angg.twu.net/LUA/binops-re.lua.html
--  (find-angg        "LUA/binops-re.lua")
-- 2014apr28
-- (find-lua51manualw3m "")
-- (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "ierusalimschy")
-- (find-pil2page 8 "Contents")
-- (find-pil2text 8 "Contents")
-- (find-angg "LUA/precedenceparser.lua")

binops = {
  ["*"] = {size=20, leftsize=21, rightsize=19, fmt="%s*%s"},
  ["+"] = {size=30, leftsize=31, rightsize=29, fmt="%s+%s"},
  ["^"] = {size=10, leftsize=11, rightsize= 9, fmt="%s^%s"},

ExprNum = Class {
  type    = "ExprNum",
  __tostring = function (o) return o:ptos() end,
  __index = {
    ptos = function (o) return o[1] end,
    pntos = function (o) return o[1] end,
    rpntos = function (o) return o[1] end,

ExprBin = Class {
  type    = "ExprBin",
  __tostring = function (o) return o:ptos() end,
  __index = {
    binops = binops,
    ptos = function (o, size)
        local op       = o.binops[o.op]
        local leftstr  = o[1]:ptos(op.leftsize)
        local rightstr = o[2]:ptos(op.rightsize)
        local str      = string.format(op.fmt, leftstr, rightstr)
        if size and op.size > size then str = "("..str..")" end
        return str
    pntos = function (o)
        return o.op.." "..o[1]:pntos().." "..o[2]:pntos()
    rpntos = function (o)
        return o[1]:rpntos().." "..o[2]:rpntos().." "..o.op
  -- class methods:
  fromLeft = function (list)    -- "2-3-4-5" is "((2-3)-4)-5"
      local a = list[1]
      for i=3,#list,2 do
        local op,b = list[i-1], list[i]
        a = ExprBin {op=op, a, b}
      return a
  fromRight = function (list)   -- "2^3^4^5" is "2^(3^(4^5))"
      local b = list[#list]
      for i=#list-2,1,-2 do
        local a,op = list[i], list[i+1]
        b = ExprBin {op=op, a, b}
      return b

N = function (n) return ExprNum {n} end
B = function (op, a, b) return ExprBin {op=op, a, b} end

-- e2345 = B("*", B("+", N(2), N(3)), B("^", N(4), N(5)))
-- print(e2345)
-- print(e2345:pntos())
-- print(e2345:rpntos())

-- (find-es "lua5" "lpeg-re")
-- file:///home/edrx/usrc/lpeg-0.12/re.html

require "re"

pat = re.compile([[
    E30 <- {| E20 ( _ { [-+] } _ E20 )* |} -> fromLeft
    E20 <- {| E10 ( _ { [*/] } _ E10 )* |} -> fromLeft
    E10 <- {| E0  ( _ { '^'  } _ E0  )* |} -> fromRight
    E0  <- N   / '(' _ E30 _ ')'
    N   <- { [0-9]+ } -> N
    _   <- ' '*

  ]], {
    N = function (s) return ExprNum {s} end,
    fromLeft  = ExprBin.fromLeft,
    fromRight = ExprBin.fromRight,

print(pat:match "9+3*4^5")
print(pat:match "(9+3)*4^5")
print(pat:match "(9 +3 )* 4 ^5")
print(pat:match "9 +3* 4 ^5")

* (eepitch-lua51)
* (eepitch-kill)
* (eepitch-lua51)
dofile "binops-re.lua"

paat = re.compile ([[
  o <- {| word ( _ word )* |} -> concat
  word <- [%S]+ -> "<%0>"  
  _   <- { ' '+ }
]], { concat = table.concat })
print(paat:match "abc de")
PP(paat:match "abc de  fg  ")

macros = {
  -- (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "split")
  oneof = function (str)
      local quote = function (s) return "'"..s.."'" end
      return mapconcat(quote, split(str), " / ") 
  binprec = function (f, abops)
      local a, b, ops = abops:match "%s*(%S+)%s+(%S+)%s+(.*)"
      return string.format("%s <- {| %s ( _ { %s } _ %s )* |} -> %s",
        a, b, macros.oneof(ops), b, f)
  fromLeft  = function (abops) return macros.binprec("fromLeft", abops) end,
  fromRight = function (abops) return macros.binprec("fromRight", abops) end,

LR_to_re = function (li)
    local lr, newe, olde, op1, ops =
      li:match "%s*([LR]):%s+(%S+)%s+(%S+)%s+(%S+)%s+(.*)"
    local newops = "'"..op1.."' "..ops:gsub("(%S+)", "/ '%0'")
    local s = string.format("%s <- {| %s ( _ { %s } _ %s )* |} -> %s",
      newe, olde, newops, olde, ({L="fromLeft", R="fromRight"})[lr])
    return s

= LR_to_re " L: e20 e10    + := / "

ee = {N"3", "+", N"4", "+", N"5", "+", N"6"}
-- eee = fromLeft(ee)
-- PP(eee)
-- print(eee)

eee = fromRight(ee)

gabgrammar = [[

  macro fromRight ( e e ^ )
  macro fromLeft  ( e e * / )
  macro fromLeft  ( e e + - )
  macro fromLeft  ( e e < <= = >= > != )
  macro fromLeft  ( e e & )
  macro fromLeft  ( e e or )
  macro fromLeft  ( e e -> )
  macro nonAssoc  ( e e <- )
  macro fromRight ( e e := )

  elist0 <- {| ( e ( _ ',' _ e )* )? |}
  elist1 <- {|   e ( _ ',' _ e )*    |}
  elist2 <- {|   e ( _ ',' _ e )+    |}

  parenish <- '(' _ e _ ')'                                     /
              '(' _ elist2 _ ')'                 -> tuple       /
              '{' _ elist0 _ '}'                 -> explicitSet /
              '{' _ elist1 _ '|' _ elist1 _ '}'  -> suchThatSet

  faish <- macro oneof ( Fa Ex \ ) e '.' e 

  falta: function application



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